Chapter 392: Kuwakai Empire

Latest website: "shit! Which civilized army is this?"
The lord of an African tribal civilization occupied a city with tribal civilization. When he saw the mighty imperial army surrounding his city, his legs were weak.
There are at least one hundred thousand troops under the city, and they are not ordinary arms, but high-level arms!
A tiger army with full armor, a rattan soldier with a full body of rattan armor, a huge war elephant, a three-layered heavy armored soldier of Wei... countless elite armors are dazzling, armed with sharp weapons, and the black is crushed, without seeing the end.
Obviously, this is an army that can only be possessed by the most powerful civilizations!
Chu Tian, ​​Huo An, Xu Fengnian, Zhang Dao, Mu Ke and other princes were listed at the forefront, observing the tribal indigenous army guarding the city. Chu Tian seldom dealt with African civilizations. In the past, among the servants of Ekaterina, he had seen the armies of African tribes.
Ekaterina, Chu Tian almost forgot her looks.
Huoan stayed on the restless warhorse: "According to the captive native scout, this is the lord of the Songhai Empire. The Songhai Empire is a civilization in West Africa. The Songhai Empire was in its heyday, from the tropical rainforest in the south to the Sahara Desert in the north. , Reaching the Atlantic coast in the west, is famous for the gold trade."
Mu Ke said: "The game expansions I have seen before show that the population of West Africa is one-sixth of our Eastern Han Dynasty, which is roughly equivalent to two states, so we cannot underestimate it."
Chu Tian squinted, and behind him were Cao Cao, Xue Rengui, Chen Qingzhi, Wei Qing, and Le Yi: "Two states...How many cities do they have in this national war?"
"Five cities. At least 150,000 indigenous main force."
"It's a neutral civilization, let them get off our way, or we will attack the city immediately."
Chu Tian acted in accordance with the established strategy, and would greet the great civilization with a little strength in advance. As long as they obediently roll to the side and hand over the cities along the way to the control of the Han army, a big battle can be avoided.
Like the Americas, Africa does not have many decent heroes, but the arms are special. In view of the balance mechanism of the various civilization areas of the game, Africa has iron and war horses, which are equivalent to special barbarians, and it is a bit tricky to really fight.
Huo An gave Gao Xianzhi a wink to the Ministry, and Gao Xianzhi moved forward and relayed Chutian's words to the African chief.
The indigenous defenders in the city were in a commotion, and the city was besieged by the largest civilization of the Han Empire!
The East Route Army of the Han Empire asked the defenders of this city to immediately abandon the city and allow their troops to leave.
"This is a trap. Once we get out of the city, there is no city, arrow tower, or fortress, we will be crushed by the eastern cavalry!"
"Waiting for the arrival of other chiefs, the Han Empire will not be able to attack for a long time, and will definitely withdraw its troops."
The lords of the Songhai Empire thought this was a trap set by Chutian and they couldn't resist leaving the city. Then they exploded frantically, turning the residents of the city into tribal archers, shield soldiers, javelins, noble cavalry, and guards.
Chu Tian gave the Sanghai Empire a chance, but the chief was totally unwilling to leave.
"Part of the soldiers and horses attacked the city, part of the soldiers and horses attacked the city, and the remaining soldiers and horses protected the squadron."
Chu Tian weighed the forces in his hand and decided to attack the city.
The Han army was divided into three parts. Chu Tian gathered a large number of low-level arms, with Le Yi as the siege commander, and all the princes sent a team first to conquer the city.
Chutian sent Le Jin, Zhou Cang, Dian Wei, and Li Guang. Huo An sent fierce general Li Siye, Xu Fengnian sent Wang Tieqiang, Zhang Dao sent Zhang Liang, and Mu Ke sent a Nanban general. Over two meters, the physique is amazing.
Mu Ke explained: "This is Wutugu's father, surrendering to my army. His armour is the Vine Armor."
Wutugu is the unlucky character who was burned by Zhuge Liang in the vine armor army in the romance and was wiped out by the army. However, Wu Tu Gu's figure is tall, and his force is not low.
A hundred thousand army is ready to attack the city, and the soldiers skillfully command the soldiers to build trebuchets, siege towers, ladders, and siege equipment. All kinds of high-ranking cavalry and war elephants are guarded around, as long as other lords of the Songhai Empire dare Come to reinforce this city, then you will be hit by a large number of heavy cavalry.
No matter how special the arms of the African indigenous empire were, they could not stop the heavy cavalry's assault on the Gobi. The heavy cavalry was too destructive in the cold weapon era.
While preparing to attack the city, Chu Tian contacted the other two armies, requesting cooperation in pushing down the city blocked by the Sanghai Sanghai Empire.
The current situation is that the Han Empire is in the south, the Persian Empire is in the north, and the Songhai Empire is in the east.
