Chapter 175: Seeking a position, Langya state minister

   "At the end, the task of the main bus agent will be successfully completed!"
   Hua Mulan led the cavalry out of Guo to greet Chu Tian, ​​her cheeks turned pale with cold, she should have been garrisoned on the city wall, worried that Lingcheng would gain and lose. She didn't feel a little relieved until Chu Tian arrived.
   "You lead the cavalry to attack Jucheng with me."
   Chutian just nodded. He can't reward Mulan more now, so he can only write down the credit first, and wait for Chutian's official position to be promoted before officially canonize Mulan.
   Some princes and lords can establish official positions in private to win over their subordinates. Chu Tian can now call the king, but under the premise that the title is not enough, everyone will be hostile to claiming the king, and even the public will decline.
   Yuan Shu proclaimed the emperor without sufficient strength, and as a result all the people betrayed their relatives.
   Chutian still dare not risk the world in his current territory. He would only claim to be a county magistrate, a captain, and other unsavory official positions in private.
   "Sun Guan, you and Sun Kang are temporarily stationed in Lingcheng, and you can't lose it."
   Sun Guan and Sun Kang understood that this was Chu Tian's test for them, and they immediately accepted it.
   So Chutian was able to lead the main force to ping Ding Jucheng.
  Ju city and the five cities of Linxu, Pinglu, A, and Jimo were one of the "Five Capitals" of the Qi State during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. Even in the Han Dynasty, they were also not small cities, so Langya ruled Ju County together.
   Now that Langya state minister Xiao Jian was killed by Li Guang, this is actually a tricky thing.
   Langya has a very high status as the prefect of the country. There are only five prefectures in Xuzhou, that is to say, there are only five state ministers or prefects, the status is second only to the governor.
   Chutian's subordinates killed a prime minister, and he is still not able to explain to the governor of Xuzhou and the Eastern Han Dynasty court.
   Despite the great chaos in the world, the Xiliang rebels and the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army killed many prefects and even the governor, but Chutian did not intend to become a rebel.
   So I still have to explain to Tao Qian and the Eastern Han court why Xiao Jian was killed.
   Currently, Chutian has no good reason.
   On his way to attack Jucheng, he asked the insidious Fang Xuanling: "General Li Guang killed the prime minister of Langya. This matter will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of Xuzhou governor Tao Qian and the court. How can I escape the crime?"
   "You can hand over General Li Guang to the court."
   Chutian would not surrender Li Guang in order to kill Xiao Jian who is not even a gold-level hero.
   Fang Xuanling only ridiculed, and finally made a formal suggestion: "The lord may forge a letter to falsely accuse Xiao Jian, the minister of Langya State, of colluding with the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army and committing to Xuzhou.
   Chutian is very satisfied with Fang Xuanling's strategy.
   Langya country is just south of Beihai country. If Xiao Jian, the prime minister of Langya country, was secretly associated with the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, then Xiao Jian would be guilty of death.
   Chutian just needs a plausible excuse. Anyway, Xiao Jian had been killed by Li Guang, Xiao Jian could not resurrect and defend Chu Tian, ​​so he could only recite the charges of colluding with the Yellow Turban Army.
   "So, did I still make a great contribution?"
   Chu Tian thought for a moment, Xiao Jian was the state minister of Langya, and Chu Tian’s official position was Kaiyang County Lieutenant, and Xiao Jian was the boss in the name of Chu Tian. When Li Guang killed Xiao Jian, not only did he not have to bear the charge of killing his boss, but he was undoubtedly killing two birds with one stone for Xuzhou.
   Fang Xuanling told Chu Tian: "Exactly, the lord is not only innocent, but he can also ask the court for rewards."
  What can Chutian say? Fang Xuanling looks handsome, and as a counselor, she still has a lot of bad water.
Fang Xuanling continued: "The lord can ask the noble families in Xuzhou to prove this, so as to invite the court to take credit for the post of Langya state minister. There are three reasons why the noble families of Xuzhou agreed. First, the lord has already occupied Kaiyang and Yangdu. In the three fertile lands of Juxian and Juxian, to subdue all the Taishan thieves, in fact, they have dominated Langya country, and the deal is done. If the court sends other Langya leaders, they will be emptied by the lord."
   Fang Xuanling was telling the truth, speaking outright in front of Chu Tian.
   To speak unceremoniously, Chutian controls the core area of ​​Langya Kingdom as if it were a self-contained system. The imperial court airborne a new Langya state, and it still depends on Chu Tian's expression to come to Chutian's territory. Chutian currently does not have the name of the state of Langya, and already has the reality of the state of Langya.
   In the troubled times of the Eastern Han Dynasty, whoever has soldiers and food has the right to speak. Xiao Jian, as the prime minister of Langya, is not as powerful as Zang Ba who is stationed in Kaiyang.
   "Second, the Xuzhou aristocratic family feared that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army would cause damage to Xuzhou, and wanted to rely on the lord to guard the northern gateway of Xuzhou. They always have to give the lord a name? The lord asks them for the official position of Langya, which is not excessive."
