Chapter 61: war

  The Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Liang went to the outskirts of the Han army barracks and opened the siege formation. The Yellow Turban Army was already ready to climb the ladder attached to the wooden city wall.
   The Yellow Turban Army outside the barracks plus the soldiers brought by the Yellow Turban camp lords totaled 50,000.
   Chutian roughly compares the strength of the two sides. The Han army has 20,000 rebels, which has no advantage compared with the Yellow Turban Army, which can offset the 20,000 Yellow Turban soldiers. This meant that the five thousand Han army had to block the extra 30,000 Yellow Turban army.
   Chutian found that he couldn't control his trembling body, as did other lords, Huo An, Prince Yan and others.
   No lord has experienced a large battle of tens of thousands of people.
   The tension of this kind of battle is suffocating.
   Chutian cursed to himself, calming himself down.
   Sima Zhang Tie of the Han army led the officers and soldiers of the Han army to the city, his expression was solemn. The individual combat power of the Yellow Turban Army is far less than that of the Han Army, but there are so many people, this is a fierce battle.
   "Light the flames!"
   Following the order of the Han army Sima, the beacon tower of this barracks ignited a beacon, and the smoke rose up!
   This is a signal for warning and help!
   The Han army lieutenants and army Sima of other military camps nearby noticed the flames of Zhang Tie’s military camp.
   News has been spread to Lu Zhi's desk in the main barracks of the Han army.
   "The Yellow Turban Army should be trapped. At this time, they take the initiative to attack, revealing unusualness everywhere. Xuande, what do you think?"
   Lu Zhi put down the slip and looked at the students who came to take refuge under the account.
   This person is seven feet five inches tall, with both hands reaching knees.
   If there are players in the main barracks of the Han army, they will be shocked by what Lu Zhi calls this person.
   Besides Liu Xuande in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which Xuande can appear in Lu Zhi's barracks?
   At this time, Liu Bei is obviously not one of the princes, and his influence is very small.
   But he was surrounded by two extremely powerful warriors, one with a length of nine feet and a heavy face, and a length of eight feet with a leopard head and eyes, and a beard and whiskers. The players in the early stage met the three of them and could only retreat.
   Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but they were recognized as enemies of 10,000 people.
   In "Lord", its image mainly refers to the Romance, and part of it is modified with reference to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After all, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is too popular for players in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and there are few generals in the official history.
   Liu Bei gave a light cough: "Mostly the Yellow Scarf in Guangzong County is afraid of the majesty of Mr., and wants to use Guangzong County as a bait to delay our main force and break our flanks first."
   "This is mostly the case. But in Guangzong County's thief's first horn, there are some magic tricks, which incites people's hearts, and it must be guarded."
   Lu Zhi fell into a brief contemplation.
   Zhang Fei said impatiently: "As long as we give our eldest brother a good soldier, we can get the first level of Zhang Jiao within three days!"
   "Third brother, don't be presumptuous."
   "Xuande, I will temporarily give you five hundred cavalry. You led the Sanhe cavalry to rescue the left wing, and by the way, explore the reality of the Yellow Turban thief."
   Lu Zhi finally used Liu Bei.
   A gleam of light flashed in Liu Bei's eyes, and time revolved. He could take advantage of this opportunity to gain military merit, and he would never grow old.
   Liu Bei walked out of Lu Zhi's barracks, and there was already a group of free players who took refuge in Liu Bei waiting outside.
   These strangers took the initiative to take refuge in him, and claimed that he had the gift of the emperor.
   The sound of the horn echoed over the battlefield, and the Yellow Turban Army carried out hundreds of light and simple flying ladders, preparing to attack the Han army camp.
   A group of yellow turban infantry holding shields, covering the archers from approaching the city wall.
  The purpose of the Yellow Turban Army was to quickly break through this Han army camp. Therefore, the method adopted was that the archers suppressed the defenders, then set up a simple flying ladder, hooked the wooden wall, and the army entered the camp.
Heavy siege equipment such as ladder trucks, catapults, and pallets did not appear in this offensive and defensive battle.
