Chapter 1503: The night burst, the atmosphere dries up! The warrior behind, let me see the knife in your hand!

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At night, half an hour later, outside the Qinglong Temple in Chang'an City, the wind was measured.
Several black shadows were ambushing outside the wall, touching the ground with their toes, and quietly marching, like a cautious old cat crossing the wall.
One of them suddenly looked up at the sky and sighed in a low voice: "The moon is dark and the wind is high, killing and setting fire."
"I have inquired clearly that the real He Bi is actually in this temple. The entire rivers and lakes are blinded by this group of thieves!" The head man heard the comrades with emotion and stopped and said back.
Under the faint moonlight, his blue eyes suddenly flashed a blood. When others thought they were dazzling and looked at it again, they had already returned to the deep blue.
"Brother, how do we act tonight?"
"Send someone to set fire first, and then condemn the raid. I have strangers to help me, just wait for the chaos in the temple, you and I will ..."
Under the corner of the wall, Ba Fenghan and Kou Zhong quickly talked. Behind them, a group of dead masked people, like the dead, stand still and strange.

Just as the two men chose their positions calmly and prepared for perfection, they were about to start their hands, and the distant place in the silent Changan City shrouded in darkness suddenly came a weak roar. This sound is extremely small, the air is faintly transmitting the seemingly absent vibration, if not the two are innate first-class masters, the spiritual perception is beyond ordinary, and it is difficult to catch.
The two people shook at the same time, couldn't help looking at each other, and looked back. Looking far away, Chang'an City at night is dotted with scattered lights. The farther away, the less real. Unlike the midnight neon lights of the modern city, the ancient night is almost dark if there is no moonlight.
But at this time far south, there was faint red light faintly, which is absolutely not normal. Soon, the two realized something, it was on fire! In this direction, it is the Temple of Mercy, and the whistle of an inaudible sound that can be heard across the ears is not a trivial matter.
"It was such a great skill that some people attacked Ci'en Temple!" Ba Fenghan estimated the scale of the attack and could not help complimenting his own plan, but his tone could not conceal the deep sarcasm.
Choosing the wrong target, no matter how big the capital is, is also destined to lose money.
Immediately afterwards, two other directions in the city of Chang'an also came into the sky, apparently attacked at the same time. The two people showed their surprise at the same time, feeling that what happened in the city tonight was too coincidental. There was an invisible vortex that pulled everyone together, and the unspeakable feelings surged in their hearts. Is it good or bad?
The three locations were attacked at the same time, and such a large scale is definitely a big move. Regardless of those who are interested or ordinary warriors, almost all are involved. In the same way, the originally silent Qinglong Temple was also turbulent, and then became a mess.
"What a help me!"
Ba Fenghan suddenly uttered a set of sign language, indicating that his men were temporarily lurking and watching the changes. To him, the accident tonight was actually a field assist, and he seemed to see a better shot.

