Chapter 1176: Battle of Pamir!

   "This depressing feeling is seven points similar to the original Genghis Khan Temujin..."
   Li Mu lived condescendingly, looking at the Indian infantry all over the mountains, with a familiar feeling.
   After Timur entered the peak period, he used the power of "God's Whip" to enslave the servants, weaken the defenses of the servants, strengthen the attack power of the servants, and completely treat the servants as cannon fodder.
   Cheap servant army, as long as it can consume the enemy's physical strength and morale, and create conditions for the lord's elite army to defeat the enemy, it is worth the money!
   Tamerlane’s first trial used two hundred thousand cannon fodder!
  , such a big deal can only be achieved by the two civilizations of ancient China and ancient India.
   "I will leave it to you and Zhao She to observe the battlefield. I always feel itchy if I don't end in person."
   Seeing Tamerlane, the veteran general Lian Po ordered the servants to attack, so he planned to go to the front line to resist Timur's attack.
   Lianpo's force is not low, and he is still adept at bowing horses when he is old, so he is more suitable for the front line than Li Mu.
   "Be careful."
   Li Mu knows that someone needs to be on the front line, pay attention to the changes in Shuaiqi, and adjust the deployment of the front line in time.
   Lianpo came to command in person, while Li Mu took overall responsibility.
   This is the two people working together again after more than ten years. The enemy is the founder of an empire and one of the most difficult enemies in Central Asia.
   The vigorous sound of the horn echoed on the west side of the Pamirs, and a large-scale battle broke out here!
One is Zhao Guo Shuangbi Li Mu, Lian Po, plus Zhao She, Zhao Kuo and his son, Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Yinshu can be combined (main general and deputy general), and Tubo generals, a total of 300,000 soldiers and horses, and the other He was the founder of the Timur Empire, plus hundreds of Indian military commanders, and millions of soldiers.
   Even though they knew that the numbers were several times different, Li Mu and Lian Po still had to do their best to buy time for Chu Tian to defeat the Golden Family's Wo Kuotai.
   Once Timur achieves its strategic goal, the situation of Xia Jun who enters the Hezhong area will be quite dangerous!
   Two hundred thousand low-level caste infantry, under the leadership of hundreds of military commanders, stormed the soil fortresses of Li Mu and Lianpo!
  The huge war elephant is interspersed with a large number of infantrymen, and its terrifying power is enough to crush the temporarily piled soil fortress.
   The thick limbs of the war elephant trampled, and the ground trembled!
   Hundreds of war elephants are dispatched!
  The ancient Indian general Shivaji sits on an iron-clad war elephant inlaid with Phnom Penh, providing bonuses to the entire war elephant army!
Shivaji, the founder of the Maratha Alliance on the Deccan Plateau of the Indian Peninsula (late Ming and early Qing), rebelled against the powerful Indian Mughal Empire, and was an enemy of the emperor. He was a military commander of the light cavalry, elephant soldiers, and naval divisions. .
   Shivaji has a high bonus to war elephants. At the same time, the war elephant legion he commanded is far less afraid of fire than other war elephant legions.
   In the third national war, Chutian once faced Kshatriya, the lord of the Mughal Empire in India. Shivaji was a general under the Kshatriya at that time.
Chutian used his SSS-level characteristic "Tian Khan" and Ekaterina's SSS-level characteristic "Ekaterina the Great". The two king characteristics put pressure on the elephant army, causing the elephant army to be uneasy. , And attacked Shivaji's elephant army with fire camels, which finally led to the collapse of Shivaji's elephant army.
  A general fire attack, it is not so easy to crack the elephant army of Commander Shivaji.
   "Ten years ago, I lost to the Han Empire. This time, the two armies encountered no defense. How to crack my war elephant army? Moreover, we only have the characteristics of kings here, but there is no other side."
   Shivaji was ashamed of losing to Chutian and Ekaterina, and now he finally found a chance to avenge him.
   Shivaji also knew the reason for his failure.
In this battle, the Li Mu and Lian Po regiments should not have specifically prepared measures to crack the War Elephant Corps. In addition, Chu Tian and Ekaterina were not here either, and the one with the characteristics of the king was instead a courageous Tiemu. child.
   A huge war elephant haunts the Indian Army’s tens of thousands of people. The archers and pikemen on the elephant’s back look ahead, and they can see the Xia Army soldiers and horses in the farther direction.
  Because the two sides put in too many troops, they are all their own soldiers and horses in sight, and there is no end.
   The son of Zhao She, Zhao Kuo commanded in the front, holding a strong bow in his hand, shooting an arrow outwards, and the arrow was inserted on the ground outside the soil barrier, which was "an arrow away."
