Chapter 1274: Moon Eye Auction Special

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!
When the group of orcs successfully sold the "armed idol" at a peak price. The fanatics on the spot were contented to leave their seats and shouted ‘For_The_KONG_Fuzi!’ Neatly and left the auction.
With sufficient funds, they did not participate in the next luxury auction, but left the auction house to go to 998 other underground malls, traded hoarded bulk war materials, and prepared to launch a wave of ‘safari missions’.
Conquer more races and lands, and sprinkle the glory of Kong Sheng throughout the bottomless abyss or the astral void!

"Next, please invite the" Eye of the Moon Chamber of Commerce "from the Old Star World to launch their exhibit auction!"
After hearing the word "Moon Eye Chamber of Commerce", the members of the powerful forces sitting in the high-level boxes were not impressed and interested in it. Only when a newly emerged small organization wants to gain popularity by this auction, it quickly shakes its head and ignores it, focusing on the things at hand.
The middle level of the seating area eats melons, and many eyes shine. Among the many mid-range buyers present, many received the ring of the month presented by the "Electronic Disciple" in the afternoon, and were first exposed to the name of the "eye of the moon."
Unexpectedly, this mysterious organization appeared again and aroused their interest. Several small bosses are also excited, want to get a glimpse of the details of this ‘chamber of commerce’? What is the intention of an astral organization to establish an unowned ‘Yuedu Shenwei Township’ on the 998th floor?

Afterwards, the youthful incarnation of Junlang debuted, raising his hands to reveal Li Mo's unique anger. After the opening ceremony, the avatar quickly introduced the first auction item.
At this time, I just experienced the "New Confucianism" auction Xiao Gao → _ → tide, the seller's sentiment on the spot is gradually falling. Under the inducement of paleness, it is possible to stimulate the enthusiasm of consumption again, and to buy without buying. It is also possible that this has been going down all the time, entering the time of the sage, and not seeing the seller ’s trap.
So Wan decided to put a few exhibits first, and try to test the state of this group of eating melons.
In the first one, Pale chose the "Yang Dun-Steam Giant Lineage-Complete Tiandao Copyright" from Muye.
The "Steam Giant" has long existed in the main world. It is just a more practical one of the many "cheap cannon fodder", but after being hit by the back of the neck, the price fell again and again and fell to the price of cabbage.
Fortunately, this cannon fodder itself has good ‘cost-effectiveness’, brainless features combined with special control methods, and it has developed a group-like fighting mode of the Undead Sea, with some hope of rescue. As a result, a lot of "magic revisions" appeared in the main world. Through transplantation and grafting of other lineages, the defects of "steam giant" were downplayed and new varieties were cultivated.

Li Mo investigated that the ‘primitive-steam giant’ lineage of the main world did not belong, nor formed a unique rule. It is estimated that the ancestors had been chopped up by a random knife or fell into the cracks of a certain cycle. In short, there is no issue of Tiandao copyright disputes, but on the basis of the "steam bloodline", several variant bloodlines are derived.
One of them is a good version of "Magic Variation", which was just bought out by a lord of the abyss. It established a cannon fodder breeding base at its own level, established a small war cannon fodder company, embarked on the road of animal husbandry to get rich, and transported cannon fodder to several other forces for a long time. , The business is pretty good.
Because there is a precedent, he chose the "Dawn Giant" of the Taoist magic reform in autumn. This bloodline was maliciously pre-registered by Li Mo in advance, but it was like the tasteless taste of chicken ribs, and it was sold together with the copyright.