Outside the Ci'en Temple, a large group of unscrupulous people waited for the opportunity, including some innate peaks tempted by Li Bai's false news, and even a small number of guru strongmen were also mixed in.
At the moment, the courtyard exploded violently, and then the fire burst into the sky. The shouts, life-saving sounds, and screams quickly became chaotic, and then several anxiously unable to hold back, rushed in first. Then there were the pre-arranged naval forces mixed with the crowd and shouted loudly: "There is an entrance, this is the underground palace!"
"I found it, Hersbit! It must be mine!", "Go away, this chance is mine!"
Several sailors yelled at the chaos a few times, both inside and outside the courtyard, those with insufficient concentration could no longer bear it, and rushed into the flames with the mentality that Ning Xinxin had untrustworthy. Especially the monks in the temple, a property that belongs to their own site should belong to me, but at this moment, the idea of ​​being robbed by robbers came into being. I saw that the big entrance continued to be forcibly charged, and the abduction ring was broken in an instant. What should I split?
"Amitabha, this place is outside the Buddha's land, please ask all the lay people to withdraw! Mo Yao has committed greed, my Buddha's property is sacred and inviolable, are you going to ?! Quickly stop, otherwise I will blame the Lord Buddha for removing me. . "
"Chong, the underground palace is real, a lot of treasure!"
Some of the people hidden in the courtyard did not explore the underground palace at all, but took out the package prepared earlier, which was filled with gold, silver, jewelry, and jewelry. Seeing that more and more people jumped into the pit, they immediately performed light power. Over the wall, on the way to the road, he deliberately ripped the parcel, spilled gold and silver ornaments, and spoke with facts.
"Look, it's real gold and silver!", "Wait, how can there be jewellery in the underground palace that suppresses He's Bi?", "Stop, leave things behind."
A few of them stayed on the periphery looking for something cheap, and when Li Bai arranged for an acting school to flee, he immediately used the skill of capturing the dragon-controlling crane and pulled the package across the air. The lucky one became rich in a flash, full of real gold and silver, it felt worth it, but he wanted to go in and get more. Most parcels used only one layer of cloth. They could not hold back the volley and were violently ripped. A large number of jeweled celestial flowers were scattered, which completely inspired the enthusiasm of the audience.
"This is not Hersbit, this is Yang Gong Treasure! The entrance is hidden here!"
"Kill, grab a ticket, you earn!", "Yes, all the brothers listened to me, and He's Bi is the treasure of the world, we have no blessing to withstand, but the Yanggong Treasury weapon, martial arts, gold There is everything for silver jewellery, and there is no innocence when you get a vote! "," Not innocent! Not innocent! "," Sin obstacles, the Yanggong treasure house belongs to my Buddha! You group of people who are delusional and delusional do not want to get involved! "
With the rhythm of the Bossa Welfare Belt, more and more eager to eat melons also joined them, and soon became true. Those who went for the shock of He's Bi also had a stunned face. Why did they become "Yangong Treasure House"? But despite him, it looks better? !
The monks in the courtyard, as well as the hair care vajra of Jingnian Zen Academy, are also puzzled, but they do not prevent them from trying to stop it. It is all ours!
A group of monks suddenly formed a stick and locked the entrance of the underground palace, but soon someone broke the news in the darkness: "Evil Emperor Relic! Just inside the underground palace, everyone kill together!"
Hearing this, several guru ambushing outside could not control it. When they saw the killing in the courtyard, the masters were all restrained. They could n’t help but rush into the field and fish in muddy water.
"For He Shibi!", "For the treasure house!", "For the evil emperor relic!", "For the immortal grass!", "For the tribe!" As the soy sauce crowd shouted together, more and more Li Bai did not know The treasures were also called out, and the monks resisted harder, and could not resist the enthusiasm of the people for treasure.
At that time, the monk's face was "not afraid", and he felt something was wrong! Looking at the monks and soldiers who were constantly injured and falling, the mood was extremely heavy. This has been a long time of conspiracy. I did not expect such a big secret under the Ci'en Temple! Of course, he knew the importance of 'Evil Emperor's Relics', and he had 90% assurance in his heart that this was done by the demon.
While the main strength of the Buddha Gate is concentrated in the Qinglong Temple, the salted fish of the entire martial arts are attacked here to create conditions, touch the fish in the muddy water, and seek the treasure house. It is simply cunning, insidious and shameless!
"Come here, send Cheng Cheng to Qinglong Temple as soon as possible to inform the abbot. He said that Yang Gong Treasure is here and come to support him quickly. The rest, follow me to kill and take the evil emperor's relics!"
"Go away, He's Bi is mine!", "Stupid B, He's Bi is not here, here is the Shakya relic!", "The Shakya gold body, eat it can live forever, break the void. "", "Chong ah!", "The second son of the Li family became a genius after eating the body of Shakyah!", "You can break the void after eating Li Er!", "Eat!" ... He's Bi is edible! "
"Affirmation is undoubtedly, it is indeed Yang Gong's treasure house. You hurry back and inform the suzerain!", "Send someone back!", "Quick information! Hurry!"
When waves of salted fish trampled on each other, pushed and shoved and secretly stroked the monk's bald head, and Wuting was raging into the underground palace, the spies sent by the Momen to monitor, and the intelligence personnel of each family, also anxiously rushed to the station , Eager to report first-hand information.
Of course, there are also smart people who know that they have no strength to take a slice of the soup from the underground palace.

