Chapter 1085: Battle of the 3 Armies

The rocket fell, nailed to the shield and the stern, and dozens of Jinfan thieves were shot and killed by the rocket.
The vanguard fleet led by the master of navigation, Drake, took the lead to attack the Jinfan Pirate fleet in Ganning, firing rockets and volleys of fire!
The warship in the front was shot into a sieve, the rocket ignited the warship, the warship was burning, and the warship behind could already see the light from the front.
Lu Meng made people wave a torch, relaying information to the rear.
Zheng He, as the head coach of the ancient Chinese-Ancient Persian fleet, immediately mobilized the entire fleet.
With 2,300 warships, even Zheng He's commander of 97 points can't give all warships a bonus.
In fact, the 2,300 warships were divided into several sub-ships, led by Zheng He, Zhou Yu, Chen Lin, Lu Meng, and two Persian generals.
Zheng He, who is also a master of navigation with Drake, served as the coach and gave orders to each fleet.
This is a duel between the East and West sailing masters.
Zheng He went to the west, and Drake sailed around the world. Both of them had a high bonus to the speed of the fleet.
Not only look at the two coaches, but also look at the generals, warships, and soldiers.
Artemisia, the female commander of the Persian fleet, said to Aldahir: "Your Majesty, the forward fleet of the Han army has encountered a strong enemy, and we have a fleet to attack from the right."
"Artemisia, you have full authority to command all warships and help the fleet of the Han Empire in order for us to reach the main island smoothly."
Artemisia was a vassal of King Xerxes, the first empire of Persia, and a rare female naval hero.
Aldashir knew that only with the fleet of the Persian Empire, it might be difficult to break through the monopoly of the three major maritime civilizations. At this time, he could only cooperate with the fleet of the Han Empire to open the way to the main island.
Artemisia stood on a huge Calais warship, holding Persian swords in hand, hundreds of sailors paddling, leading two hundred warships, roundabout from the right.
The sea fog obscured the sight of many captains, and the three fleets broke out in the sea near the main island!
The Persian paddle boats were struggling to move forward because of the waves. The collision angle at the bottom of the water hit the sailing warship in England. Accompanied by the violent impact, the sailing warship was broken and sea water poured into the cabin!
"Fighting on the side!"
The English sailors and the Persians broke out in a fierce hand-to-hand battle, tens of thousands of bows and crossbows fired, and a intensive rain of arrows shot at each other! !
The Persian fleet that suddenly emerged from the sea fog shocked the English.
Drake originally thought there was only one Eastern fleet, however, beside Chutian's fleet, there was also a Persian fleet.
The Persian fleet's raid caused damage to several English sailing warships and had to fight with the climbing Persian warriors.
"Hawkins, go and deal with the Persians!"
Drake abandoned the smaller "Golden Deer" and replaced it with the larger "Elizabeth" galleon.
Another admiral, Hawkins, with the "Mary Rose" as its flagship, confronted the Persian fleet.
When the English reacted, with the tall Clark warship, they broke up the Persian fleet, and the English longbowmen and firecrackers on the warship fired volleys. The Persian soldiers on the upper deck were shot and the bodies were everywhere.
The Saint Meteorite Cavalry and the Undead Army were far inferior to the English Longbowmen and Fire Gunners in naval battles and were reaped mercilessly.
The black prince Edward stands on the deck of the "God Bless King Henry", with his sword pointed at the Persian warship, the English longbowman releases the fire arrow, weaves the fireball in the air, and ignites a three oar warship!
The black smoke billowed, and the Persian soldier on fire fell into the sea!
"Connect the ship!"
The Persian female commander Artemisia gritted her teeth and commanded the Calais warship and the three oars warship to hit the English galleon, and then fought in close combat.
The bonus of Persian arms in naval warfare is not as good as that of English arms. The characteristic of English civilization is naval warfare. It occupies the advantage of terrain. Several lords have already been eliminated.
The Calais warship approached the Clark warship "God Bless King Henry". The two warships collided, and the soldiers on both sides were shaken. Artemisia and a group of Persian soldiers waved their flying claws and hooked the "Blessed King Henry". He wants to occupy this tall Clark warship.
The black prince Edward drew his sword and led a hundred knights of the round table to fight the Persians who boarded the ship.
As a Tier 9 unit, the Knights of the Round Table have amazing individual combat power. Artemisia's Persian soldiers were beheaded by the Knights of the Round Table. Edward and Artemisia had a fierce battle, and the two long swords collided with sparks!
Artemisia gritted his teeth, the black prince Edward's force was obviously not low, and he was one of the best generals under the command of King Charles of England.
"Surrender to me and serve as my servant."
The black prince Edward's sword trembles, and Artemisia is approached. The Persian soldiers who climbed up from the Calais ship are almost slaughtered by the Knights of the Round Table.
"Don't think about it!"
Artemisia returned his sword to kill a knight of the round table, surrounded by flames, the ship broke, and the sea was floating with broken wooden boards.
More than 100,000 sailors and soldiers fought fiercely!
On the other side, Zheng He and Drake were fighting against each other, and the ship poured crossbow rockets, lead bullets, and stone bullets at each other!
