Chapter 1567: Test the past and present life of the examination room, and the petty animals of the Second Age are innumerable!

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In the Temple of War, Li Bai hurriedly browsed all the items on the light screen.
Although there are a lot of unknown details, and it is confused by many proper nouns, his acceptance ability is stronger than other indigenous peoples, and he quickly understood it.
After clarifying the meaning and function of the existence of the "War God Temple", the four big characters of "Master God Space" appeared in his head. It ’s just that the Temple of War is more friendly, and it ’s open to the vast majority of Indigenous people, there is no reincarnation mission, and it ’s a version of ‘pure high martial arts’, and there are no other messy options.
Soon, Li Bai made a choice to give priority to the free Suhui Awakening, although he didn't expect much. It is different from the ignorant sister who knows nothing about the previous life; from the moment of rebirth, Li Bai clearly understood that he came from the future, and completed the mortal counterattack with the help of the prophet!
But anyway, awakening Suhui service doesn't need money, don't play white or play! In accordance with the principle of taking advantage, he chose to confirm with his spirit!
The next moment, he realized how deep the ‘God of War’ routine is? I am still too young!
The huge memory data that originally belonged to me and was actively deposited in the ‘God of War’ by myself began to flow back ... Then I could n’t help but swear:
I ’m fucking! Laozi really? Play!

At the end of the Crystal Wall Heavenly Path, inside the Presidential Suite of the Reincarnation Hall Headquarters of the Multi-faceted Crystal Wall Security Administration of Hittarheim, Li Mo, who was under house arrest for a long time, was lying lazily and broadly and firmly. Enjoying the unprecedented ultimate Q Qiao Oupai cervical spine massage and opening her mouth weakly in her warm heart, letting the baby Mai send the peeled and seeded flesh into the mouth and concentrate on playing the reincarnation just last week The latest quantum game console of a science fiction universe exchanged by the palace, and two other baby online confrontation!
Suddenly, Li Mo, who was about to be abandoned by his own three-style god, exclaimed in his mouth and jumped out of Mai Mai's arms!
Lying on the DIY work platform, using the "Avalon Platinum World Egg" to process and upgrade the "Private Mechanical Law" "Mechanical Lingbao Tianzun-Xiaomomo", the cute 180 ° back tilted his head, directly facing the back of the head with The back fits together, blinking Mengmeng's big eyes, looking at the deity with a sorrowful face, asking:
"How? Well? (Four sounds)!"
Li Mo frowned and accepted the information sent back by the avatar, and lay back in Baby Mai ’s arms again, rubbing comfortably, and then said: "Good news, just connected with the avatar, it wo n’t be long before we can Out of prison. "
"Cut ...!" Hearing this, the dancing baby and Angel dropped their handles at the same time, and God sighed in despair at the same time. Rather than returning to the main world, the three of them are more willing to live with their host in this small space and live a life of four intimate people.
Although the reincarnation hall restricts her activity space and is unable to communicate with the outside world, there are countless ‘pioneering universes, developing universes, colonizing universes’ here, and she can buy any materials with points.
"Momo, how long has it been since we entered?" Li Mo, who was obsessed with the gods, asked confusedly.
Tuanzi checked the memorandum and replied: "Based on the private time flow rate of the" Platinum Apartment ", it is in its early four months. How long has it been since the trial of the world?"
"Look for yourself." Li Mo shared the soul with Tuanzi, then muttered to himself, "One month corresponds to one year!"
"Huh? How did the awakening degree of the murderous avatar be 0? You actually practiced it? Don't call me!" Tuanzi said in surprise. Weak. "

