Chapter 1664: Origin Sword Fairy! World Extermination Cannon-Guardian Iliya (large

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Sakura showed the ultimate score that everyone could reach, and Shilang also set a lower limit for everyone. Without the worry of being the penultimate, and then experiencing the storms and waves that these two set off, the mentality of the last two candidates finally calmed down.
The godlike elf swept the "silly-faced" Gray who was standing aside in silence, unwilling to let his agent travel to the final stage, and said to Eliya: "Go!"
This only looks a few years older than ‘Little Earth’, but still has not yet graduated from elementary school and has entered the middle school, the expired loli is actually 18 years old! Deteriorated for many years.
At Neon, we should get married two years ago, and now we are a legitimate old loli ...

The hero doesn't ask about appearance, because she is old and psychologically mature, she didn't sell cute ideas to ‘Ruzi’ for points.
On the contrary, she was talented since childhood. Before the reincarnation came, he was born as the "Little Holy Grail", and his physical qualifications were full. Over the years, she inherited the inheritance of Chi Si and mastered alchemy, the strongest of the seven agents.
The dignity of the strong man prevented her from nodding to the ruler, and simply nodded to the dragonfly captain, and then walked towards the huge mirror. The referee did not care, but sent a high score of 0.1.
This time, I did n’t wait for other people to ask questions, but I answered first: "Do n’t you think she is cute? Good things are not worth 0.1 points?"
Hearing this, Li Mo lamented. After the last shameless game of bullying the small and forcibly interfering, excessive interference + blowing the whistle, the goods finally revealed themselves and began to fly themselves.

Ilya also ignored the ruler, went straight through the mirror, and waited for a moment before stepping out of herself. The two did not talk nonsense, both shot first, and at the same time folded their hands in front of their bodies, a circular, shiny, and extremely complex internal formation bursting under their feet.
Rumble ... was already smashed into a sparse ground, and changed the terrain again. At the same time, two opposing battle positions were raised. The thick rock walls turned into fences, and at the same time one vacant hole was exposed.
Then, a long shot and a short shot were generated in an instant, and then they blasted each other.

Wei Gong-Eliya was raised by her father's "Justice Messenger" when she was a child. Her old bean was known as "Assassination" in the magic world. Before the reincarnation of the reincarnation, it became a "Bounty Hound" and was unparalleled in killing. In addition to mastering magic, he also particularly likes "firearms". He even broke his four ribs and used it as a raw material to grind it into powder to produce 66 origin bombs. With a small broken pistol, it swept through Europe. In the magic world, countless magicians have been killed.
The legendary experience of my dear father deeply influenced and guided Ilya's personality and three views.
After the invasion of foreign invaders, heirs were seriously injured and eventually healed. However, his will was inherited by his daughter. With the help of the "Hitaheim Alchemist Hand" plundered by his father, he went to the multi-turret cult without a teacher and embarked on the road of "firearm alchemy-magic bullet shooter".
Over the past ten years, Elijah has spent a lot of money to buy drawings and data from well-known weapons from all over the world, while working materials science, engineering, machinery and manufacturing ... etc. "Shnikov system" and other nirvana.
Even, she was still studying ‘super electromagnetic cannon technology’, trying to create miracles with alchemy, and embarking on the road of ‘bilibili testimony’.

At this moment, the two magic bullet girls frantically launched refining arrays, constantly absorbing metal minerals from two kilometers underground, strengthening their position defenses, and creating a copper wall and iron wall. At the same time with saturated firepower back to cover strike.
Light machine guns, heavy machine guns, rapid-fire guns, RPGs, cannons ... are constantly damaged and produced at a faster rate. The two of them saw sweat slightly on their foreheads, but they still strive to make more hot weapons to bombard each other.
Deduced with strength what is called "one man becomes an army"!
In theory, an excellent alchemist can't make a turret and a sniper gun in the blink of an eye like Ilia. Because the inside of each hot weapon involves complex and precise parts, there must be no trace of error.
Even if this is a magical alchemy, it can be manufactured out of thin air, skipping the industrial production link, but it still requires a lot of energy and cost, and follows the alternative ‘equivalent exchange principle’.
But at the moment, not only Ilya, but her projections can be 'immediately made', and it looks like breathing. But in fact, this involves a secret of Eliya:
Before he died, Chedi handed over his daughter's "Magic Engraving-Inherent Time Control". After the colonial invasion, he once returned to the clock tower, and sought the holy relics of his own father. The full version of "Inherent Time Control" failed. He only took back another 30% and the other 50% were taken home by the reincarnation .
Today, Elijah ’s body has 50% inherent time control and is integrated with alchemy. Therefore, within her position, she was able to manipulate the local space timeline and speed up her cultivation.
The original price required 5000 seconds, 8000 seconds of advanced equipment, all 60 seconds! All 60 seconds!
Very different from the previous battle, the two girls started the "Steel Turtle-Metal Torrent Tactics" in unison:
He was the first to stand in the undefeated place. In the center of the venue, the opponent fireworks, the ears exploded, roared, and the roar of bullets was deafening ... and the fragments of bullets, grenades, grenade, missiles also affected everyone.
Although Rin Jin, Crane, Furnace Sakura and others are all powerful players who dismantle tanks in minutes, and even dare to 'fight Zhagu, dismantle Gundam', but for the first time they faced such an exaggerated position bombardment. Still a little scared.
However, Li Mo, Dragon Sacrifice, and others, all obtained authorization from the Dragon Ball, opened a defensive field and continued to appreciate the ammunition duel of two "multi-turret expired old loli".
"Explosion is art!" Mirror Ilia is keen on explosive attacks, increasing the output of RPG and grenades ... shouting her own ideas.
"Much is good, big is beautiful! Caliber is justice, and the turret is truth!" The genuine Ilia on the other side prefers the turret flow. She abandoned the cannon with a long production cycle and low output, and continued to produce anti-equipment sniper guns with strong penetrating power at a low price.
Sniper cannon is her destiny!

