Chapter 973: The plight of the rescue team

Floating uncontrollably into the army of the undead below, Lacus noticed that the eyes of the undead looking at her were full of greed.
With a jealous spirit all over, Lacus took off her umbrella bag and held her wand tightly with both hands. She was very afraid that the piles of undead would tear her to pieces.
Feeling the sacred aura of restraining them from Lacus' body, the undead had lingering fears, but they did not flee because of this. After all, Lux was alone, even if she could restrain the sacred magic of the undead, she could not face their army.
Encircling Lux who landed here in the middle, they approached her step by step, slowly narrowing the circle.
As the encirclement became smaller and smaller, Lux's nerves became tighter. As she became more panicked, an undead behind her swooped towards her without paying attention.
When she perceives the danger, the crippled undead is already on her back, and the cold undead aura of death instantly invades her body from the undead.
In an instinctive reaction, Lacus released the power of brilliance all over her body, and while expelling the dead energy from her body, she also shook the undead who threw herself on her back.
However, her method of beheading one undead did not make other dead inspired to fear, but instead gave them the opportunity to attack her.
Finally, relying on instinctive reaction to kill an undead, Lacus felt a dangerous breath before he could catch a breath in the future.
"Get away, monster!"
The staff in his hand condensed the magical power of light more shining, Lacus snorted in disgust, and in a flash, she relied on her sacred spell to kill several undead who wanted to take advantage of the void.
But this move of her still failed to contain these undead, especially among the many lowest-level undead who lacked intelligence.
Driven by their desires, they rushed towards Lux, while other higher-order undead waited for opportunities, waiting for Lux to reveal flaws.
Lacus has never been good at close combat, and she can't distance herself from these undead, and she doesn't have enough time to cast more powerful spells.
Seeing that she was about to be swallowed by the undead army, who was tired of coping, a loud voice that surprised her was heard in Lacus' ears.
"Lux, I'm here to save you!"
Smelling the thick and familiar voice, Lacus knew it was her brother Galen without even thinking about it.
Looking in the direction of the sound, the panic in Lux's eyes disappeared with Galen's figure descending from the sky.
"Brother Galen, you are so handsome when you jump from the sky!" With little stars in her eyes, Lacus seemed to have forgotten that she was in the army of the undead.
Galen ignored his sister with a peculiar brain circuit, but instead focused on the undead.
From the sky, he waved the huge sword in his hand, and a sword was inserted into the pile of undead trying to attack his sister Lux.
With a loud noise, the giant sword exudes a sacred brilliance, and aroused layer after layer of snow waves.
Taking advantage of the snow waves to block his vision, Galen quickly grabbed Lacus's hand and broke out.
But before the two of them had run far, an undead suddenly rushed out of the snow wave, and grinned at the two of them: "What are you running? Hey, let's become undead together!"
As soon as he said this, the undead stretched out another skeleton arm, the naked skeleton like a spike, violently thrusting towards Lacus.
Galen tried his best to help Luxe block, but his speed was still too slow. The undead's skeleton arm grabbed Luxe's ​​shoulder.
As Lacus screamed, her shoulder left a vague blood mark deep in the flesh.
Seeing his sister was injured, Galen backhand swung a huge sword to cut off the undead’s transformed skeleton arm on the spot.
I thought that this way he could continue to take Lux to break through, who would want a spear to break through the snow waves and stab him and Lux.
Unexpectedly, Galen could only keep the giant sword in front of him. When the giant sword collided with the spear, he released his giant sword because of the strong sting of the tiger's mouth.
Immediately after he didn't wait for him to react, an undead knight with a horse in the lower half and a human in the upper half wielded a spear to break through the snow waves, and a spear swept him and Lacusi upside down.
Without a moment's pause, the undead knight set off again, wanting a spear to observe the hearts of the two brothers and sisters.
When it was too late, Dreyus fell from the sky with his battle axe, and an axe struck the undead knight's head.
Accompanied by a screaming scream that seemed to resemble a horse, the undead knight suddenly dissipated like a discouraged ball.
Tyrone then arrived, and walked behind Galen and Lacus, and stabilized the figures of the two flying out.
Gratefully glanced at Tyrone and Delius, Galen said: "While the snow waves have not completely disappeared, let's leave here first!"
When the voice fell, Galen took the lead and fled to the north, followed by others.
However, it didn't take long for the agitated snow waves to return to calm again, and the figures of the four of Galen fleeing fell into the eyes of the undead.
Several undead knights wandering nearby also captured the figures of Galen's four fleeing, and they instantly stopped the four of them from fleeing.
The undead knights blocked their way, and the undead army at the back also rushed to surround the four. Delius glared at Lux, who had caused them to be trapped by the undead army, and said: "In order to save you, we are all over!"
Tyrone didn't say a word, but from his slightly displeased eyes it could be seen that he was also complaining that Lux had dragged them back.
Galen stared solemnly at the few undead knights who were blocking their way, and said: "Now is not the time to argue about who hurts who, we should think hard about how to break out!"
Dreyus is also a straight-tempered, bluntly said: "Don't think about it, if it wasn't for a sneak attack, we couldn't even kill the undead knight just now, let alone face several undead knights and this batch of undead. Great army!"
Lacus knew that it was indeed because of her that this time everyone was trapped in the encirclement of the undead army, so she was also very guilty with her head down.
"Sorry, I blame it all, and I really can't help me in close combat, I can only hold back."
When Lacus said this, Galen seemed to think of something. He snapped his own head suddenly: "Sister Lacus is a genius magician. She learned a lot of destructive spells at the War Academy. Living with these undead to buy time for her, she may be able to open up an escape route for us!"
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