Chapter 1105: Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix

"Li Zicheng is here, Li Shou is the leader!"
Chuang Wang Li Zicheng tracked Li Yu for several days in the Qinling Mountains, and finally overtook him in a mountain, besieging Li Yu and the bandits who depended on Li Yu.
Li Zicheng attacked Li Zicheng fiercely, and Li Zi faced the famous Chuang Wang Li Zicheng. There were only a thousand thieves left beside him. He was not Li Zicheng's 20,000 opponents.
In "Lord", Xiliang Xiao, who has been in the field for many years, will eventually lose to Li Zicheng's siege and be beheaded by Li Zicheng!
On the other side, the Yellow Turban Army of Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang chased Guo Bang, and the Yellow Turban Army surrounded Guo Bang.
Guo Bang swung his knife over the Yellow Turban soldier, dripping with blood.
Although Li Yu and Guo Ben looked down on the Yellow Turban Army, the Yellow Turban Army of the three brothers Zhang Jiao could fight against the Three Masters of the late Han Dynasty, and their combat power was not weak!
Dozens of high-ranking yellow turban warriors swung their hammers and hit Guo Bin's chest. The armor was sunken. Guo Bin was hit hard and his internal organs were hit and languished!
The yellow turban warrior hammered Guo Bang one after another, and with the force of high-level arms, he forcibly killed Guo Bang!
After being active in the Qinling Mountains for several years, the two Xiliang valiant generals, Li Wei and Guo Bang, were still suppressed by the government.
The rebels of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in the end of the Qin Dynasty failed to obtain the credit for capturing Li Zhao and Guo Bang, so they attacked the docks and cottages they encountered along the way and captured thousands of refugees.
Yang Ren's soldiers and horses also breached two or three cottages and captured three thousand people.
All soldiers succeeded and passed back to the main camp.
Qinling's robbers had no resistance against the 100,000 soldiers and horses that had been deployed in large numbers.
Unlike the prefecture soldiers in Hanzhong, the Hanzhong Legion is directly controlled by the emperor, which also means having a strong combat power.
The Hanzhong prefects were also unable to mobilize the Hanzhong Legion, which shows the strength of the Hanzhong Legion. Therefore, the governors and prefects in various places were unable to hold military power and were difficult to rebel.
"Unexpectedly, the Hanzhong Army Corps was used in the end..."
Chu Wu didn't know whether this mission to defeat the Qinling bandits was considered a success.
Because of the appearance of Li Yu and Guo Bang, Chu Wu's plan fell through, and the Hanzhong Army also came out.
Using the Hanzhong Legion to suppress the bandits consumes a lot of gold, silver and food. Under normal circumstances, it really doesn't take a hundred thousand troops to fight the bandits.
Li Nao and Guo Bang also shocked Hanzhong.
Zhang Dao reported the military exploits to the court and gave part of the credit to the prince. He thought it was under the wise leadership of the prince. He discovered the fugitives of Li Yu and Guo Peng, and then promptly asked the Hanzhong Army Corps to send troops to sweep the Qinling Mountains. Kill thousands and capture tens of thousands of results.
Zhang Dao did not thoroughly clean up the bandits in Qinling.
Qinling is really too big? Maintaining an army of 100,000 is costly.
"Next? Hanzhong Army Corps will send out small groups of soldiers and horses from time to time to enter the mountains to encircle and suppress. The local government will also come forward to recruit security, both soft and hard, in order to completely put down the banditry in Qinling."
Zhang Dao's final deployment? It's almost seamless.
Chu Wu learned a lot from Zhang Dao.
Can Zhang Dao survive the battle? Still in a high position, he is not a simple person.
"Li Zhang and Guo Bang have been given the lead, and the remaining bandits in the Qinling Mountains have fled deep into the mountains."
Chu Wu decided to return to his teacher.
After beheading many soldiers and horses of Li Zhang and Guo Pun, Chu Wu was considered to have obtained the first combat exploits in his life. In addition, he also recruited Lu Lingqi and 300 Binzhou Langqi.
Lu Lingqi's combined state wolf cavalry inherited from Lu Bu? After a long battle, it is an elite light cavalry unit.
As the prince, the national treasury allocated a sum of funds to the East Palace every year, so Chu Wu could fully support Lu Lingqi and 300 Bingzhou wolf riders.
Chu Wu led troops and Zhang Dao back to Nanzheng County? Prepare to return to Xiadu.
Zhang Dao hosted a banquet in Nanzheng County to entertain Chu Wu, and the Hanzhong prefect, Nanzheng county magistrate and other officials all came to see His Royal Highness.
As a local official? Is qualified to meet the prince? It has been three years.
"This general is..."
The Hanzhong prefect, the main book, and the Nanzheng county magistrate saw Lu Lingqi who was next to Chu Wu, who was holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, and everyone could not help thinking that Lu Lingqi was one of the guards of the East Palace, responsible for protecting the prince’s safety.
Lu Lingqi looked indifferent and refused to give them a good face.
Everyone was even more in awe.
If it weren't for her high-profile background, how could she serve as the prince's guard?
"This guy has such a noble status..."
Lv Lingqi found that officials of the Hanzhong prefect level should also show respect to Chu Wu.
What she pursued was just the same as her father, but even Liehou seemed not worth mentioning in front of Chu Wu.
Serving as the chief guard of the East Palace may have a similar status to that of Lieutenant.
After Chu Wu met the local officials in Hanzhong, he returned to Xiadu the next day.
Xiadu, I feel a little upset in the cool summer.
Because Chu Tian went to participate in the epic battle dungeon, it took too long, so Xia Liang didn't know Chu Tian's safety.