Similar scenes also broke out in other locations.
Under Xiao Tongtong's arrangement, waves of brainwashed fish hit the general temple, and began to spread the rhythm of the welfare band, quickly seduce the greed of the bystanders, and came to the end, gradually chaotic.
The self-proclaimed fisherman's "Quao" was calmly resting on a big tree, observing all this carefully, and did not easily enter the game. After all, there is no entrance to the underground palace, and the lack of shocking discoveries like "Yangong Treasure House" is more conservative. Therefore, the information released by Li Bai is mainly based on the ‘Heshibi’, which is hidden at the bottom of the wooden foot tower of the 100-foot high.
This view is quite reliable, because the overall holding of the Futu, which is the same as the big wild goose pagoda of Ci En, is the most important place in the monastery and guards the strict. In the past several rounds of shocks by the people of the rivers and lakes, they did not even touch the tower for 10 meters, so other talents would believe it.
The Xiaotongtong gang kidnapped a small shami in the temple as early as day, and the eldest brother brainwashed with the mysterious method of ‘sensory demon seal’.
At this moment, she is looking at the whole situation, secretly peeping, grasping the opportunity, and then through the remote control program of the "Mithril Secret-Yuan Cijin" passed down from generation to generation of their Li family, the thunder bead is detonated across the air. Further improve the authenticity and credibility of the rumors and lead the wolf into the room.
After the chaos in the temple, Xiao Tongtong took advantage of the heat of the scene to reach the peak of the first wave, and immediately excited the buried thunder bead across the air, thundering ... Thunder bead burst, and a blaze of fire was on the load-bearing fulcrum on the second and third floors of the floating tower The upper part exploded, and they were all on the same side, which eventually caused the picture that seemed to be bitten by the dog, losing balance and squeaking a little bit.

After being taught by his eldest brother, the young girl grasps the heart of the people's hearts and is called 'Apprentice Xiaoyin B'.
This kind of fire is very important to grasp the timing. If it is detonated too early, the number of players in the game is too small, the base of the salted fish is not enough, the atmosphere is completely impossible, and the scene is not dry enough. The atmosphere was extinguished, and the conflicts behind were hard to escalate.
If the shot is too late, maybe the cardinal number of the fish on the scene is enough, but the enthusiastic and fierce atmosphere gradually declines, and some people will calmly reflect on it and find that it is not right, and the atmosphere cannot be upgraded. Just like blind date, the iron is gradually upgraded while hot, and the third base is rushed home. Too monkeys can't do it urgently, nor can they delay too much.
At this moment, the detonation of the float, on behalf of another big shot, shocked all the salted fish, the big chicken scene! Strengthen their conviction to attack. After all, such a big move is definitely made, and the capital is definitely invested. This tower is really in stock, otherwise, would it not be blood loss?
In the general temple, the master master is also sitting at the peak of the master. Seeing that the stupa was blown up, a large piece of it was gradually tilted, how can it be held? Deep down, the abbot scolded all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Zen Academy.
You made your own show, dragged us into the water, and now we are in the dark. Now that we have fought for you, even the most precious pagodas have been exploded. How much benefit did we get? It's a blood mom's loss!

After the outbreak of environmental protection in Changan City, it was a feast of miscellaneous fish. The three temples simultaneously sent out a signal for help at the same time, and Ci En Temple arrived too far away.
When the disciples who were not afraid of the monk reported the information of the "Yangong Treasury, the evil emperor's relics", Ning Daoqi's face changed wildly, and his state of mind became turbulent. Before a quarter of Yixiang, Master Kongkong had to help when he heard the news that the main pagoda of the temple was about to fall.
Jingnian Temple is homeless, and with its intimate relationship with Cihang Jingzhai, it was the right to hold the 'Heshibi Bidding Conference'. I want to use the power of the three major Buddhist temples in Chang'an to show the mutual benefit and mutual benefit. The great thing about Buddha's strength.
However, this time the people in the rivers and lakes were too cruel to find the ‘He ’s Bi’ to blow up the tower to vent their anger, which was unprecedentedly mean and shameless. The empty monk couldn't bear this charge, he didn't dare to sit back and ignore it, so he went to help himself.
In case one is inattentive, they meditate on the monastery and do not want to gain a foothold in the north.

Not far from the temple, the abbot no longer feared that the firepower was fully opened, and the Buddha door was really wrapped around the body. It actually gave out a pale golden holy light at night, and it managed to run in a short time.
The movement of this product has exceeded the limit of light work. Like a fairy, the imperial Qi is deficient, the feet are running continuously in the middle, and the pale gold qi is entwined into a group of Buddha lights at the bottom of the foot, as if Xiang Yun dragged his body, let him high speed in the air Moving, it's flying, just like the moon step of the pirate world and the ringing of the world of death.
Qinglong arrived at the general manager. He was originally separated by several square cities. He had to walk for half a day, and he was empty in the air at the moment. He flew to the periphery after a cup of tea, and then saw that the more inclined the more powerful, the wooden beams broke continuously. Sound stupa.
Fortunately, it came in time!
After a loose in the hollow, Zhensha gushing and raising his hands remotely, and then slowly pushing the air, as if trying to hold on to something?
With his movements, the Buddha really disturbed the world and formed a huge palm in the void, even like the palm of a real giant, assisting the broken and collapsed wooden tower, shocked the audience, and made countless salted fish dumbfounded.
Fully demonstrate the style of Gaowu World, the top warrior.
Seeing this scene, Tie Leiying Ying Quao instantly confirmed his thoughts, and the baby was in it, so he jumped up and flew down, and sneaked into the 'full protection tower, unprepared' empty: "Take the move, Eagle changes into 13 styles, Meng De tears dove hands! "
When Qu Ao was young, he was lucky enough to obtain a book of heroes from the end of the Han Dynasty. Cao Chengxiang used his martial arts emptiness to tear a guru-level demon beast enshrined in an alien faith on the nine days, and left this "Mengde tear-dove" by blood washing the sky. The fabulous school of fame.
As Quao started, more and more famous masters couldn't help but shot. Qikong's strength was used on the tower. He was attacked by a group of garbage that was not as good as his own, but he couldn't fight back. His heart was furious.

