Chapter 1205: The ultimate anti-killing of infamous ink and divine ink (two in one

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Bone Demon King started with all his strength and fell into the most critical state of ‘death road tire’ upgrade and finishing. Li Mo understood that this was his last chance and his biggest opportunity!
He observed the power he possessed, a useless 'red-headed', a Li Tuan eager to try, and in addition, there are three moon plates stored in the Baijing apartment, which is the key to breaking the game!
At this moment, Li Mo was very fortunate that he had sent three heads in a row before his acting performance. Only then did these three moons enter the apartment, and escaped the end of the isolation seal of Mozun, and he had the confidence to fight back.

The transformation of the White Bone Demon Lord is at a critical juncture. Once he is allowed to break through, the foundation of the "Death Dao" will be established, and he will have a reliance on murdering himself, eating away his foundation a little bit.
At this time, Tuanzi was excited: "Da Momo, now that the three-core system is isolated, he thought we were powerless to resist, and our vigilance was minimized, but I didn't know you and I were hiding the" three moons. " Smashing Shuoyue out in one go will surely interrupt his rhythm, forcing him to go into flames and explode in place! "
"No! It's not enough, you must maximize the value of the new moon!" Li Mo rejected Li Momo's suggestion of immediate action.
As Mozun transformed, Li Mo also seized the time, wandering in the other party's knowledge base, absorbing all the valuable content, gaining insight into the mysteries among the "true spirits, yin gods, and yang gods" above the legend, and their future path With a deep understanding.
It can be said that although Li Mo did not break through the legend, he borrowed the memory of Mozun and experienced it from the first person perspective in advance. This will be of great help to his future growth. The secret technique of stealing a teacher is even more invaluable.

"No time to wait! When the continuation of the anti-disruption continues, don't look at him with the title of" Yuan Shen ", but it's just a remnant, and it's not strong enough. Your three Shuo Yue Jue B kings are exploding and no cards are displayed at this moment. When he condenses into 'Bone Sword Demon', we will lose our advantage and rush to the street together! "Li Momo did not approve of Li Mo, anxiously.
"No! Just hitting the new moon now, just throwing out three tires. It can interfere with the interruption of the bone demon Venerable, and even make him suffer a bite, but he will definitely not die. When he slows down, it will be a" tire ". For a remnant of Yuanshen, it was nothing but a backhand suppression. "Li Mo retorted.
"Then what do you do? How to develop and use the new moon? Is time enough?" Tuanzi also knew that Li Mo's approach was more secure, but time did not wait for others.
"Enough!" Li Mo replied confidently.

Li Mo had long had the idea of ​​developing "Shu Yue", but he did not have enough knowledge reserves. After intending to return to the main world, he planned to explore the next path with Tian Jing. But at the moment, after reading the long memory of Bone Demon Lord, after stealing the other party's secret method, I have a brilliant idea!
The value of the new moon has already surpassed the dowry, and it is a virtual god! Li Mo decided to fully stimulate its potential and launch an attack. When these three road tires were nurtured in the moon, they stole the "moon concept" of the ninja world, and they have condensed the prototype of the "congenital lunar deity", which was originally cultivated for themselves as "extreme dopants"!
At this moment, Li Mo called out the three avatars created by the "Tain Art Book" and incorporated them into the spirit of the "innate deity" to directly create the "high avatar-divine ink"! (Virtual personality replaces Yang, and innate gods replace spirits)

In this step alone, the three Taiyin inks each absorbed 'Shuyue' and became the purest master of law.
After leaving the deity, their bodies are no longer in contact with the demon side. They have chosen the authentic "Taiyin Longevity Forming Magic Scripture" and embarked on the line of genuine demon reformers.
In addition, the three inherited the "virtual divine personality" and the "deity spirit body" at the same time, and generated divinity in their bodies. While transferring to the orthodox law master, they also took part in the "faith of the gods". The value of the new moon suddenly increased more than ten times in an instant! With the capital to fight against Bone Demon Venerable.
Then, Li Mo Xinnian made a decision and took out the "greedy fluctuations, fear fluctuations, and anger fluctuations" extracted from Uchiha's Eye-opening Paradise, and put them into the three separate moons.
From this moment on, the three lines of "divine avatars" completely transcended the deity, no longer condensed the true spirit with "killing intentions", and condensed the "greed true spirit, fear true spirit, anger true spirit", and embarked on the Killing intentions fluctuate side by side but on different routes.

