Chapter 863: Eve of the Sun and Moon Battle

Ever since his relationship with Diana was cold, Ye Feng has always wanted to find an opportunity to repair the relationship between the two.
Unfortunately, Diana didn't seem to want to repair the relationship between the two, and she ignored Ye Feng, and Ye Feng was very helpless.
She refused to talk to him more, worrying about the outbreak of the blood moon imprint Ye Feng had to train every night to observe Diana's condition.
Although he had lost the opportunity to be with Diana often, what made Ye Feng happy was that the blood moon mark on Diana's forehead had not shown any signs of attack.
Not only that, but after he discovered that his relationship with Diana had cooled down, Diana seemed to become more independent.
Diana, who didn't like to manage the camp before, began to patrol the camp, urging soldiers and followers to strengthen their usual training.
Actively promote the doctrines of the Moon God Sect to the civilians in the camp, it looks like a living Moon Goddess should have.
If this was during the period when Ye Feng was brought down from the Giant God Peak, Ye Feng would not even dare to think about it.
At first seeing Diana so abnormal, Ye Feng thought she was stimulated again because of his business. But as he checked the blood moon mark on Diana's forehead every night and saw no signs of eruption, he gradually believed that Diana was beginning to try to get out of the shadows.
Since she was trying to get out of the shadows independently and didn't want to rely on him, Ye Feng was also happy to see such a development. So recently, Ye Feng stopped thinking about repairing the relationship with Diana as he did at the beginning.
After sinking his heart into Naier's treatment of his arm, Ye Feng's hands also recovered.
I thought it would be much easier for Elise to recover with his hands. Who would think that after seeing his hands recovered, Elise increased his training late at night.
Increasing the amount of training is already making Ye Feng miserable. What makes him feel the most pain is that the seven-day training that Elise said has been extended indefinitely.
Under the devil training that Elise increased the amount of training, Ye Feng, who had the original inheritance of space magic, had a rapid growth in his understanding of space magic.
From time to time during the day, Nair was urged to speed up the inspection of the ancient books sent by Diana and Sivir, in order to find out what is the extra power on the body of the Sun Clan before the battle between the sun and the moon, so as to avoid the relationship between Diana and Leona. The decisive battle.
In the evening receiving Elise's devil training and checking the blood moon imprint, Ye Feng repeated this routine day by day.
What made Ye Feng disappointed was that until the last day before the decisive battle at the Giant God Peak, Naier still hadn't found what the extra power on the Lieyang Clan's body was.
Approaching the decisive battle between Diana and Leona, Ye Feng always had an ominous premonition in his heart for some reason. It was not only the victory or defeat between Diana and Leona, but what disturbed him most was the unknown power that Nair hadn't detected until now.
He also tried to detect that power, to see if he had encountered that power. But no matter how he probed, he couldn't sense the extra mysterious power that Neil said.
In the middle of the night, Ye Feng came to the dense forest agreed with Elise as usual, preparing to accept Elise’s devil training tonight.
It's just that his mind is all focused on tomorrow's decisive battle, and he has made mistakes many times during training.
After nearly a month of getting along, the space knight Elise also had some understanding of Ye Feng's temperament. Seeing Ye Feng so absent-minded for the first time, she blinked her eyes thoughtfully.
When she saw Ye Feng being shot by the Space Monster and flying out of the infinitely falling space, it was the first time that Elise did not reprimand Ye Feng.
Thinking back to the training for nearly a month and Ye Feng's improvement in understanding space magic, she suddenly grinned.
Ye Feng, who was photographed and flew out of the falling space, was ready to be scolded by Elise, but was confused by Elise's inexplicable smile.
Under Ye Feng's blank gaze, Elise said, "Ye Feng, I have a piece of bad news that will make you sad. Do you want to hear it?"
The sad bad news? When Ye Feng heard the words, he was full of spirits. Feeling that Elise had prepared some terrible means to punish him, his scalp numb and proactively admitted his mistake: "Sorry, I shouldn't have been distracted just now, Elise..."
