Chapter 1517: Du Gufeng needs extra money!

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After a series of investigations and visits, the Buddhist forces in Chang'an City who only covered the sky finally locked in the whereabouts of Li Bai's group and immediately launched an operation of annihilation!
In the early morning, when the sun was rising, the boss of the Jingnian Zen Academy, which had made a big mistake, was empty with the ‘Three Great Hair Care King Kong’ who died, and many Jingnian monks and soldiers surrounded Li Bai ’s rammed house.
The empty monk had no expression on his face, but his eyes concealed a murderous murder. He held a string of rosary beads in his left hand and kept on flicking, as if chanting verses in his heart. The right hand was raised and dropped high, making a beheading action.
Afterwards, the leader of the "Hair Care Team" who died a king did not lament. Finally, he couldn't help but feel angry, and he roared and shouted, "Kill! I'll kill the Buddha! Don't let any one go!"
Nor can he complain about his anger, and now all the clues about the "He Shibi theft" almost point to the mysterious rise of "Assassin's New Force". And a series of attacks on the night of the theft of He's Bi, severely damaged or even destroyed nearly half of the foundation of Jingnian Zen Academy!
Regardless of the astronomical damages they paid for the four monasteries in Chang'an, what is the most important foundation of an illegal armed force? Is talent! After the money is lost, you can rob and cheat again. Anyway, the leeks in the world who believe in my meditation in Zen are burnt like wild grass and can be harvested at will. However, a large number of grassroots backbones were killed, and the roots of the meditation were damaged, and there was not enough manpower to garnish leek!

A team of monks lifted their legs and kicked, breaking the thick solid wood door in the courtyard with the force of the mountain, and then the door was broken into pieces and flew in with the strong wind.
The bandits ... The brave monks broke through the door, and there were a large number of small Shami holding crossbows in the periphery, aiming at the courtyard wall with hatred, not letting anyone go.
"The report does not disturb Uncle Shi, no one is found in the room!"
"The report does not greedy the uncle, there is nothing found in the demolition."
One after another information came before the house was empty before they acted. I heard that the face did not change color, but the left hand holding the rosary was no longer tossed, but squeezed tightly, and the blue muscles under the skin burst.
"?" He moved, looking at the plain Ishii in the courtyard, and then looked again. The latter lived under the same roof with him for many years, and reached the point of ‘you know what I ’m seeing’ as soon as possible. He reached out and turned away the disciple who was reporting the news, and jumped into the well.
He stepped on his feet and landed quickly, then shouted out: "It is a dry well! ... Wait, this soil is not normal, it is new soil, it was deliberately buried! Come here, dig me down!"
Soon after, the coolie disciples made another discovery. When they dug down two meters, they found that there was an entrance on the side, which was a secret room space, which not only left a rich heaven and earth vitality, but also other traces.
"This is ... lead ?!" Li Bai took the lead plate that was difficult to refine when he moved, but left some residue.
Seeing this thing, he narrowed his eyes and fully understood the identity of the real murderer! No longer staying, then took the three diamonds to Changan.
Not long after, they were scattered in Chang'an City, respectively suppressing evil factions, trying to persuade allies, and fighting against one of the four great monks who shared the underground organization of evil emperors. Zen Taoism was invited.
When he was empty, he indicated that the hair care King Kong should explain the causes and consequences, and then expressed that if the four monks shot, they would share the He Bi. Although the four holy monks are not a system with Jingnian Temple, they are close allies. After confirming the generous rewards given by Kong, they did not falsely evade them.
"The Zen Master is at ease. The four of us came this time, the primary purpose of which was to protect the He Bibi, and the second was to suppress the great demon of the Shizhixuan, to spend it in the Buddha's gate, and to convert to the world venerable. Now, this Lei Tiandao not only steals He's Bi has committed a great sin, and has been deeply enthralled. If he is not eradicated in time, he will become the second evil king in the future and martial arts will be a disaster. The four of us should reasonably suppress it and abandon the evil from the good chanting of the Buddha. "
The monk who learned that he was in the Grand Master's Realm was going to do it himself. He was overjoyed and ordered the three kings of the seat to cooperate with him.
At the same time, in a house donated by Song valve in Chang'an City, Li Bai was in the corner of the living room, listening to the work report of the four fish kings under his command, and then whispered in a whisper, continuously instructing them how to act and continuing to work with the Buddha and the Devil Fight wisely and bravely, and launch a new round of "sharing evil emperor plan".
On the other side, Song Yuzhi, who was already familiar with Li ’s brothers and sisters, stayed with Xiao Tongtong eagerly at this time, whispering to a piece of white paper full of writing.
The two are of similar age. Song Yuzhi is only two years older than her, and is just in her early 17s. She has the same cheerful and outgoing personality, the same martial arts and strong talent, and she is talented. Impulsive; there is a worrying brother.
The similarities in age and personality made them magically mixed together at the first sight, became best friends, and muttered and exchanged martial arts all day long. Song Yuzhi's instincts like adventure and challenges, and there are sky swords as backers. Eventually, he decided to join the group, become an ally, and follow Li Bai and others to do exciting ‘big things’.
Song Yuzhi paid much attention to Li Bai's brothers and sisters, and took the initiative to show his favor, but Song Shidao was an authentic barbecue. After losing the use value of the grandfather in the body, he was soon kicked out of the small circle.
Bai Qing'er sold himself decisively, and after several times he sold the yin, he set a name and was accepted by a small group. And she is very alert and unwilling to pay, and she is also excluded from her list of clients.