   Obviously Ren Gong general Zhang Liang's intelligence is not low, knowing that he will have a chance to break through the Han army camp only before the other Han troops can react.
   "Let the arrow!"
   Liu Sandao held a longbow and led the Xuzhou archers to stand in front.
   There are 150 Xuzhou archers on the wooden wall. They are divided into three groups to shoot arrows in turn to ensure that they can continue to suppress the Yellow Turban army below.
   The archers on the arrow tower and the wooden wall released their arrows at the same time, dozens of arrows fell, and several yellow turban swordsmen were shot and fell to the ground.
   Liu Sandao’s force now has 56 points. An arrow shot through a wooden shield. The wooden shield and the yellow turban soldier’s arm were nailed together.
   The Yellow Turban soldier who was shot through the arm rolled painfully on the ground. When the surrounding Yellow Turban soldiers saw the miserable condition of their companions, their offensive pace stopped slightly.
   However, under the urging of the Yellow Turban Commander Team, the Yellow Turban soldiers continued to attack with a rain of arrows.
   The elite archers of the Han Army Archery Battalion stuck to the wooden arrow tower and easily shot the Yellow Turban soldiers.
   But even the most elite archers have physical limitations, and the Yellow Turban archers quickly took their positions and began to fight back.
   The number of yellow turban army is more, densely packed yellow turban archers shoot a rain of arrows to suppress the defenders at the head of the city.
   Hua Mulan held up a wooden shield covered with iron, blocking the arrows of the Yellow Turban Archer for Lord Chu Tian.
   With her current strength close to 90, unless she is exhausted, ordinary arrows can hardly hurt her.
   A Xuzhou archer was hit by the Yellow Turban's arrow in the shoulder and lost combat ability. Two light infantry hurriedly carried the screaming companion into the barracks.
  Professional direction is a free player who is a physician using herbs to rescue these wounded soldiers.
Xia Zhen also brought two physicians. One of them was Elder Li’s daughter Li Lan. Li Lan has now advanced from a low-level physician to a middle-level physician, which can help the soldiers stop bleeding and reduce the death rate of ~However, not all soldiers can be completely rescued, especially the soldiers who are hit to the core. Only arterial bleeding and wound infection will cause death.
   "The echelon of clouds step forward!"
   Zhang Liang rode on his horse, commanding the echelon to attack the city.
   "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand!"
   It may be Zhang Liang’s characteristics that had an effect. The Yellow Turban army under his command became extremely fanatical and their morale skyrocketed!
   Thousands of yellow turban soldiers as the echelon team carried a simple ladder and set up the ladder under the cover of their archers!
   Once the ladder hooks the wooden wall, a large number of yellow turban soldiers and yellow turban leaders will immediately climb up the city wall along the simple ladder, and the defenders will fall into hard fight.
   "Don't let the echelon of the Yellow Turban Army approach the city wall!"
   Zhou Yafu was observing the offensive of the Yellow Turban Army and asked Liu Sandao to lead the archers to shoot arrows at the cloud echelon under the city.
   "General Zhou, the Yellow Turban Army's arrow rain is very dense!"
   Liu Sandao led the archer troops to concentrate on shooting the Yellow Turban Army's echelon team. The Yellow Turban archers under the city's counter-suppression made Liu Sandao sometimes dare not raise his head.
   The yellow turban soldiers carrying the ladder fell several people, and the ladder fell heavily to the ground.
   Zhou Yafu also holds a Han bow. He is not a military general, but shooting the Yellow Turban soldiers is not a problem.
   A yellow turban soldier fell down, Zhou Yafu took another arrow from the quiver and shot the second yellow turban soldier.
   There were too many Yellow Turban soldiers, and another Yellow Turban soldier lifted the ladder that had fallen on the ground and plunged into the sequence of siege.
   "Fire attack team, attack!"
   Zhang Liang waved his hand, and another elite Yellow Turban army for siege came forward.
   This yellow turban elite is an archer. The back of the arrow they use is tied with grease-soaked linen. This is an ancient version of the rocket!
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