Chapter 1604: Burst! break out! Break through the small electric music temple in the sky!

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After lunch, the Queen of Platinum returned from her visit to the industrial area. Li Mo took her back to her apartment and, accompanied by Kermily, opened the portal and entered the 233rd floor of the abyss.
Both abyssal levels are Li Mo's bases. After he has been in business for so many years, he has successfully usurped the authority of the "plane will" and stole beams and columns. ‘Own will’ is ‘Great Plane Will’, and ‘Personal Law’ is ‘The Plane Little Heaven’.
Because of this, for his family members, there is no such thing as a
between the two worlds. Going back and forth between the two levels is as simple as pushing the door into the back garden. Even the high-ranking members of the 'Radiation Legion' have seen through the relationship between '597 Chiyan Lord' and '233 Nuke Rulai'.
Where is this Victor rash barbaric? Clearly cut out the "brain" and made it into a report to hide in the 233 frivolous development; then throw the flesh to the battlefield, pretend to be a mascot to paralyze colleagues, and cheat the legion for support and subsidies.
I believe you are a ghost! Your little flame monster is insidious and cunning!
Because Victor never took the initiative to cover up his relationship with 'Little Dianyin' and the strength and potential shown by 'Nuclear', as well as the extremely complicated network of interests behind Dianyin Temple, it became 'Victor' A life-saving bottom card made some of the big flame monsters who coveted the 597 industry within the legion dared not to take action.
Otherwise, simply relying on Erica to endorse the younger brother will not cover the huge piece of fat 597.

The picture in front of me suddenly changed, Li Mo stepped out and disappeared from the office of the "Chiyan Holy Land" and appeared in the mountain gate of 233 Xiaodianyin Temple. The transformation of time and space did not bring him a trace of dizziness. The plane Xiaotiandao has changed from the ‘radiation law’ of the flame demon body to the ‘variant-faith mind magic net’ (233 Dianyin mind magic net) of Taiyin ink, but on the contrary, it is more like fish and water, and more extraordinary.
The place where he appeared was the outer mountain gate of Xiaodianyin Temple. Nowadays, the scale of the expansion has been huge, and it is more than a hundred times more prosperous than the scene of closed doors and cars in the past. There was a noisy voice in the ear, and strange demons from all over the place were everywhere.
The former Xiaodianyin Mountain Gate was rudimentary and indifferent. Only in the morning exercise time could tens of thousands of little demons gather together. Under the supervision of the scum storm and under the threat of the re-education of the Victor Elder Electrotherapy, the "Darkness" was drilled uniformly. Yi Jin Jing.
Nowadays, this square has quadrupled, all nearby buildings have been demolished, high-rise buildings lined up, yet retain the characteristics of oriental classical architecture, and the industrial area in the distance has disappeared, turning into a prosperous commercial area. There are many hot spring clubs, which add a touch of color to the boring life of Xiaodianyin Temple.
The original muddy ground, now covered with white marble floor tiles, is full of bottomless abyss "Electric believers", as well as wearing monks' incoherent, thieves and ratty eyes, and is constantly treating the good men and women who quietly handed over the disaster coins. They nodded their heads to salute, chanting the 'Southern No-Nuclear Big Day Electric Sounds like Lai', the electronic sound little demons of the Buddha.
The bustling and bustling picture of the bustling, compared to the surface of the Chiyan Holy Land, does not make any concessions, giving Li Mo the illusion of coming to the Songshan Duomu Temple tourist area and queuing to donate money to be slaughtered.

