Chapter 1440: "Li's Geometry Sword" "Li's Algebra Sword" "Nine

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After obtaining the martial arts of her sister's practice, Li Bai, who gradually became sister-controlled, studied carefully, and wanted to help her find out and fill in the vacancies to eliminate hidden dangers and find the most perfect promotion direction.
Yimei's 'hard core framework' is the internal strength of the Tangmen poison system, but the research and development focus and core are the 'special mental methods' from the Daizong sword school. This is the fundamental reason for her crazy indulgence in 'numerical learning.'
"Love learning" is of course instinct, but she can choose the rhythm, immortality, hidden weapon, feng shui ... etc., But she loves "numerical calculation", and this "sword" is related to the ancestor of a hundred years ago. ', And today's Korean' Master Yijian '.
Li Bai only studied it for the first time. With his excellent martial art skills, he dared to assert that this "Sword" would definitely have the potential to match the top divine skills such as "Cihang Sword" and "Dao Xin Zhong Mo".

Who is Zu Chongzhi? On a normal earth, it is an outstanding mathematician and astronomer in the era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China.
In this high-martial world where gods and demons are rampant and monsters are raging, the old ancestors of the ancestral ancestors directly flew themselves under the nourishment of rich "mystery", and became recognized as the world's master of heaven machine, master of the institution, everyone of music theory, sage of calculation Grand Master Kendo ... 'has outstanding achievements in the fields of astronomy and geography, mathematics, swordsmanship, machinery, sonic killing, etc.
Wu Hou may be more famous as a broken void leader, but in terms of talent, the ancestral ancestor crushes it in all directions! Leave no trace.
However, before the ascension, the big brother did not pass on the martial arts mantle. He just wrote textbooks such as 'Mathematics, Astronomy, Mechanics, and Music' for the world to learn. There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that he hides all martial arts in it, hoping that the world will not ignore ‘learning’, rather than blindly pursuing martial arts. Insufficient knowledge, often leads to insufficient height of martial arts.
But the world is stupid, and the concept of ‘learning is power, knowledge is fundamental’ is too advanced and not accepted by others. (Intentionally suppressed by Confucianism.)
It was not until a hundred years ago that the head of the 'Daizong Sword School' who became famous in the martial arts came out of the world. From the ancestral writings, he realized a special "mind" that favored the spiritual class and specialized in improving human computing power. And on this basis, the ‘numerical calculation, Zhouyi, deduction, and swordsmanship’ were merged into a furnace, following the ancestors ’unparalleled swordsmanship, creating the foundation of Daizong ’s sword school,

Also known as ‘counting sword’.
That is my sister's fascinating 'special mentality'.

Li Bai's research found that the concept of "The Sword" is similar to the "Dugu Nine Sword". It uses "numerical calculation, Zhouyi, deduction" as the foundation, absorbs 100 basic kendos, and creates a batch of "sword art formulas" filled with unknown variables. .
When dealing with any enemy, the "Dai Zong Warrior" is solving a brand new problem, which is difficult and easy. With the powerful instantaneous computing power brought by "The Sword" and the number of "sword art formulas" he has mastered, he can change the enemy's moves every moment as an "unknown quantity" into the "formula" and perform a series of solutions. The correct 'answer' is used against the enemy.
Dugu Jiujian District District Jiu Road, you can break the world martial arts (low martial world). The core is to use the inherent routine to set the enemy into his own rhythm step by step, and then use the rich experience to demolish the opponents.
Daizong's "Swords" provides a lot of "sword art formulas", which are more flexible and changeable. Not only seeing tricks, anticipating enemy opportunities, defeating enemies, winning and breaking all methods, as long as the spirit is strong enough, you can use the "complex number formula" to calculate the "complex number result" in an instant, choose the optimal solution, and even achieve a sword to defeat the enemy. !

