Chapter 692: Soldiers in Vienna

   "It is the shame of our Austrian Grand Duchy to let the Mongolian cavalry come to Vienna!"
   Austrian Archduke Ferdinand took a group of Austrian Habsburg generals to strengthen the city defense of Vienna, and demolished houses outside the city before the arrival of the Mongolian cavalry.
  Ferdinand already knew that the Mongolian cavalry had a special siege equipment, the Xiangyang Cannon, and could not leave any materials outside the city for the Mongolian cavalry to use to attack the city, otherwise Vienna would fall and a major earthquake would occur throughout the west.
   "My territory will decline after this war..."
  Ferdinand witnessed Timur’s Mongolian cavalry wash away the supplies left behind in the villages and camps around Vienna, and set fire everywhere, helpless.
   Attila and Temujin provoked a war that broke out in his territory, making Ferdinand very uncomfortable. Regardless of whether Attila’s offensive could be defeated, the Grand Duchy of Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary had suffered heavy losses.
  A player aristocrat from the Grand Duchy of Austria said to Ferdinand: "Under the city is Timur, the founder of the Timur Empire, and a notorious conqueror like Attila, Temujin, and Hulagu."
   "Timur, he is a strong enemy. Attila's allies, none of them are good people."
   Ferdinand, as the player lord, knew Timur’s fame. He was also a conqueror who feared Central Asia and West Asia.
   There are a large number of kings and emperors in the Attila camp. These people are all famous people. Some people are not only in Western civilization, but also in the West.
   "Timur is ordering the craftsmen to build a counterweight trebuchet. They really intend to attack Vienna. Maybe we should attack Timur out of the city and undermine Timur's intentions."
  Ferdinand was terrified of the Mongolian cavalry preparing to attack Vienna, and could not allow Timur to successfully complete his preparations.
   "His Royal Highness, Timur sent a Mongolian envoy."
   When Ferdinand prepared the cavalry to go out of the city and burn the Xiangyang Cannon, Timur sent someone to give an ultimatum to Vienna.
The arriving Mongolian envoy was contemptuous: "Master Timur, ask Vienna to surrender the city, and he will guarantee your safety and wealth. On the contrary, if you choose to resist, then the day of the invasion of Vienna will also be the time for the massacre. , The entire city will be turned into ruins, with dead bodies everywhere!"
   Timur’s threat is by no means an illusion, because the Mongolian army has recorded several massacres in the Persian Empire!
   The nobles of the Grand Duchy of Austria were afraid of the Mongolian cavalry represented by Timur, and they looked at each other.
   "Go back and tell Timur that Vienna is his insurmountable barrier. This is the wall of Europe!"
   Ferdinand did not succumb to Timur's threat. His determination made it too late for other Austrian nobles to consider whether to fight Timur to the end.
   There must be a decisive battle with Timur.
   "Vienna will become a great city, and no one can cross Vienna and attack Western Europe."
   "Let Timur go home and herd the sheep, this is not for him."
   The nobles of the Grand Duchy of Austria broke their pots. Since they decided to resist Timur, they had to fight Timur to the end, otherwise they would be slaughtered.
   "You will regret it. Once we break through the city, we will slaughter the city. If you really regret it at any time, you can take his first level, open the city and offer the city, in exchange for the safety of this city."
   The Mongolian envoy deliberately provoked mutual suspicion within the Grand Duchy of Austria, so he pointed at Ferdinand.
   Ferdinand's face changed slightly.
   If Vienna is really on the verge of fall, then it is really possible for this group of nobles to use his first class in exchange for their own safety.
   Below the city of Vienna, Timur looked up at this city that caused many West Asian civilizations to feel a headache.
   The Kingdom of Poland blocked the expansion of the Tsarist Empire, while Vienna blocked the attack from the Balkans. They were the shield of God.
   Breaking through Vienna, Attila's group will take the initiative in the Western Continent.
   "Vienna, this city has accumulated a lot of wealth. If you break this city, you will get tens of thousands of gold and silver... I need to rely on military exploits to be named king."
   Timur looked up at this towering city, where dozens of tall towers stood, and archers were monitoring the movements of the Mongolian cavalry under the city.
   "No, the number of defenders on the walls and towers has increased. They want to go out of the city to attack the trebuchets. We lie in wait..."
   Timur noticed the movement of the Vienna garrison, so he himself ambushed a group of cavalry.
  Sure enough, Ferdinand ordered a general to lead a team of cavalry out of the city to attack the Mongols’ siege equipment.
   Timur personally led the cavalry to ambush. When the cavalry of the Grand Duchy of Austria went out of the city at night, ambushes were everywhere. More than a thousand Austrian cavalry were beheaded by Timur, and the rest of the cavalry fled back to Vienna.
   In the battlefield outside Vienna, Alexander was injured in the battle with Attila. He personally commanded his companion cavalry to assault Attila, and once killed Attila, only forty meters away from Attila!
