Chapter 421: Takeyama Kouyama

When Rome and Macedonia arrived, it had been a full day since the Han army captured the eastern main city. The city walls and various fortifications were reset, arrow towers were erected, the city gates, and the city gates were restored...
The French lords almost all withdrew from the national battlefield, and the German princes only had about one hundred thousand troops left, reduced to a small force.
Rome and Macedonia each had hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. They couldn't help despairing in the face of the 900,000 defenders in the eastern main city.
In a siege, there are 900,000 defenders in the city, which means that the siege party has to invest 1.8 million troops, or even 2.7 million troops.
France was completely destroyed, only a few of the German princes remained, and only Rome and Macedonia could be fought in the eastern battlefield.
"We were tricked by the Han Empire."
Alexander rarely suffered from such a big loss, with blue veins beating on his forehead. When he conquered Athens and Sparta, he did not suffer.
One hundred thousand NPC city defense forces are already a headache, now it is 900,000 defenders!
These 900,000 defenders are not necessarily defending, they can also take the initiative to go out of the city to fight back, making the siege troops miserable.
"Do we still want to attack this city?"
The Rome Big Three felt hopeless.
It is difficult for any famous general to swallow a strong city of 900,000 defenders.
It is estimated that if all the Roman legions are all finished, it is not necessarily possible to take down this strong city. If all the Roman legions are all spent, it will only make some small and medium civilizations cheaper.
Caesar, Pompey, and Constantine all shook their heads subconsciously. The Roman legion had one hundred thousand citizens and three hundred thousand servants, a total of four hundred thousand. In the battle with the Mongol Empire, the Roman legions lost 150,000 and captured 100,000 Mongolian servants, leaving only 350,000. The number of Rome is less than half of the defenders.
The situation in Macedonia is much better. Macedonia had 500,000 before the war, 50,000 killed in the battle with the Mongol Empire, 150,000 Mongolian servants were captured, and 600,000 in Macedonia.
Together, Rome and Macedonia have almost the same number of defenders. However, the Han army had a majestic city wall and lined arrow towers. The city wall could greatly improve the defense of the defenders. If there is a fight, the ninety-five thousand people of Rome and Macedonia will all die under the eastern main city.
"It's better to attack the southern main city."
The ministers of the Kingdom of Macedonia advise Alexander.
There are so many Han troops in this main city that it is impossible to mention the desire to attack the main city.
When France and Germany were defeated, they were also captured by a group of soldiers by the Han army, and instead they became the forces of the Han army to defend the city.
The remaining army of 100,000 German princes has a poor relationship with Macedonia. The Holy Roman Empire borders the Kingdom of Macedonia and is prone to conflict. Hohenzollern knew that he and Macedonia would join forces. Even if the eastern main city was captured, the eastern main city was either taken by Rome or Macedonia, so he simply gave up the eastern main city.
"We return to our city. Together with Macedonia, in the end, the main eastern city will only be owned by Macedonia. We have already lost the qualification. It is better to keep the population obtained in this national war. Bringing millions of people back to Germany is also considered Not a small gain."
Hohenzollern said to the surviving princes.
The other German princes listened to Hohenzollern's analysis and finally agreed with Hohenzollern's idea.
Some small and medium civilizations have discovered that they have no chance to take advantage of them.
No matter which camp they join, the main city has nothing to do with them and will only become the cannon fodder of the great civilization.
Small and medium civilizations change their strategies. They only seek to survive on the battlefield of national warfare and take away the population. Hundreds of thousands of people and millions of people are an important asset to small and medium civilizations, no less important to them than getting the main city. Fighting for the main city is hopeless, and they can only keep the population.
Rome and Macedonia sighed when they saw that no small and medium civilizations dared to join hands with them, facing the huge Han Empire.
Now the population of Rome and Macedonia combined, there is not half of the population of the Han Empire.
After wandering for two days, Rome and Macedonia withdrew their troops and returned to their respective cities, preparing to go south to compete for the southern main city.
They didn't believe that after the Han Empire got the two main cities, there would still be troops to fight for the third main city.
"The Romans and Macedonians seem to have retreated."
"Send scouts to investigate and prevent them from killing a carbine."
The princes of the Han Empire were very cautious and sent thousands of scouts to follow the Roman and Macedonian army.
Rome and Macedonia may also go to the western main city, but they will face the risk of 900,000 Han army raids from behind when they attack the western main city.
The Han army annexed the prisoners of Mughal, Inca, Mongolia, France, and Germany. The western and eastern main cities together had more than one million soldiers and horses. Rome and Macedonia together did not have that many, unless Rome and Only if Macedonia is really strong will it face the risk of annihilation of its entire army and force it to become an enemy of the Han Empire.
At the meeting of the princes of the Han army, Xu Fengnian frowned: "But this time we offended the Romans and Macedonians. This time we have sinned too many people in the national war. If it wasn't for Ekaterina to have a relationship with you, Maybe we even offend the Grand Duchy of Moscow."
