Chapter 1049: Lip battles! The first debate contest in Muye Village

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Half a day after being snatched, Shayin's two S-class strongmen pursued all the way, and finally in a mountainous area, they burst Xiaodi's big bird and forced him from high altitude.
As a result, the tragic discovery was not only that Dydara was a puppet constructed by the technique of "image turning", even Iro was a fake with a change in shadow avatar. This unsuccessful pursuit made Sha Yin completely lose track of Xiao organization.
At the same time, Dedara also quickly came to a cave on the border of the Kingdom of the Wind and joined his companions. Atuge and Scorpion had been waiting for a long time, and I, who was seriously injured and comatose, was discarded on the ground. Several people sealed the cave and made various defensive measures.
Soon after, Nagato manipulated Penn ’s psychic gothic gothic gothic goblin, used the magic of the slide body to pull people online, and then gathered ten powerful ninjas together to launch the
Fantasy Dragon Nine Seals
and began to draw my love A tail in the body.

Shayin lost my whereabouts of Ai Luo, and was completely in a panic. They had no countermeasures and had to use the psychic telephone bug to send out help to the unresolved Taiyin immortals, but for a long time no reply was received. (Chiyo ’s account was blacked by Taiyin Murah, he forgot to cancel it, and he failed to receive the message.)
Thousand generations who have no gods, no longer ignore the hatred of tearing B apart from Tuanzang, shouting his old face to Muye ’s ‘Puppet Village Head’ for help. Private letter gang hand, what to say:
‘Shayin and Muye have been friendly neighbors with water and water since ancient times. Now that the sand has been hit by disaster, Wang Muye has helped the younger brother through many difficulties so as to be worthy of the spirit of the ancestors. The same ninja world, the same home. ’
(Liu Dao said: Do n’t mention me anymore, do n’t rub me anymore, Liu Dao is very busy!)

Chiyo's shameless poison chicken soup also refreshed Tsuna's knowledge of Shayin's bottom line. Do people become as faceless as Tuanzang and Chiyo when they get older? Is there such a lower limit?
Who scolded the air yesterday, humiliated Konoha, and said that I was a puppet Huo Ying? Who was in the two years to cooperate with Da She Wan to launch the Konoha collapse plan? Who started the war against Konoha during the Third World War? Is this the so-called "brother-to-brother relationship"?
Although Tsunade vomits, he will not substitute his personal emotions into his work. Despite her disdain for Chiyo and Tuan Zang, the woman's unique sixth sense tells her that Muye must help Shayin this time to consolidate this ally.
Now suddenly there is a 'Xiao shrimp' sharpening knife at night, and the ninja world is shaking and confusing. On the occasion of chaos before the chaos, the end of the ninja world is on the verge. Tsunade believes that it is reasonable to unite all forces that can be united as much as possible, to jointly build international organizations such as the Shen Hao Bureau, and to join hands to resist the upcoming disaster.

Putting down the cloak of Naruto, Tsunade closed his eyes and squeezed his eyes, and said to the secretary, "Mute, go and notify the elders, the representatives of the ninjas, and the top secret officials. I will call a meeting."
Soon, the senior officials of Muye Village came to the scene one after another, and the deer Maru who had been promoted to special forbearance also shouldered an important mission. He participated in this meeting as a Naruto consultant and stood beside the mute.
"Everyone, long story short. Supposedly, everyone must have learned from the psychic network. Now we are faced with a choice, will we help Sapphire Village?"
Gang hands took the lead in opening, slapping on the table with a slap, the vibration passed upward along the arm, and the chest was choppy, attracting the attention of many homeowners.
"I object!"
The team player took the lead to speak, his elbows pressed against the table, his hands crossed his chin, the signature action of the malicious cos commander, so he said deeply: "Although Shayin is the weakest in Wucun, but the wolf is ambitious and coveted me Looking at the tiger, they still have threats. Especially they hooked on the unclear mysterious 'Taiyin Fairy Man', which made Chiyo self-inflate excessively and is full of maliciousness to the wood leaves. The danger of sand hidden, but also to increase again. They are annihilated, which is powerful to us, but they can borrow a knife to kill people and remove a threat! "
Tuan Zang said that the sound of the grandeur is reasonable, but it is actually reporting the revenge of yesterday's "ninja shit"!
"I agree with the elders of Tuan Zang!" The patriarch of the oil girl clan opened.
And the Qiu Dao family who secretly became a certain agreement, and also betrayed the village chief rarely, stood on the side of the "root commander" and "stuck" the group to hide.
"I object!"
The representatives of the mountain family were very upset when they saw Qiu Dao betrayed. Say it's going together and going back together? Seeing Lulu's father lying asleep on the seat, Hai Hai said helplessly: "Although Shayin was hit hard, it still retains its main strength. If we rescue at this moment, it is tantamount to sending charcoal in the snow, they can get their gratitude Friendship. But if you die, you will definitely be hated by Shayin. After this attack, Shayin lacked tail beasts to suppress it, causing heavy casualties and food shortages. The biggest possibility is to invade the rich country of fire and wage war to shift internal conflicts. "
"Stupid! Do you know that Shayin is not well-intentioned, but still have to raise tigers to suffer? Instead of strangling ahead of time ?! You are a veteran of Konoha!"
Tuan Zang took the case, and I was short-sighted and ill-witted: "Compared with the powerful sand hidden, now the priority is now the newly rising country of the projectile Kojima wave! The shrimp organization is retrograde and evil and brutal, full of threats and tight Relying on the territory of my country of fire, I threatened to overthrow the rule of Daming, liberate productivity, and simply heresy! It must be strangled in advance! When we quash the country of the wave, and win the strength of the seven-tailed Konoha. At that time, there are two tail beasts, winning Great increase. And Shayin lost a tail and fell into adversity. The dragons without heads will inevitably split in internal strife and continue to weaken their strength. And we have cultivated our strengths and launched raids to destroy them in one fell swoop! "
In fact, Tuanzang ’s words have n’t been finished yet: ‘In time it will annex the vast land of the Kingdom of Wind, expand its territory, become a big name, part-time Naruto, take the pinnacle of ninja world, impact the fairyland, and live forever, do n’t it be beautiful? ! ’
"Okay! Lord Tuanzang is brilliant, admire! Admire!" A senior executive who was bought by Tuanzang excitedly.
Immediately afterwards, many people expressed their support. Although no one is hiding, but it is undeniable that his plan sounds very feasible and quite reliable.
However, these people did not know that the reason why the firm Tuanzang insisted on the shrimp was that the last time the shrimp organization intercepted the seven tails, the ninja of the roots was wiped out. Before dying, one of them used a telephone bug to send back a small video of "Sasuke Shizusuke".