   "Thirdly, the Xuzhou aristocratic family doesn't care who rules Xuzhou, but whether they can ensure the interests of their aristocratic family. The lord secretly showed their favor, and they helped the lord to obtain the official position of Langya state minister, how could they reject the lord?"
   Fang Xuanling's analysis whip into the room, Chu Tian couldn't help nodding secretly.
   He originally planned to rely on his relationship with Dong Zhuo to contact Dong Zhuo secretly and request the position of Langya's state minister. Now it seems that perhaps the family of Xuzhou can help him achieve this goal.
   As for Dong Zhuo, in the future, I will see if I can ask Dong Zhuo for the position of general.
  Although he already has titles such as Tian Khan and Taishan Thief Leader, Chu Tian still wants to put up a general position, especially the Hussar Generals and Generals of the Han Dynasty, which sounded enough to shock the opponent.
   "After the capture of Jucheng, I contacted the Mi family, and used the Mi family to build relationships with other aristocratic families to seek the prime minister of Langya."
   Chutian is still more greedy for the state of Langya (prefect).
   At the level of prefect and governor, he can already be called a prince in the Eastern Han Dynasty.
   In other words, Chutian can participate in the Kwantung coalition's crusade against Dong Zhuo as a prince.
  Only the lords who have been officially designated as prefects or governors by the court and possess certain strength will be regarded as one of the heroes.
   Thinking of having a chance to become one of the heroes of the Kwantung who defeated Dong Zhuo in the future, Chu Tian couldn't help but look forward to the plot to defeat Dong Zhuo.
   Chutian has some understanding of Dong Zhuo's development.
   Dong Zhuo in "Lord" is very strong with the support of the lords of Guanzhong, Liangzhou, and Bingzhou. Many lords knew that the plot of Dong Zhuo would begin soon, so they tried their best to ask Dong Zhuo to fish in troubled waters.
  The benefits that Dong Zhuo can provide to players are that one is the canonization of official positions, and the other is that after Dong Zhuo's death, many lords may carve up his territory, soldiers and talents.
   Chutian thought a little far away.
  He commanded the soldiers and horses to come to the bottom of Jucheng, and he was ready to attack Jucheng. But Jucheng's gates opened wide, and a group of players took the two thousand soldiers and horses that Xiao Jian had left in the city to surrender.
   "That idiot Xiao Jian didn't know your fame, and he wanted to die. We are willing to abandon the secret."
   "We have tried our best to persuade Xiao Jian to surrender, but unfortunately..."
   Following the loyalty of the players who served as Xiao Jian's doorsteps, Chu Tian understood that this group of players persuaded Xiao Jian to stay in the city and directly surrendered.
   Chutian accepted their surrender.
   can take down Jucheng without a bloodbath, Chu Tian is naturally happy.
   He also underestimated his influence in the player community. Chu Tian's prestige is enough to make ordinary small and medium lords look down on the wind. The real enemies with Chu Tian are still a group of powerful lords, or a group of lords who join hands.
   So Chutian brought his troops into the city and brought Ju County into his sphere of influence.
   At present, Jucheng has a population of 300,000.
   Regardless of other things, Xiao Jian’s governance in Ju County was quite good, and the population did not drop sharply because of the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Unfortunately, he was cut directly by Li Guang.
When    occupied Jucheng, Chu Tian faced another problem. He needed a general to garrison Jucheng.
   "Ju County has a larger population than Yangdu County, and its grain reserves are abundant and unspoiled. Zhou Yafu is stationed in Ju County. As for Yangdu County, Zang Ba leads troops to garrison."
   Chu Tian ordered the reliable Zhou Yafu to move to Juxian.
   A very simple reason, the more the population, the more important the city, the more people must be sent to garrison. The secondary cities can send general military commanders to garrison.
   Cao Cao conquered Xuzhou, and his stronghold was attacked by Lu Bu. It was because of three important cities, Juancheng, Fanxian and Dong'a, that he successfully defeated Lu Bu.
   Chu Tian sent Zhou Yafu to be responsible for the suppression of other lords in Ju County.
   Xiao Jian did not attack the surrounding lords during his lifetime. There should be more than a dozen small and medium lords in Ju County who did not submit.
   Zhou Yafu has suppressed the small and medium lords more than once, and has rich experience in this aspect. The small and medium lords who were attacked by Zhou Yafu felt despair.
   Their generals were constantly defeated by Zhou Yafu, who was steadily fighting, and Zhou Yafu had the support of Chutian. Now every time he went out with thousands of people, there was no problem in bullying the small and medium lords.
  Kaiyang, Yangdu, and Juxian, the lower Yangdu County, was destroyed by war and had a smaller population than Kaiyang and Juxian. So Chutian handed Yangdu County to Zangba to guard it.
   "The final general led his troops to station in Yangdu County? The lord is not worried about the final general..."
Not long after Zang Ba surrendered to Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian was relieved to hand over the responsibility of guarding a county to him, making Zang Ba flattered. You must know that Zang Ba has the most influence among the Taishan Thieves. If Zang Ba raises his arms, maybe the generals from Taishan Thief will be betrayed Chutian.