Mingguan didn't care much: "There are only five main cities on the battlefield of a national war. The more main cities are occupied, the more civilizations will be offended. This is a conflict of interest and cannot be avoided."
Many princes also realized that occupying the main city is a process of offending other civilizations. When occupying the western main city, they offended the Ottoman Empire, the Mughal Empire, and the Persian Empire. When occupying the eastern main city, they offended Rome, Macedonia, and Germany.
The Mongol Empire did the same. When occupying the northern main city, it offended a group of civilizations located in the northern battlefield.
This is a conflict of interest and cannot be avoided.
The Grand Duchy of Moscow was still looking at Chutian's face, so it avoided the western and eastern main cities and took the initiative to attack the southern main cities.
The more the main city is occupied, the more civilizations will be offended, but at the same time, it will be most beneficial to the future of your civilization.
It is impossible to hand over the main eastern cities to Rome and Macedonia for the allies that may break at any time. Only the benefits obtained are the real benefits.
"Order the western main city to recruit troops frantically and pile up the strength of the western main city to 900,000. Our two main cities have 1.8 million soldiers. Who dares to take the initiative to attack us?"
"We stick to the two main cities, which is already a big profit."
The princes of the Han Empire are in a good mood, occupying two main cities with one-fifth of the population. This national war will bring bonuses to the Han Empire in the future. In the long run, the future of the Han Empire is brighter.
"How about the navy who attacked the fifth main city? If we take another main city, I'm afraid we will be enemies in the world."
The princes of the Han army realized that the two main cities had already made Rome and Macedonia jealous. If another main city were to come, it was estimated that all civilizations would suffer from red eye disease.
"The navy princes already have a lot of points, indicating that they are fighting the enemy, but it seems that they have not yet captured the fifth main city."
"Emergency report, the main western city is being attacked by enemy troops!"
The princes of the eastern main city are recuperating, and bad news comes from the western main city.
"What civilization dares to attack the main western city?"
"Guo Ziyi serves as the coach in the main western city, and Jia Xu and Guo Jia serve as military divisions. Four hundred thousand soldiers and horses can explode at any time. The other party does not have a million troops and cannot be captured."
"For the sake of safety, 50,000 cavalry will be sent to support the western main city."
The princes of the eastern main city sent 50,000 cavalry, led by Wei Qing, Zhang Liao, Yang Ye, and King Lanling to support the western main city.
Joan of Arc saw fifty thousand French prisoners. According to Chu Tian, ​​these fifty thousand French prisoners were her subordinates, and they became the source of troops for the French arms in the future. When she heard that the French lords had almost retired from the war, she couldn't help being silent. In other words, there is a hint of relaxation in her heart.
The lords of France withdrew from the national war, and she had no object to defect to, so she had reason to stay in the Eastern Han camp.
"Master Joan! You really are here!"
Among a group of French captives, a French general took the initiative to salute Jeanne.
"Jil de Ray?"
Joan of Arc saw the French general and called out his name.
This is her deputy in France, a shrewd, silent, and unscrupulous French general who was active during the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France.
"Are you already playing for the Han Empire?"
When Joan of Arc saw her former lieutenant question, she couldn't answer.
If it is said that she did not play for Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian has been unable to view Joan of Arc's panel. If not, then Joan is indeed serving in the Han army now.
"No matter how you choose, Gil de Ray is willing to follow you!"
Jill completely ignored whether Joan of Arc was loyal to France, but followed his leader fanatically.
In a sense, Joan of Arc was indeed a charismatic person at the time, and he was regarded as a saint.
Joan of Arc recruited former lieutenants and a small group of French generals to formally form his own army.
The generals under her command mainly came from French generals in the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France.
In the western main city, the defending Han army was rushed by Dongying, Persian, and Goryeo forces. The Shuofang army recruited by Guo Ziyi during this period appeared and defended the city wall. The enemy could not attack it.
Toei daimyo, such as Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, and Uesugi Kenshin, took turns overseeing the battle.
The Persian army lacks powerful infantry, only the undead army is threatening.
Korea is already a remnant, with more than 10,000 people.
"The Mughal Empire dare not send troops to attack the main city with us? They still have hundreds of thousands of troops, why can't they defend themselves?"
Choi Jae-sun was responsible for contacting the various civilizations, and as a result, the powerful Mughal Empire dared not come to join.
The Mughal Empire has been defeated one after another by the Han Empire, with millions of troops fighting to only 500,000 left, a few princes were killed, and the remaining princes gathered all the population in three ordinary cities, drinking and having fun every day, indulging in sensuality. , No longer at war with the Han army.
They gave up on attacking the main city and just wanted to take away millions of people back to the Mughal Empire.
So when Cui Zaishan urged the Mughal Empire to attack the main western city together, the princes of the Mughal Empire repeatedly declined.
They were afraid of being beaten. At least I was afraid of being beaten on the battlefield of the country.