In this trial, Tong En, Ruth, and Antini all chose to put the "True Spirit" in it for a zero-risk rebirth. Even if there is no additional income, a single
experience is put into the main world, even if it costs a lot of money, there may not be a way to experience it.
At present, the most top-level business in this field is the "Dream Proving Dao" service provided by the Lich of the Underworld.
With the improvement of strength and the increase of life level, the higher the living body, the greater the cost of conducting a 'safe reincarnation', even the incomplete experience opportunities are very precious. And this reincarnation trial is currently the top-level ‘turnover’ project, which is equivalent to ‘real reincarnation’.
Nowadays, both Sister Ruth and Andy Niang are three-line gangsters who condense their ‘divinity’ and ‘Daoji’, and have their own virtual divinities. This experience of authentic high-end reincarnation is almost impossible to meet, of course, choose the real spirit.
In contrast, Li Mo has a strong foundation and does not care about this 'learning opportunity'. When investing in the true spirit, directly take the "killing true spirit" top tank, intending to cultivate the avatar with this trial. However, before completely throwing out the "killing avatar", he cut off part of his soul and practiced for the "killing spirit".
When Li Bai was "reborn", the examination room automatically cleared his memory of the main world, but did not move this "Earth Memory". Because Li Mo was born again in Hittarheim, Earth Memory was the default original system configuration. Therefore, no matter how the test room is brushed, it can only shield his experience in Hittarheim, and cannot shake the memory of the previous life.
Because Li Bai of the Sui Dynasty was the product of 'Li Mo' helping to 'kill the Mo'. Therefore, this doppelganger inherited the devotion of "the deity" to learning and intelligence, as well as the calm reason and cruel killing of the "killing ink".
When Li Bai entered the Temple of War, he restored his previous memories, quickly crossed the two levels of "Indigenous Candidate" and "Tester", and used the account of "Reincarnation Stowaway" to contact himself in the game of playing with the God of God.

"You really can play!" After reading the message from "Mo Yimo", Xiao Momo had no mood swings, but was new to the new furnace of "Bai Qing'er". Blanche confessed? This is what you provoked, not counting the doppelgangers. With Blanche's celestial computing power today, you can't hide it. "
Li Mo frowned slightly, suddenly panicked after a long absence, hugged Baby Mai quickly, and used her cool body to cool herself. At the same time, Li Bai, who was in sync with Li Mo in the God of War temple, also panicked, and began to think about how this pot should be dumped to kill Yi Mo.
"Don't rush to discuss this first, let's join forces to let your avatar collect data and analyze the real purpose of deduction of the" God of War "! The testers belong to the inheritance camp, there is no confidentiality, just break from within!" Throw away the research and get close to Li Mo and said excitedly.
She was trapped alone for four months, and the things in the platinum apartment had been tired of playing for a long time. All day, she could only exchange the mechanical side information from the reincarnation hall and barely pass the time.
As the general-purpose technology reserve and sharing rules become more and more abundant, the ‘mechanical seal’ part under her control is also rapidly improving, and the computing power is exploding, and you ca n’t wait to change something new to find excitement.
Li Mo also paid attention to this information, so he nodded and contacted Doppelganger to continue the operation.

The "Li Bai" who is in contact with the deity again and synchronizes information is more than ten times more awake than just now? !
Other indigenous testers seeing this light screen will only become more and more confused and more and more fascinated. Unlike him, he quickly excavated a large amount of confidential information.
The test of this trial was to train the pawns for the ‘Tian Dao ’s internal test’ by the inheritance camp. Naturally, it would not hide it. Instead, it would guide most of the indigenous candidates step by step to adapt to understand the three views and rhythms of Hittarheim.

The "Trial World" where he is located is composed of 17 parallel spaces, and a phased-out "Samsara Hall Colonial Edition-Branch Unit" serves as the colonial heaven for unified scheduling.
The origin of this world is a small, low-magic world called "Qin Qin Ji". It is a little worse than the world of "Cut " that this deity has experienced.
But this ‘world’ has an outstanding characteristic, that is, there is a ‘dominant space-time attribute’. Aboriginal people once completed the 'space-time shuttle experiment' and returned to ancient times, and built a 'paradox cycle' on the timeline.
It is not technically difficult to open up parallel time and space simply for a ‘crystal wall colonial world’, but the cost is huge! If we use this kind of world with a 'dominant timeline cycle' as a sample, the cost of opening up parallel time and space will save at least 80%! How to choose? All idiots understand.

