Chapter 880: The generals of the Xiliang Army

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Wang Yanzhang had a huge impact on the young Ma Chao, and Ma Chao's personality changed. Chu Tian also discovered that the talents of military generals may change before they reach adulthood.
It is a good thing for Chu Tian.
Chu Tian specially recruited Ma Chao, took over Ma Chao's weapon, and his figure shook.
His more than 80 force, using Ma Chao's weapons, turned out to be very difficult.
Ma Chao's weapons are extremely heavy, reaching a hundred catties!
For ordinary people, such a weapon can be exhausted with a few swipes.
The gun body is made of cold iron, measuring one foot and one foot three long, with a black golden tiger head and a tiger's mouth swallowing the blade. The tiger-headed golden gun made of pure iron is indestructible.
Obviously, such a weapon is more powerful than a tough wooden gun, whether it is a stab or a hammer.
But such weapons test the arm strength and physical strength of the generals very much.
Under the influence of Wang Yanzhang, Ma Chao gained Wang Yanzhang's mastery of iron spears. Even with heavy weapons, he still wielded like flying.
From this point of view, it is very important to cultivate the second and third generations of generals to be a teacher by name.
Like Sun Ce and others, Ma Chao is barely considered a second-generation military commander. Their fathers, Ma Teng and Sun Jian, are the first-generation princes.
This also inspired Chu Tian, ​​who trained the second generation of generals.
With the strength of one generation, Chu Tian couldn't guarantee that he could level the entire lord's world, and there might be rebellions in the conquered areas. He has already begun to train the second generation of generals.
Chu Tian briefly flipped through the capabilities of the other generals of the Xiliang Army. This time Chu Tian looked at it roughly.
【Name】: Pound
[Commander]: 80 [Strength]: 95 [Intelligence]: 67 [Politics]: 44 [Charm]: 70
[Feature 1]: Carry the coffin to death (S-level feature, when determined to be loyal to a monarch, will not surrender to the enemy, personal attack power +25%)
[Feature 2]: White Horse General (S-level feature, when the unit is equipped with a pure white horse, riding and shooting damage +15%)
[Feature 3]: Death Battle in Xiliang (S-level feature, in the legion, soldiers from Xiliang source of soldiers have all attributes +8%. When morale drops below 50, they enter a death battle state, immediately restore 20 morale, and a battle can only be triggered once)
[Special arms]: Xiliang Iron Cavalry (Tier 7 heavy cavalry, upper limit is 1,000)
Then Chu Tian looked at the two princes in Xiliang, Ma Teng and Han Sui. There was a lot of bond between the two.
[Name]: Ma Teng
[Commander]: 84 [Strength]: 81 [Intelligence]: 61 [Politics]: 59 [Charm]: 89
[Feature 1]: Liangzhou hero (A-level feature, when the army's army source comes from Xiliang, the army loyalty is +15%, attack power +11%, marching speed +4%)
[Feature 2]: Dispel the rate of Qianghu (A-level feature, the probability of surrender of the Qiang and Di is increased, and it is easy to fear)
[Special arms]: Xiliang Iron Cavalry (Tier 7 heavy cavalry, upper limit of two thousand)
Like Ma Chao, Ma Teng has a deterrent effect on the Qiang and Di tribes.
It is said that Ma Teng and Ma Chao are the descendants of Fubo General Ma Yuan, so Chu Tian incorporated Ma Yuan into the Xiliang Army and combined the power of the three horses. Perhaps it would not be so difficult to put down the Qiang and Di tribes.
[Name]: Han Sui
[Commander]: 83 [Strength]: 77 [Intelligence]: 70 [Politics]: 63 [Charm]: 73
[Feature 1]: Looting three auxiliary (A-level feature, the effect of looting increases by 20% when looting by the regiment under its jurisdiction)
[Feature 2]: Dispel the rate of Qianghu (A-level feature, the probability of surrender of the Qiang and Di is increased, and it is easy to fear)
[Special arms]: None
Han Sui and Ma Teng are half a catty, and Han Sui's abilities are not bad, but in "The Lord", they are relatively average, so they were subdued by Xu Fengnian.
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Han Sui was abused by Dong Zhuo, Li Su, and Xia Houyuan, but Han Sui had been in Liangzhou for 30 years, which was a little tricky.
Han Sui also has the ability to suppress and win over the Qiang and Di tribes.
Han Sui also has generals such as Cheng Yin, Li Kan, Zhang Heng, and Yang Qiu. The commander and the force are between 60 and 80. They are not regarded as famous generals, but they can be used for one.