It didn't take long for him to express his emotions, and he sensed the coming of "Nuclear as coming", and directly sent the "Abbot of Dianyin Temple, the first ancestor of Faxiangzong", and the "Kazudi Devil King" of the Namek family came to greet him and give himself face.
Li Mo left this period, 597 in the past ten years, but 233 has spent 12 years. Not seen in twelve years, Kazudi's growth is gratifying, and its arrival has not alarmed the demons around him.
Not even far away, several deluxe dressed in hand-held folding fans were interested in looking at the scenery of Xiaodianyin Temple, pointing to the mountains and rivers, and the three generations of demons who had entered the realm of 'into robbery and scattered fairy', did not notice the disappearance of Li Mo and the people around them. .
Li Mo is very satisfied with this scene. He could feel that not only the Dianyin Temple, but also the entire 233 level of the Abyss, was incalculably dense, connected from the layers of the abyss, and even the "silk of faith" in other outer spaces outside the abyss, forming a piece 'Super dimension' belief network.
The 233rd floor is the center of the 'three-dimensional magic net' that connects to the bottomless abyss and covers the crystal wall system across time and space; and the Dianyin Temple is the core of the core.
This ‘belief network’ is the capital of Xiao Dianyin, and it ’s also a ‘Variant of the Mind Network’. This is his absolute home field, let alone concealing the Sanxian, even if the Yuanshen gangster and the abyss demon are here, there is also the certainty of the battle to kill.

"The deity, you finally appeared."
In the empty hall, the faith is full of faith, and the original "big day radiation divinity" escaped from the body. Zheng Baoxiang sat solemnly on the lotus platform, suddenly relieved, no longer deliberately disguised, and instantly became lazy and radiated. Out of the 'lazy and salty fish temperament' lined with Li Mo.
"This place is the ancestral court of the" Nuclear Day Sect ". I have isolated the inside and outside, shielding the heaven and earth, and don't have to worry about prying eyes from outsiders."
"As for being so cautious?"
Li Mo was a little surprised, and even a little unhappy. This is his place of prosperity, a wealthy home, a safer place than a safe, a huge 'Electronic Belief Network' shrouded in absolute domain, the absolute realm in the absolute realm, actually came up with a guilty conscience, it is really incomprehensible .
"You've been away for too long, we'll be off!" Nurui lamented, and then said:
"Although there are other avatars to help, as well as Blanche's help, but the lack of your core scheduling, the entire" Taiyin system "will not be able to use it together. Even with careful coordination, it is difficult to play beyond the level and cope with difficulties. In addition On the one hand, Xiaodian's expansion rate is too fast, it has become a wild horse, and it is difficult to control. Hey, I won't say more, you can see for yourself! "
Nuo Zibao holds a lot of information in his hands. Before Li Mo returned, when the Taiyin Heart and Demon system was unified, he did not choose to upload and send, but waited for Li Mo to visit him before coming face-to-face from the '233-layer Heart Demon Network'. Send message.
As he continued to browse, Li Mo's complexion gradually increased.

The rapid development and scale of the small electronic music system far exceeded his expectations.
Over the past ten years, under the control of NuRiRui and Industrial Bodhi, ‘Little Dianyin’ has continued to expand explosively.
At first it was fairly stable, but after the fourth year, it snowballed and grew bigger. At that time, the two could still manipulate the 'Electronic Temple' and try their best to control the scale and speed. However, in the fifth year, a large number of foreign forces poured in wildly and gradually became unable to do so.
In the sixth year, the first round of financing of Dianyin Temple completely turned into an avalanche, sweeping across the abyss and even the astral world and other outer space.
In the past four years, the violent development of the 'small electronic sound system' has been out of the control of the 'Li Mo Gang' and has encountered several crises. But the two major reports of "Nuclear as coming, Industrial Bodhi" are still struggling frantically, and they have repeatedly made industrial adjustments before reluctantly failing to overturn their cars. They still hold the majority of the sovereignty of Dianyin Temple in their hands.
However, the deity Mo is the ultimate behind-the-scenes man in charge of the ‘Xiaodianyin Faith Network’. Without him to grasp the overall situation, the nucleus feels that he is afraid that he will not be able to struggle with the next round of crisis.
Seeing the return of the deity now, the burden on his shoulders completely disappeared, the sky collapsed and Li Mo was on top, and he finally relieved himself, and there was a urge to cry.