The two fleets that do not have long guns on ships use Wankou-level primitive firearms, ballistas, crossbows, and individual firearms as long-range weapons to fight the raging sea.
Chen Lin's Seven Thousand Lingnan Navy was equipped with fire guns, manipulating dozens of warships, and constantly shooting at England's galleons.
The English Longbowmen fought back, and the Musketeers fired!
Chutian was located in the Chinese Army, and countless warships were mobilized, fire flashed, black smoke billowed, and the shouts of killing were shaking the sky, and they could only wait for the result.
"It turned out to be the Royal Fleet of the English..."
Chu Tian had a headache.
Fighting the English on the sea is equivalent to fighting the Arabs in the desert. To win, you need to pay a big price.
Thousands of warships have become a mess.
When Chu Tian felt a headache, the Lord of England, Charlie, also had a hard time getting off.
Originally, Charlie only wanted to defeat the Eastern Lord's fleet head-on and gain tens of thousands of exploits. However, his Royal Fleet fought two Eastern Lords. At this time, it was not so easy for the Royal Fleet to retreat. The three armies were intractable.
Charlie can only bite the bullet and fight until the outcome is determined.
"Let Drake use fire to attack the ship."
As the lord of Drake, Charlie knew that Drake had a fire attack bonus, and seeing that it was difficult to tell the outcome, he used the captive Siamese warship to attack the fleet of the Han Empire.
At the same time, Zhou Yu also prepared 300 fire ships.
The generals of the two fleets almost thought of together, a large number of fire ships attacked each other, turning the entire sea into a sea of ​​fire!
Zhou Yu’s fireboat crashed into the Royal Fleet of England. The Clark battleship "Great Harry" was affected by several fireboats. The fire spread to the battleship Clark, and the expensive battleship "Great Harry" Clark became a fireboat. .
The fleet of the Han Empire was also attacked by fire. Many lucky ships were burned and the flames skyrocketed.
Gan Ning led the Jinfan thief to climb to compete for the English Dreadnought.
Gan Ning, who has a bonus of force in the water battle, slaughtered all quarters on the English Intrepid.
The Northern Army and Jiangdong’s soldiers were responsible for the hand-to-hand combat, and Sun Ce washed the deck with his gun!
Yang Xingmi's Black Cloud Longsword Army also boarded the ship and fought with English two-handed swordsmen. From time to time, soldiers fell from the ship.
Tiger idiot Xu Chu originally planned to join the war, but the violently shaking warship made Xu Chu pale.
Chu Tian took a look at Xu Chu's state. During the naval battle, Xu Chu's force directly dropped by 8 points, while Sun Ce, Yang Xingmi, Gan Ning, Jiangzuo generals or celebrities in the water battle, did not have any impact on his force.
Gan Ning's force even rose to 98 points, which was comparable to the five great generals at sea.
Zheng He continued to increase his troops, and the Persian Emperor Aldahir also increased his troops one after another, and the two fleets fought against the Royal Fleet of England.
The Royal Fleet captured a number of warships of other lords. The number of warships exceeded 1,000. However, the number of English navy soldiers was not enough. After the three fleets joined the battle, they gradually disappeared.
Drake ransacked a blessed ship and looked around. The flames stretched for several miles. Zhou Yu's fire attack caused huge losses to the Royal Fleet.
"The number of enemy warships is more than we thought..."
Drake found that more and more warships appeared in the sea fog. The 2,300 warships of the Eastern Fleet, facing the early 1,000 warships of the Royal Fleet, gradually formed a force of suppression by virtue of their number and strength.
Derek used the fire attack, and Zhou Yu also launched the fire attack. The fierce generals of the Fubo Army looted the opposing galleon, causing the Royal Fleet to lose a lot.
"Your Majesty ordered the fleet to retreat!"
In the end, King Charles of England could not bear such a heavy loss, so he ordered a retreat.
If the battle with Chutian resulted in seven or eight casualties in the Royal Fleet, then Charlie may have to withdraw from the national war.
The Royal Fleet finally chose to withdraw its troops because of the gap between the ships.
Persian female military commander Artemisia was rescued from the sea by Persian soldiers. She was scratched by the black prince Edward with a sword.
Artemisia reported to the Persian Emperor Aldahir.
"You have done well."
Aldahir lost more than 300 warships in this battle. thinks that the other party is the Royal Fleet of England, one of the three major maritime civilizations on the western continent, and it is worth it.
Regardless of whether Persia or China, the main battle is on land, and the kings of both sides are best at cavalry.
Gan Ning successfully captured England's Intrepid sailing warship.
Although the national war could not take away the spoils, the Galen sailing ship that captured the Royal Fleet could make the generals of the Fubo Army familiar with future naval opponents.
"The English Royal Fleet should not be at its peak, at least not seeing the Sea King."
Chu Tian boarded the captured sailing warship Intrepid, but it was a pity that this warship would disappear after the national war ended.
Repelling the Royal Fleet, the main island is already close at hand, so that the Royal Fleet should not dare to attack again.
As allies, the Persian fleet is also doing its best in this battle.
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