Chapter 996: Fairy law! Smashing nuclear explosion-shrimp king hammer!

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Since falling into the hands of Li Mo, Xiang Phosphorus has not experienced Sasuke's hell-level 'ghost beast spirit correction method', but as a rare vortex family of orthodox descendants, she has also been valued by the elders and has received a series of intensive training.
In order to fully tap the powerful physical potential of the 'Vortex Family' and to strengthen his influence on the world line, Li Mo gave the incense phosphorus a radiant fiber with the magic method of 'Lao Xian Fu Ding Ling Ling'.
Theoretically, since then, she will be her family, no matter what the demon or demon of Xiang Phosphorus does, the world line deviation generated will have her own contribution.
Xiang Phosphorus has special strengths in the aspects of 'physical fitness, perception, recovery, and sealing', but is not good at the control of the attribute Chakra, so Li Mo focused on strengthening her physical surgery, and continued to improve her physique with 'radiation fiber' to stop doing it. At the human cost, increase combat effectiveness.
At this moment, Xiang Phosphorus opened four doors with excellent physique, and his physical strength continued to increase, entering a terrible situation.
She had long read the information about Xiao organization compiled by Li Mo, and realized that the dried persimmon had the ability to devour Chakra, and the use of ninjutsu against him was totally an enemy. Instead, she was restrained by body techniques, and this is her strength.

With both feet running all the way, Xiang Phosphorus ran wildly on the turbulent water, trampled a burst of water burst, and instantly killed him in front of the ghost shark. Her fists and feet were wide open, and there was a fiery radiant wave in her swing. At the same time, she also lifted the surface of the water.
The ghost shark also slashed the muscles of the shark continuously, repeatedly chopping the fists and feet that resisted the phosphorous with ‘cutting off’. The two attacked extremely fast, with a hard touch. Xiang Phosphorus is protected with steel wire gloves in both hands, and he is not afraid of the sharpness of the shark muscles.
The two acted smoothly, and turned into a series of phantoms. The aftermath of the battle was transmitted to the water, causing huge waves to surge. A heavy fist of Xiang Phosphorus fell into the air, and the hammer hit the lake, instantly hitting a semi-circular depression with a diameter of ten meters, and immediately set off a huge wave to hit the wall, vertically rising into the sky and turning into a circle of water curtain.
Ghost Shark's shave step disappeared in an instant, and appeared on the side of Xiang Phosphorus instantly. A "shave step" was sharp as a knife towards the waist. Xiang Phosphorus was cut into the waist, but was blocked. But the huge force still forced her to retreat a few meters away, and then the ghost shark slashed into the water, injected Chakra, and splashed a sharp 'water wave blade.' Xiang Phosphorus double fist continuously waved, a layer of radiant flame attached to the arm, exploded and evaporated this wave of water.
The ghost shark also took the opportunity to create two water bodies. The deity shaved the step spur, continued to swing the shark muscle to attack, and used the superb knife technique to contain the incense phosphorus, fighting with her. The other two avatars, one launched the ‘Five Food Shark’, used Chakra to make five shark-shaped water bombs that can be resurrected, and repeatedly rushed from the water to bite the incense phosphorus until the dead. The other made a lot of tentacles with a lot of sea water, and densely protruded from the water, swarming with demons, trying to wrap the incense phosphorus ankles, restraining her actions, and dragging her to the bottom of the water.
As a ‘body skill + perception’ ninja, Xiang Phosphorus is extremely unfavorable in fighting the ghost fish on the water. However, with her superior perception, she almost foreseen the trajectories of the "Five Food Sharks" and "Water Hands" as she predicted, evading while fighting against the Shark Muscle.
However, the long-term defense will be lost. When the ghosts suppressed the attack, they suddenly sealed with one hand and launched a "big water cell" to seal the two at the same time. Xiang Phosphorus responded quickly, and an angry fist turned and blasted on the inner wall of the water cell, trying to break out of the prison cage and rush out.
Once trapped by this water lock, it must be broken with absolute force at the first time, otherwise, once the delay is too long, the situation will be reversed. It will continue to absorb the energy of the trapped people, making the water wall stronger and stronger, while the trapped people are constantly weak, and with the consumption of oxygen, they will eventually be unable to break free.
At the moment when Xiang Phosphorus started, Ghostfish also madly output Chakra hard. A circle of violent ripples spread out, and the power of the fragrant phosphorous hit did not break the defense, but was quickly eliminated by the water.
At the same time, Xiang Phosphorus was about to go back and chase the ghost shark, but suddenly a hollow appeared in the water wall under his foot, and his body fell straight out. Then, the muscles of the shark's hands swelled wildly, bursting the bandage and splitting a disgusting mouth. He slammed his hand upwards and thrust the thick shark muscle directly into the hole of the water cell to block it.
Afterwards, the ghost shark with one hand finished printing, frantically contracted and squeezed the volume of the water cell, and pumped oxygen. The large water cell keeps sinking into the compressed space and becomes a small water cell with stronger and thicker walls.
In a hurry, Xiang Phosphorus made ten punches, and the water dungeon was constantly raised and deformed violently, but it became more and more difficult to shake. Chakra inside the body also quickly drained with the crazy sucking of the mackerel muscles.
The other water of the ghost shark ran to the water cell with his hands close to the surface of the water polo. A tentacle of water suddenly appeared on the inner wall of the cell, tangling toward the incense phosphorus, trying to completely subdue her.

