Chapter 1617: The crisis caused by Bone Sword Sovereign, with the correct Tiandao level dumping posture!

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At the feast of the glorious return of the big brother Li Mo, the 'Blood Tree Lord' human movement form: Castim, and the haggard 'Desperate New Moon', gathered together at this moment, planning to interlace and entertain themselves Happy, happy to enjoy the wonderful taste of business mutual blowing.
Three times the self, three times the B, three times the happiness.
And beside Li Mo, he changed his only wife again, from the 16-year-old girl to the 24-year-old human Daqiqi. Hmm ... Although this Kiki was late in the factory, she knows Shu Dali tenderly and is not spoiling herself. This feeling of being loved by her big sister wife is very good and powerful.
At this time, the four people at the dinner table were having a discussion on the theme: "Bone-Bone Sword King Congenital Causal Debt Legally Paid". The four spoke in turn, trying to settle the cause and effect at the lowest cost.
Li Mo recalled his life with the two New Moons. From the moment he merged Victor's remnant soul and reborn into the main world, he was entangled with the 'Bone Bone Sword King (Bone Bone Demon Venerable)' and formed a puzzle ( Sin) destiny.
Although the 'Devil's Bone Man (a generation of back-boiler)' was slain by him early, he thought he had solved the stealing secret hand, but in fact from the time he started the 'Devil's Bone Relic', it has fallen into Trap, owe the innate cause and effect of 'Bone Bone Sword Master'.
Not only that, the "Cause and Effect Debt" on the devil's bones who was originally regarded as the "Bone-Bone Sword King Should Resurrection Reserve" was also transferred to Li Motou and was recognized by Jingbi Tiandao.

This innate causal liability is like cancer cells lurking in the body. Perhaps the beginning was not serious, but it failed to kill in time. Later, as Li Mo became stronger step by step, this 'causal debt' also followed profits and expanded in the same proportion.
To put it simply, suppose Li Mo completed the reincarnation mission for the first time, with a total value of 10: including his various gains in the ‘cut world’ and the inheritance from the ‘Devil ’s Man’. The latter accounted for about 60% of the total net worth, which is the starting point of his causal debt owed to ‘Bone Bone Sword Master’.
Just the starting point!
In the years to come, every time the power associated with the legacy of the Bone Sword Sovereign grows and grows, this causal debt will accumulate a point. Therefore, the account between him and Bai Bian Jian Jun is not clear at all.
Even if he applied for "Jingbi Tiandao" to make a notarized ruling, Li Mo, as the passive party, only lost one case.

Fortunately, he did not embark on the road of "responsiveness", and detonated the bomb for the first time in the ninja world away from Hitaheim. At that time, the bones burned 'cause and effect' violently, regardless of the cost. The final result can basically be regarded as a success (reading 90%).
Although not perfect, at that moment, "Bone Skeleton Deity" succeeded in rebirth (Li Mo), but unfortunately it was stuck in the last step and was difficult to take. Failing to erase Li Mo ’s ‘will’ in time, overthrowing his ‘true spirits, yin gods’, and covering his yang gods, he was repressed by the ‘three old ladies’ following him, failing.
If this is the case, Li Mo's basically paying off 1/2 of the debt at that time is also a happy event.
But to die, he didn't realize (or realize, but the artiste was bold) to ignore the hidden dangers and crises behind this, and actually in the reincarnation hall, with the help of the small bug of the "Tao Dao Causal Account Connection" between the two parties, continue Indiscriminately manipulate the "Bone Bone Sword Master Account" to do whatever they want, and seek private gains for themselves.
Including but not limited to ‘Building the Science Gospel Corps in the Temple of Reincarnation’, ‘Using the manipulation of accounts of the second generation of reincarnations’ in the Sui Trial, etc. etc. ’
This series of vicious operations has once again overdrawn ‘cause and effect’, and the debt has just increased by 1/2.
To this day, the "Science Gospel Corps" he founded in the reincarnation hall is still making profits. The cause and effect he owes to the "bone" are increasing every day.
It is this continually accumulating 'cause and effect' and a stimulation of 'death power' that makes the uneasy bones defraud again, and the struggle is becoming more and more intense, it is possible to wake up at any time and mobilize Li Mo. Completed follow-up.
As a professional to crack down on the desperate new moon of "Boneless", he has the most say in this.
He sipped a glass of wine and complained: "The higher your achievements, the 'white bone' is like a tarsal maggot, making the cause and effect of our debts bigger! The longer this trouble drags on, the harder it is to solve, and ultimately it will be impossible. Make up and become a dead spot! Although we take a big advantage from his 'Tian Dao IP', it is becoming more and more difficult to finish. "
"Now, whether you are Yin Yin, Yang Shen, or the true spirit, you have already set up a pattern, and there is no need to covet the benefit of" Bone Sword Sword ". It is better to cut the mess and cut the cause and effect completely, otherwise there will be endless dangers!"
This is not an alarmist talk of ‘desperation’. As the current ‘back-boiler’, he has foreseen an extremely tragic future and is really about to reach his limit. The causal hidden danger of Sword-Bone Sword King has reached the crisis level of the month before the Yellow River broke out. If you don't pay attention to it and do not deal with it, the entire "Li Mo System" will be seriously hurt.
"How to solve it?"
Li Mo as the core, naturally understand the hidden dangers of bones. But now the disease is in the bone marrow, and the life of the fate is helpless. It ’s strange that I was playing too high at the beginning, and it ’s too cool to take the ‘bone’ back, but now the cause and effect are reversed, the black pot rebounds, and it ’s his turn to cry.
I have been studying the despair of 'causal debt' and quickly said: "If you want to get rid of this cause and effect reasonably and legally, there is only one way: that is to lose money! Unlimited loss of money! Until in the balance of the cause and effect network, the total payment to pay the bones = we The owed cause and effect, this matter is over! "
"But have you considered this debt, how big is it? You can't fill this hole by selling one hundred of you!" Castim despised.
Desperate This is a 10-year-old pot, and every day is feeling the threat of "bone corpse", has been terrified, can not wait to dump the pot. However, nowadays ‘Li Mo ’s debt to the bones’ ca n’t be paid off casually.
A dysplastic moon like ‘Despair’ may have a worth of × 100 to fill the hole. Of course, the income of Xiaodianyin over the years is enough to fill the hole. But Zun Mo was silent, he didn't want to pay back the money!
For a time, the clouds on the dinner table were bleak and the atmosphere was dignified.
(Castim despised: really shameless, the debt I owe, I did n’t want to pay it for myself. Seeing Xiaoli and forgetting your life, do you want to kill yourself?)
(Li Mo: How do you know that I cannot see the situation clearly? But I just do n’t want to pay it back!)
(Castim: Actually ... I do n’t want to pay it back.)

