Chapter 562: Tianxiong Army Fall

The Tianxiong army crossed the valley and took the city of Fuyu. The Fuyu people were defeated and retreated backward.
"Gongsun Kang, you guard the valley."
Lu Xiangsheng left Gongsun Kang guarding his retreat, and then personally went to attack Fuyu King City.
The Royal City of Fuyu is a relatively rudimentary Muzha city. Lu Xiangsheng specially brought Fire Bolt, intending to burn down the city and attack the city in the chaos.
"To leave me guarding the valley is obviously not willing to give me credit."
Gongsun Kang re-commanded three thousand Xuantu County soldiers to guard the valley, complaining about Lu Xiangsheng's arrangement.
He defeated the army of 50,000 Fuyu with three thousand cavalry. If he captures the Fuyu King City again, he may be reused in Mingguan.
"My lord, there is a cavalry here!"
Just as Gongsun Kang was complaining, a cavalry appeared and marched quickly towards the valley, with sand billowing!
"The cavalry of the Fuyu people? It seems that these savages have not learned a lesson!"
Gongsun Kang commanded infantry and crossbowmen to rely on terrain to defend.
He squinted and looked at the coming cavalry.
The Fuyu country also had its own cavalry, but in Gongsunkang's view, the Fuyu cavalry was at most only Tier 1 and Tier 2 cavalry. It only needed three rounds of arrow rain, and most of the Fuyu cavalry would collapse without fighting.
Suddenly, Gongsunkang's pupils gradually expanded. This cavalry that arrived had at least half-length armor and was well-equipped, and was not at all a cavalry of the backward Fuyu people!
If it was the cavalry of the foreign lord, Gongsun Kang was still willing to believe it.
However, in Fuyu, there is no large alien lord who can organize thousands of cavalry...maybe even tens of thousands!
"This is... a trap!"
Gongsun Kang found that he underestimated the strength of Fuyu!
Three thousand Xuantuo county soldiers were all panicked.
The most elite class of their soldiers is the Tier 3 Youzhou Army. In the face of tens of thousands of cavalry, if they rely on the terrain to defend themselves, they may be able to block for a period of time, but the result may be the entire army is wiped out...
Gongsun Kang chose to leave the valley.
"Master Lu has led our troops to attack the Royal City of Fuyu, we retreat, isn't Master Lu being besieged in the area of ​​the Royal City of Fuyu?"
"Even if we stay here, I'm afraid..."
Gongsun Kang wavered.
Tens of thousands of cavalry who appeared suddenly were approaching quickly.
This is very likely to be Jin Guo’s aid to Fuyu!
Lu Xiangsheng commanded the Tianxiong Army to attack the city of Fuyu, and the Fuyu people counterattacked. They were easily defeated by the Tianxiong Army. The Tianxiong Army won three battles and killed thousands of Fuyu soldiers. He only injured dozens of people.
In front of the Tianxiong army, the backward Fuyu tribe had only the fate of being slaughtered.
The Tianxiong Army crossbows manually used rockets, and thousands of fire arrows fell into the Royal City of Fuyu.
The Royal City of Fuyu is in chaos. You only need to order a forceful attack. The Royal City of Fuyu is at your fingertips, and the Kingdom of Fuyu that provoked the Tianxiong army will perish.
The Liaodong Army even dared to destroy the Goryeo Kingdom, which had many foreigners, let alone a Fuyu Kingdom that had no stone walls.
Lu Xiangsheng's eyes reflected the blazing fire, and he was silent for a full moment, before suddenly shouting: "Stop the attack and withdraw to Xuantu County!"
The lieutenants of the Tianxiong Army were puzzled, and they all agreed and looked at their main general in surprise.
Although Fuyu Kingdom is a small country, the destruction of Fuyu Kingdom is also a result of the country's destruction. Fuyu Kingdom will become the second kingdom to be wiped out by the Liaodong Army.
In just a few hours, the Tianxiong Army and a group of auxiliary soldiers could plunder the gold, silver, population, and grain of Fuyu King City.
