Chapter 1158: Disaster night ends

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After Qing Zhi successfully sealed the "Two-turned Immortal Gu" into a huge special scroll, the oil girl had to join forces with the day pocket to successfully balance their opponents.
If you did n’t kill the young girl, you would torture it hard, dig out the ‘Symbiotic Immortal Gu’ in the other person ’s body, abandon the foundation and break the path of cultivation. Turning the young master of the oil girl into waste wood, let the family owner regret for life, far more happy than killing. Not only that, he also swallowed this 'Symbiotic Immortal Gu', once digested completely, he will get a physical transformation.
Dadou Maru chose to rush to kill, wield Kangwu to dispose of the two S-levels, collect their flesh and blood tissue, continue to enrich their ‘dirty reincarnation menu list’, and evolve towards the direction of the grand summoner.

"Are you a pocket? Didn't your master Da She Wan join Shiyin Village? Didn't expect you to join Xiao ?!" Aoichi collected the scroll and walked out of the secret room to look at the dark-eyed ninja youth with white eyes. .
This kind of professional spy is more dangerous and more unpredictable than the third spy king. No one could figure out his true thoughts, so Qingzhi's attitude was particularly solemn and he made tentative attempts.
"You might not believe it. Lord Dashou Maru is in Zhaiyin Village. In fact, even the inner circle is not mixed in. Without contact with this organization, you can't understand their terror roots. In the pocket of reincarnation, his eyes drifted into memory.

Recalling what he saw in the Kingdom of Waves, Victor is the core of the shrimp, and he is surrounded by two closely related, yet completely different circles. One is composed of his allies and partners, and the pocket is only heard and unfamiliar.
The other is made up of the devil ’s cronies. He holds a large number and complex types of science and technology, from writing round eyes to psychic beasts, from dirt to fairy mode ... all involved. Continuous research and development breakthroughs, achieved various results, accumulated a desperate barrier monopoly.
In this circle, even Aunt She is just a small person in charge of a peripheral project. Da She Wan is more like a technical employee in the trial period. He is hungry and hungry for all kinds of knowledge, learning accounts for 80% of life, and can hardly help What busy. As Uncle Snake ’s assistant ’s pocket, his status was even more awkward. Like a small miscellaneous fish, he was sent to Muye ‘Mojin Jinzuzu Grave’.

Over time, Doo felt that he was abandoned. Worthless, he is not valued, confused and fearful in his heart, feeling abandoned, and increasingly seeking power to gain a sense of security. So he actively completed the task, obtained the missing knowledge residue from Uncle Snake's fingers, and put together the complete technology of 'Reincarnation' and 'Clone Immortal Eye and Immortal Human Body'.
However, there are too many big guys in the Shrimp Village today, not to mention the mysterious group of five old stars, as well as the three generals and Qi Wuhai. Dadou Maru, the salted fish stationed abroad, had no hope of getting a promotion, but the poor changed, and he began to defect.
Ning Wei does not make chicken tails. He mixes the leaves with wood and completes the original accumulation. Then he carries the ‘shrimp technique’ to change jobs and re-use it. Research talents like him are not worth a lot in Shrimp, but they are very popular in Xiao organization.

After confirming that Dadou Maru really joined Xiao, Qingzhi hesitated for a moment and decided to take another vote while robbery!
If there is no "Guo Wang Hua Long + Yueren Invasion", their raid on the Yu Nu clan is the limit, which will soon lead to the siege of Konoha. But now, Muye is in chaos, all elites are pinning the pot king, no one can care for them, this is a rare opportunity.
"I heard that Konoha's" Book of Seals "records the most top-notch technique in Ninja."
Qingzhi suddenly opened his mouth and immediately noticed his pocket. He looked at the giant girl who was at Fulong and said, "This thing is in Huoying's office. Tsuna has no time to be distracted. Come with me!"
Xiao organized a group of people to sneak into the Naruto Building, trying to steal The Book of Seals. At this time, the long-term battle of the ‘Dragon King’, Tsuna, gradually reached his physical limit.
The Dragon-backed Dragon King has a good life but has a low ebb in his life. Now that he has entered the magical luck, he has been designated by the fate as a "special external robbery and killing pig knife for the Taiyin fairy." All because ‘Karatian Dao and Planetary Will’ feel the threat of the main world at the same time, they want to turn Tuan Zang into a top stick, ruining the plan to colonize Tian Dao.
Therefore, Tuanzang seemed to be destined to strengthen himself, and he continued to strengthen. No matter how hard he tried, he could not surrender. Instead, he became a whetstone, making it more powerful and stronger. It directly broke through the limit and broke the power blockade of the big barrel wood family. SSS level six realms, touch the threshold of the ninja realm.
In the face of Tuan Zang at this time, even between the pillars and the spot regeneration, there is nothing to do. Perhaps Indra and Asura were reborn, and they were sure of winning.
Tsunato's strength continued to fall from its peak, and at this time, it was advancing and retreating, but it had to fight hard against Danzo. Not long ago, Zilai was severely wounded and vomited blood, and retreated to the side to wait for the opportunity. Many S-class elites in Muye have also been blown away by the ‘Dragon King’, and even swallowed and hunted into the abdomen.
The situation on the Muye side was precarious. Fortunately, Kakashi teamed up to force the retreat, and another giant stone statue that raged the village finally disappeared, reducing a lot of pressure. Many ninjas came quickly to support, and biubiubiu's remote ninja technique used soy sauce.
But the ‘ninkai’ genius, which is everywhere in the village, also caused great confusion and severely constrained the energy of the dark part. In addition, many foreign spies ambushing in Muye also took advantage of the fire. Their ideas coincided with Xiao, or they attacked the Naruto building, or the major ninjas, and plundered valuable ninja mysteries.

