Chapter 85: Anthropomorphic form

The cotton wool will change hair in spring, and the thick wool in winter will fall like cotton wool slowly. An adult cotton dragon's winter hair that has fallen off can pile up a small cotton dragon. (Lu) Nong as a small dragon cub. (Tuo) the amount of hair is not as exaggerated as the adult dragon. From time to time, one or two fluffs were blown away by the wind.
(Lu) Nong is a very love (dry gan) clean hairy dragon. Every day, he will wash himself and spray smoothly. The small fluff with the fragrance of bath (dew) is pinched in the palm of the hand.
I can imagine how good it is.
Xing Fei smiled and asked, "Can you send me a flower?"
Qin Yi blinked, not knowing whether it was her illusion. She always felt that the powder (color) of Xiao Mianlong seemed to deepen.
(Lu) whispered: "For example, if you like, you can."
Xing Fei put the fluff into the pages of the book in front of her face.
(Lu) Thicked out her fat claws and pressed her face, but she was a little jumpy in her eyes-it turned out that not every little dragon cub hated her hair loss.
Xiaomianlong left, Qin Yi slowly extended his claws, his tail flicked gently, his eyes sparkling.
Xing Fei reached out and hugged her helplessly.
Qin Yi plunged into her arms.
Once this specially capable little dragon cub left the cold equipment, it was like a cat with a keen sense of temperature, skin hunger (Ji) thirst, trying to stick to other dragons.
The tidal dragon habit (sexuality) is like this, can play and be squeamish, naturally likes to hug and touch (touch Mo).
Xing Fei (touched Mo) (touched Mo) on Qin Yi's smooth scales, and felt a big tail with a little cold on his side-Qin Yi brought the tail around, and the little duke who always scored perfect in etiquette class would not make When the public snored, the tail was gently shaken, and the tail opened and closed from time to time, and there was a rhythmic click.
Unexpectedly, I heard the click-and-click sound-that was the sound of Qin Yi's tail wing opening and closing.
He Xing looked at it for a while, and asked Shen Mian in a low voice: "Is Qin Yi not at night (sleep Shui)?"
Shen Mian shook her head: "I asked Xing Fei, Qin Yi was very heavy at night (sleeping in Shui) and could not wake up."
Qin Yi is very relaxed in the kindergarten, (sleep Shui) sleep quality is similar to Lu Yuan.
He Xing slowly came over: "That is to want to be coquettish."
Shen Mian felt a heavy load on his back. He turned his face slightly, avoiding He Xing's breath: "Is your emperor like you?"
"No," He Xingli complained bluntly. "My father was always put in my mother's pocket, and you didn't hold me."
Shen Mian: "..."
It really underestimated the emperor's majesty's face.
The weather is gradually warming up, the water is long and the night is short, and the climate in spring is not obvious. The weather has been mild for half a month and suddenly jumped to high temperatures.
Shen Mian was awakened by heat in the early hours of the morning. He looked at the time, and he still had 20 minutes before he usually got up, so he pushed away the awake that relied on him.
He Xing (sleeping Shui) was awake to half of his innocent, lying on the side, very wronged: "You are now starting to scorn me."
Shen Mian was too lazy to coax him. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had to be wronged eight times a day and turned over. Although the dragon's body temperature was low, He Xing was extremely hot. Nobody could stand the weather next to a stove.
Shen Mian closed her eyes again, and there was always a voice behind him. He Xing didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't continue to hum.
When Shen Mian felt strange in his heart, he suddenly felt his arms cool and opened his eyes. He found that He Xing had suddenly changed back to a little golden dragon, flapped his wings and fell in his arms, and the gold (color) scales were next to the skin. .
He Xingchong opened his stomach in Shenmian.
Shen Mian stared at the dragon belly-in this weather, the cold dragon scales are absolutely attractive.
He wasn't too sleepy anymore, Xing Xing put his hand on He Xing's stomach, his fingertips could still poke on the dragon's head, and he curled up the dragon's claws with sharp nails twice.