   When the Indian Legion crosses the distance of one arrow, the archers can fire all arrows to harvest the enemy!
   Li Mu and Lian Po’s 200,000 troops were deployed behind the soil base, and they set up wooden fences and antlers to defend them.
  The Mongolian generals and Turkic generals who supervised the battle drew their swords and pointed at the defense line of Li Mu and Lianpo!
   Two hundred thousand Indian pawns and war elephants, speed up the pace and launch a charge!
   Many Indian infantrymen are even equipped with bronze, silver weapons, wooden shields or leather shields. Their defense power is not high. Only by crossing the area covered by the arrow rain and fighting in close combat can they have a chance of life!
   "Let the arrow!"
   Zhao Kuo pulled out his sword and pointed at the endless Indian Mughal army!
   Tens of thousands of longbowmen bent their bows to shoot arrows at the Indian Mughal army!
  The longbowman on the left shoots to the right, and the longbowman on the right shoots to the left, forming a crossfire!
   Thousands of sharp arrows fall!
   Two arrows hit a low-level infantry almost at the same time. One of the arrows shot through the wooden shield, nailing the wooden shield and the hand holding the shield together!
   Before the low-level infantry had time to scream, the second arrow pierced through his throat, sealing the throat with one arrow!
   The low-level Indian light infantry suffered heavy casualties under the blow of arrows and rushed forward completely relying on the human sea tactics!
   Or, it is also the mission of cannon fodder to consume Xia Jun's sophisticated arrows and make Li Mu and Lian Po's army fall into the predicament of lack of arrows.
  The iron armored war elephant was mixed in two hundred thousand cannon fodder, slowly moving towards the earth fortress of the Xia army, like a steel fortress on the battlefield of cold weapons, with a suffocating sense of oppression.
  Iron Armored War Elephant, as a natural Tier 9 unit in "Lord", with thick skin and thick flesh, ordinary arrows can't even cause effective damage to it.
   Although the movement speed of the war elephant was not fast, it gave Li Mu and Lian Po's Xia Jun an uneasy shock.
  The basic panel of the War Elephant is too high, and it is one of the few units that dare to fight the fierce frontal.
   "It seems that the Indians regard the war elephant as a siege weapon."
   Li Mu always commanded from a high place. He saw the huge war elephants moving and knew the purpose of Timur's army of war elephants.
  Maybe the war elephant is not very useful when attacking a wall more than ten meters high, but when attacking a low earth or low wall, the war elephant is a natural siege weapon, capable of destroying simple earth fortresses!
   "Fire Arrows, expel the elephants!"
   Lianpo arrived in front of him, trying to use the fire bolt to repel the elephant that was approaching the earth base.
   Thousands of archers began to equip Firebolt.
   "It's useless, my elephant army has fewer weaknesses!"
   Shivaji, an Indian general, witnessed the fall of thousands of fire arrows, but his elephant army is already familiar with the battlefield, and will not move easily and will not be easily shocked by the fire arrows.
   On the other side, Timur organized an army of 100,000 Indians, making it possible to attack the Tubo army entrenched in the mountains on the west side of the Pamirs!
   The Tubo army guarded the main road and smashed it down with rolling stones and logs. The Indian soldiers who attacked the Tubo army were killed and injured.
   The Tubo Army and the Monan Army used the terrain as much as possible to consume Timur, waiting for opportunities.
   The Tubo army is on the plateau, like a tiger with wings, and it is not easy to leave here.
   As long as they guard the nearby mountains and interact with Li Mu and Lian Po, Timur will not dare to attack one of them with all his This kind of oppression should be the characteristic of Timur's monarch. "
Tashi of the Tubo Army is no stranger to the characteristics of the monarch, because Chutian also has the characteristics of the monarch "Tian Khan" and "Han Wu". He has a sense of oppression. The oppression of the characteristics of the monarch he felt on the battlefield should come from Timur.
   "Wait for the time to come before the tiger descends."
   Timur wanted to lure the Tubo army out of the mountains, but the Tubo army did not leave.
   No one knows better than the Tubo army themselves. They are located on the plateau terrain and still have a chance to win.
   "Which soldier is this from the Daxia Dynasty?"
  An ancient Indian general who attacked the Tubo army, avoiding the falling rocks, found that the Xia Jun soldiers and horses stationed in the mountains were very good at using the terrain, which was a headache.
   "The army will increase to 200,000, 300,000, until it is won!"
   Timur added troops again and was about to take down one hundred thousand Tubo troops.
   During the massive attack on the Tubo army, Shivaji's elephant army had already approached the Xia army's defense line, and Lian Po had already seen the huge body of this behemoth.
   "War Elephants...Sometimes they are really troublesome units..."
   Lianpo has a headache.
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