As Pale continued to introduce the advantages of ‘Yang Dun Giant’, many buyers were interested. There are many kinds of treasures in this auction, but there are not many people who really involve the "lineage copyright".
Why? This is an iron rice bowl that can be operated for a long time and has great potential for tapping. Monopolizing a ‘bloodline copyright’, you can take the bloodline route, legion lord route, cannon fodder breeding company route ...
The main world is similar to Li Mo, and many people are engaged in scientific research. But with an almost infinite population, the average is less pitiful. And workers who can develop ‘blood line copyright’ are even rarer, so such ‘blood line copyright’ is quite valuable. Once acquired, as long as you have a little capital, you can quickly make a fortune.
This is also the reason why the 597-level indigenous demon, after obtaining the "Devil Factor Copyright", developed rapidly and expanded into an abyss, a large "bloodline biological research and development distribution center."
The comprehensive evaluation of "Steam Yang Dun Blood Vessel" is not high, but the gimmick of "full lineage copyright" still attracts attention. Many low-end sellers began to bid, especially those devil lords of the turtles. They could not develop an exclusive army, not all. Fight together.
The bidding process is not intense, and buyers bid rationally. However, the popularity of the scene was successfully maintained and did not return to the bottom. Instead, many buyers began to look forward to the next exhibits of the Eye of the Moon Chamber of Commerce.
In the end, ‘Steam Yang Dun Lineage Copyright’ sold a good price. Li Mo estimated that it was in line with his psychological expectations for ‘Steam Yang Dun’. (After all, it is cheap to pick it up, he has no money, how can he make money. Countless descendants of Qiu Dao shed sad tears ...)

"The next second exhibit is still a kind of bloodline copyright, but it is more precious and powerful. The source is a‘ blood ancestor ’from another world! Please enjoy it, Muye corpse ghost-the hundred-eyed dragon king!

Pale used a special technique to cut off the head of the Dragon King Tuanbei, compress it to a level of four meters, and put it on the stage for display.
The previous "Steam Yang Dun" can only be said to be an appetizer, a simple "blood copyright". And the head of the dragon king group is only worth looking at. Sister Ruth poached the Dragon King ’s most precious priests such as ‘ethnic ancestors, reproduction’ and so on. This was the biggest failure, which reduced the pot king ’s value to one third.
But this corpse still retains the bloodline of the ancestors of the "Muye blame corpse ghost" and the label of alien life, adding a lot to it. The king of the dragon holding back the pot, but with his own strength, he has bred a single species of ancestor, one of the innate gods and beasts of the ninja world.
If it is sold to the main world alive and successfully modified, the price is quite expensive. It's a pity that the Dragon King is dead now, but the open gods and beasts of the Ninja Realm, the weak divinity contained in the body, and the unique ‘Blood Ghost Ancestor Bloodline’ can be completely stripped out to cultivate a low-quality ‘new ancestor’.

Seeing the head of the Dragon King, many buyers were eager to try.
Druid masters the technology of worm nest cultivation, twists the astral world to live the real zerg, the herdsman sits on the alien queen, nomads breed in a myriad planes, and the eyemothers have numerous offspring, which is the top super line of the abyss. overlord.
Numerous precedents are proving that this is a mature line of violence. (Sister Ruth is also addicted to this way and cannot extricate herself)
After buying this ‘Dragon King ’s head’, you can invite a blood warlock or a druid to raise a mother to be a town clan beast, properly reared and nurtured, and it can suppress family luck and prosper for thousands of years. I wonder if it is more than a dozen streets better than the ancestral heat weapons of the low-end warlock family?
If the simple "bloodline copyright" is the way to get rich, then the "ancestor of the species" can condense racial luck, distill the divinity, and force it to be one dimension higher!
"I bought this thing, this is mine!"
"I want it!"
The new round of bidding has gradually become fierce, but it is still limited to the lower seating area. After all, the Dragon King was dead, and the essence was taken away by Sister Ruth's whip, and the buyer in the box did not look down.

The results of the second round of auctions slightly exceeded Li Mo's expectations. The pale incarnation also feels good about himself, and gradually finds a sense of marketing, and begins to show the third exhibit.
"The next item to be auctioned is a special auxiliary secret method, which can help you develop a" legendary magic power ", continue to increase the root foundation on the basis of the legend, and out of a few more additional" little tires "out of thin air. There are five more lives in an instant, which can better control the life and death of the subordinates and consolidate the dominance of the superior. Here is the "Five Heart Secret Method-Earth Grudges!"
Between the speeches, Pale took out a glass bottle, which was sealed with a mass of dark blood vessels violently twitching and bouncing after the new transformation of Ben Respect.
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