Chapter 1613: Styx trade, desperate doubt cloud (two in one)

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After dismissing the crowd, Li Mo took over the 233-layer "Fantasy Network" again, and then robbed Xiao Yangshen (about 2/7 or so) to find out. Shenyou's own territory was quickly attracted by the busy scene of the bone-eating city.

Although "Diandianyin Temple" is mixed with fish and dragons, it connects many levels of the bottomless abyss. However, 233 is his private site. Even though it is now resounding in the abyss as the ‘Xiaodianyin Headquarters’ and gradually developed into a ‘pilgrimage place’, all accidental sites in the ‘Xiaodianyin Temple Tourist Area’ are still prohibited from outsiders.
Private jurisdiction, sacred and inviolable! Even if the big brother comes to visit, you need to notify in advance, be ready to post messages, gifts, and give someone a face.
All branches of Dianyin 13 veins have obtained the permission to expand the "Dianyin Two Saints", bought independent "planes and half planes" in the abyss, moved the world with great magical power, and used 233 floors as the main axis. The establishment of a 233.01, 233.02 ... plane coordinate system is like the 403.8 storeys bought by King Blood Tree from King Mushroom.

Today's 233 is no longer the ‘lower level of disability’ in the past, but an emerging abyssal plane community hub. Except for Li Mo ’s private property ‘233’, there are 13 districts ‘.01-.13’.
Below each zone, each branch has the right to freely open the secondary directory. It can be combined with "Planetology", "Crystal Wall and Dimension", and "How is it made?" "," My Half Plane "," Three Years to Open the Ground, Five Years to Open the Sky "," Elementary Creation "... and other theories to build a larger sequence of secondary half planes ...
For example, the "Blood Theory" of the weak chicken newspaper group, the overall strength is not low, but the number of small shareholders is huge, so below the sub-axis of 233.09, a half-plane small world with more than 40 is opened, the largest of which, The total area is 20 times that of '233 floors'!
Formally relying on countless ‘children, grandchildren, and grandchildren ’s worship’, the concentration of 233 layers of abyss magic energy is changing with each passing day. In addition, the area itself is active and small, only less than one million square kilometers, not even the "half-level plane" directly under the central government, so the environment of the 233 is a step above the ground, with a top-level style.
Once the bone-eating city, it stood on a 'spiritual node' on the 233rd floor. It was set by the special enchantment of the two saints of Dianyin. It has been alienated into the world of one party, eliminating the possibility of prying eyes of other high-level Dianyin. .
In the 233rd floor, the number of ‘in the world-the kingdom of the earth’ reached double digits. No one knows what is hidden inside? But people with clear eyes understand that any secret divided by two digits can only be a small secret. No one would offend Diansheng for a worthless curiosity.

Li Mo put his consciousness into it. When the picture changed, he saw a huge dammed lake surrounded by mountains, rising up from the ground and hanging in the sky. The lake is vast, dark, and the water is not exciting, and it is connected to a long black river that is dark and dead from the sky.
The black river is a branch of the 'Dark River'. It is different from the river section that flows through the bottomless abyss. It exudes a rich sense of death and silence, which is the source that has just flowed out of the underworld.
The channel of ‘Little Styx’ is not wide, only two kilometers. One end protrudes abruptly from the invisible void, but does not fall like a waterfall, but without any support, it winds through the air at a smooth angle, and finally flows gently into the lake dragged by the mountains in the high altitude.
The river is infused endlessly, but the lake has no meaning of rising. No matter the river or the lake, there is no trace of waves and no signs of survival.
Only one unmanned white-boned sailing ship departed from the underworld to reach this small world, docked at the lakeside dock to unload, then loaded the goods, and finally drove back to the underworld on the underside of the suspended Styx.

The whole process is full of quiet and strange atmosphere.
On the other side of the Underworld, the Dizang disciples are responsible for large-scale shipments to Xiaodian, mainly of all kinds of finished skeletons, which are bound to the complete shape and cover all known races. Or simply wrapped in plastic cloth, then filled with foam, and finally with cable ties to accumulate into a mountain; or put it in a delicate coffin, and the silent electric demons were carefully placed on the pier without making a sound. In addition, there are boxes of boxes of "Broken Soul Crystal" unloaded.
On the 233 side, there are a lot of fancy, all kinds of scarce goods, seasonings, ordnance weapons, immortals, luxury goods ... were sorted into the empty "bone sailboat". Whenever the load exceeds the threshold, these bone ships will automatically move without wind, leaving the dock unmanned and returning to the underworld.
According to the expedition, besides the resources related to ‘death’ in the underworld, it can be described as quite monotonous and barren. Although there are plants and animals that live in dead areas, the number is scarce and the color is lacking.
Therefore, all ‘non-nether world’ and ‘active’ materials are sought-after. In addition, all kinds of daily necessities that can not be produced in the underworld can be multiplied several times.
It is a pity that the Li Mo camp did not have the ability to control the "Styx" and freely travel between life and death. He only provided the space cracks that ‘Bone Bone City’ once had, just like the non-chiefs took out the land of Suez and provided the technology by the Dizang Sect to divert and introduce a ‘Styxian Tributary’ to complete a stable trading channel.
Therefore, the big heads are all earned by the other party, but 233 is not a loss here. Long-term acquisition of massive skeleton resources at the price of cabbage, there are many legendary skeletons, scattered fairy skeletons ...

