Chapter 272: Strong enemy Rome

   "The Joan of Arc of France has been captured, and France's strength will drop by a small amount. For me, it may be a good thing."
   The German lord Hohenzollern learned that the French lord had lost a core hero, and he was a little gloating in surprise.
   France is a great enemy of Germany, and the capture of France’s hero may be a good thing for him.
   After the defeat of the three European lords, they retreated to the rear and joined the lords of Rome.
   The French lord was furious. He tried to negotiate with Chu Tian and demanded to redeem his hero, but Chu Tian insisted on asking for 300,000 taels of gold. He could not redeem Joan of Arc at all, nor could he use force to take it back.
   The Roman Lord learned that the three European lords had been defeated, and knew that all the glory and the loss would be lost, so he lifted the siege of the old Qin and turned to the defensive position with the European lords.
   The Roman lord also knew about Joan of Arc's capture. He was indifferent, and France's strength was damaged, which may not be a good thing for Rome.
"If we fight head-on, our French knights will not be defeated. He used sneak attacks and suddenly attacked our flanks, which led to our defeat. We should join forces to defeat the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty and defeat'I just want to farm well.' He drove off from the first position!"
   The French lord was so worried about the defeat. He tried to persuade other lords in Europe to take action against Chu Tian and take back Joan of Arc.
   But a few European lords fell on deaf ears.
   Chutian’s legion now has eleven cities. In the nearby area, there is another city from Zhang Dao and six cities from Lao Qin. The Eastern Han faction is huge, with a total of 18 cities.
   The strength of the European lords is not bad. The Roman lords have seven cities, the French lords have six cities, the German lords have five cities, and the English lords have four cities, for a total of 22 cities.
  The two sides really fought, but in fact, no one can do anything about it.
   "Mainly on defense."
   The Lord of Rome finally decided.
   After the defeat of the three major European lords, the Roman lords were the strongest, and the other three lords were not allowed to listen to their opinions. Whoever is stronger has the right to speak.
   Eastern Han camp, Chu Tian found that his expansion seemed to have reached its limit.
   The southern European lord faced his threat and formed a strong alliance. The 22 cities supported each other, and it was difficult for Chutian to conquer.
   The greatest threat to Chutian is the Roman Legion.
   The Roman Legion has an imperial commander, and it seems that there is more than one. Even the correction of Old Qin had to temporarily avoid the Roman Legion in the absence of an imperial commander.
   Jiaojiao Old Qin learned that Chu Tian was going south, so he took the initiative to lead the army to join Chu Tian.
   Jiao Jiao Lao Qin was followed by Lu Bu, Gao Shun and other generals who had hatred with Chutian. When Lu Bu saw Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Li Guang and others brought by Chu Tian, ​​his face was gloomy. He can vividly remember Li Guangfang's injury to him in Hulao Pass.
   "I didn't expect you to borrow Lu Feng first."
   Behind Chutian was a group of strong guards, and he was not worried about Lu Bu.
   He looked at Gao Shun, the general next to Lu Bu. Gao Shun is also a loyal to stubborn military commander, who has been following Lu Bu.
   Gao Shun's expression was calm, and he didn't understand why Chutian's eyes were glaring at him.
   "I lacked a strongman, fortunately, Lu Fengxian helped. The territory of the southern valley has been divided up, and it doesn't make much sense for you to come again."
  赳赳 When Lao Qin met, he talked to Chu Tian about his most concerned points.
   The northern part was divided by Chutian and Ekaterina, and the southern part was divided by Old Qin and European lords. According to Old Qin's statement, if Chutian wanted to expand anymore, he would have to seize the city from the three forces of Old Qin, Zhang Dao and European lords.
   The city of the Eastern Han dynasty, Chutian, would definitely not be able to move, and could only seize the city from the European lords.
   But there are 22 cities on the opposite side, which can assemble more than 200,000 troops. The two sides fought hard, and it was a situation where both sides suffered.
   "It is two months before the end of the national war. I only need to suppress the European lords and keep them at their current scale. I am the first..."
  Chutian has eleven cities and generates 3300 points every ten days, while the Roman Lord has seven cities and generates 2100 points every ten days. Chu Tian does not need to continue to expand, and no one can surpass him.
   The biggest competitors are all in front of them. If the number of their cities does not increase, Chu Tian will be the first.
   In other words, Chutian only needs to postpone the European lords here in the next two months.
   "I heard that you captured Joan of Arc of France. I haven't seen this hero yet. I wonder if I can take a look?"
