Chapter 164: Level 7 Building Confucian Temple

Within five years of reunifying Langya Kingdom, there are still more than three years left.
Under the premise that Chutian controls the two counties, the difficulty of unifying Langya country is even less than the achievement of the previous stage.
After digesting the two counties, Chutian can start coveting other counties.
Suffering from unsatisfactory, we have long, and look back at Shu.
Human desire is endless. Once it starts to expand, it will not stop until the limit is reached.
"What happened?"
Xueyue saw that Chu Tian was in a daze. As a player, she knew that Chu Tian was checking the panel.
"A little bit of a gain..."
Chu Tian did not mention to anyone that he had an achievement system.
In order to restore public order in Yangdu County, Chutian army stationed in Yangdu City for several days. Fang Xuanling assisted Chutian in appointing new officials in Yangdu City and rebuilding order.
Destruction is easier than construction. After a city was looted by insurgents, it would be difficult to restore its former prosperity within a year or a half.
Fortunately, Chutian has Fang Xuanling.
Fang Xuanling was not only a member of the army, but also a civil minister at the prime minister level, and quickly determined the civil servants to govern Yangdu County.
Xiacheng airborne a civil official to serve as the county magistrate, and then promoted a group of disciples from aristocratic families in Yangdu County to officials to gather people's hearts. Then a group of civilian officials were transferred from Xiacheng and Xueyue towns to Yangdu County to check and balance the local families.
"Yangdu County will be divided into two factions: local families and airborne civil servants. To restore prosperity, Yangdu County needs to win over the local families, let them come forward to appease the people, collect money and food, and establish order as soon as possible. After Dangyangdu County is restored, it will begin. Civil officials supporting the airborne suppress these families and reduce their control over the place."
Fang Xuanling proposed to Chu Tian a countermeasure.
Sure enough, the methods of ancient politicians were ruthless, and Fang Xuanling's advice was to cross the river and demolish the bridge. To win over the local squires, stabilize the people's hearts, and then suppress the squires when stabilized, and gradually strengthen the centralization of power.
This is also a commonly used method in troubled times.
At the beginning of the establishment of a dynasty, there were often a large number of princes and uncles. After the dynasty was stabilized, they would find various reasons to cut the vassal and kill the heroes...
"Make arrangements as you said. Appoint Zhou Yafu as the county lieutenant, responsible for pacifying the unsurvived villages and towns in Yangdu County, and at the same time stationing in Yangdu City to improve public security and guard against incursions."
After Chu Tian appointed a group of civilian officials, he decided to appoint Zhou Yafu as a guard to garrison the city of Yangdu.
The county lieutenant of Yangdu was appointed by Chu Tian to Zhou Yafu himself. It was not recognized by the court and did not bring special effects. In theory, Chu Tian could proclaim himself a general, but he would be hated by some princes.
At present, Chu Tian claims to be Kaiyangling and Qiduwei, privately giving his subordinates official posts to win people's hearts.
He left 10,000 people to Zhou Yafu, except for Xiliu Camp, the others were basically first- and second-tier infantry.
Currently Zhou Yafu's loyalty is 91 points. Even if he is coerced and lured by other lords, there is basically no possibility of betrayal.
However, in "Lord", you can see the loyalty of the generals, it does not mean that the appointment of high loyal generals will not cause trouble.
First of all, the leader can only see the loyalty of the general when he appears in front of the general.
Second, the loyalty of military commanders will change. If the military commander guards a remote place, and the lord is absent for a long time, the lord will not be able to know that the loyalty declines. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and rebellion is easy to occur.
Finally, various emergencies can cause the military commanders' loyalty to fluctuate drastically. For example, the lord is defeated by the enemy, the military commander is drawn by the enemy, the leader slays the minister for no reason... These emergencies may reduce the loyalty of a military commander from 90 to 60. The specific changes in loyalty vary from person to person.
Zhou Yafu should not be a general who is easy to rebel.
"Qi Xiaobai and Wu Sangui went to take refuge in Ling Feng, the lord of Juxian County. Now Ling Feng has two historical generals, Xu Sheng and Wu Sangui, you must be careful."
Some free players who secretly played for Chu Tian informed Wu Sangui's whereabouts.
"There are two historical generals in Ju County...I see."
Chutian rolled out the nearby map, and Ju County was to the east of Yangdu County.
Generally speaking, cities and ponds are located next to rivers and lakes to fetch water. Alluvial plains are easily formed where rivers flow. The soil is fertile and suitable for agriculture.
Kaiyang County and Yangdu County are close to Yihe River, while Ju County is close to Shuhe River.
To the east of Yangdu County is Ju County, to the east of Ju County are coastal hills, and to the east are Xihai County and the sea.
These two counties belong to Langya Kingdom, and they are also the target of Chutian's next strategy.
