Chapter 773: Liaodong Iron Horse

In Hefei City, Jiangdong Army once again came down to attack Hefei City!
Sun Jian and Sun Ce supervised the battle under the city.
At this time, Sun Ce was majestic and heroic, and his force grew to its peak.
The Jiangdong army fired all arrows, dozens of siege towers and ladder trucks went into battle, and soldiers continued to roll down from the city wall.
"The Hefei defenders have been prepared for a long time, and I am afraid it will be difficult to capture Hefei this time. Unless King Xia is defeated in Mangshan, he can easily capture Hefei."
Sun Jian saw Hefei stick to the defense, Jiangdong Army, like last time, encountered the stubborn resistance of Hefei defenders, and couldn't help shaking his head.
"Father, please let me lead the soldiers and attack the city wall!"
Sun Ce took the initiative to appeal to Sun Jian.
"Let's give it a try, if it's unfavorable, return it immediately."
"Baby obey!"
Sun Ce led Jiangdong and Liangshan generals to attack Hefei, and Jiangdong Army attacked the city in batches!
"This is Song Jiang and the others..."
Hu Sanniang assisted in defending the city, shooting arrows at the enemy soldiers attached to the city.
She left Song Jiang’s Liangshan Army, but still recognized that among the enemy troops attacking Hefei, there was Song Jiang’s Liangshan Army general.
From the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the present, Sun Jian, the Jiangdong army, has no shortage of soldiers and soldiers. In recent years, it has expanded its military strength and brought unprecedented pressure to Hefei.
Hua Rong led a team of archers to cover Sun Ce's attack. Hua Rong has a special bonus to the archer troops. Arrows splash on the battlefield, and archers on the arrow tower are shot to death from time to time and fall from the arrow tower.
Among the Liangshan military commanders, there were several military commanders with higher military strength who took their infantry to the city and fought with the defenders on the wall.
Wen Yang picked up dozens of enemy soldiers who had climbed the city alone, and the enemy soldiers under Hefei were densely packed.
Wen Yang caught a glimpse of two Liangshan generals, one holding a ring knife and the other holding a Zen stick, so he strode to the meteor and went to kill the two!
The two Liangshan generals glanced at each other. Among them, Wu Song held a stab knife and slashed at Wenyang, who was shot back by Wenyang!
However, Wen Yang was also a little surprised, and the military commander Liang Shan in front of him was also a little bit powerful.
Wu Song was even more horrified, as Wen Yang, as the No. 1 fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, almost knocked his sword into the air.
Lu Zhishen waved his meditation stick, the tiger was born with the wind, and Wu Song pinched the Wenyang, and Wenyang was one enemy two!
The stones thrown by the trebuchet destroyed an arrow tower, and the stones of the arrow tower rolled down, and Zhang Liao suddenly looked at the arrow tower. Fortunately, it was not the arrow tower where Hu Sanniang was.
In Youzhou, the camps of Zhou Yafu and Li Guang were besieged by Xianbei cavalry, Wuhuan cavalry, and Liaoxi army. More than 150,000 soldiers attacked Zhou Yafu's army at the same time. The rain of stones and arrows fell, covering the sky!
Duan Clan Xianbei had a hatred with Li Guang, so he courageously took the lead and wanted to kill Li Guang and avenge Duan Wenyang.
The arrows of the Xianbei cavalry were raining, and Duan Pixi organized a group of sharpshooters to suppress the defending archers.
Yuwen Xianbei tribe, leader Yuwen Yidougui waved his hand, a group of Yuwen Xianbei cavalry dismounted to attack the city, driving the people to fill the trenches.
A Yuwen Xianbei general led his troops to attack a corner of the city wall and almost captured the city. If Li Guang did not arrive in time, he would shoot and kill the generals who had climbed the city, forcing the Yuwen Xianbei general to retreat. Perhaps the soldiers of the Yuwen Xianbei tribe had already ascended the city.
Yuwen Xianbei also has certain strength.
Li Guang fought battles, his fingers trembling from his frequent shooting of arrows. He no longer knew how many enemies he had shot, but the Xianbei cavalry under the city were boundless.
Zhou Yafu’s Xiliu Camp was killed and injured more than half of the time in the arduous battle to defend the city. Zhou Yafu lived and died with the soldiers day and night on the city wall, which barely blocked the opponent’s endless offensive.