  赳赳 Old Qin couldn't help but be surprised when he learned that Chutian had done this shocking thing.
   Every civilization has several very popular heroes. The heroes of France were captured by the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is very strange.
   "She is still under house arrest by me."
   Chutian didn't show off Joan of Arc. This should have been as low-key as possible, but the French lord ran away and couldn't hide it. Chu Tian also generously admitted.
   Joan is still considering whether to gain freedom after five years of playing for the Eastern Han Dynasty and return to her loyal France.
   "Zhang Dao and them are indistinguishable, but it turns out that you took advantage. It's really unpredictable."
  赳赳 Lao Qin couldn't help being jealous about Chutian capturing the French heroes. He didn't care to offend France. If he were to catch a Roman commander, he would even dare to offend Rome.
Zhang Dao shook his head: "If it weren't for Chu Zimou to go south, I guess I would be beaten up by three Europeans. Although I hate them, I have to admit that European iron cans are difficult to break when confronted head-on. Chu Zimou is. Because there are fierce generals, it is possible to quickly clear the plate knights."
   "Europe’s production of iron cans is limited. Only the nobles have such equipment. It is not a concern. Moreover, it is not necessary to confront them head-on."
   Chutian was equally impressed by the whole body plate armor.
Lao Qin drew a nearby map: "This place is actually a basin, and there is a plain further south, and Mingguan is on the southern plain. However, he seems to be fighting against the lords of the Arab Empire and the Persian Empire, and he has no time to take care of himself. That’s why I said that all the territories have been divided up and the next battle is of little significance. If you want to eliminate the European lords who have 22 cities, you can’t do it in two months, even two or three cities. Can't beat it."
   "Other lords also face difficulties in annexing each other."
   The road of Chutian's southward expansion was blocked by the Roman Legion. He discussed with Old Qin and Zhang Dao, and finally decided to confront the Roman Legion, but not to fight, and maintain the current situation.
   The Roman Legion was restrained by them and was unable to continue its expansion.
  The forces of both sides are gathered in the city on the front line.
   Chutian can see the eagle flag of the Roman legion opposite.
   It is said that the commander-in-chief of the Roman legion is Scipia who defeated Hannibal. In addition to Scipio, there are several other famous Romans.
   In a sense, the threat of the Lord of Rome is greater than that of Ekaterina, but Ekaterina uses the mobility of the cavalry to break the game faster. Ekaterina also has the characteristics of a tsar, and has the ability to control a servant army, so she ranks ahead of the Roman lord.
   "The Roman Empire, as a civilization spanning three continents, plus the Byzantine Empire, has a history of a thousand years, and has fought all over the world. It has given birth to many commanders and famous generals, and may be our greatest enemy."
   Chutian is somewhat afraid of Rome.
   Rome can be said to be the civilization with the most famous generals besides the Eastern Han Dynasty.
   The Mughal Empire had a huge population and fertile soil, but the quality of heroes was not as good as the Eastern Han Dynasty and Rome, and even more reluctant than the Eastern Han Dynasty.
   "Are you not going to compete with the Roman legion? The most powerful legion in Europe in the classical era. At that time, the civilization that stood side by side with the Qin and Han dynasties was called the "Great Qin" in Rome in the East."
  Ekaterina urged Chutian to attack the Roman Legion.
"I'm already number one. Why take the risk to attack the Roman Legion? On the opposite side, besides the Roman Legion, there are three knights of European lords. Now two months have passed. They should have recruited the first batch of high-level arms. Replenish their losses. Once I fail to attack the Roman Legion, your Legion will break its promise and attack my city in the north."
   Chutian noticed the time point of two months. The 1,000 Infantry Battalion (Fifth Northern Army Academy) and the 1,000 Detachment Army recruited by Chu Tian in the first city have been trained, and the first batch of knights recruited by the European lords on the battlefield of the national war is likely to have also come out.
   Ekaterina found that Chu Tian was not fooled, and felt somewhat resentful.
   She had already noticed that Chu Tian didn't want to let her go.
   The Roman legion opposite also noticed the intentions of the Eastern Han dynasty, and the Lord of Rome was in trouble. Chu Tian confronted him, he didn't have the strength to expand, and he could only maintain the scale of seven cities, while Chu Tian had eleven cities, and the points of both sides would get bigger and bigger.
   Sometimes containment is the best offense.
   "The Easterners are really cunning. After ensuring that they can get the first place, they will not let me expand. If this continues, my points will not even reach the top five."