The Han army marched northward for a hundred miles, the Persian Empire lord avoided its edge, and then the Han army turned eastward, marching toward one of the main cities, and hit the reckless Sanghai Empire civilization.
According to the marching route, it is not unavoidable, but to avoid the Songhai Empire. It will be a big circle to make the supply line longer. It is better to straighten it out and get points for the national war by the way.
"Assault the Songhai Empire and drive them out of the battlefield of national warfare."
Old Qin and Mingguan two soldiers and horses also began to attack the Sanghai Empire city on the way to temper the army.
The Three-Route Han Army is composed of 15 princes, while the Sanghai Empire has only five chiefs!
The chiefs of the Sanghai Empire gradually realized that the situation was not quite right. The three-way Han army had more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, and a total of 500,000 troops attacked. Such an army is terrifying for any civilization. Extremely!
Chutian’s Eastern Route Army spent a day building siege equipment.
The next day, dozens of trebuchets, dozens of ballistas, hundreds of ladders and carts were formed, as well as eight towering siege towers, standing high, overlooking the city!
The chief of the Songhai Empire knew this time that he had provoke an incredible behemoth. But he had too high expectations for the city wall, hoping that he could hold on with the city wall. As long as the Han Empire could not attack it for a long time, the Han army would soon withdraw.
There are five cities in the Sanghai Empire, and three of them were attacked by three Han forces at the same time!
Now that it is decided to flatten the Sanghai Empire in the way and reduce one competitor for the main city, then the offensive will be as fast as the wind and plunder as fire!
"Liang Hongyu, led the three thousand shooting battalion and five thousand crossbowmen to cover."
Chu Tian asked Liang Hongyu, who was good at commanding crossbowmen, to command the crossbow troops to provide support to Le Yi's siege troops.
As a hero of the crossbow system, Liang Hongyu is very practical and makes up for the lack of elite crossbow troops in Chutian. Li Guang's arms are actually more inclined to cavalry, while Li Ling's infantry has not been recruited yet, and Liang Hongyu is stronger than Li Ling.
The troops commanded by Le Yi consisted of five first-comers, each with 1,000 elite, and 30,000 low-rank soldiers as cannon fodder units.
In addition, Huo An, Zhang Dao, Xu Fengnian, and Mu Ke each produced 8,000 crossbowmen and formed a 40,000 crossbow force with Chutian’s 8,000 crossbowmen!
"It's not a problem to win this city. The problem is that it consumes a lot of armaments."
Chu Tian roughly estimated that for the 40,000 crossbow troops, all of them would consume 40,000 crossbow arrows in one round of arrows! After a battle, hundreds of thousands or millions of arrows are gone!
Fortunately, the Han army established a supply line, and the rear would transport the produced armaments to the front line. At the same time, after occupying the enemy's city, part of the supply could also be obtained.
Relying on the methods of production and plundering can barely maintain consumption.
With an order from Chu Tian, ​​the soldiers pulled the ropes of the catapult and threw out dozens of kilograms of stones. The roaring stones hit the city wall, and the bricks appeared spider-web-like cracks!
The soldier hammered the bed crossbow, and the sharp crossbow arrow hit the arrow tower, taking away the corner of the arrow tower directly! A crossbow arrow hit the city wall, and it was actually submerged in the city wall. The rubble fell and spilled all over the ground!
Hundreds of carts cover the advance of the elite archers of the Han army. Hundreds of low-level infantry push the tall siege tower close to the wall. On the siege tower, the marksman of the archer battalion is ready, and they will be in command. In the posture, with the crossbowmen under the city, pincering the defenders.
More crossbowmen and foot soldiers lined up in a square array. As long as the longbowmen protected by the carts and siege towers suppress the defenders, they will step forward to suppress the defenders on a larger scale.
The five first-comers are ready.
Li Guang moved his muscles and bones, carrying a big bow, looking majestic. Le Jin is relatively short, but he is extremely brave desperately. Zhou Cang's five big and three rough, marching and fighting are not good, but the force is not bad.
Chu Tian glanced at Huo An's camp, and there was a fierce general Li Siye. Li Siye has an elite infantry-Datang Modao team. However, Huo An did not have the luxury of using the expensive Modao team to attack the city. Instead, he chose elite infantry from the 36 countries of the Western Regions, and was commanded by Li Siye.
Xu Fengnian directly dispatched Wang Tiejian, the most powerful general under his command, and swept the army with one iron gun.
Zhang Dao sent Zhang Liang and Huang Jinchang. The yellow turban is similar to the faith infantry of the Arab Empire, and can be regarded as elite.
Mu Ke sent Wutugu's father and the vine armor army.