"Huh? Why does Xiaodian have a large number of" dead trades "? These are the raw materials used to make" skeletons "?" Li Mo thought about it and guessed that these "Underworld resources" are specialized in producing skeleton soldiers. of.
Large, cheap, and complete skull sticks, after injecting 'Crushing Soul Crystal', add a handful of dead energy, you can easily ignite the soul fire, if you leave it in a dead place such as a cemetery, warm up for ten days to complete the charging ceremony In this way, a batch of the lowest-level garbage cannon ash was completed.
This kind of garbage is worthless, and it is impossible to have a market.
"Yes! It is the raw material of the skeleton soldiers." The nucleus nodded.
"Is this for ... desperation?" Li Mosi thought about it, and the only one who could get in touch with the "skeleton soldier" was despair.
It was this product that shunted away the part of the soul that was once contaminated by the "Bone Bone Demon Venerable", and cut the "Bai Le Pure Land" from the ninja world, so of course the repair of the "Death Avenue" and the "Bone Bone Sword Master- Li Xiaoyao's Daojie is for him to browse the copy, and it is not surprising to play the skeleton.
"Yes! It is the request of the desperate Hades." Nurui nodded again.
"What kind of cerebral palsy do you have?" Li Mo scolded in surprise: "Through the Styx River channel, the worthless 'skeleton raw material' is shipped from the largest and cheapest" skeleton production place "in the universe. Do you make skeletons in the abyss of the non-nether world, and then sell them? Is it profitable? "
Li Mo was smirked. He couldn't understand this mentality of seeking for distance. After all, the underworld made 'skeletons' to obtain materials locally, without even cost (skeleton), electricity cost (death gas), and even more madness without technology! As long as a skeleton lay in the underworld long enough, it is possible to sit up in a dying disease and smile for another year. ’
(The probability of self-deception is about 40%)
At the cost of carrying the skeleton, actively provide dead energy, simulate the underworld environment, and make the skeleton. Without considering failure, the cost of investment is three to four times higher than that of the underworld, but the performance of the two is the same.

