Chapter 186: Double bow bed crossbow

   Chutian didn't know that his "Tian Khan" characteristics were effective, but patiently confronted Dorgon.
During   , he dispatched 5,000 generals, Zang Ba and Sun Guan, to assist Xueyue in defending Dongbu County, because the Jiaodong Yellow Turban put pressure on the right wing of the Chutian army. In order to prevent the back road from being cut off, Chu Tian had to divide his troops to guard the back road.
   Both sides sent cavalry to test each other, but they dared not make any moves.
   Zhao Gongzi and Kong Rong's soldiers and horses took advantage of Chu Tian to hold Dorgon, and took the initiative to invite Guan Hai to fight.
   Young Master Zhao has a fierce general himself, and Kong Rong also has a fierce general Tai Shici.
   Guan Hai, according to Dorgon's instructions, could not stick to it, no matter how Zhao Gongzi and Tai Shici called, they did not fight.
   Young Master Zhao and Kong fought forty thousand soldiers, facing the tricky Guan Hai, they didn’t know what to do for a while.
   The Yellow Turbans from other directions in Beihai Country are moving behind them.
Zhao Gongzi observed Guan Hai’s camp for two days: "The opponent’s camp is hard to find any flaws. General Taishi, I pretended that Yingling County was attacked, and I hurried back to my division. You and General Xue set up an ambush. Once the opponent sends troops, you Fighting from both sides, the enemy will be defeated."
   Gongzi Zhao did not expect to discuss with Kong Rong, at most he only discussed with Tai Shici in private.
   Kong Rong doesn't know the soldiers, but Tai Shi Ci can really fight. Even Tai Shi Ci was a general recruited by the player's door-kee to help Kong Rong.
   Tai Shici agreed, he led the archers, and the generals of Zhao Gongzi led the cavalry, who was responsible for ambushing Guanhai.
   Tobu County was attacked by the Yellow Turban Army in the direction of Gaomi County. The Yellow Turban Army wanted to retake Tobu County in the northern part of Langya and put pressure on Langya.
   Xueyue and Taishan thief Sun Kang and Wu Dun defended Tobu with 5,000 troops to resist the Yellow Turban army.
   The reason why Xueyue was sent to supervise the two Taishan thief generals was purely because Chutian did not trust Sun Kang and Wu Dun's intelligence enough, and used the player's system to quickly learn about the situation in Dongbu County.
   Once Tobu County is likely to fall, Chutian must allow the defenders to retreat safely from Tobu County, and then the main force will also leave Anqiu County.
   The supply line is cut off is not a trivial matter, the whole army will collapse in a few days.
   Currently, Chutian’s military rations mainly come from Ju County. Ju County transported the grain to the counties, and then through the counties to Chutian’s camp.
   Tobu County is occupied, the counties will be surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army, food will not be available, and there will be no war.
   Two Yellow Turban thieves, Sun Kang and Wu Dun, fought bravely to retreat from the Yellow Turban army.
   Xueyue commanded the Fire Arrow team to release arrows and burned the Yellow Turban's ladder.
   The battlefield is full of charred ladders, dead bodies, and broken flags.
   "I didn't expect that I would give up my lordship, just want to be a city lord and be drawn to fight."
   Xueyue is also very helpless.
  The Taishan thieves under Chu Tian are a group of reckless men, and they are not necessarily smarter than the players.
   After Zhou Yafu was taken to war by Chutian, he could only rely on some of his players to act as the military division of the Taishan Pirates.
  Without a think tank, the actual combat effectiveness of the Taishan thief general will be greatly reduced.
   So she received an order from Chu Tian to come to join the army.
   Chutian doesn't distinguish between men and women. If you have the ability, you must be strong.
   Wu Sangui, who was always unbeatable, appeared in the Yellow Turban Army again and commanded the Yellow Turban Army to attack the city.
However, it is difficult for him to lay down a city that has historical military commanders and players steadfastly. Outside the city, 5,000 people led by Zang Ba and Sun Guan came and killed them all the way to the city. They met with the Taishan thief led by Xueyue and made Dongbu County’s The army has reached 10,000.
   In addition, 500 free players from the Wolves Guild came to support their president and help defend Tobu Prefecture.
   Wu Sangui was still unable to penetrate Dongbu County, making him angry and holding a shield personally, leading the third-order infantry Yellow Turban Chang to attack the city.
   "President, we brought the crossbow you wanted!"
  Wolves’ Guild players lift the bed crossbow from the carriage. This kind of bed crossbow is one of the medium-sized defensive weapons, which can only be produced by special professional warsmiths.
   Xueyue was the first time in the Eastern Han District to see a player's own production of the bed crossbow, she couldn't help but glance at the properties of the bed crossbow.
   [Name]: Double Bow Bedzi Crossbow (Small)
   [Level]: four-level defense equipment
   [attack power]: 70 (decreasing with distance)
  [Number of operators]: 5-7
  [Production Workshop]: Xueyuecheng medium-sized defense equipment workshop
   "You really made a crossbow?"
   Xueyue was somewhat surprised by the fact that he had obtained the crossbow.
