Chapter 1280: Gods and Demons

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!
As time goes by, the Abyss Auction Festival is coming to an end, and local tyrants gather together to participate in the first "Devil-level Auction Special Session".
Li Mo, who supervised the production work of ‘Goudouju’ at 403.8, also temporarily took over the body of ‘Devil Tree Projection’ and remotely participated in this auction.
The pale incarnation is not qualified for admission because of his low status. Li Mo ’s will replaced ‘projection’ and took all the funds to participate in this night ’s auction.

After the start of the special session of the gods and demon, directly enter the hot field.
This auction festival attracted many forces from inside and outside the abyss until the end of last night, and some exhibits were still too late to come on stage. Therefore, today's start will be activated by these exhibits.
In the box of Mojianzongmen, many abyss lords, including "Demon Tree Projection", were invited to discuss the contents of the exhibits while chatting and farting to make the relationship closer.
A few days ago, the Devil Tree projected a few bids but gave up halfway, and did not really show the financial power of one party's overlord. Can't help the disciples of Mojianzongmen suspect his bluff? Is a pretend rich guy.
At the moment, Li Mo took over the projection of the body, and also saw the surrounding lord's attitude towards himself. However, he has transferred the funds to the Devil Tree account, and will spend some money tonight to dispel their concerns.

The gold content of the auction items of the Gods and Demons is obviously a lot higher, but the bid price is also rising, and soon, something attracted Li Mo's attention ...
"The next exhibit is one of the seven holy sites, a bottle of 'Nine Turns Golden Pill' refined by the Kunxu Jade Emperor Palace!"
Hearing the host ’s chanting, beside the projection that Li Mo occupied, a demon lord asked curiously: "Nine turn Jin Dan? The one written in the book? Does it really exist?"
The book in the mouth of the demon lord is naturally the historical material of the famous fairyland with a hot sales, "Journey to the West".
"Kunlun Yuxu Palace?" Li Mo was also attracted by this extremely familiar name.
At this time, disciples of the Extinct Demon Sword saw some people in doubt and took the initiative to explain:
"This 'Jiu Zhuan Jin Dan' is a general term, covering a very wide area, somewhat similar to the so-called 'divine personality', it is a symbol of 'fruit position'. This kind of thing is from those outside the realm where the fairy civilization is the mainstream Introduced. There are different definitions in different heterosexual universes. In Hittarheim, those who can take the next step to the immortal are collectively called 'Nine Turns Golden Pill'. "

The main world has a loose definition of "Golden Dan". As far as Li Mo knows, all items that can be given to practitioners as "Tao tires" are eligible to be called "Jin Dan". The artificial road tire technology he has on hand is superimposed, which can cultivate legendary masters, and it is more than enough to refine the so-called 'three turn golden pill'.
The "Nine Turns Golden Pill" auctioned on the spot contains at least a complete set of perfect power systems and corresponding positions. Once taken, it can at least smoothly practice and break through the ‘Yuanshen’ realm, and soar at any time.

"Kunlun Yuxu Palace, is it really the one in the book? Or is it a fake that the future generations are actively climbing on?" Li Mo also questioned the true and false of the "Yuxu Palace".
Disciple of the Magic Sword heard this and replied, "It is not! The so-called 'seven holy sites' in the main world are the earliest places to inherit the civilization of the seven-vein fairy road at the beginning of the cataclysm. Some are famous, some are hidden. Not out. "
Several abyss lords who were more ignorant than Li Mo also questioned: "Which seven holy places are there? Can you give us any doubts?"
The magic sword disciple shook his head: "The seven holy places are not only seven places, but also the birthplace of seven different types of power systems. Among them, the most famous one is the holy hall, which inherits multiple Buddhist temples from different worlds. The orthodox 'Kendo' 'Inheritance, there are three families: the Destructive Sword Master, the Indestructible Sword Sect, and the Invisible Sword Sect, which are combined into a holy place. There is a holy place in the underworld; the' Yin Ruin Central Heavenly Demon Palace 'of absorbs multiple universes of the "Magic Road" civilization, also Count one. "
"The Jixia Academy in the Old Star Realm has absorbed many" hundred schools "of the earth's fairy road civilization. In addition, there are two remaining places, which are closely related to the two major forces in" Journey to the West "and" Fengshen Bang ". At this point, he looked at Li Mo.
Li Mo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is that really the Yuxu Palace?"
"I do n’t know, I can only say that there is a great connection! The Kunlun Jade Deficiency Palace in the main world is indeed a group of inheritors, who cut off the Kunlun spirit vein from a certain earth and sealed it in an unknown void in Hittheim Among them, it represents the orthodox "Taoist" inheritance. As for the last holy place, it is called Sanxian Island, corresponding to Penglai, Yingzhou, and the abbot. . "
The disciples of the magic sword said with emotion: "The origin of all the magic reform systems in the main world is related to these seven holy places. Or they may be aggregated during the development process and actively incorporated into these seven veins."