"Let Zhou Yafu beware of Wu Sangui and Xu Sheng and set up scouts by the Yi River. Once Wu Sangui and Xu Sheng dispatch troops, they must cross the Yi River, but they can strike halfway."
With the presence of Yihe River, defense is easier, Wu Sangui can't make it, and Chutian can't make it.
After arranging personnel stationed in and governing Ju County, the Chutian class returned to Xiacheng.
Kaiyang County is Chutian's basic market. Because the plains in Kaiyang County are larger, it will not be a problem to feed millions of people through agriculture in the future.
Xueyue led thousands of people to station in Xueyue Town, echoing Zhou Yafu.
In fact, only 5,000 of her 10,000 were professional soldiers, and 5,000 were improvised Xiang Yong. After returning to Xiazhen, she immediately disbanded Xiang Yong.
Xiacheng, at this time, has restored its former prosperity.
The Anti-Chutian Alliance existed in name only, and Kaiyang County was completely reduced to the territory of Chutian, with no trace of enemy troops, so Xiacheng opened the city gate and was bustling as before.
The coalition forces didn't even see the walls of Xiacheng.
"It is necessary to compensate horse dealers with 10563 taels of silver and 11534 taels of silver for foreigners and people..."
Xia Liang calculates the cost of using Fire Horse Array.
After using the Fire Horse Array, all the horses with their tails burned were bought by the Lord's Mansion, which was a lot of expense. The Lord's Mansion also received a batch of horses with burnt tails.
"The Lord Lord's class is back to the city!"
The officials such as Xia Liang Liang and Li Li who were dealing with affairs in the Lord's Mansion were disturbed and immediately went out of the city to greet them.
Chu Tian made a huge army stationed outside the city, bringing only some of the elite into the city.
Most of the soldiers under Chu Tian's army are descendants, coming from Langya City or the Allied Forces.
Chu Tian also devoted his energy to reorganizing the army, dismissing some weak soldiers and low-level arms, and leaving behind the elite.
The ranks of these soldiers are not low, and they are better than the newly recruited recruits.
The officials in Xiacheng finally relaxed when they saw Chutian's army.
Xiacheng has experienced the biggest crisis. As long as there is one defeat, Xiacheng is likely to be brought down by allied troops.
"I have heard about your defeat of Wu Dun in Liangshan Town, and a special reward of 100 acres of fertile fields."
Chu Tian was very satisfied with Xia Liang's performance, and the only way to win her was to reward the field.
After owning two county towns, Chutian now has no shortage of fields, and 100 mu of farmland can still be used.
It is not an exaggeration to reward thousands of acres of fertile land for the deserving of Xiacheng.
Returning to the lord’s mansion, Chu Tian gave a construction drawing to Fang Xuanling: "This is the construction drawing of the Confucian Temple, a seven-level cultural building. You arrange resources and labor for construction."
Chu Tian got a special building and let Fang Xuanling arrange the construction.
[Name]: Confucian Temple
[Class]: Level 7 cultural building
[General effect]: Cultural prosperity +20%; the probability of a lord receiving support from scholar-bureaucrats is increased; the probability of the appearance of special talents like officials is +1%.
[Special Effect 1-Master Table of All Worlds]: When you have the special hero Confucius, the effect of Confucian Temple is +50%.
[Special Effect 2-Education Wanmin]: If this building is built in an alien city, special effects will be unlocked.
[Special Effects 3-Imperial Examination System]: When the lord implements the imperial examination system, special effects will be unlocked.
This is the first time that Chu Tian has obtained the construction drawings of a seventh-level building.
The bonus of Confucian Temple is very exaggerated, and there are three special effects that have not been unlocked.
The first effect can only be activated by recruiting Confucius.
Unexpectedly, Confucius could also be recruited.
It is estimated that Confucius, like the poet Du Fu, is a special talent, but Confucius has a greater influence than Du Fu.
The second effect is to build Confucian Temples in cities in other civilized areas, so that they can be brought into the Chinese culture. This effect is very overbearing.
At present, Chutian does not control any foreign cities, so it is impossible to build the Confucian Temple in other civilized areas.
But if he gets more drawings of the Confucian Temple in the future, Chutian doesn't mind building the Confucian Temple in Osaka, Edo, Rome, and Paris to teach the barbarians.
The third effect is the imperial examination system.
At present, Chutian does not have the energy to implement the imperial examination system, but as the site expands, the imperial examination system will definitely be implemented in the future.
The lord can see the attributes of his subordinates, but only after his subordinates' allegiance can be checked.
Now that Chu Tian has a population of 800,000, it is impossible for Chu Tian to demand their allegiance one by one and then check their attributes.
Only through imperial examinations, including literary examinations and martial arts examinations, a group of officials and ordinary generals were screened out, and then Chu Tian checked (the palace examination) and arranged positions according to their abilities and characteristics.