According to the information transmitted by the nuclear report, the targets of the round of financing of Xiaodianyin are mainly divided into four major sectors: the first is the "radiation camp", the second is the "Environmental camp", the second is the "Moon Eye Chamber of Commerce", and the last is 'Abyssal grassroots demonic mass' ...
In the past four years, Xiaodianyin Temple has encountered three crises in total. The general situation is this:
When Li Mo left, Victor Shrink 597 developed in a low-key manner. With the avatars of Sister Ruth, Andy Niang, and Xiao Tongen, Diansheng Ersheng began to promote ‘Xiaodianyin Faith Investment’ with all the effort, but the result was so-so.
Afterwards, the reports of Andy Niang and Sister Ruth, after using the relationship of ‘boyfriend’ (into the robbery and flame demons), penetrated into the Radiation Legion, and only then improved.
Andy Niang ’s second boyfriend who surrendered to the demon, introduced her to other radiation officers at a banquet inside the legion. Andy Niang ’s glamorous and uncompromising personality, she used her brainwashing talent to launch offline sales, and quickly confuses many high-level girlfriends.
On the other side, Sister Ruth also successfully used her boyfriend (the other into the robbery flame demon) to successfully enter the ‘Yuanshi Demon Lord ’s veins’. The radiation flame demon of this system, each with its own strength, proved that male hormones exploded. In the face of Sister Ruth, the ancestor of Yoga Sect, he exploded it in just a few poses, selling various ‘Dr. Zor ’s Master’ and subsequent ‘yoga services’ in the home market ...
In addition, the blood tree lord combined the "Industrial Pure Land Sect" and the "Ministry of the Environment" together, while arrogant and fearful of sweeping all the low-level planes, while planting trees (blood tree seeds) to protect the environment, the low At the same level, carry out spiritual civilization construction to cultivate believers for the 'Ministry of the Environment, Pure Land Sect'.
On the other hand, Nucleus has also used the ‘Eye of the Moon Business Data Network’ that spontaneously and actively expanded at all levels of the abyss to occupy the advertising space to promote the ‘small electronic music faith package’.
However, various sales methods are exhausted, but the results are tepid and the financing is slow. Only a large number of small lords joined it tentatively and obtained the expected gains, but instead of over-exaggerating, they chose to make a fortune instead.
This process lasted about three years.

Until the fourth year, the 'small electronic sound system' ushered in a turning point.
First of all, after three years of overwhelming publicity, especially the expanding fatigue bombardment of the "Moon Eye Chamber of Commerce Data Magic Net", the "Dianyin Temple" is as famous as the brain X gold in the abyss. Strong potential customer base.
(The Moon Eye Chamber of Commerce, which does not belong to any doppelganger, is monitored by Blanche, and Peter controls it. Some of the "Taiyin Succubus Family", in the high level of the abyss, disseminated the "Moon Ring" in a low-key manner, actively giving up profits, fishing on the hook, So it quickly caught fire in the abyss.)
On the other hand, as the inner test of heaven and earth continues to approach, the entire universe is undergoing violent changes. The most obvious changes are ‘inner demon’ and ‘outer robbery’!
Before the "Sky Tribulation System" was launched, the "Inner Demon" and "Outer Tribulation" on the practice side were first applied to all systems. In the old era, there was no ‘mental demons, karma’, and even the killing of selfishness is a gradual process. Only a few are crazy.
Nowadays, as many 'Heaven of Demons' step into the 3000 sequence, the sense of existence of' Inner Demon 'continues to rise. All practitioners, regardless of the mechanical side and the magical reform side, even the remnants of the old system, have to face it' Heart's problem. The original "Heart Demon" has been constantly enlarged and highlighted, and more and more evil camp monsters who do not cultivate "True Nature" have rushed into the devil's heart and exploded wildly.
Among them, the abyss and are the most. They eat hot pot at home and sing songs. Hi Hi Pippi has an internal demon attack, explodes in place, and died inexplicably.
In addition to this, the "external disaster" that temporarily replaces the "day disaster" is even more disturbing. As long as you have deep karma and are on the verge of a breakthrough, you will automatically activate the 'Causal Law Network', and Heaven will automatically query your karma value and contact the 'neighbors nearby' to use causal means to control your destiny without knowing it. Lines, drawing waves of blood enemies, strangling you in a daze.
Even if the practitioners have insufficient karma and few hatreds, Heavenly Dao can forcefully create a face-breaking bridge without talking about skin, creating massive death enemies for you, helping you blind the heavens, and making you dead.