It can be said that Zu Chongzhi's status in the field of "counting swords" is just like the status of contemporary Niutuan Taoists in the field of "Yuan Qi cycle". All of them are the first ancestors to open up a precedent, providing a large number of 'theoretical space' for future generations, but without making restrictions, leaving unlimited possibilities.
Without the inspiration of the "Niu Duan Jin Zhang", Li Bai could not come up with the "Heavy Metal Yuan Ji Cycle Sutra". Without the ancestors, there would be no Daizong sword faction, Fu Cailin, and Li Tongtong today ...

The "Swords" in Li Bai's hand records the core "spiritual computing power". It is a special mental method that can be driven by any kind of "internal force". 'Calculation power'.
In addition, when the father of the righteous sister was stealing this exercise, the 'Daizong Sword School' had already been robbed by Fu Cailin, so the dead sheep had been repaired and made anti-theft measures. Only a part of the ‘primary swordsmanship formula’ is recorded in The Sword.
If you can master and learn to use this part of the "sword embellishment formula", you only need to hold the sword and you are already the best swordsman in the world.
And this "Sword" is not only brilliant, but as long as you have enough formula, you can be "small and invincible". And like algebra, it is very test-qualified. With the same formula and theorem, Xueba can solve the comprehensive problem of crushing the slag, and Xueshen can solve the Olympiad problems that force the cry to learn.
Yes, other warriors chasing martial arts may have to fight for resources, roots, blood, and skills, but the Daizong sword faction does not have so many advantages, and can only choose the cheapest and most precious ‘spell brain’!
As long as you are smart enough, the same ‘sword art formula’ can be played fascinatingly, smoothing out all the deficiencies!
On top of the first-level ‘sword skill formula’, there is also the innate ‘sword qi formula’ that was deliberately hidden. Abandon the metaphysical ‘sword weapon’ completely, do not stick to foreign objects, and reach the metaphysical to control the sword with qi. With a more complex super-order formula, it can reach a state comparable to the gods and demons.

It can be said that the core of Daizong's sword school is "Sword", which is not only the highest and deepest (potential) internal skill, but also the "Kendo foundation" required by all sword school disciples to get started. Instead, various ‘sword skills formulas and sword qi formulas’ that match
The Sword
have become secret core resources.
In the 'Dai Zong Men', learning a more advanced 'formula', even if the brain is not smart, it can make the overall strength soar. But the abominable thing is that the Daizong Sword School sweeps itself away, violating the ancestor's ideals and wishes. Instead of exchanging progress, it monopolizes knowledge and keeps going backwards.
His sister only learned the most basic ‘sword art formula’, broke the back road, and relied solely on talent to support it!
While Tongtong was young and had limited academic ability, he set up an academy at his own expense to teach clever students, attempting to study the way of mathematics together to obtain new results, and use his brain to be supernatural.
This child is really suffering. The hard-working spirit of study made the readers without mathematics sullen.
"Come on, say all the" sword art formulas "you have mastered, and then fight with me. Let me experience how this" embellished sword "works? How powerful is it?"
There are still many deficiencies in reading cheats simply, only staying at the level of brain supplement. For the first time, he saw this kind of divine martial arts, which is different from ‘bull blunt alchemy’, but also broad and profound, with unlimited potential. Only by fighting with the righteous girl and experiencing it for yourself can you appreciate the subtle changes in it and find an entry point.
"Okay! But my brother was careful. In addition to the" Sword Art (Sword Art Formula) "recorded in the book, I also realized two types of" Sword Art (Sword Art Formula) ". Take the trick!"
The girl is naturally more eager to try. She is so sticky to Li Bai. In addition to expressing her own love and dependence, it is for her own "numerical sword" that can be deduced to "broken void".
She was ambitious. She grew up in Tang Men's ears and regarded "broken void" as her highest goal in life. It's just that she disdains the way of ascending martial arts warriors. What about the ghost and Lu Bu, Tianmo Dong Zhuo, and Wu Sheng Guan Yu? Is n’t martial arts soaring the most basic?
Like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Daoyuan, who can obviously rely on muscle to eat, but rely on talented gangsters, is her idol! The most important thing is to be as proficient in celestial rhythm as Zhuge and Zhou Yu, a little literary.
Learning can make me happy, and using my brain makes me noble!
While the two met, the young girl verbally explained. Li Bai will take the initiative to ask when he is puzzled. Eventually, he finds that he is still superficial. This "sword" is more weird than he understands!