The tactics adopted by the First Army of the Xiliang Army were mostly cavalry assaults, mainly to break the formation by force.
The Xiliang cavalry of Ma Chao, Pound, and Ma Teng totaled 8,000, plus 42,000 Xiliang cavalry.
The second army, Xu Rong, Zhang Xiu, Hua Xiong’s abilities, Chu Tian has already seen it, with 6000 Xiliang cavalry as the main force, of which Xie Ai 3000, Zhang Xiu 2000, Hua Xiong 1000, plus 44,000 Xiliang Cavalry, infantry, crossbowmen.
The Xiliang cavalry of the First Army and the Second Army add up to 14,000 cavalry, which can be regarded as the core force of the Xiliang Army.
The iron torrent of high-ranking heavy cavalry is quite terrifying, but the cost of its armor and horses is very high.
The generals Li Hu and Du Guxin of the Third Army, Chu Tian also glanced at them.
[Name]: Li Hu
[Commander]: 79 [Strength]: 89 [Intelligence]: 65 [Politics]: 54 [Charm]: 90
[Feature 1]: Tang Guogong (S grade feature, cavalry attack power +17%, warrior spirit +10%)
[Feature 2]: riding through (A-level features, personal riding and shooting damage +15%)
[Characteristic 3]: Light money and heavy righteousness (B-level characteristics, peer favorability rises)
[Special Arms]: Wuchuan Legion (Western Wei Fu Bing, Tier 5, upper limit of 4,000)
Li Hu was the great grandfather of Li Shimin, and the eight pillars of the Western Wei Dynasty with generals such as Yuwentai and Duguxin. In the later period of the Northern Wei Dynasty, it split into the Western Wei Dynasty (later the Northern Zhou Dynasty) and the Eastern Wei Dynasty (later the Northern Qi and was destroyed by the Northern Zhou Dynasty), similar to the confrontation between Old Qin and Chutian, except that the Guan Zhongjun won.
Later, Yuwentai became the head of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms, and his son established the Northern Zhou Dynasty, which was usurped by Yang Jian to establish the Sui Dynasty.
Li Yuan, the grandson of Li Hu, the eight pillar kingdoms of the Western Wei Dynasty, later rose up to establish the Tang Dynasty.
The order of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui, and Tang dynasties is somewhat inherited.
The Western Wei Dynasty gave birth to many outstanding generals, the Eight Pillar Kingdoms and the Twelve Generals. Among them, the founder of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian was the son of Yang Zhong of the Twelve Generals, and the Tang founder Li Yuan was the grandson of Li Hu of the Eight Pillars.
The Eastern Wei Dynasty became the Northern Qi, and there were also three Northern Qi generals represented by Duan Shao, Hu Luguang, and Lanling King.
It is not easy to gather together the eight pillar kingdoms and twelve generals of the Western Wei Dynasty.
Yuwentai, the most outstanding leader, was in the Yuwen tribe at this time.
Dugu Xin is also one of the eight pillar countries, and the biggest feature is that Rong Yi is handsome, known as "Dugu Lang".
As long as those who are called Lang, in ancient times are mostly handsome guys, Dugu Lang, and Zhou Yu, who are called Zhou Lang, the song is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu.
Maybe the genes are too good. Duguxin's three daughters are all queens. Ebook bar
Yang Zhong, the father of Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian, was a subordinate of Duguxin, and Dugu Jialuo, the youngest daughter of Duguxin, was Yang Jian's wife and the founding queen of the Sui Dynasty.
Li Yuan is Duguxin's grandson...
It shows the status of Duguxin.
Duguxin was so handsome, Chu Tian thought he was only a little worse than himself.
Chu Tian looked at Duguxin's attribute panel again, and he was considered a decent star.
[Commander]: 83 [Strength]: 92 [Intelligence]: 75 [Politics]: 80 [Charm]: 97
[Feature 1]: Dugu Lang (S-level feature, cavalry attack power +17%, the appearance of descendants is improved)
[Feature 2]: riding through (A-level features, personal riding and shooting damage +15%)
[Feature 3]: Popularity (A-level feature, when guarding one side, local people's hearts +10%, easy to attract refugees)
[Special Arms]: Wuchuan Legion (Western Wei Fu Bing, Tier 5, upper limit of 4,000)
? ? ?
Chu Tian saw this characteristic for the first time.
Cao, is there any feature that can give birth to a good-looking offspring?
After seeing the characteristics of so many generals, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel that the world is so big, there are no surprises.
Don't underestimate this feature, it looks like S-level, sometimes not weaker than SSS-level features.
