Vol 2 Chapter 1264: 3 Emperors Meeting

Before the two armies of the East and the West, the dragons roared and the iron horses swallowed thousands of miles.
With flags fluttering, elite legions from both sides are emerging one after another.
The Daxia Dynasty had five generals, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Yue Fei, Wu Qi and other generals. In the Western Continent, there were also famous generals such as Hannibal, Belisarius, Caesar, Mallor, Scipio, Seleucus, and Black Prince.
Many celebrities gathered in the Mesopotamia.
Chu Tian rode Juying, under the protection of Xue Rengui, Xu Chu, Dianwei, Five Tiger Generals, a total of eight powerful generals, appeared before the army.
Protecting Chutian's safety is not only the eight soldiers, but also the endless army behind.
Generals such as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Yue Fei and Hua Mulan clenched their weapons.
Once Chu Tian is in danger, the army will press on and fight with the opponent.
Joan of Arc holds the iris flower holy banner, she has the characteristics of "Jan of Arc" that reverses the situation, and has always been the morale perpetual motion machine of Xia Jun.
Princess Li Xiuning of the Tang Dynasty also participated in this battle, also possessing the characteristics of restoring morale.
Except Xia Liang Liang and Xiao Chuo sitting in the rear, all other generals who can be dispatched will join the decisive battle.
Chu Tian looked at the camp on the opposite side, and Alexander left the camp with four guards.
Among them, the King Leonidas of the Spartan city-state and the Macedonian secretary Yumenis were all guarded by Alexander.
The Roman emperor Constantine also took his guards out of the camp, and the gladiator Spartacus had fierce eyes like wild beasts.
Although there were some changes, Constantine also participated in the meeting between Chu Tian and Alexander, but since Chu Tian had the confidence to defeat Alexander and Constantine at the same time, he was not afraid of these two.
The three emperors met before the two armies.
The soldiers are like clouds, killing one.
"Chu Zimou..."
Alexander and Constantine saw the strongest imaginary enemy, and today, the imaginary comes true.
The Golden Family was defeated, and the East and West spheres of influence bordered, and a decisive battle was inevitable.
"Alexander and Constantine, the army of the heavenly dynasty swung its whip westward, invincible and invincible. If you two surrender, I can appoint you as a Macedonian and Rome. These two positions have been prepared for you for seven years. ."
"What are you kidding...!"
Constantine's face sank.
He and Alexander belonged to the strongest emperor, and Chu Tian was only willing to make them princes, and both An Le Gong and his return seemed to be insulting.
Alexander said: "I am not afraid of a group of lions led by a sheep, but I am afraid of a group of sheep led by a lion. You are the lion. But... why are we?"
"Alexander, there is one thing you said wrong. I am leading a group of lions, not sheep."
Chu Tian looked directly at Alexander.
Alexander was about the same age as Chu Tian. One rose from the east and the other rose from the west.
However, Alexander was checked and balanced by Constantine and Hohenzollern and failed to unify the Western Continent.
It stands to reason that Alexander will not live long and is not a long-lived person, but until now, Alexander is still alive.
"This battle will be left in history. In the next thousand years, countless bards will preach this duel."
Alexander was full of expectations.
Even if he was defeated, Alexander could accept such a result.
I am afraid that the entire "Lord" will not necessarily have a decisive battle of this scale in the next 100 years.
In the Persian battlefield, the number of soldiers on both sides has exceeded 5 million.
Han Xin and Timur’s Indus decisive battle, the number exceeded 7 million, but the number was enough, but the quality was not at the same level.
The Hanxin Army was not the absolute main force of the Great Xia Dynasty, and Timur's All India Allied Forces were of uneven quality.
The decisive battle in Persia is a battle between the East and West continents. The quality of the elite legions has risen by at least two grades. It will surely spread through the ages and become a swan song.
Chu Tian poured cold water on Alexander: "If you lose the battle, there will be no Western bards, only Eastern poets and poets."
"Chu Zimou, don't underestimate our Roman Legion. Although Caesar is old, Octavian has grown up, and Hannibal is not an existence that you can hold back."
Constantine was not to be outdone.
Spartacus glanced at the five tigers and looked at them with indifferent eyes. He had already looked down upon life and death.
Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others glared at Spartacus, eager to try.
If it weren't for Alexander and Constantine's rear was the elite army of the Western Continent, maybe Zhang Fei would have rushed forward and picked Constantine under the horse.
Behind Alexander, high-level infantry equipped with silver shields and companion cavalry with spears are always ready to support their king.
Behind Constantine, the Roman Legion is ready to go, and the cross flag of the Knights of Hospital is deployed.
King Charles of England, Queen Isabella of Spain, Roman Emperor Caesar and others stood by and did not participate in the meeting of the three emperors.
"The so-called meeting is meaningless, but to add to the legendary color in the future."
Charlie of England knew that the meeting of the three emperors was just a formality, and the following war would be extremely tragic.
The Royal Fleet of England and the Invincible Fleet of Spain participated in the expedition launched by the Maritime Alliance, and their infantry and cavalry participated in the Persian decisive battle. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
The English and Spaniards also know that if the European Union falls, both England and Spain will be wiped out and it will be hard to escape.
The English Legion, Cromwell, Prince Edward, and William the Conqueror joined Charlie's Persian Expeditionary Army.
Among the Roman legions, Cleopatra also participated in this battle.
Cleopatra is in a mixed mood.
She was once an ally of Chu Tian, ​​but now she is forced to join the Roman Legion and become an enemy of Chu Tian.
The mood is more complicated than Wo Kuotai and dragging mines. The two lost a decisive battle in the river. Mahmoud and Jie Li Khan died in battle. Generals such as Wang Baobao and Guo Kan were captured, and their strength was greatly damaged. They were forced to fight Alexander. Marriage.
"If we lose again in this battle, we facelessly go to Jiuquan and meet Father Khan."
Drag Thunder put on an iron helmet and tried his best to fight.
The sons of Tuo Lei, Meng Ge, Kublai Khan, Xu Liewu, followed Tuo Lei to fight.
The Spaniards formed the famous Spanish phalanx, the Knights of Santiago of Spain, and the Spanish phalanx formed by musketeers and pikemen, dominating for a while.
Queen Isabella wore a knight's plate armor, ready for a decisive battle.
Chu Tian talked with Alexander and Constantine for a long time, and the two armies were already a little impetuous.
"It is useless to say more, there is only one battle."
Chu Tian talked for a long time, and neither Alexander nor Constantine had the intention of surrendering. They just regarded it as a pastime before the decisive battle.
"There is only one battle!"
Alexander and Constantine turned and ran away from Chu Tian.
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