Chapter 894: Sun Moon Tonghui

Finally, Elise, one of the demon leaders of Shadow Island, was successfully suppressed in the moonlight. Diana squirmed her white lips and appeared beside Ye Feng and others.
Noting that Diana's complexion was not very good, Ye Feng was about to ask a few words, but did not want to hear the voice of Fiona's second daughter behind him.
"Ye Feng!"
Hearing the voice of the second woman, Ye Feng was stunned. Before he turned his head, the second daughter appeared next to him and touched him.
"What are you doing!" Ye Feng complained helplessly when he was itchy by the second woman.
"Of course it depends on your injury!"
"Why... the temper of the promoted demigod has also grown?"
Staring at Ye Feng madly, the second daughter Fiona stared at Ye Feng, asking him to give them an explanation.
"Why... let you do it!" Although he became a demigod, in front of Fiona's second daughter, Ye Feng still couldn't get rid of his fear that they were angry for a while.
Diana on the side panicked when she saw Ye Feng and Fiona bickering there without anyone else.
Frowning her brows, she coughed solemnly: "Cough cough... now is not the time to flirt with you, we want to talk about how to deal with this demon!"
"What else can I do? Of course I killed this demon!"
Leona's hateful voice sounded at the right time, and she was limping towards Pansen and Bobby's support.
"Yes, she almost killed all of us just now, and can't let her go!" Bobby also expressed her hatred of the devil with indignation.
"I agree with their views!" Pansen firmly agreed with Leona and Bobby's views.
"Agree!" Fiona's two daughters cherish their words like gold, but from the eyes of the two of them that seemed to burst into flames, you can see how much they hate the demon Elise.
Seeing everyone around him cast their eyes at Elise with indignation, Ye Feng's eyes flickered.
Glancing at Elise who was struggling to resist purification in the moonlight beam, Ye Feng slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
After re-adjusting the complex emotions, Ye Feng tried his best to make himself as calm and calm as possible, and then said: "I think it would be better to abolish her black magic first, and bring her back to Ionia and deal with it, Sola. Master Card has told me that if these demon leaders can catch alive, it is the best!"
"It's not necessary. We and Ionia are just an alliance, and we have the right to deal with this demon alone!" Leona didn't take Ye Feng's words to heart at all. She looked straight, and was about to take Elise's blood to commemorate. Today, the dead souls of Moglong Mountain Trail are being sacrificed.
Diana was also very dissatisfied with what Ye Feng said. She nodded and stood on the same front with Leona: "Leona is right. Ye Feng, you are my guardian. Just listen to us here. !"
In fact, Soraka had never said such an order to Ye Feng at all, but Ye Feng did not want Elise to die like this out of selfish intentions. He also wants to continue fighting: "But..."
"No, but that's it!" Diana interrupted Ye Feng's words. She must kill the demon Elise today.
Seeing that Diana and others were so determined, Ye Feng had no choice but to pin his hopes on the second daughter Fiona who was sent with him.
The second daughter also guessed that Ye Feng wanted the two of them to speak in defense of his remarks, but the two of them suddenly began to play dumb, pretending not to see Ye Feng's eyes asking for help.
The new moon blade in his hand slowly moved to his chest, and the magic of the moon around Diana began to become irritable. In the next moment, she swept towards Elise with the new moon blade.
"Just because you want to kill me too? What a big joke!"
Elise, who was constantly twitching and struggling in the moonlight beam, suddenly widened her blood-filled eyes, and firmly grasped Diana's sickle with her right hand, mocking Diana and the others with an extremely bitter tone.
The countershock opened Diana, and Elise's momentum gradually rose, trying to break the moonlight beam that Diana had sprinkled on her.
Sensing that the moonlight she summoned became more and more unstable, Diana's face sank: "Oops, my moon magic is about to suppress her!"
Diana's words instantly plunged the trail into death again. After a brief shock, Leona made a decisive decision: "Bobby, let's go together!"
While speaking, Leona also fully urged the power of the sun and asked Bobby to swing the holy hammer to assist her.
Also exuding sacred energy, the solar flares and Bobby's holy hammer attacked Elise who was trapped in the moonlight beam.
Along with the loud rumbling noise, Elise's embarrassed figure that had just gotten up was smashed into the pit again.
"Successful?" Elise, who hadn't seen her in a pool of blood for a long time, stood up again, and Bobby waved her little hand and asked everyone excitedly.
Seeing the blood flowing from Elise flowing back to her body again, Leona's pupils shrank: "She is not dead yet, Diana, continue to suppress her!"