   With the perseverance of players in the Eastern Han Dynasty, as long as they have the skills to produce crossbows, they can continuously produce crossbows.
   Xueyue saw the Tang army use a bed crossbow to attack Anshi City during the National War, but this kind of defensive equipment is not common in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Players make fewer defensive equipment.
   Double-bow bed crossbow is equipped with two large bows, which are placed on the front and back of the crossbow arm to give full play to the potential of the bow arm.
The player military craftsman who created the small double-bow bed crossbow said: "If it is not for the production of defense equipment that requires the corresponding skills, we can even produce the Ba Niu crossbow and the return gun. As for the Zhuge Liannu, it is hard to say, after all, no one Know what it is like."
"I heard that the president, you participated in the crusade against the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou, so we specially transported it from Xueyue City by carriage. Time is rushed, and there is only time to produce five double-bow bedzi crossbows. If you serve the president, maybe the first lord will value us. Guild. Our guild has also been the first mainstream leader when it captured Langya City."
   "I will report your contribution to him, I think he will pay a lot of money to hire you to do things for him."
   Xueyue promised to come down.
   She also understands Chu Tian's character somewhat. With Chutian's desperate personality to strengthen his own strength, once Chutian knows that there are player soldiers who can produce bed crossbows, they might be locked in a small black room to produce bed crossbows for him at all times.
   Five double-bow bed crossbows were lifted to the city wall by the players and defenders together. Paired with the double-bow bed crossbow is a thick chisel arrow with a flat chisel shape. It is more like a short spear than a crossbow arrow.
   Xueyue suspected of being shot at close range by such a crossbow arrow, and it is estimated that the five tigers will also drink hatred on the spot.
   Five soldiers operate a bed crossbow, work together to winch the winch, use the draw force of the winch to spread the crossbow string and buckle it on the teeth, and the crossbowman installs the thick crossbow bolt.
   There is also a soldier holding a hammer, ready to hit the trigger with the power of the hammer and fire a crossbow arrow.
   The process of loading the crossbow is very manpower-consuming, but it is only a four-level defense weapon, and its power is already very amazing.
   Five bed crossbows are ready to go, these big guys give the defenders a little peace of mind.
   "A team of elite soldiers is approaching the city wall, maybe the enemy's first ascent team!"
   The defenders of the city wall looked down and found that the Yellow Turban Army was attacking the city again. One of the elite yellow turbans, under the cover of the Yellow Turban Army over the mountains, flooded towards Tobu County.
   "The Fire Arrow team is ready!"
   "Bowmen prepare!"
   "Hot oil, Yasha, and 礌石 are ready!"
   "Follow the command and don't waste the supplies for the city easily. We must insist on at least half a month to a month until the lord orders us to retreat!"
"Generals Sun Guan and Sun Kang, you lead a team of elite infantrymen. Once the enemy's first ascending team reaches the city, you will fight to drive them out. General Wu Dun led a reserve team, guarding the gate with swords and carts. Zang. General Overlord, we will command together."
   In Chutian’s Langya Kingdom system, Zang Ba’s power is similar to Xueyue, but other Taishan thief can send.
   "There is also a crossbow team, the first team that shoots the enemy!"
   Xueyue and Zang Ba received the support of five bed crossbows, so they used the bed crossbows to deal with the advance team of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.
   Under the city, Wu Sangui led the first ascend team composed of the yellow turban leader, and took the lead, braving the arrows of the defenders to launch a storm, and his shield was stuck with two arrows.
  The first-order Yellow Turban cannon fodder in front of it has begun to erect a ladder.
   Siege towers, crash carts, catapults and other large-scale siege equipment, Wu Sangui has not had time to produce, and he lacks artisans and buildings.
   The Yellow Turban Army uses the easiest and most effective method-using the simplest ladder and consuming a lot of lives to break the city!
   It’s really not good. When the piled up corpses are as high as the city wall, the Yellow Turban army siege can step on the corpses of their companions and attack the city wall!
   Wu Sangui is less than fifty meters away from the city wall.
   Suddenly, five thick crossbow arrows came and shot several yellow turbans around Wu Sangui!
   The simple shield could not stop the huge impact of the sharp crossbow arrows and the crossbow arrows, and the long yellow turban holding the shield was still killed.
   If it weren’t for the time required to reload the crossbow bolt, the high cost of the crossbow bolt, and its bulkiness, the bed crossbow would undoubtedly become a weapon to dominate the battlefield.
   In the battle of defending the city, the bed crossbow can overcome its bulky shortcomings and become the defender's support!
   "They actually have a crossbow!"
  Wu Sangui was shocked, even though the morale of himself and the yellow turban had declined, he continued to bite the bullet and charge.
   "Shoot that general!"
   Xueyue has already seen clearly that Wu Sangui's armor is better than the cloth armor of the ragged Yellow Turban Army, knowing that this is the general commanding the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.
   If he can be shot, he will make a great contribution. Maybe in the future, he will be promoted from the county magistrate to the prefecture.
   The contribution he made in the weak Chutian power was even greater than his defeat of the enemy's 100,000 army later.