The Persians produced craftsmen, while Dongying produced manpower to build trebuchets, ladders, siege towers and other siege equipment, attacking the main western city for days.
Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin and others stepped forward to command the battle and dispatched their subordinates to ascend first, but they were all stopped by the 12-meter-high wall.
You know, the difficulty of siege in the western main city is not only 400,000 defenders, but also nearly 10 million people!
The main western city is rapidly recruiting troops, Zhang Dao left Zhang Bao, and within ten days, he recruited 200,000 Yellow Turbans, and the explosive speed was extremely fast!
Therefore, in the eyes of Dongying and Persia, the defenders in the city did not decrease even after a ten-day storm.
"The difficulty of attacking this city is far beyond our expectations. It is better to retreat and preserve strength."
Mao Liyuan, the first wise general in the West, also lost the courage to attack the western main city.
The 400,000 defenders, plus Zhang Dao, a prince of the Han army, kept Zhang Bao in the western main city and exploded wildly with level 40 Yellow Turban soldiers with considerable combat power.
The Yellow Turban Army was weak in field battles, but relying on the strong city wall to defend the city, it could inflict a lot of damage on the Eastern Army. The main western city has a population of nearly 10 million, and Zhang Bao has no scruples about the casualties of the Yellow Turban Army.
Ten days after the siege of Dongying and Persia, the morale of Dongying and Persia has dropped sharply, and the soldiers and horses are exhausted.
Wang Yanzhang and Cao Ren led 20,000 cavalrymen, keeping a distance from the main western city, and they have been unable to escape.
Wait patiently until the tenth day, when Wang Yanzhang and Cao Ren set off to attack Dongying Camp at night!
The Han army quietly approached the Dongying camp and launched a thunderous blow!
The war horse gallops, the horse rides on the Dongying camp!
Dongying Samurai and Zuqing were alarmed, and the camp was in chaos.
The brazier overturned, the fire spread in the Dongying camp, thick smoke billowed, a few warriors were burned by the flames and screamed!
The big names came out of the camp and tried their best to control the army!
Guo Ziyi and others in the city saw a sea of ​​flames in the Dongying camp, so they went out of the city and attacked the Dongying warriors!
"Dead, die!"
Wang Yanzhang ran into a rampage with a gun, no one can stop his iron gun!
The heavy iron spear is in the hands of Wang Yanzhang!
Twenty thousand cavalry suddenly attacked from the rear, and the sleepy-eyed Dongying warrior was awake in an instant, and the horseshoe had broken through the camp, and many Dongying warriors were trampled to death!
Wang Yanzhang separated from Cao Ren in order to cause greater chaos in the Dongying camp.
It was Takeda Shingen's camp that Wang Yanzhang assaulted!
In the darkness, it was impossible to tell which Dongying name the other party was, but Wang Yanzhang knew that it was enough to strike forward!
Takeda Shingen's red cavalry summoned to stop Wang Yanzhang.
One of the veterans in red armor is about 60 years old, still brave, holding a gun to fight Wang Yanzhang!
"The Jiashan Tiger is here!"
Chijia Dongying veteran stabs him!
"You are still far away!"
Wang Yanzhang swung the 100-jin iron spear in his hand several times and smashed it at the Dongying veteran!
One is 60, and one is young and strong!
The iron spear smashed, the long spear in the hands of the veteran of the red armor broke, and the force slapped on the armor of the veteran of Dongying, the armor was sunken!
Dongying veteran was injured and spit out a mouthful of old blood.
Wang Yanzhang saw that the opponent had not been shot and killed by him, indicating that there was some force, so he continued to fight with him!
Another shot came, and the veteran Chi Jia held the broken spear in two and fought hard to resist!
The hard red armor sank again, and the Dongying veteran vomited blood.
Wang Yanzhang's shot once again hit the veteran of Dongying.
"You are a bit capable, but you don't deserve a gun!"
Wang Yanzhang held a gun, facing the dying Minister of the Takeda family, still not forgetting to belittle him.
"Cough cough cough... If you make me three... forty years younger..."
Dongying veteran's internal organs were smashed by Wang Yanzhang, and bleeding continued.
"You are still not my Wang Yanzhang fired the third shot, assassinated the veteran Dongying!
Another chief general of the Takeda Red Cavalry, who was in his prime of life, Shanxian Changjing, saw his brother Fan Fuhuchang being killed by Wang Yanzhang, his eyes were red, and his horse came to Wang Yanzhang!
The two long spears fought, and Shanxian Changjing was killed because of Fanfu Huchang. Under the hatred, the bursting force was even stronger and even blocked Wang Yanzhang's shot.
"You are much better than that old guy. That old guy won't live for a few years anyway. It's worth dying by my gun."
Wang Yanzhang seemed to find an interesting opponent.
Shanxian Changjing, as the Takeda family's first warrior, defeated Huaxiong. At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Red Cavalry rushed to attack Wang Yanzhang, trying to avenge his brother "Jiashan Tiger" Fanfu Huchang.
Wang Yanzhang has angered him!
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