On the periphery, Cao Cao’s reinforcements were intercepted by the leaders of Murong Xianbei and Wuhuan. The tiger and leopard cavalry fought against the iron cavalry of Yanguo Dragon City. The heavy cavalry galloped and the weapons smashed!
Cao Xiu once led the Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers to the front of Murong Ba in the melee. Murong Ba shot himself and defeated Cao Xiu.
However, Cao Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is strong and stubborn with Longcheng Iron Cavalry.
The Youzhou battlefield is in chaos.
Mingguan entered Youzhou and attacked the Xiawangfu Army under Xialiang Liang and Youzhou Army under Wei Qing. Xu Da and Chang Yuchun came out, and Mingguan personally charged and defeated Xiahouyuan!
"Yan Cavalry Army, Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose!"
Liaodong Yanqi Guild, a legion of free players with higher force launched an assault to attack Wei Qing's Yu Linwei!
This group of free players, equivalent to mercenaries, worked for the Liaodong Army under the temptation of gold and silver, equivalent to high-level cavalry!
The Shenji Battalion exchanged fire with the Eight Banners infantry of the Han Army equipped with firearms. The sound of arquebuses and fire guns filled most of the battlefield. Xia Liang personally went to the front to command, and the Shenji Battalion suppressed the repeated attacks of the Eight Banners of the Han Army.
Tiefutu and Guanning's iron cavalry are vertical and horizontal, Jin Wushu and Li Chengliang attack both sides with a fierce offensive!
The Liaodong Army came out, Li Wenzhong and Zhu Neng, two cavalry officers holding spears horizontally, led thousands of elite cavalrymen, galloping down from a height, toward the backbone of the Xia army!
The Xia Jun Yulin guards surrounded Li Wenzhong and Zhu Neng.
Li Wenzhong killed dozens of Lin Wei in a row, crowned the three armies bravely, led the cavalry to rush outward, invincible!
Zhu expert blades hundreds of cavalry, and Li Wenzhong are each other's horns, and they are all invincible!
Xue Wanche came and fought Li Wenzhong several times in the rebellious army, but Li Wenzhong's force was almost the same as Xue Wanche, and he cooperated with Zhu Neng to defeat Xue Wanche's cavalry.
Except for the cool Shenjiying camp in Xia Xia, and Yu Linwei led by Wei Qing himself, who can gain the upper hand, the rest will be defeated and shrink the line of defense under the fierce offensive of the Liaodong Army.
Qin Liangyu ran his horse to chase Jin Wushu, and the white soldiers shook the Tiefutu again, and actually repelled Jin Wushu's Tiefutu cavalry.
"I will lead the Iron Buddha."
Mingguan was very dissatisfied with the failure of Jin Wushu and once again deprived Jin Wushu of command.
Jin Wushu's troops are strong, but his own abilities are not very good, so Mingguan, Chang Yuchun and others will directly take away Jin Wushu's Iron Buddha in an emergency.
Under the command of Mingguan, Tiefutu exerted a completely different combat power and attacked the white soldiers again. This time the white soldiers suffered heavy losses. Qin Liangyu was seriously injured and desperately blocked the Mingguan!
boom! A giant humanoid beast appeared on the battlefield. The southern barbarian soldiers in vine armor came under the leadership of the Wutugu. The Wutugu's mace swept across, and dozens of impacted Iron Buddha cavalry were swept down by the Wutugu. , All were seriously injured by mace!
Mingguan led Tiefutu, who was going to completely destroy Qin Liangyu's white soldiers, but they were intercepted by the bones of the protrusion, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.
Wu Tu Gu is the tallest fighter he has ever seen.
Originally, Mingguan's height of 1.9 meters was already outstanding, but in front of Wutugu, Mingguan seemed to be just a dwarf.
"Kill it!"
Mingguan is not afraid!
Tiefutu charged again, and the invulnerable vine armor could not stop the iron hooves of the Liaodong cavalry.
The half-ton heavy cavalry does not need to break the defense at all. With the impact of the horse and the weight when trampled, the vine armor can be killed alive, or trampled to death!
The Wutu bones were surrounded by dense iron flotilla cavalry, and a sharp spear pierced the Wutu bones!