Seeing two 'Magic Bull Enthusiasts' wasting energy here, the elf showed an unpleasant expression.
She knew that Ilya was not consistent with her appearance, she was mature, and she was influenced by her biological father since she was a child. She also loved guns very much, and she was firmly on the road of ‘multi-turret godism’, which was difficult to shake.
However, as a master of the "Four Suzong", she naturally had to teach the apprentice Jianxiu to forcibly twist her development trajectory and break into her own path. To a certain extent, there is still a weak connection between "Sword Repair" and "Gun". After last night's sleepless negotiations, Ilya finally reluctantly endorsed some of her suggestions and joined the "Four Su Zong" in the name.
But the girl also consulted many questions and showed up at the end:
She recognizes that this cheap master will be famous in Si Su Zong, but Ive can't stop her from going to study in the old astral world, respecting her choice of pursuing the core of the multi-turret.
At the moment, the two sides are stalemate with each other, and it is difficult to divide the victory and defeat in a moment. The genuine Elijah finally showed another card, a winning card!
Prior to starting, Ilia was the strongest of the seven, and the power system was also the most complete.
Unlike the 10% forcibly promoted by the "reliance", she has already completed the magic reform of the "alchemy system", and has also reached the basic qualifications for immigration Hitaheim, and has plans to improve one in the next five to ten years After enhancing and consolidating its strength and having the ability to protect itself in Hittarheim, then emigrate to the main world to find the 'road of truth with multiple turrets'.
The opening of the Dragon Ball Carnival has nothing but accelerated her immigration education plan, and also picked up a 'teacher + backer'.
Although she doesn't like the elves very much. If she can, she hopes to be accepted as a disciple by quantum demons, astral pilots, or mechanical juzi, because they have mastered different levels of 'mechanical side technology'.

Because the power system is the most mature and has the highest strength, she obtains the least open resources.
The elf did not destroy Eliya's system, then broke and then transferred to sword repair. Just load a copy of the ‘Elemental Sword Cultivation System’ for her, and teach her the method of cultivating the flying sword and let her practice on her own.
‘Wei Gong Iliya’ and ‘Gada Shiro’ are both sword repairs, but the route is completely different:
The latter is directly linked to the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen", which is precisely to serve this Lingbao. Therefore, Shi Lang will not sacrifice any natal flying sword. His sword is "Zhu Xian Si Jian". And Ilya has no magic weapon, no plug-in, and needs to sacrifice Wen Yang Feijian herself. At the same time, he has obtained the autonomy and can customize the flying sword information as he likes, which perfectly fits his own concept.
Even better, her alchemy is the best at manufacturing, and can make the 'flying sword' connected with her heart and blood into a mass-produced disposable 'flying sword ammunition' ... quite a lord of the red Yankee's nuclear explosion sword fairy 'Style.