As batches of monks had to leave, Qinglong Temple was also attacked, but the Grand Master still did not start.
Immediately afterwards, two violent innate innocence broke out in the monastery, one blazing hot and the other eerie. Afterwards, a kind of gas that merged the Daomen's quietness and inaction, and absorbed the Buddha's divine power, instantly spread and crushed and washed down these two facts.
"Huh? Where did this group of people come from?" Li Bai watched batches of people in black rushing into the monastery to kill, and suddenly froze. I do n’t seem to have hired this group of actors. Where did they come from?

"Cer has really grown up. Not only did he hear the real whereabouts of He's Bi, and arranged such a thorough plan, he could even condemn people to try in advance, and lead Ning Daoqi's old thief. There are actually two talented masters. Dugu valve has you to preside over, and you can finally look away! "You Chuhong looked at her grandson who had been reborn in the past six months, showing kindness and satisfaction in her eyes.
"Humph!" The appearance is particularly beautiful, not tall, but the bumpy and sculpted body is a fiery red lonely phoenix, with a long sword in his arms, his eyes are very strangely looking at the young man's policy, his expression is like a smile instead of a smile. Staring at him was breathless and uncomfortable.
Du Guce is also ignorant at the moment. Is Nima different from what she said? Where did this group of dead goods come from? Too fierce and not afraid of death, too dedicated? I am touched by what I see!
Boss, don't you want me to pit grandma? I'm all mentally prepared, but you still give such a surprise gift, do you want to scare me? It's so intimate, in fact, you don't want me to do it right, all this is just a test. Only when I do it, will I see this scene?
Not only does not need to pit grandma, but can also show talent, get the family's fancy recognition, and go one step further from the head of the family. Boss, you are so kind to me. It is totally unconditional to help me to take the position.
Du Guce was moved and unable to extricate himself, tears flashed in the corners of his eyes, and You Chuhong couldn't help but pity when he saw it.
She thinks that Ce'er is a waste of firewood all these years, completely forgetting her mind and putting her energy on Xiaofenger. As a result, Ceer did not give up on himself, but proved himself by his own efforts. Without the support of his family, he did such a great job. He just burst into praise and made him cry with tears.
Hey ... Grandma didn't do it well. I will love him a lot in the future and will not let him cry.
(Solitary policy: Grandma, you really misunderstood, I really want to pit your old man!)

"Poof!" Kou Zhong spit blood violently, anxiously said, "Brother, I will hold him back, you act faster."
"No, I will procrastinate! You will find ..."
Not waiting for Ba Fenghan to release the big move, You Chuhong took a few allies to kill in. The violent grand master confronted the aftermath, blowing the two directly ...
Nima? How could this be? Is the mantis catching the cicada cardinal? ! How does Du Gu Valve know where He Shibi is? ! Is all this tonight arranged by Dugu valve? Ba Fenghan suddenly had the feeling of eating poisonous excrement, and wasted such energy, so that you were picked up cheaply?
"Cer, Fenger, you go to get Yubi, let's hold this old guy!"
Ba Feng froze for a moment, and then reacted quickly. Fortunately, he hadn't revealed his hole card. He and Kou Zhong glanced at each other.
Kou Zhong stood with a long sword and decisively intercepted Du Gufeng, but he was very surprised. How could this girl be so different from the previous life? What a terrible sword spirit, is this the Sect of Ten Thousand Swords? ! He instantly thought of the adventures of the previous life, but this time he did not find Jianzong in Shu, did he ...
Before he could react, Ning Daoqi was held by the masters of the three great masters and could not get away for a while. So it exploded completely: "Let you see the newly-built" Holy Light Eight Beats "by the old man!"

"This script is wrong, Qing'er, you take off this mask, let's change the mask." Although I don't know where so many enthusiastic audiences appeared, in short, everything was overrun, "Dive me!"
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