In the past, Li Mo would never dare to do this. Because the three new moons are likely to be completely independent and betray their deity. But after stealing the master deity, using the technology of Yuanshen gangster, everything is no longer a problem.
(Don't mention any malicious copycat Tiandao patent, because Li Mo is the demon at the moment, these technologies are his!)
He takes ‘Taiyin Demon’ as the foundation, which is the root of the soul. The three divinity avatars, including the deity's ‘killing wave’, are all branches of the tree
Taiyin Demon
. No matter how they develop and change, everything serves the
Taiyin Demon
At the moment, Li Mo gradually became indescribable:
Today's humanoid Li Mo is just 'Li Mo in a narrow sense'. The true "Li Mo" in general, is completely free from the shackles of the body, and the soul is unfolded and difficult to describe.
... after Li Mo ’s soul stretched ...
The main body of the soul is extremely dark. Naturally, it is the "Taiyin Demon-Li Mo", and the body is Li Mo's "true body". It is called Li Mo, the translator, and Li Mo in the narrow sense. In Jingbi Tiandao, there is his own "Yangshen account", which independently calculates his causality, fate, luck, good works in Hittarheim ...
On the black soul trunk, five tentacles are extended like an octopus, representing independent avatars. Three of them have been developed, rendered in different colors, and are the souls of three divine inks. The other two are pending. Their ultimate cause and effect must be counted in the 'Li Mo Account'.
The back of the black soul is rendered by the reddish golden radiation, which stands for 'Radiation Flame Devil-Victor'. 'Victor' does not actually exist, the core is still 'Taiyin Demon-Li Mo', but there is a 'Yangshen Account' that independently calculates the cause and effect in the crystal wall Tiandao, if necessary, can back the pot for Li Mo , And when the big brother deduces the celestial machine, Li Mo = Li Mo + Victor (Yangshen vest).
Below the radiating surface of the soul, there is a giant egg that is shrinking and expanding, representing the "Blade of the Flame Demon", which is the body of Li Mozhen's body that is used to play the "Account of Victor Yang". It can be driven after being filled with ‘Yanmo Yuantai’, disguised as an independent individual, and recognized by Heavenly Dao.
Inside the black soul, a silver seal is wrapped, which is Li Mo's mutant soul branch, Li Momo (accompanied by soul). In Jingbi Tiandao, a third Yangshen account was registered: Mechanical Lingbao Tianzun.
Inside the ball, there are two small bodies, and countless silk branches. They were separated from the black soul package, and Li Mo was too lazy to bother about it. It was a small dumpling and many mechanical vests. Eventually, the cause and effect were counted on the dumpling head.
Li Mo in the narrow sense is just the black part of the demon. Li Mo in a broad sense is this indescribable combination of souls. Nowadays, the generalized Li Mo is covered by a 'pale' imprint of Yuanshen, and is being eroded by parasitic ...
Faintly, that pale white imprint of the Yuanshen, like a real octopus, began to split out twelve tentacles, wanting to wrap the black inexplicable substance, and completely up and strengthen itself!

In the platinum apartment, Li Mo of the data form sees three "divine avatars", and does not have "one gasification and three clears", or sees the other three of his strangeness, but instead should treat them as their own limbs. extend.
After using the "Magic Demon" grafting technique, he feels that "Avatar" is not an Avatar, but is like a left arm and a right arm, controlled like an arm. This kind of independent avatar is still part of itself, even if it runs further, plays again, and plays no matter how dead it is.

"Cough, are you ready for Li Mo? Do it quickly! It will be too late."
The dumplings that had been bouncing around in the apartment and yelling, suddenly became weird after seeing Li Mo make three high-level ‘divine inks’.
The divine ink absorbs different 'waves of evil thoughts' to condense the true spirit and makes her feel strange, as if facing her men, not as kind as the big ink. So she was no longer arrogant, but put on the body of the "Queen of Platinum", expressing incomparable elegance, and looked at the three expressionless divine inks, came to Li Mo and urged seriously.
On the side, eating melon red hair, looking straight at your eyes. Who is this reserved clever girl? Where did the elastic bounced just now? Where did the data slime sticking to his face after the failure of the electric drive?
Li Mocai didn't care how Li Momo was going crazy, and commanded Divine Mo: "Do it!"

With his order, Divine Ink instantly broke through the mechanical seal and broke into the sea of ​​souls blocked by the deity.
At this moment, Mozun has entered a critical state. He thought that everything was blocked and controlled. How could there be that there are still three new moons to become the fish of the net. If only this is the case, Li Mo, after stealing many of his secret methods, actually strengthened the "Shu Yue" to the point of divinity.
On the realm of cultivation, divine ink is only at the level of the sanctuary, but they have taken part in the belief system and their power has soared under divine catalysis. What is even more excessive is that each person merges different ‘evil waves’ to condense the true meaning, so that the already complex and chaotic ‘soul sea’ has three more powerful new variables.
Such a change directly breaks the balance created by the magic species. At the same time, Li Mo was distracted by three functions, mobilizing his divine power to attack the Bone Demon Venerable.
"Do not!"
The remnants of Yuanshen reluctantly roared, and the soul sea instantly lost control and became a pot of porridge. Demon Lord is like getting into a demon, and for a time, Li Mo's soul cannot be controlled, giving him an opportunity.

