Chapter 232: Battle to determine Xuzhou ownership

   "The opposing phalanx has a neat lineup. It seems that Xiang Yanzhijun and Zhou Yafu have similar styles."
   Chutian led Fang Xuanling and Lu Zhi ascended to observe the phalanx of the 200,000 coalition army in Xuzhou.
   "It is said that many soldiers are recruits temporarily recruited by Tao Qian in order to expand his strength. This is one of the few good news."
   Chutian saw the huge army of 200,000 people, and he couldn't help feeling a little afraid of the enemy's army.
   is equivalent to a Langya soldier who has to deal with 3 to 4 Xuzhou soldiers.
   "The enemy's army is indeed neat and tidy, plus the coalition on the opposite side is pieced together by different lords, it is not easy to have such an effect."
   Fang Xuanling and Lu Zhi also praised the enemy coach.
   Whether the coalition forces are commanded by famous generals, the combat effectiveness varies greatly.
   Some famous generals can even use prisoners to defeat enemies.
   Zhou Yafu and Li Guang formed the Chinese Army. Zhou Yafu is responsible for holding the line. The archers led by Li Guang hurt very much. Coupled with the elite archery battalion, their Chinese army is almost indestructible.
   The two wings are the cavalry of Hua Mulan and Xue Rengui.
   If possible, Chu Tian still hopes to break through on both wings.
   Langya navy division appeared near the battlefield as a threat, so the opponent did not dare to line up near the river.
   Opposite Yang Wudi and a cavalry lieutenant each led a team of cavalry as flanks, with Xiang Yan's thick infantry phalanx in the middle.
   "Sixty thousand people dared to take the initiative to go south and challenge the four counties with one county. Chu Zimou was too greedy."
   "This time I must make him fall into the sand!"
   The lords of Xuzhou are also watching the formation of Langya country.
   Langya country has 60,000 people, which is less than the coalition forces, but it is still endless. It can be seen that on a battlefield, hundreds of thousands of fighting are already at the limit.
   To command a huge army, not only rely on the sound of drums and flags, but also rely on cavalry to communicate.
   "The opposite should be Zhou Yafu, a famous general who is known for his strict management of the army. Zhou Yafu is the wall of the famous general and cannot be underestimated. According to the information collected, the longbowman led by Li Guang has very high damage. He often matches with Zhou Yafu."
   "This time the command will be given to Xiang Yan. Let's not point fingers at all. When it is time to lead the reserve team into battle, we will never hesitate."
   On the surface, the lords of Xuzhou reminded each other, but in fact they reminded Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian not to interfere with the command of the army.
   "The enemy has begun to test!"
   Chu Tian, ​​who was observing on the battlefield, received news of an enemy attack.
   Sure enough, the infantry phalanx on the opposite side began to move forward, spears and swords shielded, orderly.
   "Zhou Yafu finally met a well-matched opponent."
   Langya's troops are at a disadvantage, which means that Langya is on the defensive.
   Zhou Yafu did not rush to launch an attack, but waited for the 200,000 opponents to appear flaws.
   Even if the two sides stand for a long time without moving, the probability of a flaw in the formation of 200,000 people will be higher than that of the formation of 60,000.
  The infantry and archers on both sides gradually approached, and the rain of arrows shot, and the dense arrows covered the sky like locusts!
  The heavy infantry in the front row relies on shields and solid armor to resist the arrow rain, and the sound of iron collisions one after another.
   Once a heavy infantry in the front row is shot by arrow rain, the heavy infantry in the back row will immediately fill the vacancy.
   The generals on both sides are strict in governing the army, and the phalanx did not collapse due to one or two rounds of arrows.
   Shooting Acoustic Battalion exerted tremendous lethality at this time, and the arrows shot by Tier 6 longbowmen were deadly to Tier 4 heavy infantry.
   If the distance gets closer, the Archer Battalion uses armor-piercing heavy arrows, and the casualties of heavy infantry may be even more severe.