"This is a trap, a trap of the Jurchen, immediately retreat!"
Lu Xiangsheng turned on his horse and urged the Tianxiong Army and ordinary Liaodong soldiers to leave.
The generals and soldiers of the Tianxiong Army strictly obeyed Lu Xiangsheng's orders, gave up attacking Fuyu King City, reorganized the army, and retreated with Lu Xiangsheng.
The rest of the Liaodong soldiers who came to attack Fuyu King City were even more confused, but after the commander issued the order, they could only obey Lu Xiangsheng's order.
"General, there were 20,000 or 30,000 casualties in Fuyu who were defending the royal city. It doesn't look like a trap. Why retreat?"
The deputy general of the Tianxiong Army was still puzzled on his way back to the division.
"These ordinary Fuyu people may not even know that they are being used as bait, which is even more worrying... It is not the Fuyu people who really want to deal with us. We only hope that Gongsun Kang will keep the retreat, otherwise we will be in danger. Speed ​​up the march !"
Lu Xiangsheng had a foreboding of the danger. He knew that the Fuyu people were not the opponents of the Tianxiong Army. This time he led the Tianxiong Army to fight against the Fuyu people, but to fight the Jurchens who supported the Fuyu people.
But the Jurchen cavalry never appeared, and Lu Xiangsheng had realized that the Jurchen might cut off the back.
In the Royal City of Fuyu, a group of cavalry appeared, and there was also a carriage.
"Lu Xiangsheng deserves to be a famous general. He unexpectedly expected this to be a trap, but it was too late. The order went on and the whole army attacked."
The cavalry was ordered by the people in the carriage and sent the cavalry to attack.
In the valley where the 50,000 Fuyu army was defeated, Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army fell into a bitter battle!
When Lu Xiangsheng’s Tianxiong army and Fuyu’s foreign leaders retreated to the valley, Gongsun Kang’s three thousand Xuantu County soldiers had already fled. The valley was occupied by an unknown army. Lu Xiangsheng could only lead the Tianxiong army to storm the valley. Try to get through the escape route!
In the rear, King Fuyu led the army of the Kingdom of Fuyu to come back!
For a time, Lu Xiangsheng's army was besieged on the plain where the Fuyu King City was located.
The plain is suitable for cavalry assault, and Lu Xiangsheng’s regiment is in a critical situation.
"Gongsun Kang actually retreated without authorization!"
Lu Xiangsheng found Gongsun Kang fleeing and gave the valley his hand to the enemy. He couldn't help but become angry.
If Gongsunkang fought to death and Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army retreated in time and flanked the enemy, perhaps the Liaodong Army could still win.
However, Gongsun Kang fled without a fight, causing the valley to easily change hands, and Lu Xiangsheng's regiment fell into a difficult situation.
"You attack the valley, and I will lead a thousand people to kill King Fuyu!"
When Lu Xiangsheng saw Wang Fuyu carrying twenty to thirty thousand soldiers and horses in the rear, he wanted to attack his army from north to south with the enemy in the valley, and became even more angry.
More than a thousand Tianxiong troops were assembled under Lu Xiangsheng's command, and Lu Xiangsheng personally commanded this Tianxiong army and stormed the Chinese army that helped the rest of the army!
Thousands of Tianxiong troops used crossbows and firecrackers to shoot at the Fuyu people. Hundreds of Fuyu soldiers were killed, and the military's heart was shaken.
Lu Xiangsheng drew out his sword and brought a thousand-plus Tianxiong army into close hand-to-hand combat. Twenty-three thousand Fuyu soldiers faced the thousand-plus Tianxiong army and were defeated.
King Fuyu tried to control his army, but the fighting power and will of the army of Fuyu country could not be compared with the Tianxiong army.
Everywhere were retreating Fuyu soldiers, and the Fuyu king was willing to gather the troops, but he couldn't do it!
Lu Xiangsheng's more than a thousand Tianxiong army had already smashed in front of King Fuyu, rushing all the way, and King Fuyu's guards even abandoned King Fuyu.