He Xing narrowed his eyes and let him play around with his subjects. He even turned his head and gently licked it when Shenmian's fingers flicked his head.
Shen Mian changed her hand, propped up (shen) halfway, and rubbed the little golden dragon against the bed sheet.
He Xing was a little helpless, but the subject wanted to play like this, and he didn't care too much. He folded his wings and hugged Shenmian's wrist and asked, "Is angry?"
Shen Mian: "No."
I just wanted He Xing to experience the feeling of being turned upside down.
He Xing: "..."
Okay, just rub it.
It was almost time for Shen Mian to get up after playing for a while, and Shen Mian knocked off the buzzing brain. A soft footstep came from the hallway outside the dormitory, getting closer and closer to the sleeping dormitory.
Who will walk in the corridor at this time?
Shen Mian and He Xing looked up at the same time. At this time, the sound of footsteps stopped in front of the window of Shen Mian's dormitory. A figure was printed on the curtain, and the shadow seemed to be a child.
But definitely not Xing Fei, nor Qin Yi.
Shen Mian smoothly put He Xingzhu into his pocket to satisfy the desire of the Crown Prince to be taken away, and got up to open the dormitory door.
He Xing: "..."
He doesn't want to stay in the dean's pocket now. He wants to get dressed and go out with Shen Mian.
The induction light line, which had not changed for a long time, was gentle, and a little boy who had never seen him stood in the corridor, wearing a large suit that did not fit, and was lying on the window sill with his feet on his feet.
Hearing the opening of the door, the little boy turned his head, and when he saw Shen Mian, he smiled (turned his head) and turned to rush over. He walked a little uncoordinated, almost fell, and was hugged by Shen Mian.
Before the boy spoke, Shen Mian recognized him: "Is it my little Jiean?"
Wearing a one-size-fits-all dress, Xiaojie opened her small hands and hugged tightly: "It's me."
Jay was very pleasantly surprised, and he whispered with his head up: "I can hold the head of the hospital!"
Shen Mian picked him up and took him into the dormitory. Jiean sat on Shen Mian's lap, wrapped his neck in his hand, and fell asleep on his cheek.
Shen Mian has been thinking about what Jane's anthropomorphic form will look like, but the overly magnificent appearance of the little gem dragon is really difficult to connect with the human appearance.
Shen Mian bowed her head, the anthropomorphic little Jiean was soft and gentle, and when she snuggled in her arms, she almost felt the fragility of human cubs.
"Is there any discomfort?"
The facial features of the anthropomorphic little Jie'an haven't opened yet. He is raised very much (meat rou), holding a lot of tenderness in his arms, but there is a cold show in his eyebrows, and he smiles when he smiles. The meaning is as bright as the light.
"No uncomfortable, I (sleeping Shui) suddenly felt very hot in the middle of the night, and when I got up, I found myself changed. Maybe I wanted to become an anthropomorphic form too much, and I thought in my dreams at night (sleeping Shui). What would I look like. "
Xiaojie held her face and asked seriously: "Am I cute?"
He looked in the mirror in the dormitory for a long time. (Shui Shui) Lu Yuan, who is like a pig, certainly would not give him an answer. Really unable to suppress the excitement, Jiean wanted to come to the dean to see what he is like now, so She sneaked out of the dormitory and wanted to wait for the dean (sleeping Shui) to wake up by the window.
He felt like a dean, so he must be cute.
Shen Mian kissed his swollen cheek: "cute."
He Xing, forced to stay in his pocket: "..."
let me see! I also want to see my cub!
He woke up and motioned for Shen Mian to pull him out and show him his cub.
Shen Mian finally remembered that he still had an object in his pocket, and Jiean was in his arms, and he might feel the presence of He Xing at any time. Dean Shen reached out without changing his face, and pulled out He Xing ... and then stuffed it under the pillow.
You can't see Jiean (sleep Shui) a bed.
He Xing :? ? ?
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