   "That is the sound shooting camp of Langya Kingdom, it is really powerful."
   Xiang Yan was in charge of the command. In the first round of probing, more than a hundred heavy infantrymen died under the arrows of the Archer Battalion.
   In order to prevent the 200,000 army of Xuzhou from breaking through with a single blow, Zhou Yafu directly dispatched a sound shooting battalion to suppress the formation and inflict a lot of damage on the enemy.
  The first time the two sides tried, the casualties were few.
After   , Xiang Yan sent a square formation to attack tentatively, but Zhou Yafu repelled.
  The cavalry on both sides waited patiently for the opportunity.
   "The cavalry on the opposite side is also divided into two wings, which means that Yang Wudi can only command a group of cavalry. As long as the opponent has no cavalry flank of Yang Wudi, we can win."
   Xue Rengui was observing the size of the cavalry on the opposite side.
   There are 4000 cavalry on his side, 500 of which are Datang archers, and there are about 10,000 cavalry on the opposite side.
   There may or may not be Yang Wudi on the opposite side.
   There is only one famous cavalry in the Xuzhou Allied Forces, which means that once the cavalry of the Xuzhou Allied Army is separated, there will be one cavalry that lacks the command of a famous general.
   "When will it be my Xiliang cavalry charge?"
   Huaxiong’s heavy cavalry were arranged on the flanks to assault the left flank of the opposing infantry phalanx.
   He is a little restless, this time he is going to be 60,000 to 200,000!
  The two sides began to line up in the early morning, and the temptation lasted from morning to noon, and each other's army was a bit tired.
   "The other party is really patient, Zhou Yafu is also very patient."
   Chutian felt that his patience was wiped out, let alone the soldiers standing in the formation at this time.
   If the commanders of both sides are defensive generals, the battle will fall into a stalemate.
   Chutian, Fang Xuanling, and Lu Zhi casually ate some of the dry food they brought, and they didn't feel much in the mood to feast on them.
  Because this decisive battle was too crucial, he decided to belong to Xuzhou, so Chu Tian would rather win the battle and be drunk and dream of death, and could not eat at this time.
  咚! Boom! Boom!
   The dull sound of giant drums from far and near, the ground trembled!
   In order to make the drum sound cover a larger area, the Xuzhou Allied Forces used a hundred cowhide war drums in several locations to transmit military orders!
   The roar of the war drum means that the opponent is finally about to attack!
   Except for the reserve team, all the main forces are on the opposite side!
   One hundred thousand infantry phalanx came to Zhou Yafu and Li Guang’s 30,000 people!
  The war eagle hovered in the air, taking a bird's eye view of the entire battlefield. I saw Xiang Yanjun concentrating all the elite infantry as the vanguard, intending to break through Zhou Yafu's square frontally!
  The cavalry of Yang Ye and the lieutenant cavalry is only used to protect the phalanx of 100,000 infantry!
   In Xiang Yan’s rear army, there are 70,000 infantry and archers as reserves!
   Xiangyan's face expression.
   "The enemy knows that Zhou Yafu is commanding the Chinese army here, as well as the Xiliu Battalion and the Shooting Battalion. They want to break through from the front..."
   Chutian did not expect that Xiang Yan would directly break through the infantry phalanx, completely using more than 20,000 cavalry as a cover force!
   Lu Zhi's face was solemn: "It seems that the enemy general has confidence in his infantry."
"Although Zhou Yafu and Li Guang only have 30,000 people, they are equivalent to tens of thousands of low-level infantry and archers only by the Acoustic Shooting Battalion and the Xiliu Battalion, so they will never be broken. As long as the Acoustic Shooting Battalion shoots the opposite morale Beng, so many soldiers and horses on the opposite side are useless."
   Chutian has confidence in Zhou Yafu and Li Guang.