   The five bed crossbows were reloaded on the crossbow arrow, adjusted the direction, and predicted the position of Wu Sangui.
   The five crossbow arrows made a sharp piercing sound, and once again shot at Wu Sangui and his yellow scarf leader!
   A crossbow arrow hit the shield in Wu Sangui's hand. Wu Sangui's arm was bent in an instant and fell to the ground!
  The yellow scarf around him was in a hurry and took the injured Wu Sangui off the battlefield.
   The rest of the Yellow Turban army was stagnant.
   General death or injury will affect the morale of the entire army.
   "It seems to have shot the general of the Yellow Turban Army!"
   "The opponent was killed or injured?"
   "I don't know."
   Xueyue and Zang Ba found that the bed crossbow had shot a Yellow Turban general. Although they did not know the other's name, it was obvious that they successfully delayed the Yellow Turban army's siege speed.
   As expected, the Yellow Turban army immediately withdrew like a tide after the main general was shot by a bed crossbow.
   This is a good opportunity to hunt down the Yellow Turbans.
   Taking advantage of the unknown casualties of the opponent's general, the gates of Tobu County opened wide, and the defenders broke out and defeated the Yellow Turbans outside the city!
   Both offensive and defensive sides were astonished by the sudden change of the situation. The large number of Yellow Turbans was defeated and Tobu Prefecture was temporarily saved. The number of Yellow Turbans killed by the 10,000 defenders of Tobu County in the battle of defending the city was as many as 4,000, and an additional 3,000 were captured.
   The Yellow Turban army that besieged Tobu County retreated. Wu Sangui, who was tenaciously vigorous, did not die, but was seriously injured, unable to move temporarily.
   Chutian then learned about the fighting situation in Tobu County, and was surprised that the four-level city defense equipment, the Double Bow Chuangzi Crossbow (small), had done so much.
   bed crossbow is a good thing, not only can be used to defend the city, but also can be used to siege the city, as well as the formation of a chariot tactic.
   The sturdy city and powerful defense equipment can kill many famous generals, such as Meng Ge and Nuerhachi.
   "A player who is a mercenary craftsman is preferably a player who has the skills to produce weapons, armors, large equipment, and ships. Intermediate or above blacksmiths, military craftsmen, and boat craftsmen are welcome to come, and the salary is good."
   Chutian knows the importance of craftsmen.
   In ancient times, even if they slaughtered the city, they did not easily kill artisans, but they would be taken away.
   Chutian plans to recruit artisans to serve in his army.
   Tobu County is safe, Chutian has no worries about the future and can deal with Dorgon with all his strength.
   He, Fang Xuanling, and Zhou Yafu observed Dorgon’s camp on the opposite side, but they never found a flaw.
   "Maybe we can only see the progress of Zhao Gongzi and Kong Rong. Their opponent is Guan Hai and should be able to defeat him."
   There is no progress on Chutian's side, and hope is placed on the Qingzhou army of Zhao Gongzi and Kong Rong.
   Guanhai’s force is not low, but his resourcefulness is not as good as Dorgon. Therefore, the breakthrough point is Guanhai.
  Dorgon was more upset than Chu Tian. For some reason, he was inexplicably scared when facing Chu Tian.
   "Daqu Shuai was defeated!"
   Dorgon was restless, and the Yellow Turban cavalry who had contacted Guan Hai returned to report.
   Dorgon changed his color in an instant: "I didn't let him guard Anqiu County, how could he play without authorization?"
   Not long ago, Zhao Gongzi and Kong Rong's coalition forces pretended to be attacked by other Yellow Turbans and deliberately retreated to lure the Yellow Turbans Qushuai Guanhai into battle.
   Guanhai led the Yellow Turban army out of the city, and after less than fifteen miles of pursuit, he was ambushed by Tai Shici and a cavalry general, and was defeated. Zhao Gongzi led a cavalry to bypass Guanhai and surprise Anqiu County.
   Now that Anqiu County has been occupied by officers and soldiers, Dorgon is facing the attack of two alien lords.
   "Idiot, withdraw!"
   Dorgon gritted his teeth and was extremely unwilling.
   There are many officers and soldiers who are dragging their feet, but the performance of the Yellow Turban generals is generally not good.
   "Young Master Zhao has captured Anqiu County. This is a good opportunity to hunt down Dorgon!"
   Chutian heard that the joint forces of Zhao Gongzi and Kong Rong defeated Guan Hai and occupied Anqiu County. As expected, he did not misunderstand the wrong person. He was waiting for this opportunity.
  Dorgon’s situation was precarious because of Guanhai’s defeat. In order to get out as soon as possible, Dorgon had to sacrifice part of the Yellow Turban army and let them hold Chutian behind.
   Chutian took the opportunity to capture another batch of Yellow Turbans.
   The Yellow Turban Army is nothing more than a peasant after all, and only a few are elite yellow turbans.
   "Ding! B-level achievement-‘Destroying the Yellow Turban’ (annihilating or capturing 100,000 Yellow Turban soldiers), you will get a reward: the characteristic of Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty-a great mentor."
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