The past and present life of "Examination World" can be traced back to the second cycle of reincarnation, and it is even closely related to the demise of pocket animals in the crystal wall universe at that time!
The specific story is this. The second round of the era coincided with the violent collision and friction between ‘Jingbi Heavenly Path’ and ‘Jingbi Will’, and the two camps fought fiercely to fight each other.
The "heterocosmic small beasts" that once flooded the twisted astral world were used by some big brothers in the crystal camp as "species invasion weapons". They were thrown into the material plane and outer space and proliferated. Subsequently, the laws of heavenly Dao related to small animals were continuously born, and were included in the crystal wall Heavenly Dao, and a new magic reform power system was born.
Later, this group of big brothers, like today's Li Mo, hyped, coaxed, and raised the ethnicity of the 'outland little animal' for personal benefit ... If it is at the rhythm of the normal fantasy fantasy novel, it is the small animal version. "Humanity is in the air", this is the general trend of heaven, and it is unstoppable!
And the little animals of the second cycle really became the main force of the 'crystal wall heaven' attacking the 'crystal wall will'. They were rampant and geniuses came out, and the 'race stock price' continued to rise, like demons, angels, and dragons. Become an emerging heyday species! There are even a lot of indigenous people who choose to reincarnate as ‘pocket animals’, which is even more awesome than today ’s ‘radiation demon family’!
Some people even shouted that they would create racially independent heavens belonging to ‘little animals’ in the old astral world and sit on par with ‘mechanical heavens, abyss heavens, heavens’!

The ethical luck of the ‘little animals’ is greater, which means that the crystal wall heaven has an extra trump card, which can frantically hit the face of the crystal wall will, and the disordered crystal wall has an old rule system to accelerate the fall of the gods.
It also represents the old forces of the crystal wall system. With a huge goal, once the immature "small animal system" is hit hard, it will cut off the hands and feet of the "crystal wall heaven" and fight back with the Jedi to eliminate the extraterrestrial magic forces for the sky. Start the first shot.
But behind this game of ‘Heavenly Dao’, there is a small group of ‘capital operations’. They are like small electronic sounds, deliberately throwing out the "pocket animal concept", defrauding funds from other magic reform camps, and gradually making small animals bigger. In the end, if that battle is successful and the situation is stabilized, today ’s fifth reincarnation may not necessarily be the style of ‘little animals’ running across the multiverse.
However, the group of selfish gangsters will take the initiative to burst the bubble during the period of "the most prosperous small animals". This time the "Crisis of the Law of Heaven" involves a large number of newly registered "Private Laws and Shared Laws", and it also affects the two camps of Heaven and the will of the crystal wall.
Because in the Second Age, the main world was very chaotic, and Jingbi Tiandao lacked effective supervision methods, resulting in a large number of extraterrestrial demon tyrants taking advantage of the opportunity to grow bigger. They used the rise and collapse of power systems such as 'pocket animals and digital evil animals' as their weapons, killing the enemy by one thousand and self-destructing by 800, and then stepping on the corpses of their own people and even the gods, laying the pattern of today's main world. .

The genocide storm of ‘Pocket Animals’, for the first time, hit the crystal wall ’s will for the first time, and also carried out a major cleansing of the ‘Tian Dao side’ of a group of scattered sands. A group of giants succeeded in the position, cut off the reincarnation, and expanded strongly, and the rise of one of the most powerful forces accelerated the demise of Jingbi's will.
When the "Jingbi Tiandao" in the Third Age changed again, the indebted "little animals" had lost the strength of the Second Age, and even the causal karma for the Jingbi system was too large, resulting in dissatisfaction with the water and soil, and being resisted by the enemy , Quickly extinct. (Refer to the Wu people in the flood, similar situation.)
At this time of crisis, a second-generation reincarnation pioneer stepped forward and committed himself to the work of 'save animal protection'.
The name of this pioneer was blacked out, and we are tentatively called Senior A.
He is similar to Radiant Emperor. He once proved in a branch of the universe of the Pokémon series. During the reincarnation, he was a trainer. After returning to the main world, taking advantage of the rising trend of the small animal race to get rich, and 360 master were sacrificed to save life treasures, opening up a heavenly avenue for the Imperial Beast Sect, and there are countless registered private rules.
When Senior A relied on 360 innate master to cross the crystal wall system, the three elves of Goblin Revival gave him nothing to lick his shoes. However, Tian Dao is unpredictable, and the game is too deep. Although the mana is boundless, it is still difficult to escape the cause and effect, and eventually it should be robbed, and the body will accumulate into ashes, but fortunately it saves its life.