   Xiangyan’s 100,000 infantry regiments stormed the Zhou Yafu-Li Guang regiment, violent arrow rain covered each other, and there were a large number of soldiers casualties every moment!
   Li Guang personally went into battle, in the front row, there were no missing arrows. On the opposite side, several corps leaders were shot by Li Guang, and the morale of the surrounding Xuzhou archers fell!
The offensive of the infantry phalanx opposite    was also fierce, with heavy infantry, shooting battalions, and Xiliu battalions being shot and killed.
   Finally, the two large infantry phalanx collided, the halberds, spears, and shields collided, and the battlefield became a meat grinder!
  The phalanx of 100,000 infantry ran into the phalanx of 30,000, and the phalanx of 30,000 tended to falter!
   Chu Tian was secretly surprised, because he rarely saw Zhou Yafu collapse when he was on the defensive!
   Is Zhou Yafu's troops too low?
   "Order the cavalry to attack!"
   Seeing that the Chinese army was unstable, Chutian could only rely on the two wings to launch an offensive.
   "Break down the opposing light cavalry!"
   Xue Rengui and Hua Mulan on the two wings received the order, knowing that only by destroying the opposing cavalry as soon as possible can they gain a chance for the Chinese army!
   Even if there is Yang Wudi and a larger number of cavalry on the opposite side, we must never move forward!
   Four thousand cavalry rushed out on both wings!
   "I was surrounded by you last time, but this time I was fighting head-on. I have a military advantage. You may not be my opponent."
   Yang Ye shook his spear and led 12,000 cavalry to meet Xue Rengui's 4,000 cavalry!
   On the other side, a cavalry lieutenant led 15,000 cavalry to meet Hua Mulan's 4,000 cavalry!
   Horseshoes are rolling, and more than 30,000 cavalry are fighting in the plains!
   To the south of the Yellow River, it is a rare battle for cavalry with more than 30,000 people to fight!
   The Tang archers were at the forefront, shooting arrows with horn bows, and hundreds of Xuzhou light cavalry fell on their horses with arrows, and they were trampled into flesh by the horses following them!
  The Tang sword was pulled out, and the two cavalrymen clashed. Xue Rengui moved Fang Tian's halberd, chopped more than ten horses, and tore a hole in Yang Ye's cavalry!
   Yang Ye also led his troops to break through Xue Rengui's cavalry!
   It’s just that Yang Ye had a bit of difficulty when fighting Xue Rengui’s Datang archers. The bright Tang swords of the archers slashed Yang Ye’s armor, almost slashing Yang Ye.
   Tier VI light cavalry, coupled with Xue Rengui cavalry's armor-breaking ability, Yang Ye didn't feel so comfortable.
   On the other side, Hua Mulan was holding a horse, and almost four times as many as his enemy line. The iron eagle scouts by his side followed and drove straight in. The situation was better than Xue Rengui's situation.
   The enemy generals she faced were ordinary Golden Cavalry generals, but they had more troops.
  The infantry, archers, and light cavalry on both sides fought, and only the reserve team was replenishing its energy and had not officially played.
  There are free players who come to the battlefield specially, risking their lives in order to witness this large-scale battle that determines Xuzhou's ownership.
   In the battles in the Eastern Han Dynasty so far, I am afraid that the number of participants in this large-scale battle can be ranked in the top ten.
   The fierce battle between the two sides lasted for an hour, and thousands of people were killed in the battle.
   "Sixty thousand people can block the offensive of the 200,000 army, and it hasn't collapsed yet. This is already incredible in itself."
   "If the army of Chu Zimou in Langya country has 200,000, enough to sweep all the places south of the Yellow River, Cao Cao may not be able to stop his army."
  The free players who are watching the battle are impressed by the strength of Langya's army, and they can carry three times the army without collapsing.
   They came to watch the battle and could retreat on horseback at any time. It was worth witnessing the fighting power of the army of the first lord in the Eastern Han Dynasty.