At this time, there were not many days before Chu Tian's expedition plan was implemented, but Chu Tian was still in the copy space.
"Wait until Xiang Gong comes back, or follow the established plan?"
Xia Liang fell into hesitation.
After five years of recuperation, the Great Xia Dynasty regained energy, because the world was peaceful, the population soared, the treasury was sufficient, and the granary was abundant.
The blessing value of the Chutian forces is not low, and the "Jade Seal of the Kingdom" cast by Heshibi can enhance the national fortune. In the past five years, the Daxia Dynasty has seen two large-scale auspicious signs, which has increased the national power of the Daxia Dynasty.
Five years of war reserves gave the Daxia Dynasty enough national power to launch an expedition.
The time for the expedition is coming, however, at this critical moment, Chu Tian is still fighting in the copy space.
This makes summer cool difficult to choose.
During the epic campaign, the player system was cut off, and Xia Liang could not contact Chutian.
At this time, she needs to judge.
"His Royal Highness, the prince's class teacher is still in charge."
During Xia Liang's temporary regency, the prince Chu Wu returned from crusade against the Qinling bandits.
"Bring in His Royal Highness."
When Chu Wu appeared in front of Xia Liang, Chu Wu also brought back a brave young girl.
In summer, Liu frowned.
According to Chu Tian's arrangement, she sent Chu Wu to the Qinling Mountains to fight against the bandits. The result was good, and she abducted a young girl back.
"Wu'er, the queen mother asked you to fight against the bandits, instead of robbing the good women. Beware of your father's return and convict you."
"Mother, this is a general recruited by the child, who is the daughter of Wenhou Lubu, brave and good at fighting, and a talent for fighting generals."
"Lv Lingqi?"
Xia Liang looked at Lu Lingqi carefully.
Lu Lingqi seemed to be seen through her body, she was a little uncomfortable.
Xia Liangmu has been in the world for several years, and she is proficient in internal affairs and people's hearts. Lu Lingqi is well controlled in Xia Liang's eyes. As for Lu Lingqi's force, in Xia Liang's eyes, no matter how high the force is, it is just a chess piece.
Lu Bu's force was once unparalleled, but he was still manipulated by various princes.
Chu Wu abducted Lu Bu's daughter back, which made Xia Liang even more surprised.
This time Chu Wu defeated the Qinling bandits, and the results were average, but he was proficient in abducting ignorant girls.
He was exactly the same as his father at the beginning, and he was another sea king.
Summer cool to help.
Sure enough, a dragon gives birth to a dragon and a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix. The mouse's son will make holes.
"You are not afraid that Sun Shangxiang will be angry, so keep her and serve as a guard in the East Palace."
Xia Liang is still partial to his son after all. If Chu Wu likes it, it's not impossible to keep Lu Lingqi in the East Palace.
Chu Wu hurriedly said: "The boy just thinks that General Lu is brave, so he deliberately recruits, not otherwise..."
Xia Liang stopped Chu Wu: "You may not think so in a few years. Lu Lingqi, working for the prince, must be loyal to his duties. At the beginning, your father excluded all the princes, not incompetence, but infidelity. Unfaithful, It's a taboo."
Lu Lingqi was a little unconvinced, but was glared by Xia Liang. For some reason, she lost to Xia Liang's momentum, so she bit her head and said, "I hired His Royal Highness, so naturally I will die..."
"You go down for the time being, I have something to tell Wuer."
Lu Lingqi was forced to sweat in the cold summer when she found herself empty of force.
The majesty of the superior is invisible.
"Can the queen give orders?"
"Your father's expedition is about to begin. As a prince, you will also participate in the war. The crusade against the Qinling bandits is just the simplest trial. The next expedition may be life-threatening. But in the future, you want to defend the country. , We must learn to lead the war."
"I don't know where the child will participate in the army? To conquer the four islands of the East, or to conquer the Kingdom of Tongyu and the Great Vietnam? Or to defend the Western Regions?"
Chu Wu knew about the "expedition" plan formulated by Chu Tian. Once the Great Xia Dynasty turned on the war machine, it would be divided into soldiers and swept the world.
But Chu Wu has only one person, so he can only participate in one of the soldiers and make achievements.
"You go to conquer the four eastern islands. If your father knows that you have participated in the defeat of the four eastern islands, your position will be stronger."
Xia Liang arranged Chu Wu to attack the East Road soldiers and horses on the four islands of Dongying.
"The four islands of Dongying..."
Chu Wu didn't know why the father and queen would attach importance to conquering the four islands of the East, but he still took the task with pleasure.
Attacking the four islands of the East, this is a battle to destroy the country, more difficult than crusade against bandits.
Xia Xia Liang continued: "Wait for you to lay down the four islands of Dongying, and then clarify the choice of the crown princess, and give birth to the emperor grandson, then the East Palace will be as stable as Mount Tai."
"The boy wants to take Sister Luer as the princess. UU Reading"
"No, your father and the grandson had a marriage contract with the grandson's family long ago, and the candidate for the princess is the daughter of the grandson's family."
"Sister Xiangxiang?!"
Chu Wu knew for the first time that he had a marriage contract with Sun Shangxiang, and his mind went blank.
Xia Xia Liang said: "If you like Ma Yunlu, wait until the crown princess is established, you can also bring Ma Yunlu into the East Palace."
Xia Xia Liang thinks he has a son like Chu Tian, ​​so he doesn't mind.
Chu Wu was still too late to return to God. He finally understood why his father and mother would especially care about Sun Shangxiang's feelings, because she represented the Jiangzuo Group.
The Jiangzuo Group is very important to the establishment and stability of the Daxia Dynasty, so Chutian will not change the marriage with Jiangdong Sun's family.
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