In attacking the city of the Sanghai Empire this time, in addition to the fact that the opponent didn't know how to promote it, Chu Tian also meant to run into a few princes. The Sanghai Empire is not yet a powerful civilization, it is the most suitable for practice.
The black and heavy siege troops moved forward, and the natives who defended the city began to panic. Faced with the powerful offensive of the Han army, they gradually lost confidence in whether they could hold onto the city.
Generals Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Liao, Li Hu, and Liu Zongmin each selected a siege tower. The force of these generals also plays a role in the siege. They can use their superb bow skills to slay the African tribe heroes on the wall!
The role of the siege tower is not only to suppress the defenders with crossbows, but also to lower the suspension bridge, and the infantry will continue to attack the city wall along the wooden ladder inside the siege tower!
The indigenous archers on the city wall began to throw a rain of arrows and shoot the carts!
A round of arrow rain fell, and most of the carts were covered by the arrow rain, but they were all blocked by the carts, and the longbowmen hiding behind lost little.
"Use the rocket!"
The chieftain of the Songhai Empire scolded the native archers under his command, so the native archers replaced them with more destructive rockets. A round of rockets filled the sky and turned down! The arrow violently rubbed against the air, colliding with the cart and the siege tower!
"Did it work?!"
The chiefs of the Songhai Empire and a group of tribal heroes hope to use rockets to burn down the siege equipment that threatens the city, especially the 12-meter-high siege tower.
Thousands of rockets hit them, but they were blocked by the leather or iron pieces of the carts and siege towers. Even the fire arrows could hardly ignite these siege equipment!
"Let go!"
The longbowman of the Han army at the back of the car appeared from the back of the car after entering the firing range and threw the defender of the city wall!
Arrows are like shooting stars, dozens of indigenous archers were shot by Han Longbowmen!
"Go forward, divide into three columns, and shoot in turns!"
Le Yi ordered the 30,000 Han Army crossbowmen prepared in the rear to line up in three rows, each with 10,000 Han Army crossbowmen!
The crossbowmen of the Han army have long loaded crossbow arrows. Compared with the high rate of fire of the longbow, the advantage of the infantry crossbow is that it can be loaded with the crossbow in advance, without the need for power maintenance.
Thirty thousand Han army crossbowmen stepped forward, ten thousand Han army crossbowmen in the first row aimed at the city wall, and 10,000 crossbow arrows shot out! Another 10,000 crossbow arrows were shot out from the second row of Han crossbows! The third platoon of Han crossbowmen fired crossbow arrows...
When the third row of crossbowmen has finished shooting, the first row of crossbowmen has reloaded their crossbow arrows!
The continuous high-intensity crossbow shooting has resulted in the killing of hundreds of tribal archers and infantry! The indigenous soldiers of the Songhai Empire didn't even dare to appear, otherwise they would be shot and killed by the dense crossbow arrows!
The Han army seemed to have a fear of lack of firepower. The continuous rain of arrows washed away the defenders. The wooden arrow tower was shot into a sieve by thousands of arrows. All tribal marksmen on the arrow tower were killed!
Boom, boom, boom!
The sound of war drums reverberated in the air. After the Han archers suppressed the defenders, Le Yi commanded a large number of low-level infantry to attack the city wall!
One team after another team attacked the city and climbed up like ants!
"The first assault team is attacking the city!"
Unexpectedly, Chu Tian originally thought that Le Yi would use cannon fodder troops to consume the defenders, but Le Yi put all his troops on at once and had to use Cao Gu's effects to seize the city!
Soon Chu Tian understood Le Yi's intention. The attack on this city was only a small-scale battle during the expedition of the Han army. The number of arrows was limited, and the arrow rain of the Han army could not last. Use arrow rain to suppress the defenders, and then take the city in one fell swoop, with minimal loss!
The five first-comers were ordered by Le Yi to attack the city wall!
Li Guang, Le Jin, and Zhou Cang led the Yan Jia, UU reading went straight ahead!
The first ascent teams such as the Cane Armour, the Yellow Turban Chief, and the Heavy Infantry have successively launched the siege!
The ladder hooked the city wall, and a group of Han troops climbed up. Li Guang held a long bow and shot and killed the defenders one after another!
The heavy siege tower was pushed by thousands of low-level infantry and gradually approached the city wall. The huge siege tower casts a shadow, making the native soldiers fear!
Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Liao and other generals on the siege tower looked down upon the defenders of the city wall, holding a long bow in their hands.
The mighty army is like waves hitting the reef, and the city of Sanghai Empire is at stake!
"The wizard, please cast a spell!"
Seeing that the situation is critical, the chieftain of the Songhai Empire asked his heroes to use their abilities.
The wizard with mud paint on his face was holding a wooden staff and murmured words. The defenders on the wall began to fall into enthusiasm. The indigenous archers braved the suppression of the Han army's arrow rain and began to fight back!
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