   "There is no doubt about employing people. You led three thousand infantry archers to station in Yangdu County to protect the environment and the people and suppress the bandits."
   Chutian has disbanded all the Taishan thieves in Zangba, and equipped them with ordinary infantry archers.
   The existence of the Taishan thief will degrade public sentiment and public security.
   Chutian reused Zangba, mainly considering that he did not have much tendency to betray after surrendering to Cao Cao. Furthermore, Chu Tian was really not afraid of Zang Ba's betrayal.
   With Chu Tian and Zhou Yafu under attack, Zang Ba's betrayal is only a dead end.
   In the eyes of other Taishan thieves, Chu Tian's move greatly relieved them. Since Zangba can be reused, so should they be.
   "I beg you for the matter here. I only leave seven thousand soldiers for you, is that enough?"
   Zhou Yafu's tone was plain.
   After Chutian arranged Zhou Yafu in Juxian, he stayed in this class.
   He believed in Zhou Yafu and even thought that leaving Zhou Yafu 7,000 people too much.
In Youbeiping County, a group of Youzhou cavalrymen assembled. About 10,000 cavalrymen smashed the Wuhuan cavalry. Hundreds of them rode on white horses and rushed to the Wuhuan cavalry. The opposite Wuhuan cavalry fell. !
The cavalry leader headed by    was holding a spear, struggling to assassinate a dozen Wuhuan cavalry, brave and unstoppable!
   Wuhuan cavalry lost, so they began to retreat.
   Gongsun Zan led the cavalry to pursue and attack the Wuhuan cavalry!
  Wuhuan cavalry retreats all the way, to a hill, a group of cavalry ambushing in it rushes out, and Gongsun Zan fought against the Wuhuan cavalry and broke it!
   A military commander holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword rushed forward, and the big sword cut off a Wuhuan cavalry company and horse!
   A fierce man with eight snake spears in his hand will rush into the Wuhuan cavalry, and Juli will pull the Wuhuan cavalry off the horse!
   Liu Bei, with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, applied to the court to fight against Wuhuan with Gongsun Zan on the advice of the player's military division, in order to gain military exploits and obtain excellent war horses.
  Youzhou has no shortage of good horses, especially the Wuhuan tribe has many good horses.
   robbing Wuhuan tribe’s war horse, not only has no faults, but also has merit.
   Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan joined forces to strike Wuhuan, Wuhuan exited Youbeiping County and fled to Liaoxi County.
   "Xuande, I didn't expect to see you for a long time, you got two warriors, and so many... cavalry..."
   Gongsun Zan was frightened when he heard that Wuhuan was killed. When he saw that Liu Bei's two subordinates, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, were against thousands of people, he couldn't help but feel jealous in his eyes.
   The cavalry commander Liu Bei may not be as good as Gongsun Zan who often fights with the Wuhuan tribe, but Liu Bei has two good brothers.
   In "Lord", a powerful general can play a huge role. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's bonus to the cavalry allows Liu Bei's army to defeat the Wuhuan cavalry.
   While Gongsun Zan currently has no powerful fighters, he is jealous of Liu Bei's fortune.
   Liu Bei has been followed by many These foreign military divisions have made suggestions for Liu Bei, so that Liu Bei's development momentum is very good, and there are thousands of cavalry under his command.
   This makes Gongsun Zan even more jealous.
   Liu Bei Gongqian said: "It's still Bogui's white horse who is invincible, and the Wuhuan tribe flees."
   Gongsun Zan invited Liu Bei: "Wuhuan is far away, but the Wuhuan tribe must be killed. Is Xuande willing to go to western Liaoning with me to encircle Wuhuan?"
   "This matter..."
   Liu Bei looked at a stranger who he trusted deeply.
   The foreign army division's judgment on the general situation is accurate, and Liu Bei reuses it.
   The alien soldier shook his head.
   Liu Bei understands: "Xuande does not know the roads in western Liaoning, and is afraid of dragging Bogui. Now the threat of Youbeiping County has been lifted, Xuande should lead his troops back to Anxi County to protect the border and the people and protect the people."
   "It's a pity. Given time, maybe you and I can fight side by side again."
   Gongsun Zan did not force Liu Bei to follow him to pursue the Wuhuan tribe. People have their own ambitions.
   Liu Bei led his troops to leave Youbeiping County.
   On the way, Liu Bei asked the foreign military division: "Why did your husband stop me from chasing the Wuhuan cavalry? Now it is better to eradicate the Wuhuan threat for the court, and to make meritorious deeds?"
"The Lord's words are very bad. The Wuhuan tribe has not yet declined. If Gongsun Zan led the cavalry to go deep into the west of Liaoning, he would definitely be surrounded by Wuhuan. Under the Lord's office, you can ask the court to move to Zhongshan. If you can get the help of Changshan Zhao Zilong, You can get twice the result with half the effort. The subordinates have sent people to inquire about Zhao Zilong's whereabouts."
   (Conjecture of General Attributes Issue Seven: Zhao Yun)
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