Chapter 107: Walk around

"Zoke is a three-level ship. There are female walls on the sides of the ship, and drums for commanding the wrestlers and soldiers are set up on the ship. The production cycle is one month. At present, the shipyard has three middle-ranking craftsmen and ten low-ranking craftsmen. Three boats can be produced at the same time. In the case of a sentry boat, even a low-level craftsman can preside over the production."
   The shipyard in Liangshan Town, the supervisor responsible for managing this shipyard, explained to Chutian the situation of the ship.
   The navy camp in Xia Town is dominated by walking boats and sentry boats. The difference lies in the size of the boat and whether it has a female wall.
   is a warship in the true sense. It has a deck. Below the deck is the paddleman, and above it is the navy soldier.
   There is a female wall on the upper deck, which is similar to a wooden city wall, blocking the opponent's bows, arrows and stones, and protecting the navy soldiers.
   The drummer on the deck is the core of the walker. Only when he hears the drums, can he know where to use his strength.
   This three-level ship is suitable for fighting in calm rivers and offshore. As for navigating in the sea, other types of ships are required.
   "We will add seven more scooters to transport soldiers, and we should be able to produce the nails for the scooters. Is there a problem with the wood?"
   "It's not a problem to go back to the adults. There is a wood nearby that can provide wood. If you want to make a lucky boat for going out to sea, it may not be easy, but the quality of the wood is enough for walking in the inland river."
   Intermediate boatman is an advanced carpenter who is polishing a fishing boat.
  Because Chutian didn’t have extra money to build navy, the fourth-class shipyards were mostly used to produce commercial ships and fishing boats for civilian use.
The proficiency of    boatsmiths can also be improved through private orders.
   Hearing that the nearby wood can be used for production scooters, Chu Tian felt a little relieved. It is more economical to use wood produced in a logging plant than to buy wood indirectly from other places.
   The water bandits had already built two walking boats before, and Chu Tian led people on the deck of the walking boats.
   Because of the water bandits, many townspeople in Liangshan Town were forcibly turned into heroes by the water bandits, so it is not difficult to recruit a group of heroes in Liangshan Town.
   After arranging the recruitment and training of the navy camp in Liangshan Town, Chutian took the scoop directly back to Xia Town, which is located in the upper reaches of Liangshan Town.
   "It's good to be able to take the boat directly, without having to bear the bumps on the horseback."
   The length of the walk is about 20 meters, the draft is not deep, and it is a fast and flexible warship like the sentry ship. As long as the drummer hits offensive drums, the walker will fly on the water and take the enemy straight. The situation was unfavorable, the retreat drums sounded, and the walker would immediately evacuate.
  棹夫 is located below the deck and can be protected from loss of maneuverability.
   In peacetime combat, long-range relies on bows and arrows, and melee relies on halberds.
   There is a small water village between Xia Town and Liangshan Town. In the future, it will be a place for naval training.
   Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, the navy battalion can't just park in one place, otherwise it will be annihilated by the enemy's attack or fire.
"The lords in the northern part of the Eastern Han Dynasty won't care much about navy, but the lords in the Yangtze River, Lingnan, and Yizhou should develop navy as much as possible. Other civilized areas, especially some island countries, will attach great importance to navy. Please protect yourself."
   Cool in the summer for Chutian to analyze the situation in other civilized areas.
   There is no doubt that in civilized areas like Dongying and Malacca, navy is the top priority for them.
"These civilized areas will definitely rely on navy to prevent the lords of the Eastern Han from invading...but I haven't considered such a long-term thing. This navy is mainly used to conquer the upper reaches of Langya City and Yangdu, and the lower reaches of Tancheng and Xia. Pi. Ten walks are actually not enough. Let’s lay down Langya City first."
   Chutian has a clear plan, that is, to take Langya City first, and then occupy the entire territory of Langya Kingdom.
   "So, do you want to make friends with Tao Qian? If Tao Qian sends troops to support Zang Ba at that time, I am afraid it will be more difficult to attack and open Yang County."
"Tao Qian can't deal directly with him. You can ask them to stop Tao Qian from sending troops through the relationship with the Mi family. As long as Tao Qian hesitates, Kaiyang County will soon be captured for us. I hope there are other lords in Xuzhou. At that time, I will be upset at the same time, sharing my pressure..."
Chu Tian suddenly caught a little light, and said to Xia Liang, "You set aside a fund from the silver treasury, so... and then give them a great promise... This matter, regardless of Fang Xuanling or others, It’s not as good as you do."
   Xia Liang listened to Chutian's plan, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes: "I understand."
   "The next step is to wait for the navy camp to complete training and send Zhou Yafu to attack the villages and towns in Hedong, while controlling the villages and towns in Hedong and Hexi in the southern part of Kaiyang County."
   As for the candidate who sent troops to attack villages and towns, the first candidate Chu Tian considered was not Hua Mulan, but Zhou Yafu. Because Zhou Yafu was calm enough, even if he didn't win a big victory, Chu Tian didn't worry about a disastrous defeat.
  Mulan is sometimes Chutian returned to Xiazhen to recruit a small group of Xiliu Battalion infantry to supplement the losses of the Xiliu Battalion during the last battle.
  Using the captured horses, more than two hundred light cavalry are undergoing training, a few of which are fine cavalry, and most of them are ordinary light cavalry.
   The current permanent troops in Xia Town consist of 400 light cavalry, 500 Xiliu battalions, 500 Xuzhou archers, and 500 light infantry, about 2,000. In order to expand the army, Chutian recruited a team of Xuzhou archers and a team of Tier 3 Xuzhou light infantry, each of which was 500 men and was also training.
   It is unrealistic that all are high-level arms. The first is the question of whether they can be raised, and the second is that they do not necessarily have a qualified source of troops. Thirdly, the elite means that the number is not large, which makes it difficult to achieve certain tactical goals.
   To lay down important villages and towns on the other side, troops must be sent to garrison, and there must be soldiers to ensure the safety of the food transport team. During the battle, various types of arms coordination, support, reserve teams, and siege teams all require strength and manpower.
   So there must be a batch of cheap low-level arms as cannon fodder or auxiliary troops.
  In the eyes of the lord, the soldiers really looked like data. When the war really started, they only cared about the numbers on paper. The decision makers will only see how many people have been lost, how much supplies need to be supplied, and how much military payments are to be paid each month, without caring about the feelings of each soldier. Because there are too many soldiers.
   "The boundary of the civilized zone will open soon!"
   While Chutian was busy building Xia Town, someone in the guild mentioned the issue of opening up the civilized area.
   Chutian calculated the time slightly. It is April of the second year of the Lord's calendar.
The initial time of the   Lord World is May of the first year, and the border of the civilization zone opens one year after the initial time.
   In other words, the border of the civilized zone will be opened in one month.
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