"Ye Feng, you are now a qualified space mage. Congratulations, you can be a teacher!" With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Elise jokingly said the "bad news" she wanted to say.
When Ye Feng, who was nervous, heard that he was ready to go to school, he was taken aback for a moment, and then jumped up excitedly.
Under the unabashed contempt of Elise's eyes, Ye Feng suddenly remembered that Elise had said that there was bad news to tell him.
How did this bad news become good news?
Feeling very confused, Ye Feng, who had just escaped from purgatory-level training, frowned and said: "Elise, didn't you say you have bad news to tell me?"
With a playful smile on her face, Elise heard what Ye Feng said, her mouth suddenly turned cold. She said in a cold tone: "Don't you ever see the teacher who teaches you space magic in the future, isn't it a bad news that makes you feel sad and sad?"
The aura of anger and prestige exuded, Ye Feng was instantly stunned by Elise's aura, and for a while, he couldn't speak.
"Why don't you reply? Am I wrong?"
Seeing that Ye Feng was not answering, Elise didn't care whether he was suppressed by her aura or not, she reprimanded again in disgust.
After being questioned by Elise again, Ye Feng took a long sigh of relief and hurriedly squinted his eyes with a smile: "Teacher Elise, you are right. It is indeed a sad thing to leave you. !"
Ye Feng's expression eased, and Elise's volatile pretty face turned from cloudy to sunny again, and her smile resumed.
"Look at you, am I so scary?"
After the quick face change just now, Ye Feng didn't dare to say yes. The way he shook his head made Elise giggled.
After smiling, Elise pretended to ask unintentionally: "Before saying goodbye, I have a few questions to ask you, how did you meet the future me? Was she already a demon when you met her? Also, do you know how I died?"
There was a throb in his heart. He who had seen Elise in the previous life die in front of Soraka had a bitter look in his eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything about the cause of the death of Elise in the previous life and the current life.
"Sorry Elise, I can't answer you these few questions!" Lowered her head to apologize to Space Knight Elise, Ye Feng hoped she could understand him. He was afraid that her body of starlight shard would be twisted into a resentful spirit because of hatred, falling into eternal pain.
After speaking, Ye Feng, who hadn't seen Elise answering for a long time, raised his head and asked in confusion: "Elise?"
As soon as he finished asking, Ye Feng saw Space Knight Elise transforming into illusory starlight fragments, staring at him with contempt.
After watching the space knight Elise turned into starlight shards and floated towards Shurima, Ye Feng returned to Diana's camp and checked the blood moon mark on Diana's forehead while Diana was asleep.
There was still no sign of an outbreak as before, Ye Feng also quietly left Diana's camp.
However, not long after Ye Feng left, the blood moon mark on Diana's forehead gleamed with a mysterious red light.
The weird blood moon aura was even more intense and terrifying than the number of times Ye Feng had seen before, and Diana was also in a nightmare under the influence of the blood moon mark.
I don't know how long it took, Diana, who was completely cold, suddenly woke up. She kept rolling in her camp, and she didn't stop until she reached the corner.
The tormented body was soaked in sweat, and she curled up in the corner shivering for a long time.
When the blood moon mark's torture subsided, she crawled back to her bed exhausted.
In fact, after the conflict with Ye Feng, she would suffer from the blood moon mark every night, and her mind would be subtly affected.
I thought that Ye Feng, who cared about her, would secretly look after her while she was asleep most of the night, but to her disappointment, she couldn't see Ye Feng every night when she was tortured.
Gradually desperate, her heart also began to become closed, and she began to resent her, feeling that Ye Feng was false to her, and had always flattered her before.
And her resentment also allowed the power of Blood Moon to take root and spread in her body, which also made her suffer more painful torture every night than the previous night in order to keep her mind.
Diana completely gave up on Ye Feng and survived the torture of the blood moon mark collapsed on the bed collapsed.
After a short while, she fell into a deep sleep again after she collapsed. She thought that she had survived by will and was not affected by the blood moon mark, but she didn't know...
At this moment, without being disturbed and tortured by the blood moon imprint, her whole body was flashing with mysterious blood lines...
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