"If it is a high-end 'fine skeleton', I can still understand. After all, the profit of 'legendary skeleton, holy domain skull' is very large, then we can make profits by ourselves, but 65% of the raw materials are low-level skeletons, which What's going on? Who will tell me which idiot's attention? Desperate is he mentally handicapped! "
Li Mo inquired about the business of ‘Bone Bone City’. After this ‘Little Styx’ was sailed, Xiaodianyin Temple persistently acquired the ‘skeleton raw materials’, which was a ruin!
You must know that before Xiaodian Yinba 233, the original Bone Eater City had been collecting bones and other dead resources from the abyss, selling them to the Underworld, and earning the price difference. The result is now reversed? Actually spend money to sell garbage from the underworld! This is obviously a waste of money.
"Can it be that Xiaodian has made too much money in recent years, and you use inflation to use this mentally handicapped way to ruin money and show their value, so as to fill the emptiness in your hearts?"
The nucleus heard the convulsions in his mouth, and said silently in his heart: You are right. Xiaodianyin Temple has expanded too fast in recent years. Personal assets have increased every day at the rate of terror. Not even feeling the truth, but having enough money to make you fear.
Only by desperately ruining the money can my numb European Emperor's heart feel a trace of long-lost warmth. Even now, even a simple loser can't move me. Only an epic crazy loser can make me feel a little irritated and understand that I am still alive ...
Seeing that Li Mo was still going to scold, Nuucle came back immediately and said, "Everything is arranged by Blanche ..."
"I'm going to you! ... Leh ... you are so beautiful!"
Li Mo's expression turned 360 °, and the thunderstorm returned to the sky in an instant, revealing me? I really appreciate your brilliant smile: "Xiao Qiqi must have her own intentions to do this. You say it?"
Nu Zi nodded murmuringly: "You are right. But your avatars have their own small circle, and we are not a system to report ourselves. Although I am a Buddha with the Bodhisattva priest, I am subject to Victor 597. . I am the blame of the Flame Demon, only responsible for Victor, and the same is true for the pharmacist Buddha. So what happened over 403.8, I do n’t know, and I ’m not interested. Castim left a message before, let you go to waste capital Trip, it seems that despair is in trouble. "
Li Mo nodded his understanding, whether the development of the Five Great Moons is good or bad? High and low respectively? They are all equal ranks, and only accept the control of the deity ink, even the Yin God Victor has no right to interfere.
When he was away, Wusuoyue managed his own private rules, financial independence, and independent rules. You can make your own report and further divide the private rules. For example, 'Industrial Bodhi-Pharmacist Buddha' and 'Environmental Protection Emperor Castim' belong to the 'Blood Tree System'. 403.8 When it comes to the Ministry of the Environment, it's not up to the nucleus and Victor to worry.
Even the "Jidu Sect" in Xiaodianyin Temple is still in a cooperative + competitive relationship with the brother of "Darijong". Victor Lord Viktor has a default ‘performance appraisal’ between the five major moon avatars, and his deity will adjust the allocation of resources to the major avatars based on the development of these companies.
(The deity went to the test room in person, helped kill the Italian Mo trumpet, and picked up a ‘dream demon dumpling’ as a burden.)
Although Dianyin's "Nuclear Rulai" and "Pharmacist Buddha" belong to Li Mo's body, only when they jointly resist external pressures will they take the initiative to cooperate, and they often break out of internal tears due to uneven stolen goods.
Perhaps half of them came from "The Self-Cultivation of an Actor" and used to paralyze those investors; but the other half ... presumably true performances.
That's right! I, Li Moxiang, are constantly struggling to fight against the sky. Even when facing me, I have no humility to say. Probably ... this is the reason why I have struggled so far, and I have always been able to continue to succeed and improve!
Because, I am such a young and talented person who is willing to do what he does.
233 There is no major event for the time being, Li Mo summons Comeli who is supplementing the "sun divinity" in the "Darijong", takes her to cross the plane again, and comes to another old nest 403.8-pollution waste capital in one step.
Unlike the smooth entry into the Xiaodianyin Temple, at the moment of the forced jump, he clearly sensed the obstacles that the triple cannot penetrate at will. This first layer is the natural wall protection measures of the 403 coordinate system.
As the end of the fracture dimension that is closest to the 'Abyss 404 cannot exist', the 403 layer is like a dead end in countless disordered routes in the bottomless abyss. Combined with the influence of 404, it has a crystal wall-level time and space mist, even if there is a ' "Coordinates", without the "key", can not capture the entrance.
(The abyss tilted 403.8 years of industrial waste for countless years, but could not enter the 403.8 level.)
As the owner of 403.8, Li Mo is equivalent to the owner of the eighth floor of the 403 building. It is naturally recognized by the 403 property and can easily cross the first floor of the barrier and go home.

The second space barrier comes from 403.6 carrying the handle Amurala.
As he became stronger, he became more and more unable to see the roots of the Big Devil. Now he judges from the perspective of looting immortals, Amurala is even more inexplicable!
The existence of this king of big mushrooms automatically holds the control of the 403 plane axis, just as he holds the 233 plane axis. If the first heavy barrier is a natural defense spontaneously generated by 403, then the second heavy barrier is a layer of defense that unintentionally spreads after Amurala actively refines the 403 anti-theft system and mixes its own power.
Just like Li Mo's small salted fish walking and lying down, they will unconsciously release the "Taiyin Demon Domain" to cover the four sides. Once a threat is sensed, they will be completely transformed into a defensive battle form.
There are small salted fish, and the large mushroom of Amurala naturally also. This "unconscious defense" without repulsion alone is more laborious than penetrating the first weight. Fortunately, Amurara was already familiar with Li Mo's family, and her breath recognized Li Mo spontaneously, without any obstruction.
It is equivalent to the head of the building basking in the sun on the first floor, squinting to see the head of the eighth floor, very nodded, and let him go home. Instead of seeing strangers wandering around the building, choose to let the dogs ...

The third level, naturally, is that after the Blood Tree Majesty replaced the 403.8 plane will in one fell swoop, the Gaia plane-level defense circle generated. It is equivalent to the weakened version of the main cover of the Amurala building covering 403, the angry small moon owner, the plane-level protection for his private property.
This barrier also automatically fails when he appears ...
"Triple firewall, the community security is quite reliable!"
With such thoughts, Li Mo commented while walking into 403.8-Pollution Waste Capital.
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