Li Mo is very clear that even if the three divine inks are inserted horizontally, they may not be able to beat the "Bone Bone Demon Venerable" in terms of strength. What is even more disadvantageous is that he is also carrying each other's 'causal debt'. If Mozun calms down and burns 'cause and effect' again, he will definitely be able to counter him!
Therefore, the three divinity inks are making waves, not seeking to attack the deity, and aiming to delay each other. The longer you drag yourself, the more the opponent consumes and the greater the chance of winning!
When the Divine Ink stirred the sea of ​​souls, the data state Li Mo also split into several parts of "Data Mindfulness". The muddy water touched the fish and took the opportunity to send the information into the "main moon plate, Yanmo Yuantai" that was sealed.
Li Mo's true spirit and consciousness are sleeping in the main moon disc, the two moons, and the flame demon's birth. It ’s just that I ate the loss of ‘losing cause and effect’ and was caught off guard by the seal.
At this moment, Li Mo sent the "data mind" into the road tire, just like the key to start the car, awakening the true spirit, and immediately regained consciousness!

The infamous ‘Generalized Li Mo’ opened seven windows at the same time. All Dao tires broke free of control and collective riots, which caused the strongest impact on the death of the White Bone Demon Lord.
The three divine inks began to suppress the 'Death Dao-Twelve Sword Demon', and the Yan Mo Yuan Fei first got into the 'Flame Demon's Egg' and got out of the body under the control of Li Mo. Then, the main moon plate With the other two months, he took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

When Bone Demon Venerate again exerted force, burning cause and effect, and overbearing to suppress Li Mo, the last three divine inks also jumped out of the real body directly, leaving the empty Lu She to the demon Venerable who was bitter.
After the causality burned, General Li Mo felt unreasonable repression again. He even had an estimate of this scene. The platinum apartment was opened, and all the brains of the road were drilled into it. The law's confrontation!
The causal anti-bite erupted, projecting the power of Yuanshen onto the mechanical seal. Li Momo didn't eat hard and could not shrink, so he could change invariably and be in an invincible position.

At the moment of the Dao fetal riots, the six moon plates belonging to the Taiyin Fairy, the Pi Pi Demon's Dao tires, have reproduced the pure land of Ninkai Bliss!
The Taiyin Fairy, who had been killed three times, appeared again in full condition. The disappearing Pipi Demon Lord also appeared suddenly. The hatred value of the ninja world has risen unprecedentedly! The number of robberies that have been consumed and evaded reasonably have been filled up again.
That is, at that moment, Generalized Mo felt that he and Bone Demon Venerable had become one, and they sent these causes and effects to each other's heads. Because in the eyes of Ninja, the two are indistinguishable from each other. So the transfer of bad karma is like moving from the "balance" to the "balance", which is simpler than the left hand to the right.
So when General Moshe abandoned his real body, he hid back to the 'mechanical seal' again. "Bone Bone Demon Venerable" who lost a bunch of Dao fetuses, became the Taiyin Fairy Picker!
Bah, is n’t he the ‘Taiyin Fairy + Pipi Demon Lord’ at the moment? !

Mozun originally planned to parasitize the main moon plate first, then parasitize the moon, and finally parasitize the primordial fetus, the magic egg ... and squeeze Li Mo step by step to cultivate the 'twelve bone demon'.
As a result, in the blink of an eye, all hosts were lost, leaving only a "true body empty shell". And Li Mo owed a double hatred value to the ninja world, and all hit him. Not to mention continuing to tune out the death of Elysian Pure Land, he is now the largest enemy of Elysian Pure Land, a public enemy of Ninja.
He who didn't master ‘Ninkai Magic Reforming Technology’, began to suppress mechanical seals while resisting the evil of the entire Pure Land while he was unacceptable.
In the platinum apartment, Li Momo and the red-headed high-five cheers, and Li Mo continued to strengthen the cultivation of the remaining two months, and once again created "Despair Divine Ink" and "Desire Divine Ink".
So far, the five great moons have each merged with a kind of ‘evil wave’, and have grown and grown on their own, becoming independent higher avatars. But in the end, all glory goes to the main moon plate. The deity's narrow sense of Li Mo can switch the frequency of the true spirit at will and enjoy five different battle modes.
In the future, the cultivation of this deity will not require cultivation! He only needs to feel at ease to build the "Taiyin Mindnet" and directly cultivate the five divine avatars, so he can just steal the fruits of labor.
Really beautiful!
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