The Tertiary came, the heavens were reversed, and the small animals all over the outer space were extinct on a large scale. There were only a handful of mixed-race children. With the help of the blood vessels of this universe, they survived. But those half-breeds are no longer ‘pocket beasts’, and they ca n’t resonate with the ‘elven ball magic weapon’ that is comparable to the flying sword at the moment, losing their unique power.
After the reversal of 'Jingbi Tiandao', this senior A senior was lonely. In order to protect his former friends, he rushed to contract a lowest order in the universe outside Hittarheim before Tiandao blocked and eliminated hundreds of millions of small animals. Small world, used to protect the captive 'last Pokemon'.
(At this time, the big brother went bankrupt, the causality countered the plunge in power, and the last savings were only enough to contract for "Xin Qin Ji World".)
However, for feelings and hobbies, for his own way, he seems to have borrowed money to reincarnate the palace, and constantly invest in maintaining the ecological balance of a heterogeneous universe "small world"; rather than the colonial plundering of resources by the crystal wall, this is in itself a brain-dead behavior. .
Senior A has a bold plan to build "Xian Xia Tian Dao" in "Xun Qin World" privately, to ascend the world, and collect the main world Warcraft bloodline, and conduct hybrid screening of small animals, from "pocket small animals" to 'Xianxia Little Spirit Beast', let them change their face to adapt to the new heavenly law of the main world, wash away the racial karma, change their account, and emigrate again with the appearance of 'Xiandao Spirit Beast'.
However, the cost of doing so is too high, and his plan will be successful in half a step. As a result, too much debt is borrowed, and the reincarnation hall will take the lead in liquidating the cause and effect, forcing him to cut the reincarnation!
At that time, if this unfinished "Ascension Edition-Xianxia Pocket Spirit World" was reconnected with Hittarheim, he would return to the strange circle of "elves refused to swarm the streets" ... but his life Daoguo and Daotu are pinned on this aspect and cannot be given up. If you are unsuccessful, you will go back and forth in a causal way and completely pounce on the street!

The final result is, of course, the reincarnation temple win!
How could you cut off the cause and effect, get out of control, and let the "Pocket Spirit Beast" flourish again? !
The third round is a breakthrough in the barriers of the crystal wall, which is more difficult than it is now; Heaven and the consciousness of the crystal wall are in a fierce battle; the colonial technology of the crystal wall is not yet mature;
Even if the second generation of the magnificent magnificent scenery, said that the street flutters. He was not the "son of space, son of stars" like the fairy girl, and eventually lost his glory and hatred, and became a nourishment for the growth of the crystal wall heaven.
It can also be seen from here that it is very dangerous to pursue high-end certifications, impact the sequence of 3000 Avenues, and reach the top 360 of Heavenly Dao! Only by organically combining one's own avenues with profitability and making money, being aware of the heavens, seeing through the heavens, and being able to see new heights in the volume, can such tragedies be avoided.
The behind-the-scenes boss of a 233 small Dianyin Temple and the Ministry of Industry and Environmental Pollution has done a good job in this regard.

When the second-generation reincarnation gangster A rushed to the street, his 'Hybrid Little Animal Gaowu Planet' was forcibly recovered by the reincarnation hall as a 'debt asset' and was sealed in the sequence of 'malignant' assets, which was accidental to the former contractor. The declining 'Wu Cun Jiu Duo World' is similar.
Until the fourth round of the reincarnation, the hidden big brothers of the inheritance camp decided to jointly guide the trend of the "crystal wall internal test", so redeemed this forgotten world, using the original "old model reincarnation hall colonial terminal" to transform Become a 'War Temple'.
And jointly reset the timeline, intercept the martial art heaven from the next door of the "Qin Qin World", "Huang Yi Universe", and quickly create the first "High Demon Edition Wuxia World" to operate.
This "Hybrid Little Animal-Huangxi Gaomo-Timeline Planet", under the operation of the big brother, reincarnate from Qin to modern times. After collecting data, reset the timeline with great mana, return to the starting point again, and open up 17 parallel examination rooms, invest in the testers with different progress, and select geniuses from the aborigines as new blood to supplement the inheritance camp.
And have been living in this world, have been thoroughly 'Xian Xiahua', cleanse the karma of the ancestors, and the 'little animals' who are completely different from the ancestors, have also become free treasures of heaven and earth, and are evenly distributed in different worlds. As a kind of welfare, it will decorate the whole examination room and give the candidates a chance to be sent to others.
After all, the ‘pocket small animal tragedy and digital evil animal tragedy’ of that year, the big brothers of the inheritance camp are behind the scenes, how to make them rise again? Or rest assured to become a nutrient, silently extinct in the multiverse!
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