With the player panel, Chutian can recognize talents at a glance.
The only thing you can't see is character.
The Confucian Temple also has the bonus of getting the support of family doctors.
This is a good thing. To win Xuzhou, Chutian must first obtain the support of the Xuzhou family.
The disobedient family is also a tricky thing.
It is basically unrealistic to want to eliminate the family.
As long as there is a bureaucratic class, aristocratic families will exist. The old family is ruined, and a new family will be born.
The imperial examination system has accelerated the pace of family change to a certain extent.
Chu Tian didn't think about the issue of guarding the world, and he was still fighting the world.
When fighting the world, as long as the interests of the family and their own are tied together, they will try their best to help them expand.
Fang Xuanling accepted the drawings of the Confucian Temple and immediately went down to make arrangements.
If Xiacheng had a seven-level cultural building, coupled with the cultural influence added by Du Fu, Chu Tian thought that one day it might be possible to conquer the world through culture.
Promote the Chinese culture as the mainstream culture, retain the cultures of other civilizations, and reduce them to the minority culture...
This is probably Chu Tian's idea.
He swears that he respects cultural diversity very much.
Chu Tian realized that he was thinking farther, and quickly took back his thoughts.
There are still many chores waiting for him in the Lord's Mansion.
Now his territory is a bit chaotic, and various towns have recruited a large number of soldiers when the war is launched. As a result, the coalition forces have never been able to reach Xiacheng, and each town has many more professional soldiers.
"Demobilize redundant professional soldiers in various towns and reorganize the army."
Chu Tian didn't want to raise too many idle soldiers, and the financial burden was too great.
"Xiacheng recruited 3,000 recruits during this period, Langya City recruited 5,000 recruits, plus the original 8,000 defenders of the two cities, totaling 16,000. You brought back 7,000, and Zhou Yafu’s 10,000, Xue With 5,000 people in the month, the number of soldiers in the territory has reached 38,000. Among them, the Xiliu Battalion and the Shooting Battalion are very high. The monthly military salary needs to be paid as much as 80,000 taels. This does not include the replacement of weapons. , The expense of raising war horses."
Xia Liang calculated the simplest account for Chu Tian.
Chu Tian couldn't help being surprised secretly when he heard about the amazing number.
The blasting soldiers were very happy for a while. To maintain such a large army, the financial burden was overwhelming.
The army needs money, food, but also equipped with war horses. After the separation of soldiers and peasants, there is no production and money is spent.
The cost of high-level arms is several times, even ten times (including equipment) than low-level arms.
Chutian also plans to recruit more high-level arms.
"According to the current population size and financial revenue and expenditure, the subordinate's recommended army size is 5,000 high-level arms and 20,000 low-level arms. Or, 3,000 high-level arms and 30,000 low-level arms."
Chutian had to choose.
He couldn't take it all this time. Taking the line of elite soldiers means to lay off some of the low-level soldiers who are too complicated.
"Five thousand high-level arms and 20,000 low-level arms. I will reorganize the army within three days."
Chutian gave himself a limited A lot of things have happened in the East Han District during this period. Your subordinates think that you should pay attention to these things. "
"The leader of Hanzhong County advocated that Dao blatantly launched the Yellow Turban Uprising. At the same time, in the name of Five Dou Mi Dao, the refugees of Hanzhong County went to seek refuge, gathering hundreds of thousands of people, including more than 100,000 young and strong. Now he has captured Nanzheng City. Everyone thinks that he is the lord with the most troops. As for the combat effectiveness, because it is a peasant army, it may not be satisfactory."
"There are already more than a hundred thousand peasant army, and he dares to initiate a peasant uprising, there must be a special bonus."
Chu Tian met Zhang Dao, a very silent and low-key lord during the National War.
"The prefect of Hanzhong and the governor of Yizhou are trying to encircle them. His uprising seems to be massive, but in fact it is in danger of being suppressed at any time. The cities currently captured by the lord of Yangzhou include Juchao, Haiyan, Ganxian...Jingzhou is under the lord. The cities that were captured were Shonan, Qujiang, Chaling..."
Chutian heard the report that almost every state has counties attacked by player lords, and there are many cities that have been captured.
The reasons for conquering these cities are also bizarre.
Chutian occupied Kaiyang County and Yangdu County, and claimed to attack Taishan thief.
Zhang Dao was more direct and initiated a peasant uprising with the goal of overthrowing the court.
Other lords under the banner of crusade against bandits, walk for the heavens, and crusade against adversaries.
The imperial court lost control of the locality. As long as there were soldiers and food, it could separatize one side, provided that the relationship with the surrounding governors and prefects must be handled well.
Chu Tian had an understanding of the general situation of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the powerful lord would basically try to capture a county as a stronghold.
"Finally, the sixth-tier cavalry battalion has been built. Do you want to consider recruiting sixth-tier cavalry?"
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