A military commander with blood and mud on his armor personally swung his sword to the King Fuyu!
King Fuyu drew his sword to fight with him.
In less than ten rounds, Lu Xiangsheng flew King Fuyu's sword and slashed it!
King Fuyu, who tried to resist the rule of the Liaodong Army, was killed and fell to the ground.
He provoked an enemy that should not be provoked.
The Liaodong Army can destroy the Fuyu Kingdom with just a few troops left behind in Liaodong City!
When the rest of the Fuyu country saw the king's death, they all broke up.
"King Fuyu is dead, we are safe!"
After the King Fuyu was killed by Lu Xiangsheng, the foreign lords who responded to the Mingguan order to destroy the country breathed a sigh of relief.
Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly killed King Fuyu, but his brows were not stretched.
In his opinion, King Fuyu was not as threatening as a rebellious prefect in Youzhou.
In this attack on the Fuyu Kingdom, the biggest enemy was not the Fuyu King, but the man behind the Fuyu King.
"They should have appeared, the cavalry of the Golden Kingdom..."
Lu Xiangsheng gritted his teeth, and his body shuddered.
For the Golden Cavalry, there is no better time than this.
"Jin's cavalry?"
The foreign lord who followed Lu Xiangsheng, they heard that there were cavalry soldiers from the Kingdom of Fuyu and the Kingdom of Jin, and their complexions suddenly turned pale.
The order to destroy the country issued by Mingguan only said to assist Lu Xiangsheng in destroying the Kingdom of Fuyu, but did not say to deal with the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin.
The cavalry of the Jurchens of the Kingdom of Jin is not something ordinary rebels can resist!
"This is a pit by Mingguan!"
Many foreign lords of Fuyu State regretted sending troops to assist Lu Xiangsheng in attacking Fuyu State.
The enemy army that drove off Gongsun Kang and guarding the valley was extremely powerful and blocked the retreat of the Tianxiong Army. No matter how the Tianxiong Army attacked, the valley could not be penetrated for a while.
Jin Bing seems to know that Lu Xiangsheng is not easy to fall, but he defends the valley with heavy troops, not moving like a mountain.
Da Da Da-the sound of horseshoes echoed in the battlefield, the earth was shaking, Lu Xiangsheng clenched his sword, he knew that the cavalry of Jin Bing was coming!
"There are at least thousands of people in the valley, so there should be only a few thousand golden cavalrymen coming to attack. With the strength of the Tianxiong army, it may not be defeated, and it may even turn defeat into victory."
Lu Xiangsheng looked into the distance, and there was sand and dust in all directions.
Lu Xiangsheng judged the number of enemies based on the sound of horseshoes.
Suddenly, Lu Xiangsheng's expression gradually changed. He was still a little confident, but afterwards, his expression was not right, and he took a few steps back.
"Impossible, the lord is in the Heishui area, gathering the main force to fight against the Kingdom of Jin. Wanyan Aguda can't divide the troops. The more than 10,000 cavalry is already the limit for the Kingdom of Jin to support the Kingdom of Fuyu. How can it..."
The alien lords were not as sensitive to cavalry as Lu Xiangsheng, and could not judge the number of enemies based on the nuance of the sound of horseshoes. They looked at each other in confusion and shook their heads.
Soon what Lu Xiangsheng was worried about happened. Except for the valley being guarded by heavy soldiers, tens of thousands of cavalry arrived in each of the other three directions, blocking Lu Xiangsheng's army on the plains of Fuyu!
A team of uniformed cavalry came out of the enemy army, wearing perseverance, and awe-inspiring the alien lords of Lu Xiangsheng's regiment.
Encountered cavalry on the plains, doomed to escape!
The Liaodong army who attacked Fuyu was in panic. They were invincible and invincible in Liaodong. They rarely encountered such a situation. Five thousand heavenly heroes, ten thousand rebels, and thirty thousand Liaodong auxiliary troops are besieged here!
