Chapter 1126: Move Mountain Lux to awaken the wood escape, the flag wood dog **** ninja world is invincible!

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While Shrimp Village is in full swing to strengthen many Uchiha, Taiyin Network is not willing to train seed players, attract a large number of krypton gold customers in Muye Village, and do it for the upcoming 'First Summer of the Righteous Evil War Cup Summer Festival' ready.
The fifth-generation Naruto, Miki Ji, the female fighter of the moving mountain, performed meditation for up to six hours a day under the careful guidance of the Taiyin Fairy after completing the operation of the ‘Mu Dun Slashing Crab’ seal. Fanatic fantasies about inheriting grandpa's wood escape, killing the Quartet in the illusion.
In fact, Tsunade had a dream of awakening Mu Dun from a very young age. But as the years passed, she finally recognized the cruel world, and had self-knowledge. Mu Dun is the only one who belongs to the God of Ninja Realm. She and other mortals are not qualified to covet, everything is delusional.
But now, the Tai Yin fairy gave her a chance. While in meditation, the young memories were seized by the Taiyin Demon, and the desire for Mu Dun became strong and pure again. This hungry faith has turned into food and food to feed the body into the body and cut the crab.
at last! A week later, Tsunade successfully activated the blood of the sleeping Thousand Hands clan. Became the second self-awakening Mu Dun clan in the history of the Qianshou clan.
Unlike the flirtatious wooden escapes, such as spot, Yamato, Tuanzang, and soil, which transplanted and merged the flesh and blood between the pillars, the wooden escape of Tsunato originated from herself and is a unique and exclusive wooden escape. The form of expression is also very different from the wooden escape between pillars-‘Ficus tree’!
The wood dunes between the columns, like the pure men in the plant kingdom, are traditional towering trees. Independent and upright, it can be transformed into various solid wood to attack. The wooden escape of Tsunade, more of a feminine banyan tree, can generate tentacle-like air roots, with winding, strangling and other forms, and the soft middle belt is very peculiar.

In just one week, the Five Generations used the "Chopping Soul Crab Course" to awaken the blood to the limit, and it is an alternative ‘Rong Dun’ independent of the traditional wooden Dun. This is like an explosion of blood and fire, and there are both "landmine fist" which is dominated by close blows, and heresy of "clay bomb" such as Dedara.
After Tsunade awakened the blood to the limit, the Taiyin Fairy was widely advertised on the psychic network and announced the beginning of the second phase of strengthening to nourish the wood escape with artificial tail beasts to accelerate the bloodline transformation and form an proud 'Wood escape fairy The human body 'has officially become another fairy in Konoha.
At this point, the strength of the awakening "Mu Dun" is increased by at least 1/2. If you cultivate a fairy body and match Mu Dun and Wei Li Quan, your strength will definitely double! Looking at the ninja world is also the pinnacle of S-class existence.
If we continue to develop "Artificial Tail Beast Mode" and "Soul-cutting Fairy Mode", on the basis of our strength, we will continuously double it and directly hit the SSS level (six levels of combat power), which is simply relentless!

Tsunade's success shocked the ninja world and made Muye Village crazy.
The major nobles who were still on the sidelines are becoming more and more eager to move, eagerly eager for this potential to catch up with the power of the six Daoxian people, and began to knock sideways and inquire about the inside story of the "Chopping Soul Crab Project".
But the major families are all old rivers and lakes, and despite their inner fanaticism and greedy desire, they can still suppress their posture. Because they still have concerns, in case Gangshou is just a special case, it's slanted, and the potential of other crabberers is far less than her. Then why not rush into the game and suffer a big loss?
But within two days, Kakashi, the second "space-scraping crab qualified person", was also awakened by the unprecedented "space psychic blood following the limit" with the assistance of the slashing crab!
Kakashi ’s blood stains can be said to be between ‘secret skills, talents, and blood-fighting limits’. It is no longer a pure five-element fusion product, but it is highly similar to the reincarnation eye and the writing chakra eye. It is worthy of the legendary yin escape crystal!

