Chapter 1558: Online dating across thousands of years

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After the book was taken back, the father and daughter of the evil king went to Kunlun half a step late, and they were taken a step ahead by the master Yijian group to the chance of the dragon and the beast. They also blamed Master Daoji.
Before Li Bai set Qi 'clean eating sickness' four big radiant vajra, he sent the signal to the nationwide on time at 8:30 every night on the basis of the spiritual strength of the master's peak, and the soul of the thousand miles communicated and refined himself. 'Lotus species'.

After the warrior's state entered the 'master', the spirit of the gods was nourished by the true evil, and it transformed and evolved in an all-round way, which corresponds to the Taoist "refining spirit" link, and is also the inevitable prerequisite for the "yin and yang god". In the eyes of ordinary people, it is already half a land fairy.
The guru ‘God Soul’ is exceptionally powerful, like a signal tower, always transmitting and receiving long-distance spiritual signals. When used in conjunction with Zhensha, it is a thousand miles of sound; or by intuition in the midst. The most trashy master also accepts information from the outside world within a range of more than ten miles, and processes it through subconscious calculations, avoiding it without hearing the danger.
To give a simple example, if there is an army ambushing and killing a master of "Grandmaster Realm". When this team enters the induction range of the master within ten miles, the "Soul Signal Tower" can receive the subliminal hostility emanating from the soldiers, and then wake up, then evade in advance, or start with the strength first.
Only assassins such as "Culture Escape" can perfectly converge their own breath, isolate their spiritual signals innately, and successfully ambush the master master. Or ask a professional Taoist master to hack the opponent's sensing ability by means of "shielding the heavenly machine".

Compared with ordinary masters, Li Bai has practiced professional "spiritual skills" and has "Lingshan Holy Realm" as the foundation. His "signal tower" is more than ten times stronger! It can completely radiate hundreds of miles, and with the ‘lotus seed’ signal receiver, it can achieve a thousand miles of soul locking.
The holy gates have practiced "Dao Xin Zhong Mo" and are also the "Evil Emperor of the Sixth Generation" who can lock the soul and locate the magic species for thousands of miles while leaving the furnace to escape for hundreds of miles. Jue completes the spiritual link, remotely controls Ding Furnace anytime, anywhere, monitors and peeks at each other's every move, and experiences various spiritual changes of Ding Furnace behind the scenes, indulging in ... losing himself ...
When Li Bai searched for lotus seed users nationwide, it was also when Shi Qingxuan used the "Evil Emperor's relics" to develop the "Spiritual Pollution Version-Demon Buddha".
Shi Qingxuan, who has become a "Buddha Heart Demon Species", not only failed to heal the essence, but split it more thoroughly and became one twin soul, while also inheriting the "Essha Spiritual Pollution Fluctuation" from Li Bai.
This poisonous ‘magic seed’ is also a ‘spiritual contaminated relic’. To a certain extent, it is still a variant of 'Lotus Seed', which is the same frequency as the Daoji Saint.

One day, when Shi Xianzi studied ‘Buddha ’s Devil-Es Shari’, he just received a ‘remote spiritual dialing call’ from a distance and successfully connected with Li Bai.
At the moment, both sides are in Luoyang and Luling County. !
Li Bai was surprised at ‘Why can non-lotus species also connect spiritually over long distances? Is it possible that my 'Lotus Seed' was deciphered by the Grand Master and successfully pirated? But this is impossible! This is this exclusive ‘spiritual radiation frequency band’, unless no one has mastered the top ‘spiritual skills’ and a ‘half-life radiation really sha’, or no one can invade my spiritual frequency!
Shi Qingxuan was shocked, why can someone invade his spiritual world? It is rumored that 'Dao Xin Zhong Mo' is the most top-level spiritual skill in rivers and lakes, and Da Cheng can break the void with the 'Heaven Devil Fruit'. Such hanging martial arts can also be invaded and connected by people, could it be the last generation of evil emperor? The same as a "stand-in" ... yuck! Is this the attraction among the ‘magic messengers’? Or is it that this is the fairy of the upper realm descending the law? !
The buddhist personality ‘Flower Fairy’ is skeptical and wary of this unexpected situation, rejects spiritual links, and says that he is going to find his father. The magical personality ‘Make-up Witch’ thinks this is a once-in-a-lifetime interesting thing, how can it be rejected? How can I sue Baba? Such an interesting thing, of course, is to connect, to see who is the other party? !
In the end, Hua Xianzi failed to make up for the witch. During the fierce spiritual struggle, the two parties accidentally accepted the connection request and completed the "distance network dating" interaction with Li Bai.
In this way, the two people were more than 1,350 years ahead of the "birth of the computer network", becoming the first pair on the earth to send messages to each other and exchange hellos, ultra-long-distance mental pollution network channel users.
This fully proves that: ‘losing San messengers will attract each other’. Wrong, it ’s ‘only by dropping San messengers can we mentally connect San messengers! ’

After a short exchange, the two characters of the stone demon girl learned that the other party was Li Bai who had had a relationship with each other, and both fell into excitement. Hua Xianzi recalled those unsightly avi videos, her face was ashamed, and she dared not respond. But the witch who saw her compatriots kindly took the initiative to take advantage of Li Bai ’s cross-space relationship. Li Bai at the other end of the God Pollution Channel was also surprised and surprised. Later, I learned that Shi Qingxuan inherited the "Evil Emperor's Relics" and "Dao Xin Seed Demon" from the evil king, and played the role of "Es evil essence relics" to become an uncontrolled 'wild lotus black household'.
One of the two parties is close to each other (Shi Jingfen), and the other is not good-hearted (Li Daoji), and eventually does not know each other, becoming the only pair of "friends on the Internet" in the world.
In the following days, Li Bai went online on time every night to discuss the metaphysical Buddha with the flower fairy, and exchanged ‘ experiences’ with the witch, and tried every means to gain the favor and trust of the two personalities.
Often relying on the knowledge reserve of the sages, he pointed to the ‘stone fairy’ Buddhist practice and secretly sent some materials to the ‘stone witch’ in exchange for some insignificant ‘evil martial arts’ ’technology.

It was because Shi Qingxuan was carrying an anonymous and enthusiastic netizen on the ‘Es Mental Pollution Channel’ on his father ’s back, indulging in remote communication and unable to extricate himself.
Because Li Bai is already in the south, he is still going south and smashing Lijiao. However, Shi Qingxuan went all the way to the northwest. The distance between the two became farther and farther, and the signal of spiritual connection was getting worse.
The exchange between the two sides is more costly. In the spirit of Shi Qingxuan, I could have been chatting with Li Bai for two hours, but only one hour later.
And the spirit channel also has the concept of ‘flow’! The more text communication, the smaller the consumption, but the sudden increase in the picture. If it is changed to the "dynamic picture", it will be stuck and bitter, and it will be upgraded to a "video".
Moreover, the communication between Li Bai and Shi Xianzi often involves the true meaning of Buddhism, and it cannot be understood without the ‘intimate spiritual experience’. This kind of mental data is often exhausted physically and mentally in face-to-face "initiative communication"; between him and the stone witch, he frequently transmits a large number of videos, which is also a big hit.
For this reason, Shi Qingxuan forced to stay in the Taiyuan generation for three full days before he reluctantly entered the Kunlun. Finally, he missed the best opportunity and was seized by Xu Ziling. When the evil king learned the truth, he was furious. Of course, he did not mean to blame his daughter, but he counted all the sins on the heads of Fu Cailin and Xu Ziling.
All the strangers in the world, as well as the thief of the third surname, also dare to touch my daughter's chance, really it!
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