The aftermath of Uchiha appears in the Kingdom of Waves! A kaleidoscope capable of exerting the power of God (Susa)!
These two points not only made Tuan Zang feel horrified, but also made him excited.
He was shocked because Yu Zhibo actually had a fish in the net, and a woman actually awakened the kaleidoscope, which was a huge threat. Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise it will be difficult to guarantee the future. This woman must be killed as soon as possible!
And excited, it is finally a new kaleidoscope. He is well aware of the power of writing chakra eyes, indulging in it and unable to extricate himself. At the beginning, he forced death to stop the water and failed to obtain his eyes. He regretted his heart and desperately wanted it. It's a pity that he couldn't beat Itachi, and Sasuke didn't struggle. Now that he has a new choice, Tuan Zang can't wait to dig out the woman's eyes.
If he could take advantage of Konoha ’s military power to sweep through the Kingdom of Waves, he would get a lot of benefits from it, inheriting the industry of Victor ’s big boss, occupying the seven tails, digging out another pair of kaleidoscopes, and at the same time killing ninjas of the hand faction, reducing competition for Naruto The pressure is more than one thing.

"I disagree with the view of Elder Tuanzang!"
Before the meeting, Lu Wan, who was connected to his girlfriend Temu's network, was at the age of restlessness in his youth.
Last time when he was on a mission at the border of the country of wind, he met the beautiful young girl again, leaving a haunting memory, successfully taking away the hands of Tetsuyuki and turning him into an adult, and officially establishing a relationship. He who never misses ‘One Night at the Frontier’, now after receiving his girlfriend ’s request and ‘hint’, Lu Maru is rare and full of motivation for something, and he no longer feels bored and troublesome.
"Oh? Imp, there is no place for you to intervene." Tuan Zang disregarded Lu Maru and threw him a contemptuous look.
"But I want to hear it!" Gangshou responded aggressively, dragging Tuanzang back.
"The plan of Elder Tuanzang has a big problem. We still don't know the real strength of the Shrimp Organization of the Kingdom of Pokémon. It is very irrational to attack without thinking about the true purpose of the shrimp organization." Lu Maru shook his head.
"It's ridiculous. Where can the organization of the projectile land of the Land of the Occupied Territories be stronger? Isn't it just bullying a small ninja village and grabbing Nanao? It's sad to see you scared. Isn't it keeping it, Are tigers in trouble? Reasonable and sensible, dare dare to talk to me about life experience? Let me be an elder tell you that when you encounter choices in life, you also need courage and blood! I am decisive and decisive, you are still Do the hesitant and indecisive soft eggs understand? "Tuan Zang tried his best to despise it, and tried his best to haunt it.
For the mother-in-law's daughter-in-law and for her future life of happiness and fortune, Lu Maru was not afraid, but said: "Without mentioning one of the three tolerant big snake balls, it is suspected to join the shrimp organization and settle in the country of waves. Just say This attack on the Shayin Village, which took away a tail of the Xiao organization, had twice suffered deficiencies in the Kingdom of Waves. An organization that has allowed Xiao to lose continuously is still safe and sound. It is still easy to successfully capture the power of the seven tails. Generation? "
"What? Da She Wan!", "Hi, Da She Wan!", "It turned out to be that man!", "Is he back again? Was the shrimp built by him?"
With a positive look from Tsunato, Lu Maru made persistent efforts: "I think Muye should rescue Shayin!"
(Of course, to save my girlfriend, let me come down as a savior, defeat her inner defense in one fell swoop, and fulfill my mother's desire to marry and give birth to your son. Hey, isn't it just to put a sister? Really troublesome to die!)
"Although Muye and Shayin are filthy with each other, they are the only countries among the five nations in the world of ninja. They have established an ally relationship. Yanyin and Yunyin have fought for generations, while Wuyin is lonely overseas, only Muye and Shayin have Through the history of alliances, even if everyone no longer likes the saints who repeatedly betrayed, but in the face of the evil organizations such as Xiao and shrimp who conspired to subvert the ninja world, the pig teammate of saint is still worth attracting, even if it will be a cannon fodder and a meat shield in the future. "(Temari, I can only help you get here!)
Lu Maru's analysis also made others aware of the risk of attacking the country of waves. Tuanzang threatened to attack the country of waves because he could gain many benefits. At this moment, Lu Maru uncovered the risks, especially after hearing the big snake pill, these high-level leaders counseled again.
"What do you think of the Japanese housekeeper?" Tsunade saw the people swinging and forced the Japanese to express his attitude.
"I abstain!" Rixiang Rizu smiled neutrally, no one provokes, and I will not speak.
"Since there is no one to speak, then vote!" Tsunade looked cold.
In the end, Tsunade I won the vote with a very weak advantage.
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