Since becoming a "space-cutting crab-man", Kakashi remembers the warning of the Taiyin fairy. His ability is locked in the direction of space, so he must create a strong obsession and desire for ‘space ability’ in his heart. Use this conviction to feed ‘Chopping Soul Crab’, and it will satisfy your obsession and form the most suitable talent and initial solution.
Kakashi is an elite who has stood the battle, and his will is as firm as iron. He has rich experience and extensive knowledge. His imagination, brain hole and vision are far beyond ordinary people. He has seen the teacher's "Flying Thunder Technique", which can be said to be the best in space. He has also heard of the mask's (with soil) space ability, which is mysterious. I have also seen psychic and rebellious psychics in Ziya, and I have also practiced the "swimming technique" of tolerance.
Summarizing the numerous space ninja operations in Ninja, he has deep self-hypnosis every day, constantly YY in the illusion. According to the Taiyin fairy, as long as his obsession is strong enough, he can get a similar ability to hatch.
In Kakashi's heart, both surprise and doubt.
He was pleasantly surprised that if he could be like a Watergate teacher, with a free teleportation, then with his own Lei Dun, he can definitely break the curse of the `` combat power unit '' and advance to the S-level SS level or even higher, becoming the top power in the ninja world! But he also doubted that, as the immortal had said, the ability to slash the crabs was too unnatural, and it was simply a taboo that mortals could not touch.

Kakashi had a slight disbelief in his heart. Tai Yinmo's cakes were too big for him, and even made him feel ridiculous. He is a wise man, the smarter he thinks, the more he thinks, even if he is undetectable, he even doubts a little, and he who has no space qualification can really drop a pie in the sky and become a space genius like the Watergate teacher? so funny.
This is the difference between Kakashi and Tsunade. Tsunade has been obsessed with wood from childhood. Her desire is strong, pure and firm. And Kakashi couldn't do it, and he couldn't go against his heart, so he left a way for himself.
In addition to self-hypnosis, killing the Quartet with the flying thunder god; do n’t forget to fantasize yourself to display the divine space; or like the self-initiated, psychic rebellious against the psychic believer in hand; no matter how bad, it can be crazy like a water stop It's extremely fast!
Kakashi believes that even if he could not hatch the strongest ‘space ninjutsu’, he could also give him the weakest ‘space talent’.
However, he did not know that every one of his thoughts was captured and engulfed by the "Chopping Soul Crab", and the final feedback to him was also a deformed to the ultimate space talent, but it was not weak!