When a carriage arrived, several generals came to the carriage and obeyed the orders of the carriage.
"Lu Xiangsheng cannot surrender and kill him."
Countless cavalry launched a fierce offensive against the Lu Xiangsheng regiment, and the cavalry flooded the Lu Xiangsheng regiment!
"Liaodong Army, Tianxiong Army, fight to death!"
Lu Xiangsheng knew the danger, and while dividing the troops, he opened up the mountain road at all costs, and he personally broke the back to stop the cavalry all over the mountain!
The firecrackers of the Tianxiong Army showed their power, the gunpowder was filled with smoke, and hundreds of cavalry were shot and killed!
However, the casualties of hundreds of cavalrymen are like a drop in the bucket to an enemy who does not know the number.
The opponent's heavy cavalry launched an assault, the earth trembled, and burst into the rebel army from the flanks!
The rebels of the alien lords were assaulted by the mounted cavalry, and they collapsed in one blow, and the flanks collapsed like an avalanche!
The only powerful Tianxiong army resisted desperately, killing and injuring hundreds, thousands, and thousands of enemy riders, and blood flowed into rivers!
Lu Xiangsheng's army fought bloody, and there were fewer and fewer soldiers from the Tianxiong Army around him, but they still blocked the opposing cavalry!
The soldiers who attacked the valley finally made progress, and the valley passage was gradually opened!
It will take a while!
An enemy general came to the carriage again to announce: "Lu Xiangsheng's regiment is about to flee south."
"Using the reserved troops and horses and the Bohai navy, the teams will take turns to kill the enemy."
A heavy infantry composed of Bohai people appeared on the battlefield, and the elite cavalry as a reserve team attacked the strong Lu Xiangsheng army!
The Bohai heavy infantry, wearing heavy armor and tall, wielding spears or maces, fought hand-to-hand with the Tianxiong army, and they were not inferior.
Lu Xiangsheng's pressure surged, and the other party did not give him a chance to breathe.
On the contrary, the opponent takes turns, and there are always some soldiers and horses that can rest and restore morale and physical strength.
There were fewer and fewer soldiers around, and Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army stood in the end, only more than 500 people were left!
The alien lord finally broke through the valley, and some soldiers fled. However, Lu Xiangsheng and his Tianxiong army, who had been broken for everyone, were heavily surrounded!
Lu Xiangsheng saw that some of the rebels had fled and could bring the intelligence back to Liaodong. He was finally relieved. He leaped on the sword and led the last five hundred Tianxiong soldiers to break through!
"The general is dead, there is no way to advance!"
The five hundred Tianxiong troops boosted their morale and attacked all the way. The number of enemy horses who died under their weapons has exceeded the number of the dead Tianxiong troops!
The enemy rides galloping Arrows are raining down, and the Tianxiong Army continues to reduce its personnel. Later, almost every soldier who died in the Tianxiong Army has more than ten arrows hit.
Lu Xiangsheng personally attacked the enemy's formation, and the enemy riders surrounded it in three layers!
Enemy cavalry were everywhere. Equipped cavalry and Bohai attacked heavily from all directions. There were at least tens of thousands of enemies!
Lu Xiangsheng had more than ten arrows in his body, and his armor was dyed red with blood. There were only a few people left in the Tianxiong army following him.
Suddenly, Lu Xiangsheng's eyes widened: "This is not the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin!"
The rain of arrows shot from the sky, covering the sky and covering Lu Xiangsheng and his Tianxiong army...
In the Dragon City of Monan, Chutian is preparing food and grass, preparing to enter the Western Regions to relieve the siege of the Western Regions. At the same time, he asked Lao Qin and Mingguan to send an army to the Western Regions to fight Tiemuzhen and Sufutai together.
Chu Tian received Mingguan's reply, and Mingguan's tone was a bit annoyed: "I have encountered a little trouble here, I am afraid I can't send troops to the Western Regions. My army commander Lu Xiangsheng and Tianxiong army attacked Fuyu, and the entire army was wiped out."
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