At this critical moment, another savior came forward!
Just as the 'back pot dragon king' forced back the 'true thousands of hands' again, suddenly stood upright, several devil's claws were lifted high, and they hit the ground straight, trying to grab a delicious female dark part, and send it to the entrance to meet the never ending When appetite.
Naruto suddenly came to the Dragon King in a blink of an eye, spread his arms in front of the injured dark part.
"Fool, hide away!" Zilai also shouted with concern with her right hand, covering her pierced abdomen while vomiting blood.
"Idiot!" Tsunade, who is really thousands of hands. After hearing the roar of Zilai, he also found that the villain like an ant under his feet was Naruto, an overwhelming idiot.
Naruto's Longwei hiding in the straight dough at the moment, his heart beating violently, his heart is full of tension and fear, his face rose red, his forehead and green muscles burst, and his limbs shook uncontrollably.
But I saw my mouth kept opening and closing, murmured to myself, and kept cheering on myself: "Come on, Naruto, you can do it! You want to be a man of Naruto! How can you escape in the face of monsters? Even then Shame, shout it out loud! "
When Naruto whispered to himself, the nine lamas in his body were also fighting with the enemy, cheering for him, and encouraging him: "Yes, Naruto, bravely shout out, and blind everyone's eyes! The white raccoon cat said, The deeper the consciousness, the louder the shout, and the stronger the shame, the higher the magical quality. The labor and capital will lend you Chakra! "
Seeing the back-boiled dragon king's upright body falling down, the sharp and fierce armor claws tearing the air, and cutting away toward Naruto with a vacuum blade, all the ninjas nearby were moved by his courage to stand up and save people. Also anxious for his stupid dementia.
"Naruto, run away!" Sakura and Mute, who are trying to rescue the wounded on the edge of the battlefield, shouted nervously, but it was too late.