Seeing disgusting and terrifying water tentacles, one by one wanted to come in, and the ghost shark had a strange shark face again.
There are dozens of Sister Ruth's collections in Xiang Phosphorus's brain. The elaborate tentacles of the elaborate style are Caiman. The inner disgust and madness directly rose to the top. Under extreme disgust and fear, the blood in the body instantly burned.
He gave up reason, gave up thinking, and chose to run away.
"Red seal-the final solution! Fairy mode!"
The water body outside the ‘Ultimate Tentacle Water Prison’, with both hands clinging to the surface of the water polo, suddenly felt a slight vibration from inside. Immediately, small bubbles popped out of it, increasing in number, as if the carbonated beverage just poured out, or boiling hot water. Immediately afterwards, the temperature of the water barrier increased slightly, and the hot water withdrew his hands.
And the ghost shark that fetches the chamocha chakra madly with the shark ’s muscles, suddenly a scream of ‘pain’ from the shark ’s muscles, it seems that his mouth is burnt?

At the next moment, the scorching ‘Xianshu Radiation Chakra’ erupted in the water cellar. The dark blue opaque water cellar core lit up a red light, and then continued to bloom and expand, getting brighter and brighter! More and more dazzling!
Eventually, the ghost shark could no longer contain the violent radiant waves, and the scalded muscles were pulled out and receded. Then the sturdy water dungeon could not withstand the internal steam pressure and exploded directly. Torn directly, ignite this artificial lake!
"Sixth door, open!"
The whole body is covered with incense phosphors of the fire-colored curse, standing quietly on the water, and the body continuously sprays red radiation steam outward, like a burning torch.
Ghost Shark's pupils shrunk, and subconsciously said: "Fairy mode!"
"Xian Fa-Nuclear Explosion-Shrimp King Hammer!"
The eyes are red, the whole body is covered with the phosphor of the red cursed pattern, and a red-haired super Saiyan stands up. The body emits endless fairy radiation energy, and then blasts a fist at the ghost shark, squeezing The air produced a giant red monster shrimp.
This can only blame the shrimp for its narrow and long body, bright red color and red radiation, three pairs of and feet with sharp and sharp edges, the tail curled up in a curved shape, and the head standing high. The two pairs of jaws are extremely developed! This is its weapon of predation and enemy defense.
The foremost part of its limb is a single thorn, the tip is as sharp as a cone, and the root is raised and thickened. When it folds up, the thickened part looks like a pair of giant hammers, this is the hegemon of the shrimp!
Rivers and lakes called crushed tailed mantis shrimp!
Nuclear explosion-Pipi shrimp!
"Drink! Xian Fa-nuclear explosion shrimp king hammer!"
The violent Xiang Phosphorus screamed and smashed it with a punch, and the huge radiant Pipi shrimp also waved a huge shrimp hammer with her! Hit the ghost shark.

As we all know, Pippi shrimps are usually divided into two types. One is a "scythe type shrimp" with thin skin and many forelimbs like a sickle. They are a shame in Pippi shrimp. The "puncture type" of the five residues is often used by fishermen or cooks Frightened to pee, also known as 'sweed shrimp'.
In addition, the Pipi shrimp family also has a kind of overlord! They are bright in color, cruel in character, and do not let go with their companions. They are called ‘crushed shrimps’! Hammer the Pippi shrimp!
After Li Mo hit the wall on the "Traditional Fairy Model" last time, he did not give up, but made persistent efforts. Since the ‘phone bug’ is a foreign creature and lacks prehistoric ancient genetic fragments, he chose a deep-sea ‘crushed shrimp’ near the Kingdom of Waves to extract the ‘Ancient Animal Factor’ from the bloodline.
This kind of shrimp is close to the country of waves, large in number, suitable for breeding, has a strong carapace, and has strong defense! It has great power, perfect biological structure, and attack power! Combined with the ‘natural energy’ provided by Longdi Cave, we finally developed the ‘Xianshu Radiation Shrimp Carat’, and further developed the ‘Pipi Shrimp-Red Curse Seal’ with reference to Uncle Snake ’s ‘Spell Seal’!
The deepest layer of Xiang Phosphorus' "Red Seal" has accumulated a huge "Xianshu Radiation Shrimp Carat". At this moment, with the help of demonic fibers, it enters the immature "Pseudo Skin Fairy Mode"!

The fist of Xiang Phosphorus exploded, and a 'crushed nuclear explosion shrimp fist' broke out.
Smashing shrimps can reach the firing speed of 0.22 caliber rifle bullets when they punch, and can kill prey with 1500 cattle in less than one-thousandth of a second. If humans can swing their arms at one-tenth of this speed, they can throw baseball into the earth's synchronized orbit.
At the moment, the more fierce ‘Xianshu Pipi shrimp virtual shadow’ chose to swing the hammer. That nuclear explosion tyrant hammer was too fast, and the surrounding air was burned out, and the super-cavity effect broke out! The moment when the cavity bubble collapsed, a shock wave of Xianshu nuclear explosion was generated, and the temperature was instantaneously heated to 10,000 degrees Celsius, radiated out, and hit the ghost shark.
The smashing punch of ordinary Pippi shrimp can burst crabs, crack bulletproof glass, and smash shrimp porter, and the punch of Xiang Phosphorus in Pippi fairy mode directly hits the chest of the ghost fish. .
With this punch, the terrible force smashed his ribs and squeezed the internal organs, making him open his mouth and spurting blood. His eyes turned white, his mouth and nose and tears came out, his body instantly turned into a U shape, and he shot back all the way. The huge artificial lake was split in half and instantly hit the far wall of the earth array, deeply embedded in it. The huge wall suddenly sags into a large circle, and the dense cracks split radially in all directions.
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