After getting the new knowledge points, Li Mo was not surprised.
It didn't take long for Jin Dan in the Yuxu Palace to be bought by a group of elves, and then there were new products displayed.
After about ten minutes, there was a commotion in the stands. There seemed to be an accident. Several boxes were lifted as soon as they were lifted up, and then jumped into the next round.
Not long after, Li Mo recognized another acquaintance. The new rising demon king of Diablo, Diablo, auctioned a batch of trophies. It killed a powerful enemy, Queen of Hell Cows, and captured the first generation of pure blood Super Hell Cows, a total of 500.
They have no metamorphosis and maintain the form of cows, but all of them can stand up, spit out words, and continue to scold the three brothers of hell. This group of cows practice martial arts, with strong strength, pure blood, and touching taste. They have legendary strength and have been put into mythology for thousands of years. They are super mythological species comparable to Xudela and Chimera.
The biggest highlight of this batch of cows is that they can kill meat, and are certified by the world's ‘hell canteen’! In addition, the milk produced by 500 cows can also return to the blood.
Described in the words of the seller, they belong to the low-end version of 'Jin Chanzi'. If Yaochi regularly holds the "Peach Peach Conference" and Lingshan regularly holds the "Golden Chanzi Sashimi Zhaifan Conference", then the power to buy these 500 cows is also eligible to hold the "Bulldog Conference".

Li Mo is very interested in these batches of ‘Hell Cows’. On the one hand, considering that his little succubus is working ‘dark dishes’, he wants to get a batch of ingredients to help her exercise her cooking skills, and also treats her family.
On the other hand, the projection has recently been very close to the high circles of the abyss, and found that these big lords and members of the big forces are not lagging behind. On the contrary, their living standards are extremely high, and their food and clothing are very luxurious.
This batch of heterogeneous cows has excellent varieties, and the Devil Tree can fully clone and mass-produce, so as to enter the abyss high-end luxury meat food industry, develop a new source of income, and at the same time be able to get in touch with more advanced forces.
Thinking of this, Li Mo controlled the projection and joined the auction, eventually killing several waves of competitors and winning the 500 cows.

After another few waves of exhibits, he came to the end of the auction. At this time, the official brought a large number of sacrificial offerings for reincarnation purchases by reincarnations, which were placed on the auction stand, and many buyers offered quotations at will. There is only one chance for each person. In the end, every ‘purchase offering’ will be obtained by the highest bidder.
In Li Mo's view, this is clearly the long-awaited leak detection. Unfortunately, the business level of the reincarnations contacted by the official is not very sophisticated. Li Mo only recognized a small part. One of the most distinctive is Kaku in One Piece World, the one who eats the giraffe type of cow and cow fruit. His debut, like Usopp a few days ago, caused a group of ladies to be enthusiastically sought after.
Li Mo ignored this one and continued to look for the target. It really made him succeed in finding the leak and found a seriously injured blue-haired man. According to the seller, this is a sea fighter in the Saint Cloth universe and one of the strongest seven generals. It is a pity that he has a fierce personality and furiously resisted during the capture, damaging the scales.
After Li Mo's inference, Jiu Cheng grasped that he was Saga's younger brother, 'Gallon Beast'! So he paid a high price and successfully put this waste person into the bag, and the twelve beast gods will fill another vacancy!
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