   The two kings fought. The partner cavalry and Shan Yuwei were killed in the battle. These were the two most powerful cavalry.
   Alexander’s Macedonian Kingdom prevented Attila from advancing towards the Balkans. Attila wanted to get rid of it and hurry up!
   Attila and Sultan Hurem attacked the Kingdom of Macedonia and nearly killed Alexander’s best friend, completely angering Alexander. The two kings became evenly matched enemies due to various conflicts of interest.
   In the melee, Alexander personally beheaded dozens of cavalry soldiers who were alone in the guard, only to be injured by Attila's arrow.
   And Attila was stabbed by Alexander's companion cavalry during the battle.
   Two evenly matched kings fought and ended with injuries to their leaders.
   Because Attila was injured, the army of the Hungarian Empire was disturbed. After a little hesitation, Hephaestion led his companion cavalry to rescue Alexander.
   Even though the Attila camp used the cavalry of the king of the field to detour and defeated Alexander’s general Antico, which caused the western army to be passive, the western army still retreats smoothly with hundreds of generals who have invested in this battle.
  Vienna's offensive and defensive began, only in the outskirts, and the number of soldiers killed on both sides was as many as 100,000.
   The Roman Legion suffered heavy losses in the war. Pompey’s Legion lost nearly half of its troops and lost confidence.
   "Fortunately, no eagle flag fell into Attila's hands. If Attila captures our eagle flag, our reputation in Rome will be discredited, and our prestige will not be enough to form a great empire."
  Caesar was very eager to establish the Roman Empire, and at the same time he still had a grudge that the eagle flag of the Roman Legion fell on the Han Empire.
   Since the loss of the three eagle flags in the third national war, the eagle flags of the various legions have been cherished. Even if they are defeated, they cannot lose even one eagle flag.
   Constantine was also counting his losses, one of the Roman legions suffered heavy losses.
   Hohenzollern’s Sword Knights were attacked by Temujin in this battle. The entire Sword Knights lost thousands of people, and the Teutonic Knights also suffered a lot of losses.
"It is said that Tiemuzhen Yu Xue Jun has suffered heavy losses in the previous series of battles. He did not expect that with the remaining Yu Xue Jun, he would be able to severely damage the Knights of the Sword. If he had a complete Yu Xue Jun, he might even have it. The Knights of Dayton will also be hit hard by Temujin..."
   Hohenzollern asked the wounded knights of the Knights of the Sword, who were injured in the battle with Yu Xue Jun.
   "The Knights of the Sword has disappointed you."
   The leader of the Sword Knights, Albert, felt guilty for losing to Temujin.
Hohenzollern patted Albert on the shoulder: "Albert, Temu is really a more ferocious enemy than Attila. As long as the Sword Knights are not annihilated, the Sword Knights can be reorganized in the future. "
   Hohenzollern did not blame Albert. As long as the heroes of the Teutonic Knights can be recruited, with the population of the Holy Roman Empire, the Sword Knights and the Teutonic Knights can be re-established.
   "Alexander was injured in this battle, and the Macedonian army had to rest... But Alexander was really crazy. He just wounded Attila in this situation and blocked the Huns from pursuing..."
   Hohenzollern thought of Alexander assaulting Attila, UU reading wounded Attila, and he was also afraid of Alexander.
   Alexander dared to take the initiative to kill Attila with inferior cavalry, which may threaten the Holy Roman Empire in the future.
   Hohenzollern is not only dealing with Attila and Temujin, but also against Alexander.
   "Alexander intends to rest in Linz and regroup his forces using the local teleportation formation."
"Leaving a light cavalry to contain Attila's attack on Vienna, our forces also need time to assemble, and we cannot completely rely on Linz’s teleportation formation. A teleportation formation can only dispatch more than 10,000 soldiers a day, and we need to use Bohemia. Teleportation array in sub-regions."
   After a simple discussion, a group of German princes finally decided to take a rest just like Alexander and others.
  His German Legion also suffered heavy casualties in this battle.
   "The Macedonians and Germans have begun to withdraw their troops. It seems that we can only believe that Ferdinand can hold Vienna. As long as he holds Vienna for a period of time and we gather more troops, we can relieve the city of Vienna."
   The Big Three of Rome also realized that the war with Temujin and Attila was not so simple. Their Roman troops participated in the war outside Vienna with only 70 or 80,000 troops, and 20,000 or 30,000 were killed, leaving the Big Three with a sigh of relief.
   For the Rome Big Three, this is also a shame.
   Each supporting army retreated to the upper reaches of Linz Castle, using the local teleportation formation to deploy troops, and the city of Vienna became an isolated city in a short time.
   If Ferdinand cannot defend Vienna in a short time, then the Austrian Grand Duchy is captured by Attila and Temujin, and the barbarian coalition that annexes Austria and Hungary will have more servants.
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