"Cough! Everyone is more optimistic." "Daqiqi" sitting next to Li Mo actively helped analyze: "First of all, this account cannot be escaped. But looking at it from another angle, you have two heavenly approvals Legal IP, Li Mo and Victor. This account can be calculated with Victor or Li Mo. So, you always have a person who can retire with half of your assets! "
Da Qiqi's meaning is very simple, assuming that Li Mo is now sitting on tens of billions of assets. Then, when you settle with "Bone", you can first disassemble Victor and Li Mo. The former has assets of 4 billion and the latter 6 billion. "Bone" can only find one person to settle the account, so that half of the assets are preserved before the start.
This is also a reasonable way to avoid debt! To be reasonable, Bone Bone can make a bite out of tens of billions of assets by relying on "Tao Dao", but now Li Mo is shamelessly split, so he will first save half.

Blood Tree Majesty heard that he was going to stand in the "Tayin Ink Camp", so Castim dared to say: "Why not? Just sell Victor's Husky! He is in a battle, and it hurts me every day. In the end, the military supplies forcibly collected will not be paid for a dime. This kind of goods is also behind, so it is better to sacrifice him! What ’s more, the total assets of the Yanmo side, where is our strong side, you said right?"
At the moment, Victor, who was soaking in the 'radiation well hot spring' on the 597th floor of the abyss, suddenly opened his eyes in anger, striking a across the layers of time and space, aimed at the 403.8th floor of the abyss, and issued an angry cry: "Gan!"
"Cough, shut up, I won't sacrifice any part." The deity ink and the flame demon are connected all the time. Everything that happened at this moment is clear from the listening of 597. It was really embarrassing. In order to avoid debt, he pitted himself on this share, and he couldn't see it by himself.
"I think it's better to throw the pot to" Little Dianyin Temple "!" Despair spoke again.
In the past ten years, apart from relying on the manufacture of 'mechanical evil skeletons' in the industrial waste capital, he has only left to prepare for his escape. And I've thought about it for a long time, let the bones connect to the small electronic sound plate.
"Xiaodianyin is a peerless giant pot, which has long been beyond our control. Now the jackals, tigers and leopards of the whole abyss are staring at the nucleus as if they are coming. Just wait for it to be" greatly wished, and heaven will be listed ". That's it! Let's treat us as the Blaster! "
"While the huge asset" Xiaodianyin "was handed over to" Bone Bone Sword Master ", the price we paid was enough to offset, even far exceed this" causal debt. "And it happened that" Bone Bone "also has surpassed" The fate and strength of "Nuclear is coming" is enough to carry the huge pot of Xiaodian. We take the opportunity to cut off the two causalities of 'Xiaodianyin' and 'Bone Bone', and withdraw from it. Wouldn't it be beautiful? "Despair said In my heart, I had already calculated a good idea.
"Superficial! Despicable! Shameless!" Castim, who spoke for 'Angry', was furious: "Although that is said, but now you get rid of the" electric pot ", don't you work hard and make wedding dresses for others? The income from the listing of "Xiaodianyin Tiandao" is the ultimate income we are pursuing. Do you now use "Xiaodianyin" to pay off debts, and will the "authority" held by Diansheng Ersheng shrink to 20% to 30%. How much do you want to lose ?! For the sake of gain and loss for one person, do you ignore the overall situation, do you still have a sense of responsibility? "
"So what are you going to do?" Desperate asked back.
Li Mo pondered, and Castim said straightforwardly: "Of course, you should be robbed, die first!"
"What?" Despair shocked.