After many attempts, Kakashi finally accepted some of his new abilities with regret, a ‘space psychic blood successor’:
First of all, he longed for the power of Watergate, so he could use his soul to bind twelve space ninja dogs, and in the body of the 'guardian ninja twelve warriors', depict the technique of 'flying thunder god' .
Therefore, each ninja is a moving living coordinate. Kakashi can be positioned with a dog, move his mind, and teleport to any ninja. Like Watergate, between twelve guardian ninja dogs, any space shuttle jumps.
Secondly, he longed for the divine space of the good friends to bring the earth, so he bound the "Flagwood Kennel" of the psychic world as a private space, positioning with his eyes when necessary, launching the "dog divine power", and any objects, attacks, and Pull into the Qimu Kennel of the psychic world and take it out.
This trick is not a combat skill. Not only can he use it, the twelve ninja can also use his eyes to access items.
This ninjutsu is mainly used for the transportation of ninja dogs. The twelve ninja dogs can move the customer's courier package into the kennel of the psychic world as soon as the belief is moved. After arriving at the destination, the mind is taken out again and the logistics express is completed.
If Kakashi used this trick for combat and dared to absorb an attack ninjutsu, it would cause the logistics warehouse of Qimu Kennel to collapse, and the damage compensation of the express delivery alone would make him bankrupt!
Once again, Kakashi longed for psychic and rebellious psychics from the past, so his twelve ninja dogs could also psychic and reciprocate each other. In the battle, call out the twelve ninja dogs, move freely and escape flexibly, and he will move his heart with the dog, flashing in succession, which is more convenient than the suffering of the water gate!
However, the "Flying Dog Coordinate" has the advantage of free movement, and also has the disadvantage of being too large and easy to be attacked. Therefore, Kakashi's last desire to "stop the water" is also reflected in his ninja.
The twelve ninja dogs have the opportunity to blink instantly ten times a day. They can blink for ten times freely within a range of not more than fifty meters, positioning the coordinates for Kakashi in advance, and let him flash freely!
Once the ten chances run out and the precious twelve guardian ninjas are no match for the enemy, Kakashi will release the psychic spells and return them to the psychic realm. If Kakashi can't beat the enemy himself, the ninja dogs with the same mind will launch the anti-psychic to summon him back to the "Qimu Logistics Headquarters" of the psychic world and escape.
"It's a terrible and embarrassing blood succession limit!"
Taiyin Mo did not expect that Kakashi was so full of thoughts when he warmed up and awakened his talents to awaken the talents. The operation of Sao formed such a complex space-based talent.
To say that it is powerful, there is no need to explain too much. Any ability of the Space Guardian Ninja Twelve Soldiers can be called awe-inspiring. If combined and used flexibly, there is no need to open the artificial tail beast and fairy mode. Kakashi is already the pinnacle of the S-class, a god-like existence.
But if we say the shortcomings, this set of space-blooded bodies is twelve ninja dogs! Not Kakashi.
All his abilities must be dog-based in order to be activated. Instead, he is in a supporting position, and is dominated by the dogs. Are you embarrassed or not?
Regardless of whether embarrassment is too embarrassing, Kakashi is embarrassing anyway!
"This ..." Kakashi scratched her hair and said a little embarrassedly, "I blame me for being too suspicious at the time."
Since the seal cut off the crabs, Kakashi did not trust the Taiyin fairy as Tsuneji did. This has led to his talented dog being more important than human beings. No one can blame himself.
"Fairy, how can I continue to strengthen next?" Kakashi repented in his heart and secretly vowed to follow the arrangement of the Taiyin fairy next, and no longer be self-righteous.
"Things have come to an end, the talent is difficult. Next, you still have the" Fairy Mode "and" Human Pillar Mode "waiting to be developed, and you have no problem of becoming stronger. Instead, these twelve ninja dogs will become your shortcomings , You have to find ways to strengthen them! "
"What should I do?"
Taiyin Mo gives advice: "When you practice the Tail Beast mode, give the Tail Beast Chakra to them and let them practice too. When you practice the fairy technique, they should also practice together. Once you train these ninja dogs to become S Level fairy beasts, even SS level real dog fairy, you will far surpass the other crab driver. Because you are not fighting alone, but 13! "
After Kakashi heard it, he was also very hot. Although there are twelve more dogs, which makes his space talent slightly exaggerated, but if it can be like the Yin Yin fairy said, it is also very beautiful!
"Ninja dogs are wonderful, but they can't compare to real people!" Kakashi was still sad.
At this time, Tai Yin ink gave him a meaningful look and whispered: "The secret technique of the Inuzuka family, the orc avatar!"
Kakashi's eyes were full of glances, and he found a Kangzhuang Avenue!
The orc doppelganger can make the ninja become an adult's secret law. Once one of his twelve guardian ninjas cultivates this law, can't he follow his own practice of the same secret law forbidden technique?
Thirteen self-communicating selves are in groups, and each of them is proficient in space ninjutsu. If you want to teleport, you can teleport, but you ca n’t beat the reverse psychic to return to the psychic world, and then again psychic positioning, continue to instantaneous teleport ... if the orc avatar You can also use Thunder, Thousand Birds ... Hiss, the picture is so beautiful, I ca n’t believe it!
"His ...!" Kakashi took a breath of air. This space is a gift, and it just hit the entire ninja world!
His sparse Chakra short board will be made up by twelve dogs who are not weaker than himself. This is not a shadow avatar of rubbish, but an orc avatar twelve times his own!
From now on, who dares to use my Kakashi as a combat unit?
At this moment, Kakashi was very proud and looked at the world!

However, in the near future, Kakashi is still a combat unit.
Because: Kakashi × 13 [12 dogs + 1 person] = a standard flagwood dog god.
In the world of ninja, the ‘qimu dog god’ is naturally a god-like existence. If there are no friends, the six celestial beings do not dare to lightly attack their fronts. But that's completely Kakashi! A single Kakashi, which happens to be 1/13 flag-wood dog gods, is even worse.
The lowest-end SSS level usually only needs to play 6 units of Kakashi. He has played six Kakashi and is SSS.
(Nagato said: Teddy, the labor day, can only make up the lineup of ‘outer road + six road = 7’.
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