At first, he thought that this "sword" was a scientific "mathematics swordsmanship". After all, the limit of mathematics is to analyze everything in the universe through numbers and turn the real universe into a digital universe.
However, after real experience, I realized that this thing is far from real ‘mathematics’, but a fuzzy algorithm in the field of metaphysics. Just like its own "Heavy Metal Yuan Kang Cycle Dan Jing", it seems to be born out of the modern chemistry door pioneered by ‘Mendeleev’, but in essence it is the anti-scientific ‘Five Elements Yin-Yang Dan Law’.
Ancient ‘scientific theoretical knowledge’ is far behind that of future generations, such as ‘architecture’. In the field of architecture, the ancients naturally did not have perfect "mechanics, structures, materials ..." and even many principles were not understood, but they still created wonderful and magnificent buildings.
Could it be that there is not enough scientific theory to make it real? of course not. The knowledge reserves of today's astronomical masters are far from being comparable to those of later generations of astronomers, but they can deduce astronomical opportunities and predict the future. This involves a ‘fuzzy and metaphysical’ framework, ‘metaphysical operations’ (inference).
The essence of "The Sword" is far less complicated than Li Bai imagined.
There is no exaggeration to the point of "analysing the martial arts of the world with pure mathematics". Instead, it combines 'mathematical operations, metaphysical Zhouyi', and uses 'internal work, spiritual strength, and martial sense' to make up for the deficiencies of 'mathematical formulas', creating a mysterious 'fuzzy formula', with the help of 'numerical knowledge, deduction knowledge' 'Internal force, spirit', get answers that point directly to the truth!
This is a metaphysical swordsmanship full of ‘mathematical applications’!

Sounds fascinating?
Regardless of the swordsmanship formula or the more profound swordsmanship formula, it is composed of 'metaphysics + mathematics + unknown quantity', where the 'metaphysics side' includes internal force, mental strength, and intuition; and the 'mathematics side' is the mathematics theorem and deduction algorithm ; The unknown is the opponent's move data.
Therefore, "Sword" can enhance the power of swordsmanship in two ways:
Martial arts weak chickens like younger sisters, lacking strong internal force, strong spirit, and keen sense to fill the ‘metaphysical vacancies’ of the ‘fuzzy calculation formula’, must learn to study more ‘numerical calculation theorems’.
In ‘fuzzy operations’, the richer the element of ‘math’, the lower the difficulty of the operation; the higher the ‘math’ element, the greater the power of the explosion. This improvement is amazing. The higher the ‘mathematical knowledge’ integrated into the calculation, the more exaggerated the power of swordsmanship is, and it is a geometric multiple increase.
On the contrary, nowadays, the 'Daizong Gate' is in a state of weakness, and Gai has too much scum!
They cleverly defended the clever 'sword energy formula' (not clever) developed by their ancestors, but they couldn't learn to use it. Instead, they filled in with "internal force, spirit, and intuition", forcibly crossed the "mathematical calculation" that should be burned, and promoted The power of swordsmanship. Not only is it inefficient, it is also not ideal.
Why can Zu Chongzhi break the void with Kendo Warriors? Guy has burst his watch with his computing power! It has long been invincible in the present age, and then superimposed the fierce 'Grandmaster Realm and Internal Force', with its unparalleled intuition, and the highest level of 'mathematical knowledge' on the earth at that time, and the unique 'spirituality', created a monster, crushed Nothing beats the contemporary.