The blood in the deep pit gradually flowed back into her body. Elise twisted her stiff neck, enduring the pain of the three sacred energy restraining her from the dark magic, and her body tremblingly rose from it, trying to get out of the moonlight that Diana had summoned. .
"You can't kill me!" With a bitter look, she glanced at Ye Feng and the crowd standing outside the beam of light. Elise seemed to remember the humans who caused her pain. When she came out, she must let them experience it too. The pain she is suffering at the moment.
"She is so terrible, it is almost impossible for us to really kill her!"
Unexpectedly, Elise who was wounded like this would still have such strong vitality, Diana realized that with their current strength, it was far from enough to kill the demon in front of her.
Although she wanted to kill the demon leader so as to rejuvenate the soldiers in the camp, Leona also recognized the reality, and now they can't kill Elise.
A trace of determination flashed under her eyes, Leona ordered: "Maybe the power of the magic circle can seal this demon, Ye Feng, you go to the west mountain to tell the brother and sister Galen to pour magic power into the magic container, and then go to the east mountain. The obsidian magic container at the top is poured into your demigod power, and the others return to their positions normally!"
Ye Feng didn't expect that Elise's vitality would be so tenacious. While he was happy that she didn't have to be executed, he was also very worried that the power of the magic circle could not suppress Elise.
But anyway, they have to try to seal the demon Elise who is about to break through the moonlight!
Ye Feng and others left one after another under Leona's gaze. She also sat in the center circle, chanting the ancient spell of Icacia that Soraka had told her before, and activated the protective circle.
Bobby looked at the side intently, while Diana stared at the central circle thoughtfully, eager to try and want to enter the main circle.
However, seeing the magic circle operating under Leona's control with a huge solar power far surpassing the demigod, Diana continued to focus all his energy on suppressing Elise.
Trapped in the moonlight, Elise suffered both mental and physical torture. She also noticed that the terrifying energy contained in the protective circle was at odds with Ionia's island guard circle.
Knowing that if this continues, she might be sealed here, Elise completely lost her human form and turned into a spider queen covered in spider soft armor.
Also in the circle, Elise forced her to break the moonlight's at the expense of her own blood, and kicked Diana in the abdomen, kicking it towards Leona who focused on opening the circle.
"Sister Diana!" Bobby saw this and immediately rushed forward and hugged Diana who had crashed into Leona.
Her hug did not stop Diana's flying backwards, but instead ran into Leona with her.
The three fell to the ground in a hug, and Elise appeared in front of them in an instant, trying to reach out a freaking magical hand through their left chest, cruelly squeezing their hearts on the spot.
In desperation, Leona and Diane risked their mana exhaustion to death and wanted to make the last fight with Elise.
They braved death and determined to burn the magic power, but unexpectedly let the magic power released by the two of them merge together.
The magic of the moon and the power of the sun complemented each other and turned into a torrent pouring out in all directions.
The protective circle originally centered on the power of the sun was gradually divided by two sacred powers, and Elise was tied to the skylight beam of the central circle, making it immobile for a while.
The miracle happened beyond Leona and Diana's expectations. They both showed shocked expressions, watching the light beam of the central circle being occupied by moonlight and sunlight respectively.
After being relieved, the two women also understood their minds, sitting in the center circle together, controlling their respective powers.
The power of the sun and the power of the moon finally reached a delicate balance, and the mysterious lines of the entire giant protective array were also densely covered with two forces, propping up a barrier to cover the area covered by the Moglong Mountain Path.
The two sacred energies spread by the circle instantly purify all the shadow creatures in the range into ashes, frightening other shadow creatures that have not rushed into this area dare not move forward.
And Elise also became weaker and weaker under the suppression of the power of the magic circle. She realized that if she did not go, her power would really be abolished.
Even though she couldn't see Ye Feng, Elise looked up at the eastern mountain top where Ye Feng was. While the barrier of the protective circle was not completely stabilized, she ignored the obstruction of the Sun and Moon Goddess, forcibly tore a twisted dark vortex, stepped into it and fled back to Shadow Island.
Not long after Elise left, the protective circle centered on the power of the sun and the moon completely opened up the complete barrier.
In the protective circle, the survivors of the camp after the catastrophe successively shouted for victory. The people who witnessed Leona and Diana teaming up to drive away the demon leader on the edge of the cliff also spread the story of the two bravely fighting the demon leader. For a time, the camp called the goddess of dawn and the goddess of the moon.
Although it was regrettable that Leona and Diana did not leave Elise, they also showed a knowing smile to each other amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, enjoying their hard-won victory.
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