Chapter 923: Frozen Bloodline

Under Sejuani's tough handling method, the little monster that yielded floated in the front to lead Sejuani's group.
Walking in the intricate caves, for some reason, Ye Feng always felt that the deeper the cave, the more the sorrowful wailing in his ears made him horrified.
But looking closely at Sejuani, Olaf, and Gnar beside him, he didn't see the slightest impact on their faces by the howling.
Ye Feng felt confused and even wondered if he was too nervous. But after a long time, the voice did not weaken, and his body began to spread a heart-pounding chill. He began to seriously suspect that this little monster was not taking them out of the howling abyss, but taking them further into the abyss.
Just when he was going to talk to Sejuani and others about this, several illusions formed by the condensation of frost air appeared in front of them.
The wool-like hair is draped on the body, and the horns on the top of the head are bent into various weird shapes, or swollen or thin, and it is difficult for Ye Feng and the group to see what kind of creature it is.
The temperature in the cave began to cool rapidly due to the appearance of the phantom, and it was not the Freljord's Ye Feng that was so cold that he sneezed several times.
Nal, who was lying on Sejuani's shoulders, couldn't help being terrified after seeing these strange phantom creatures: "It's a big monster... Sister, a big monster has appeared!"
Seeing these illusions, Sejuani immediately recalled the ancient legends circulating in Freljord. She is almost certain that these monsters are the Frost Watchers that only exist in the legend!
The terrifying coercion gradually released from several illusions, Olaf also thought of something, he said in horror: "It is the Frost Watcher, definitely the Frost Watcher!"
"Frost Watcher..." Taking a breath, Ye Feng has been here for Freljord for so long, he also knows the horror of Frost Watcher.
Seeing everyone's heart shaken, Sejuani gritted her teeth and shouted coldly: "Calm down, these are just illusions. The Frost Watcher was all killed by my ancestors thousands of years ago!"
Awaken the three Ye Feng with humiliation, Sejuani looked at the little monster who brought them here with bad eyes.
I saw that the little monster had already entered behind the illusion of the Frost Watcher while they were lost.
"Eh!" The little monster made a few calls that Ye Feng and his party could not understand, but from its smirk eyes, it could be seen that it was mocking Ye Feng and the others.
Unexpectedly, she would be swayed by such a small monster, Sejuani said angrily: "You sinister monster!"
While she was talking, she was so angry that she would rush forward to catch the little monster. However, under the pressure of the Frost Watcher's vision, Sejuani staggered and fell to the ground as soon as she took a step.
The chin was smashed and bleeding from the uneven ground of the cave, and she could only stare at the little monster with fire.
"Sejuani, my strength is fading!"
"mine too!"
"Gnar is weak!"
At this moment, the three of Ye Feng sent a worse message to Sejuani.
The pupils gradually shrank, and Sejuani found that not only was she being suppressed by the monitor's illusion, but the power in her body was also slowly passing away.
Gleefully making an annoying cry, the little monster fox wandered around Sejuani's group pretendingly.
After wandering for a while, it showed coveting eyes at Sejuani. With a big grinning mouth, he bit on the injured part of Sejuani before, and the little monster began to absorb the strength of Sejuani again.
As the strength in the body was greedily absorbed by the little monster, Sejuani's eyes became heavier and heavier.
Even so, Sejuani continued to hold on, not letting herself fall asleep. Glancing at the three Ye Feng, she found that the three Ye Feng fell into a deep sleep without the bite of the little monster.
Time passed by, and in the end Sejuani could not support the double claim of the little monster and the illusion of the watcher, and her consciousness fell into silence.
Consciousness fell silent, Sejuani found that her body was falling infinitely into an invisible dark abyss.
A monster with a sheep's head, a maggot with huge eyes, a monster with a mouth wide open...
Various monsters with terrifying looks opened their eyes in the dark, staring at her small and tiny. Rao Yi's character of a female man in this environment is also scared to erect hair.
"It's been a long time since I saw a bloodline with such a pure ice bloodline!"
"Don't be afraid, my child, my clan's blood is flowing in your body, ha ha..."
The magic sound echoed in this invisible end of the falling abyss, Sejuani tried her best to conceal her inner fear, and retorted: "Who are your children, you monsters!"
"We are Frost Watchers and Gods. In the eyes of Gods, the human beings endowed with the blood of Frost are our children, and your power to control the severe cold is given by us..."
With magic sounds lingering, Sejuani kept her heart, no matter how bewitched by these monsters, she would not believe that she was of any kind of cold blood, nor would these monsters be gods!
"As a cold blood, especially you with the purest blood, you should be born to serve the who gives you the power of blood!"
The magic sound that could shake her mind sounded again, and Sejuani was in a trance, and she had a faint urge to kneel down.
"Don't suppress the truest thoughts in your heart, Sejuani, our child, our servant!"
"Serving God is your supreme honor!"
"Surrender to us, we will help you unify Freljord!"
Demon voices rushed out of the fearful Frost Watchers. Sejuani, who had not experienced fear for a long time, once again experienced the emotion that made her feel desperate.
More and more unbearable to bear such psychological pressure, Sejuani's mood gradually collapsed and her voice trembled.
The monitors also appeared from time to time in the darkness, continuing to give Sejuani the despair and fear she had never felt before, speeding up her submission.
Seeing Sejuani was about to surrender to the absolute power of the watchers, a shout suddenly sounded deep in her consciousness.
With this shout, the dark abyss gradually distorted and collapsed, and the watchers also screamed unwillingly.
The emotionally broken Sejuani became even more anxious, and with her hysterical desperate cry, her consciousness fell deeper into the abyss of fragmentation.
At the same time, in the cave of the real world, Ye Feng, who had previously fainted, woke up at some point.
Not only has he recovered his sobriety, but his demigod power has also awakened again under the stimulation of the crisis. The protective shield formed by propping up the magical power of the moon separated the illusion of the monitor, and Ye Feng imprisoned the little monster that bit Sejuani in the moonlight ball.
Melting the magic of the moon into the voice, he yelled, and Sejuani's painful face returned to calm.
Seeing her frowned brows stretched out, Ye Feng also put down Sejuani and re-examined the illusion of the monitor outside the protective shield.
If possible, he who has restored the power of the demigod wants to destroy the illusion of the monitor that affects people's minds.
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