It is now the fifth day after the theft of ‘He ’s Bi’. Yesterday, people from the rivers and lakes who bored holes in the southern suburbs accidentally discovered a tunnel suspected to be "Yang Gongzhenku". They were heard by the Yingui gang and killed.
The incident was whistled by Bai Qing'er and quickly spread by Li Bai, which caused chaos in Chang'an again, and took the opportunity to move into Chang'an City, leaving the air empty.
After explaining the matter, the four fish kings have left one after another to continue the last round of squashing of the "sharing evil emperor". And he also led people out of this house, took a horse-drawn carriage and walked around in different places and came to another den.
During this time, through various identities, he fully acquired more than ten properties in Chang'an City, and created as many dens as possible. Some intentionally leave traces, while others are extremely hidden. By doing so, it can effectively disperse the investigations that mislead the Buddha and strive for more time to make a fortune.

Under the operation of Li Bai and his gang, the "Shared Evil Emperor Project" was completed by the assassin group.
They have a large number of people, are not weak, are proficient in concealment, and can covertly contact any potential customer to negotiate prices. Once negotiated, Zhuge Shrimp will lead the Salted Fish King to personally the 'Old Evil Emperor Learning Machine' to the door for customers to learn and receive remuneration.
Dried fish mining customers collect deposits, the salted fish king escorts the learning machine to the door, and Zhuge Shrimp shocks the guests to collect the bill. They joined forces, and although a few died, they quickly opened the market and ran at least ten orders overnight.
On the other hand, Li Bai ’s stricter screening of customers also opened the exclusive service of ‘shared jade seal’.
At this moment, he arrived at Den 4. Pushing the door in, the hall is full of customers who have received notice in advance:
Song Yuzhi's brother Song Shidao is sitting alone in the corner tasting tea. Opposite him, is the uncle Song Lu who first came to experience today. On the other side of the "sofa", Li Bai was not trusted, so he pretended to be a grudge. She had tasted the sweetness and couldn't stop it, and came again today. In addition, the solitary solitary strategy that once seriously injured and dying, also struggled to report to the boss. On his side, his father, Dugufeng, who was dragged into the quagmire, helped him.
Yes, it is Uncle Du Gufeng who started Li Bai's "shared evil emperor service" in Chang'an City.
Li Bai was struggling to develop business at that time, so he contacted Du Gu. Ce Shao exhausted his tongue, spitting blood and pushing to death, before forcing his father into the pit. After using the "Old Evil Emperor Learning Machine", Du Gufeng was surprised and shocked, and he gradually accepted the strange service project of the "Brotherhood" group.
Last night, Du Guce deceived his father into the pit again, Du Gufeng's resistance and vigilance were greatly reduced, and he enjoyed a 'shared jade seal'. After experiencing the bug effect of He's Bi, today he also couldn't stop running to experience the second round of treatment .

"Brother Li, I have arranged the secret room according to your requirements, can you start?" Song Shidao got up and said to Li Bai.
Despite the unpleasantness of both parties, Li Bai now has a life-saving grace, and he generously shares with Shibi. The sisters of the two sides become lovers and he immediately turns the enemy into a friend.
He, who had enjoyed He's Bi, did not have the perseverance to quit, but rather used lead plates to help Li Bai build a small secret room in the bedroom.
"I check first!"

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Li Bai sent a person to fetch the copper box and open it in the small secret room, with Ce Shao first.
With so many strong people gathered together, the weakest is also a congenital peak. Everyone belongs to different forces and is hostile to each other. However, the Li Bai camp is a big family, so no one dares to act rashly, but instead it is happy and harmonious, waiting in line for the use of Heshibi.
Even led by her sister and Song Yuzhi, Song Lu and Du Gufeng came together to chat together. While trying to win over Song Song, Du Gufeng also showed off some experience and showed off. Wei Lao also ran to saury Song Cha Shao, and as a result, he touched a soft nail, and began to tease the younger brother, Duan Lang, to get information about Li Bai.
When many users completed the payment and waited in line to upgrade with the "Protagonist Aura", they were keenly aware that the cousin's strange lonely phoenix also tracked all the way through special means. He came to this house and successfully avoided all kinds of surveillance. The edge of the hall.
Her virtuoso is bold, and soon guessed that this place may be related to the popular ‘He ’s Bi’. In the end, I couldn't hold back and jumped in, trying to find out, and was shocked by the scene before me!
Li Bai, Duan Lang, Ce Da (Uncle), Barbecue, Uncle Barbecue, Xiao Tian Dao, Xian Ding, Little Fairy in Hair Socks, Sugar Concept Sword Immortal ... There is even a salted fish king who is on vacation while turning his head to look She, showing a puzzled look? Then he looked at Li Bai again and asked with eyes ... Is it a new user? !
No one at the scene was afraid of Du Gu Jian San, but if the number exceeded 5, it was absolutely very tricky, and the number of strong men at this moment has already reached an exaggerated point, bringing her great pressure.
"Uncle!" Du Gufeng was not stupid, immediately dismissed the idea of ​​taking it, and shouted to Du Gufeng. The small appearance of Jiao Di Di was clearly called by the uncle to participate in the experience treatment!
"Come to Uncle." Du Gufeng felt uncomfortable, obviously the chance of his father and son, but Du Gu valve is more than one person, but he can compete with Song valve in arrogance, just three people on each side.
Du Gufeng still had doubts, but he didn't say much and obediently joined the line.
Li Bai glanced at her, but didn't feel anything. By default, she joined the service of "Sharing Jade Seal". Like the boss of an internet cafe, he shouted at the high-quality customer Du Gufeng: "Remember to add money!"
The latter heard it and nodded silently.
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