At this juncture of the life-and-death crisis, Naruto raised his head bravely and shouted, "Chubi, the dark power, shows you your true power in front of me, and the vortex Naruto that has agreed with you orders you , Lift the seal! Balala Immortal Energy Transfiguration-Magical Little Fox Immortal Mode! "
Time is in this instant freeze! The velocity of time, with Naruto as the center and two meters as the diameter, cuts with the outside world.
In the real world, the attack speed of Dragon King Tuanzang has not actually changed, and it still hits Naruto like a shooting star. However, in Naruto's "magic space", his relative time seems to have opened the "inherent time control" or "bullet time", and is continuously stretched. In the moment of reality, he calmly completed the classic point. Half 'color ♀ temptation + women's gangster' transformation technique.
What ’s even more incredible is that the
Magic Power
given to Naruto by Qiubi originated from the collision between shame and negative emotions, and it is the standard ‘spiritual energy of yin’, and it ’s unparalleled infectious power for spiritual infection.
Therefore, everyone on the scene, including the Dragon King Tuanzang, seemed to be watching the live broadcast online, and was pulled into the magic space by Naruto's spiritual magic fluctuations, as if harmless illusion, let everyone enjoy a one and a half 'Relative time performance'.
The unprecedented impact refreshed the three views of the crowd. Time is frozen at this moment. Not only is Tsunai stunned, Sakura's face is horrified, and the superego-almost is almost broken by the self. The Dragon King Tuanzang also looked ignorant, his attacking movement could not help but tremble, deviated from Naruto and passed over the head, hitting a deep pit on the ground, waking everyone up.
How could the ninja world with lack of entertainment resources ever received the power of 'Magic Girl'? This kind of bridge section that makes countless adults never tire of it is now staged in a live-action version without the Holy Light, and the delicate face of the vortex coriander has completely conquered everyone.
After watching the transformation of Naruto, I saw the magical girl holding the 'six yin and yang magic wands' at the moment, wearing the 'white silk royal sailor robe', full of vitality, everyone seemed to experience a spiritual baptism, sweep The haze in my heart purifies the spiritual pollution of the Dragon King, re-feels happiness and beautiful feelings, and is full of positive energy.
Everyone's hot eyes and the exclamation in his heart were also collected by Naruto's "Magic Space" and fed back into his heart.
At this moment, everyone seems to have broken the barrier of the heart, and each other's hearts are in harmony. Naruto, who turned into a real identity for the first time, felt shy, admired and recognized by everyone's heart. The power of the magic fairy of "knowing shame before being brave" is also burning extremely strongly, the quality has repeatedly broken new heights, and I feel myself full of magic.
"Aoao Aoao!" The Dragon King recovered, and found his state very wrong.
Although the Dragon King was born because of luck, it is a "treasure of the old fairy" created by this side of the world, and constantly evolved under the pressure of Tsunabe, but the "pot of this world" is in the ninja world. Ge's grams.
Naruto now opens the 'Magic Little Fox Fairy Mode', which also has the SS level, plus the fate of life, not only immune to the spiritual pollution of the Dragon King, but also uses his own "positive energy mind magic" to eliminate the heart of Tuanzang. Let him fall out of the state of super-level play.
"Evil monster, I will destroy you on behalf of Konoha! Xian Fa, Balala spiral pill wind escape shuriken!"
In the hands of the magical little demon fox, a wave of "Yinyang escape magic wand" was waved to resist the pupils' "colorful rays" fired by the bouncing king, and then the skirt of the "God of God sailor robe" swinged. The Dragon King ’s serial claws struck, and then a huge 'Magic Demon Fox Chakra' was condensed. A huge wind magic shuriken with pink girly elements appeared in the palm of the hand, and a splendid colorful light effect was sprinkled towards the Dragon King. go with.
Just as Tuanzang struggled to fight back, Kakashi, who forced the moonman back, came from the dog. Ten-handed space flying sword cooperated with Naruto's "fairy shuriken" attack and crossed the space to the king of the pot. Blocked its attacks and created opportunities for Naruto.
With a scream, the demon shuriken shredded the carapace of Tuanzang deep into the flesh and blood, and then collapsed and disbanded. A force to restrain him spread in the body. Although there was no serious damage, the waves of witch spirits fluctuated and serious. Disturb the spirit of the Dragon King.
The soul is the short board of Tuanzang, and Naruto is full of true, good and beautiful witch spiritual power, and seriously restrains his evil origins. This makes the Dragon King of the Boiler very playful, and he can't mention the murderous intention to ravage Konoha, and finally helpless howl Call out and call back many carat species.
The long stretch of the body opened a crack, and all the seed bodies were collected into the body, and then a group of dragons flew tails, swept away the behind the hands, hard against Kakashi dozens of flying sword attacks, and finally a dirt escape Into the ground, accompanied by the sound of shaking the ground, disappeared and disappeared into the distance.
The Dragon King with his own pot has his own wisdom. He knows his mission is to destroy the "six moons" in the sky and everything related to the Taiyin network. It is raging in Konoha. One is that it was just too excited to be born and needs to be found. The opponents tempered themselves and continued to grow stronger. The second is the need to eat a lot to supplement yourself and continue to grow. Many of Konoha's ninjas who advanced to S-class with Krypton Gold are nutritious but not really capable, and they are very delicious.
At this time, eating and drinking is also stronger, plus the interest of being swept away by the ‘magic little fairy’, and there is no longer the will to fight, so leaving is the best choice.

Three SS-level gangsters in Muye Village watched the 'Dragon King' escape and escaped, finally relieved. And everyone started cheering for the hero Little Fox Fairy!
Immediately afterwards, everyone stared at the stunning Naruto, and the women looked at it with love, and looked at it with love, and enjoyed it very much. And after the first mental baptism, the males were gradually replaced by instincts, licking on her with greedy eyes, making Naruto creepy.
"Okay! Everyone listen to me, the disaster is not over, there are people in the village who take advantage of the fire to rob the muddy water and fish. All the ninjas follow my orders and patrol in different areas according to the number! Kakashi, the Naruto building is under attack, go to rescue!
"Understood!" Kakashi dispatched a ninja dog to fly to the Naruto Building, followed by a teleport, disappearing with a group of dogs.
"Naruto ... you ... change back quickly." Tsunade found that the men around him seemed to have lost their souls, and had to make a reminder, and then encouraged: "You performed well this time, this is your fairy mode. ? Very powerful. "
Naruto looked shy after lifting the women's dress, and said: "Actually ... it's actually a fairy model!"
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