   The Roman Lord was very annoyed by Chutian's tactics.
   But he did not dare to take the initiative to attack Chutian. There are a large number of servants under Chu Tian, ​​and one lord is equivalent to several lords. Old Qin also had a combination of generals such as Lu Bu, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Wu, Li Xin, and Gao Shun, and the Roman Legion could not please. Therefore, the Lord of Rome can only choose to defend, defeat the attack of the Eastern Han Army through defense, and then counterattack.
   Chutian's tactics of besieging but not attacking made his defensive counterattack tactics invalid.
   "Let our Roman legions go out and destroy the enemy."
   The Roman commander-in-chief Scipio asked to go out.
   "Joan of Arc has been captured alive, I don't want you to be captured alive. We can unite the Mediterranean and fight the Eastern Han Dynasty again. There is no need to rush for a while."
   The Roman lord feared that the imperial commander-in-chief Scipio was captured by the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the consequences would be more serious than that of Joan of Arc.
   In addition to the French lords, other European lords were also afraid of the Eastern Han Dynasty and were unwilling to fight.
So time passed day by day in the confrontation between the two sides, and no one could do nothing. Chu Tian owns eleven cities, and his points are getting higher and higher, surpassing Zhang Dao, who has only one city, and the three European lords whose vitality is greatly injured. Ranked first.
   The Roman Legion has a powerful expansion ability, but it was delayed by Chutian, unable to move, and the points were far behind.
   In the north, Zhao Long, who was attacking a city, was attacked by Cossack cavalry. He lacked an elite army and was quickly defeated and surrounded by the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
   "Ekaterina is not an ally? How could her army attack me?"
   This is the second time that Zhao Long has been defeated by the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. This time he and his military commander Shi Long live are in more dangerous situations.
   After expansion, the Army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow has grown from 60,000 to 100,000.
   Zhao Long only had more than 10,000 low-rank soldiers in his hands. He encountered the 100,000-man Army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow on the plain. The other party had Cossack cavalry, which was not an opponent at all.
   "Lord, I will risk your death to cover your breakthrough!"
   Long live Shi facing the siege, still full of pride.
   "There are 100,000 enemies, it is difficult to break through, we will all die in battle."
   Zhao Long knew that the Cossack cavalry of the Grand Duchy of Moscow was present. It was almost impossible for them to escape, because they would soon be overtaken by the Cossack cavalry.
   A blond female officer led the Cossack cavalry out to persuade Zhao Long to surrender.
"Friends of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in Lower Sophia, I took the initiative to attack your legion only to save our lord. If you surrender, I will never hurt you. To be precise, this is not a surrender, because I just want Use you to exchange ideas with Chu Zi, so that our lord can come back safely. He is a shrewd person, and I suspect he has no idea of ​​putting our lord back."
  Ekaterina’s adjutant Sophia is worried.
   At this time, it has been two months since Chutian promised to release Ekaterina. If it is delayed, the national war will end.
  Sophia is very suspicious that Chu Tian is coveting the beauty of their lord and wants to take Ekaterina back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.
   "Chu Zimou..."
   Zhao Long found out that he was attacked by the Grand Duchy of Moscow because Chu Tian took Ekaterina and couldn't help feeling depressed.
  His strength was not weak, but he was attacked by the Grand Duchy of Moscow twice in a row, and his points were almost the bottom. Now he will become a prisoner of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
   "This is not a surrender, but an exchange. I will owe Chu Zimou a favor."
   Zhao Long understands the origin of the other party, and in this case there is nothing to compromise.
   If Shi Wansui was killed in the war, it would be a huge loss for the Eastern Han Dynasty.
"thanks for your cooperation."
   Sophia placed Zhao Long and Shi Long live under house arrest, and then led his troops to ambush the Huma and Lianpo regiments, once again relying on their strength to force the heavy losses Huma and Lianpo to compromise.
  The elite of the Lianpo Army has been exhausted in the war against the Mughal Empire, and it is difficult to resist the powerful Moscow Grand Duchy Army.
   Huma heard Sofia’s intentions, so he thought about it a little bit. In order to prevent Lian Po from being killed, he chose to compromise.
   "Lord Lord, I'm here to save you. Cunning Orientals are not credible at all. Only in this way can you be saved."
  Ekaterina has recruited many talents in the Great Plains of Eastern Europe covering an area of ​​4 million square kilometers. Even if she leaves her command, this army is still terrifying.
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