The mace, the tiger and the tiger, swept across the four directions, and killed more than a dozen Iron Buddha cavalry again!
With a clang, the Iron Buddha Cavalry's spear pierced the armor of the bones, and the Iron Buddha Cavalry's mouth hurt!
Wutugu alone could not defend the spears pierced from all directions, his armor was continuously pierced by the spears, dented downward, and traumatized!
Wu Tugu killed fifty Tiefutu cavalry alone, and several wounds inevitably appeared on her body. Tiefutu was equivalent to a silver rank general general!
"Wu Tugu, withdraw troops!"
Qin Liangyu defeated more than a dozen Tiefutu, with blood on his white cheeks.
Tiefutu is in the hands of Mingguan, extremely ferocious, it is obvious that Mingguan has two cavalry characteristics, which is not the same as the Tiefutu led by Jinwushu, and is already similar to the Tiefutu led by Chang Yuchun.
The white-armed soldiers and rattan soldiers who came from the Nanban area were severely injured by Mingguan using simple and rude methods.
For this, the price paid by Mingguan was that Tiefutu was almost removed.
Jin Wushu watched Tiefutu almost die with the White Rod Soldiers and Vine Armor Soldiers, bleeding in his heart.
Mingguan did not feel distressed. This fierce and rude combat style was the essence of the Liaodong Army. The offensive was fast and ruthless, which was different from the step by step of the Central Plains princes.
Qin Liangyu and Wutu were seriously injured. Hearing Mingjin's retreat, he contracted the line of defense.
"Abandon Changping County and retreat to Ji County!"
Xialiang’s Shenji Camp actually had a small number of people, only 5,000. Thousands were consumed by the Eight Banners of the Han Army, and only 4,000 were left. On the battlefield, the Liaodong Army commander drove straight in. If this continues, the entire army may be wiped out.
Changping County, the northern gateway of Ji County, was abandoned, and Xia Jun fully retreated to Ji County.
In front of the ferocious Liaodong Army, Xia's army was suppressed in Youzhou.
At least seven to eight hundred thousand Liaodong Army invaded Youzhou, and Youzhou Army plus reinforcements may be less than 400,000. There is also a gap in the number of generals between the two sides.
On the way back to Jixian, the Eastern Liaoning Army chased after him. Li Xiuning used the characteristics of "Princess Zhao's encouragement" to restore the morale of the Xia Army and slightly repelled the part of the Eastern Liaoning Army pursuing.
"Qin Liangyu, Wu Tu Gu, Xu Rong, Xia Houyuan, Xue Wanche were more or less injured."
As Xia Liang's deputy, Li Xiuning reported to him the tragic situation.
When Qin Liangyu was covered in blood and came to Xia Liang, even Xia Liang felt distressed.
The Liaodong Army is known for its bravery, and only Chutian can punish the elite army of Mingguan. However, Chu Tian adjusted a lot of elites to attack Luoyang, and Youzhou Army was unable to compete with Mingguan for a while.
"Msang Gong, make progress in Mangshan as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult for Youzhou to hold onto..."
Retreat to Ji County in the summer. This city is the capital of Youzhou and a huge city. There is a large stock of grain and grass. There is no need to worry about running out of grain and grass for a while. However, if Ji County falls, Youzhou will be controlled by the Liaodong Army. , It is more difficult to retake Youzhou.
Xia Liang appoints Huo Qing to defend the city to provide a bonus for defending the city.
If Chutian's elite guards were all used to deal with the Liaodong, there might be more power, but Xia Liang had only some generals and troops.
On the opposite side, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and Li Wenzhong were the three great generals of Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Neng was the first riding general under Zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty. The accumulated characteristics of Mingguan were not inferior to any of them.
In Mangshan, Chutian has received unfavorable news from all over the place.
Bowangpo, Hefei, Youzhou, Prairie, Hetao, and Xiliang fought successively, and Liu Bei was active in Yizhou, attacking Zhang Dao and Mu Ke of the Xiacheng League.
Almost all the princes of the Han Empire joined the Xianyang League or Xiacheng League in various forms and fought.
And the key battlefield is Manshan.
"We have successively seized the key fortresses of Mangshan. It is time to fight Lao Qin to the death in Mangshan."
Chu Tian invited Wu Qi.
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