Kastim said: "Now there are four ways to deal with 'Bone Bone'! First, abandon the big fat meat of the small Dianyin Temple and feed the white bone sword king, but it is not desirable. Second, try to sell it as much as possible. Industry, with real gold and silver as compensation, blocking the appetite of the bones, and paying off the cause and effect of the heavens. Thirdly, the face is hard, and the life and death are separated, and the account is completely cleared. But it is obvious that the bones are the creditors. Burning cause and effect is big, and we are naturally at an absolute disadvantage under the 'causal law network'. He only needs to burn all the cause and effect in one breath and play a fair duel, which can weaken us layer by layer and be undefeated. place!"
"So ..." Castim's voice was long and slow: "... There is only one last path left, which is to completely abandon 'Desperate New Moon' and allow the other party to rebirth, which is equivalent to completing one '." Seize the deity '. From now on, there are only four new moons in the main moon, and there has never been a fifth' despair '. Deity, what do you think? "
After all, Castim looked at Li Mo. Navicto sacrifice? Of course it is impossible. Although he didn't like the flame demon, he clearly distinguished the advantages and disadvantages. The five great moon days of this deity are the worst in the mix of ‘killing and despair’.
Because of this, the sacrifice of a 'despair' is actually not a big loss, it is completely lost.
"I'm going to your uncle! You can even sell yourself, what's the difference with swinging the sword from the palace? Laozi is a new moon, not a report, I should be robbed, and the entire" Yangshen system "must be damaged! Xiaodianyin If you give up the two, you will give up, and you can refinance in the future. If the new moon is gone, will the deity become disabled? "
At this moment, the two saints of electronic music in the 233rd floor of the abyss, psychologically unanimously, shouted out: MMP! We are here to resist the "small electric sound" pot, which is more than ten times larger than your "bone bone pot"? ! Not only do you not appreciate the admiration, but you still have a face to sacrifice us? !
"My second Olympics, don't quarrel! It's impossible to be robbed, and Xiaodian will not be used to fill the pit in vain. Fish and bear paws, I won't spare either!" Li Mo waved annoyedly. Waving his hand, he summoned the three types of gods to scrape his eyes according to the temple wheel and relax the pressure.
"Actually, I have an idea." Li Mo said softly and thoughtfully when Li Mo was addicted to tearing B with himself.
"any solution?"

The 24-year-old human Blanche thought about it and said, "First of all, it is best to go to the heterosexual universe outside the crystal wall system. Whether it is clear cause and effect or confrontation, it can weaken our disadvantages to the greatest extent. Last time Ninja was average! "
Several other people heard the words, and their eyes lit up one after another, which is the key point. Without the direct interference of the 'crystal wall heavenly path', the colonial heavenly path of the heterogeneous universe was replaced, and the other party's innate advantages were weakened to the extreme.
On the contrary, if Li Mo tears his face in the 'nether world' and bones, it is extremely miserable. The other party is fully able to make use of the home field oppression of the "Netherworld Heaven Dao Branch" and then superimpose the "Jingbi Heaven Dao-Causal Law Fair Fair Judgment".
"Come again, you should have a lot of contact with your avatars, see our family in the main world, and those" inferior industries "? Simply give the bones to offset part of the cause and effect."
Castim pondered for a moment, and said, "Otherwise, you are in the small electronic music, open up the 14th vein, make an empty shell, and give it to the" White Bone Sword Master ". By the way, the future" electric sound dump pot " Make a bedding. "
"It makes sense." Li Mo nodded. He will never miss the listing of Tiandao, but after the listing, there will inevitably be a period of rise, this stage is the most suitable for the transfer of black pot. If Bai Bone inherited the 14th vein at that time and failed to regain consciousness, wouldn't it be a "Peacemaker".
But the difficulty behind this is absolutely too big to break through the sky!
"Is there anything else?" Li Mo asked again.
"Of course!" Da Qiqi nodded ...
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