   "Chu Zimou is really difficult to deal with, we should use our hole cards and send heavy cavalry to attack the opponent's left wing!"
   Seeing that the timing was almost the same, the Xuzhou Allied Forces mobilized 1,500 heavy cavalry as the decisive force!
   1,500 heavy cavalry lined up behind the infantry phalanx. All the cavalry were wearing heavy armor, their horses were wearing horse armor, and they carried spears to attack Zhou Yafu’s phalanx!
   The heavy cavalry is like a torrent of steel, dozens of rows deep, like waves hitting Zhou Yafu's flanks!
   "The shock cavalry of the Xuzhou Allied Forces was finally used. Thousands of heavy cavalry. How much silver tael does it cost to build such a cavalry? One hundred thousand taels? Two hundred thousand taels?"
   "Heavy cavalry is dispatched. If Langya's army cannot stop it, then the outcome of this battle can be divided."
  Many free players who watched the game gave pointers to the country.
   The 1,500 heavy cavalry was mighty, but Zhou Yafu had known for a long time that the opponent had a heavy cavalry, and deployed chariots and archers on the flanks.
When the heavy cavalry on the opposite side hits the flanks, the Archer Battalion first fired a round of armor-piercing heavy arrows, killing dozens of heavy cavalry, and then retreated backwards, revealing a wagon, spear, large shield, and crossbow. Car Fort!
The face of the heavy cavalry showed fear, but they could no longer stop the charge or change direction.
   The double-bow bed crossbow shoots thick and long crossbow arrows, even the armor of the heavy cavalry is shot through by the crossbow arrows!
   The deterrence brought by the bed crossbow is frightening.
   The defensive line composed of gun forests and chariots blocked the heavy cavalry from attacking. The shooting battalion at the rear shot and killed the heavy cavalry on the opposite side.
   Some heavy cavalry still attacked the car fort, interspersed between the gaps of the car fort, waiting for them in the rear was a dozen long spears, stabbing them to death!
   "Block the opposing heavy cavalry."
   Chutian squeezed a cold sweat secretly, even the chariot was almost completely destroyed by the heavy cavalry.
   Fortunately, there are Acoustic Shooting Battalion and Xiliu Battalion in the rear to stabilize the defense line, bringing a lot of damage to the opposing heavy cavalry, and the piled up corpses blocked the offensive of the heavy cavalry behind, which was regarded as blocking the opponent's heavy cavalry from charging. UU reading
   The heavy cavalry of the Xuzhou Allied Forces failed the impact, so they retreated, intending to destroy the chalet by the infantry.
   The bed crossbow deployed on the chariot is powerful, but the loading speed is too slow. In the face of a steady stream of infantry, it is a drop in the bucket, and it is still necessary to rely on the infantry to see through the chariot defense line.
   "Their heavy cavalry failed, let them see what a real heavy cavalry is. Huaxiong led the Xiliang cavalry to destroy the enemy formation!"
   The Xiliang Iron Cavalry's order to attack was passed to Hua Xiong's ears through the scout cavalry, and Hua Xiong was ready to go.
   "Finally it's our turn to go to battle! Brothers, wait for me to rush forward!"
   Huaxiong led a thousand Xiliang cavalry out of the gap of the infantry phalanx, simply changed the formation, and began to attack the massive Xuzhou Allied Forces with heavy cavalry!
   When the Xiliang cavalry appeared on the battlefield, the focus of the entire battlefield became the galloping Xiliang cavalry!
   Langya country also has a heavy cavalry of thousands!
   And these thousand heavy cavalry are different from the ordinary heavy cavalry put together by the Xuzhou Allied Forces. The invisible momentum of the Xiliang cavalry makes people aware of the gap between the two heavy cavalry!
   "They are a county, how can they recruit such a large cavalry!"
   The lords of Xuzhou were shocked this time. With the financial resources of Langya, they could not support such a large cavalry in any case!
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