It is not allowed that Duguxin’s daughter or granddaughter will marry into the royal family or the son of a certain general.
In any era, appearance is very important.
If Duguxin is in the "Lord", regenerate a daughter like Dugu Jialu...
Duguxin is also a legend, with good looks and talents, and his daughter is also very powerful.
The Wuchuan Legion of Li Hu and Duguxin are in the same spirit as Yuwentai.
Six thousand Wuchuan army cavalrymen constitute the main force of the Third Army of the Xiliang Army, followed by low-rank cavalry.
Ma Yuan Chutian had already seen the Fourth Army, followed by Yang Shihou, the chief coach of the silver spear, and the famous general behind him.
The silver spear has eight thousand people, for the seventh-order spearmen, brave and good at fighting.
[Name]: Yang Shihou
[Commander]: 91 [Strength]: 89 [Intelligence]: 81 [Politics]: 60 [Charm]: 71
[Feature 1]: Fierce decision (S grade feature, personal attack power +15%, riding and shooting damage +15%)
[Feature 2]: Select Snapdragon (S-level features, Legion Attack Power +17%, Defense Power +11%)
[Feature 3]: Pure, sensitive and dry (A-level feature, Legion defense power +10%, not easy to be confused)
[Characteristic 4]: Reliance on the public (negative characteristics, easy to be high-powered, the higher the status, the greater the ambition)
[Special Arms]: Silver Spear Effect Festival (Tier 7 Pikemen, upper limit of 8,000)
Another general with negative characteristics.
However, Chu Tian basically ignored this negative characteristic.
In "Lord", the Eastern Han region is like a cloud and the stars are shining. How easy is it for Yang Shihou to reach the level of being a master?
Wu Qi, Wang Jian, Yue Fei, Wei Qing and others, any of them can suppress Yang Shihou.
Chu Tian was more interested in the Silver Spear Festival.
[Arms]: Silver Spear Effect Festival
[Rank]: Seventh-tier Pikemen
[Attack power]: 24 [Defense power]: 24 [Speed]: 6
[Skills]: Super Fen Xun (when you are in a hard fight, you can greatly improve morale, and can only be used once a day), special gun array (when forming a gun array, damage to cavalry +20%, damage to infantry +10%), special Trapped (when attacking the enemy, attack power +25%, for a period of time), brave and invincible (morale +15%, attack power +10%, defense power +10%, for a period of time)
[Characteristics]: Wei Fu Yajun (when the silver spear is used as a main soldier, attack +6, defense +4)
[Military Pay]: 15 February
[Must be equipped]: At least platinum-level spear, gold-level Zha, etc...
[Training cycle]: 3 months
[Quantity limit]: 8000
The Silver Spear Effect Festival focuses on attacking and trapping. Among the pawns, the actual outburst of combat power is very impressive.
Qin Ruishi and Wei Wuzu were not as effective as a silver spear under the same number of premises.
However, the number of Qin Ruishi and Wei Wupu was even greater.
In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, many high-level arms were born, including the Crow's Army, the Black Cloud Capital, and the Rambling Capital, all of which were brave soldiers.
In each dynasty, many famous generals and powerful troops were born.
The more troubled the world is, the more fierce it is.
The Three Kingdoms, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the White Squad Army, and the Wudang Flying Army; the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the serial horse, the begging army, the Beifu Army, and the Baibao Xianbei; the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, the silver spear and the Crow Army, and the Black Cloud Long Sword Army.
In the Fourth Army, Ma Yuan was in charge of the cavalry Yang Shihou was in charge of the infantry.
In this way, Xu Fengnian's team is not bad, no wonder that Longxi County could be unified at the beginning and dominate Xiliang.
Had it not been for Ma Chao hadn't grown up at the time, and the old Qin had Wang Jian as the commander-in-chief, and with Jia Xu's divorce plan, Xu Fengnian would not have been so easily defeated.
Xu Fengnian also had the strength to separate one party, but he gave up this opportunity.
"The main station of the Xiliang Army is located in Longxi. The current task is mainly to pacify the Qiang Kingdom in Jincheng County and Qinghai Lake. The second is to look at Wudu County in order to attack Hanzhong and Bashu in the future."
The Xiliang Army, Xu Fengnian, Governor Xie Ai, and Ma Yuan as a check and balance, there are all three generals of Chutian, Lao Qin, and Xu Fengnian.
After determining the establishment of the Xiliang Army, Xu Fengnian and Xie Ai recruited warriors in Liangzhou according to the establishment.
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