After the effect of "Inner Demon, Outer Tribulation" became more and more prominent, the entire crystal wall system was completely boiled, and the dead one was called miserable. The demons involved are self-defeating and have a deep heart.
At this time, the crazy advertising, the "Diandian Temple Package" on all levels of the bottomless abyss, suddenly appeared in the eyes of many demons. Because a large number of the first wave of crab-eating devils were surprised to find that this ‘little electronic sound’ was not in vain.
Anyone who enters the wall of the small electronic sound door must receive a basic benefit for entry:
All beginners must read the "Victor Old Immortal 233 Turns the Devil into a Buddhist Sutra" to understand the truth of "Abyssal Demon converts to Buddha, and then he becomes a Buddha, kills and protects his life, but does not kill people."
With this 'core concept of self-brainwashing', and then accept the 'Duo Ni Samadhi Ring' (symbol network-network access license) from the 'Nuclear Explosion', you can connect with Dianyin Temple's exclusive mental network To complete the introductory ceremony.

From then on, anyone who holds this ring, silently reciting the "Old Immortalization of the Devil's Scripture", brainwashing himself, and confessing in time, will be able to grasp the mystery of the integration of Buddha and Demon in the killing, and always stimulate the devil's Buddha nature.
Then, the daily killing is over, confess in time, log in to the small Dianxin faith network, and provide a basic amount of ‘belief conviction’ to purify the demon and eliminate miscellaneous thoughts. (Pay for food recovery by the Demon Net).
At the same time, as the ‘belief in mind’ of individual accounts keeps accumulating, the ‘cutting benefits’ can be turned on. Specifically, it pays extra for "faith", uses the small Dianxin belief network, intercepts part of its own "karma", and seals it with "abyssal merit", which can not only shield the sense of heaven, reduce the total amount of karma, but also convert it Used as a body protector to increase strength.
(Abyssal merits still need to be exchanged from the small electronic music system by means of ‘faith consumption’ and other ‘sacrificial offerings.’)
In short, adding a small electronic sound can eliminate ‘inner demons and robberies’ to a certain extent, and even transform ‘karma’ into strength and become stronger! With this basic set of benefits alone, it attracted a large demonic group to join.
Not to mention ‘Electric Music Eight Pulses’, each faction has a rich ‘core power system’ straight to the avenue! And as long as you get started, you can freely choose one line of "core compulsory textbooks" and any line of "secondary elective courses".
In addition to this wave of free benefits, you can also buy ‘Small Electronic Sound Seventy-two Stunts’, various ‘size-recovering pill’, practise elixir, magic weapon, demon relic lingering root, etc. at low prices.
In addition to these 'basic entry benefits', Xiaodian also has long-term investment financing.

In the fourth year, the "Mind Demon and Outer Tribulation" broke out completely, and the "Little Dianyin Temple", which has been well-known and publicized for a long time, was pushed to the cusp of the storm. It was simultaneously concerned by the major forces of the abyss, and even outer space, In the old Star World, there are great forces to choose to invest.
So the fifth year was the year when the "little electronic sound" stray dogs took off. In the sixth year, a direct avalanche, a large amount of foreign capital invasion, launched a power seizure operation on Dianyin Temple, and ushered in the first round of crisis.
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