If Li Bai wants to strengthen her sister efficiently, she will naturally start with two aspects at the same time!
First of all, he taught Xiao Tongtong 'Wisdom Qinglian Seal', this fine mystery technique can effectively improve her 'spirit, intuition', and increase the value of metaphysics. With this alone, her overall strength can be increased by a small amount.
In addition, Li Bai focused on teaching algebra and geometry, which greatly enriched the reserve of the science side of girls, and this led to a series of horrible and brutal consequences, just like opening Pandora's magic box!

It should be noted that the ancient "mathematical theory" is no higher than the "scientific era" of the outbreak of science and technology in later generations.
Even the so-called "Zu Sheng" soaring god-man, in his "Sword of Swords", only uses a part of "numerical calculation knowledge" that is not advanced in later generations, and the rest depends on "natural calculations, metaphysical algorithms, Intuitive induction 'to make up.
And Fu Cailin was able to advance the Grand Master because he opened the epiphany in the Temple of War, awakened Su Hui to get the inspiring version of the super power development formula of the "School City", and cheated into the "Grandmaster-level Swordsmanship" .
In the absence of the core 'calculation formula', his sister, by virtue of her ingenuity and wisdom, self-aware of a 'junior high school version of algebraic decoration swordsmanship', looking at the contemporary in the field of 'numerical calculation' is already first-class, smart index is out of the ordinary But it was defeated by 'Xuanxue, Tianji'.
After understanding all of this, Li Bai was unable to help her sister fill in metaphysics, so she directly wrote two more fierce swordsmanship for her, pointing directly to the Supreme Code of Swords:
"Li's Advanced Algebra Sword Classic", "Li's Solid Geometry Sword Classic". (Only a preliminary introduction has been written ... Others need to be carefully recalled.)
And she has performed countless new "Sword Skill Formulas, Sword Qi Formulas" (the front of the two major sword classics) for her, which greatly satisfied her "learning the world without boundaries, turning back without shore" (pick up the gel pen and become a student on the spot) PA!) Demand.
(Even if the corpse of Zu Chong reappeared in the world, I must feel Li Bai ’s head with relief, feeling that I am not alone and succeeding someone! And then accepted as a personal disciple, "Several ancestors-Qinglian Shangren.")

"The two great swordsmanships I have written for you are endless and mysterious! Even my essence is rare. It also requires hard work. Any one can sweep the rivers and lakes at the same level just by taking a first look at the path. It is invincible, and it has unlimited potential for continuous exploration. It can be compared to the "Cihang Jiandian" to the highest level. Once both are completed, the "extreme evolution" of "geometry + algebra" will be completed, and the broken void is not vain. Li Bai touched his sister's head gently.
The girl looked at him with admiration, shock, excitement, and obsession. Li Bai's status in her heart has been infinitely promoted, almost reaching the point of faith!
After that, she just quickly read the prologues of the two Li Jianjiandians, and then she looked dumbfounded: "Brother, I can't understand it at all, is this a book of heaven?"
"Hey, your education is too shallow, and the two swords are taught to you, but it hurts you. Let me tell you, based on your current foundation, a" rectangular coordinate system swordsmanship ". This swordsmanship is easy to understand, You can combine geometric algebra in one furnace to create a 'three-dimensional sword gas model' in your heart. You combine with the 'Wisdom Lotus Seal' practice, presumably by your spirituality, all the world's methods can be resolved by analysis. "
"After you complete this course, I will continue to pass on your" Function Sword Technique ", Inequality Sword Technique, Sequence Sword Technique, Probability Sword, Matrix Sword, Calculus Sword, Analytic Geometry Sword ..."
Li Bai thought about how easy it was to compile the "Li Jian Jian Dian", but he couldn't even fix it himself with his brainpower. It is better to step back and develop the entry-level "Li's Cartesian Coordinate Sword Method" to meet the needs of the younger sister at this stage.
"Wow! Brother is so good! People adore you!"
"Calm! Calm! Basic operation ..."
And he also read "The Sword" and felt that he incorporated his core ideas into the "Qinglian Sword" and sublimated his southern fighting method to the level of "Nine Chapters Sword Sword". I look forward to creating an exquisite technique that surpasses "Nine Swords of Du Gu".
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