At this time, a "anti-equipment sniper gun" suddenly emits light and slowly changes its shape, and the internal structure is turned upside down. At the next moment, they became immature, and even called the humble 'disposable electromagnetic rail gun'.
Ilya self-taught weapon science and bought immature "electromagnetic weapon drawings" at a high price to create this one-off product. Each time they launch an electromagnetic gun, they will collapse, and they need to waste a lot of energy and spirit again, and practice again to launch a new gun mount for launch. The cost performance is extremely low, but the power is huge.
However, she did not make a one-time "flying sword ammunition", but sacrificed a secret weapon, the hard card created last night: the sword of the origin of life!
Around the middle of the night, Ilia had been persuaded by Eve, and became a ‘Four Elemental Sword Sect Disciple’ by opening and hanging, and received a ritual of flying sword sacrifice.
Later, while studying her ‘Fate of Flying Sword-Graduation Design Thesis’, she suddenly had a bold idea!
She does not want to be a traditional ‘four-element sword repair’, at least offering a ‘Flying Sword of Life’, and at most cultivating four swords with four elephants. She was brainwashed by multiple turrets and believed in the truth that "more is better".
Destiny flying sword, naturally, the more the better!
If her "Electromagnetic Cannon Array" is successful, the cost of launching ordinary disposable "flying sword ammunition" is too high. If it can be replaced with an "inborn flying sword" that can be used in an infinite cycle, launch it and then summon it back to continue firing The strength of the company will usher in a huge leap!
Because 'Benming Flying Sword' is not a one-time, it will not be lost, and it can be strengthened through cultivating, then the attack power of the electromagnetic flying sword cannon array will continue to increase with the improvement of 'Benming Flying Sword'. !
So what should be the material, attributes, and development direction of ‘Feixingfeijian’? She instantly had an idea, that is, imitating her father's "origin bomb", refining a batch of "born sword of origin" that will never be destroyed!
Papa is a dual attribute of ‘fire earth’, which originated as ‘cutting’ and ‘joining’. His origin does not mean 'repair'. Although it can be reunited after being cut off, it is not restored, but reunited.
It's like breaking a cup and sticking it with glue. The broken position leaves a trace of misalignment. This kind of 'deterioration' is irreversible. If placed on the flesh and blood of the human body, although the wound surface seems to heal, there is no blood stains or scars, but the inside is like necrotic tissue, the nerves and blood vessels are not reconnected, and the original function is lost, just like a waste person.
This ability poses a huge threat to magicians, martial artists with martial arts circuits, and more generally, creatures with an ‘internal energy circulation system’.
If this kind of origin force cuts off the energy path, it will cause the energy channel to be misaligned, blocked, and runaway, causing local circulation embolism ... If it is made into an "origin bomb" that explodes in the body, it will be more sour. Magical damage + physical damage + forced healing is a mess.

After Che Si died, his 'origin' should have disappeared with his life. But he understands that the world is facing an unprecedented crisis. He wants his daughter to live better and safer. Therefore, in a forced way, he signed a "self-compulsory certificate" with Ilia, asking his daughter to take it out after his death. "Inherent time control" transplantation inheritance, and grind his corpse into a larger "bone meal" to create the ultimate "origin bomb suit"!
Even ... In the last week of death, Chedi personally chose a "anti-equipment sniper gun" for her daughter, and designed a set of 666 "origin sniper bullets" with the amount of bone meal in her future death!
Also known as ‘Judah Bullet’, ‘Satan Bullet’, ‘God Killing Bullet’, ‘666 Bullet’, this is a fine artifact enough to kill God, each one is a ‘conceptual armament’, representing the explosion of a Jesus! Enough to protect the daughter, not afraid of the stranger.
When Qi Si passed away, despite Eliya ’s unwillingness, she eventually used "Alchemy" to passively decompose the father into a large number of "origin substances", which she treasured as "Chen Si Dust" and did not make it. The so-called 'origin sniper bomb'.
However, because of the self-compulsory testimony, she must not concentrate on studying the "anti-material sniper gun" to fulfill the contract content; she even learned the electromagnetic cannon to fill the contract in order to counter the command of "consuming the cut off dust".
Because in her mind, ‘papa-666 bullets’ fired less and less. Eventually, one day, Chedi would leave her and no longer be able to protect her.

Today is different! After mastering the method of "Benming Flying Sword Sacrifice", she finally found a brand-new route, added the "cutting dust" to the flying sword, and turned the original one-time "666 origin sniper bomb" into forever. The "666 Sword of Origin of Life" that will not disappear.
In this way ... cut heir can always be by her side in the form of "flying sword", let her feel the last bit of warmth.
Last night, Elijah's strength broke out. With his extraordinary qualifications, 666 "origin sniper bombs" were trained into 12 handles with only blades, fruit knives, and both ends. sword.
This set of ‘flying swords of natal life’ is expected to be 666 handles, and ultimately forms a set of ‘origin sword array’. Because the time is too short, it is only made into 12 handles. At this moment, it is used as a bullet-filled electromagnetic gun, aiming at the pirated goods opposite.
After a magnificent round of bombardment, the opponent suffered ‘origination-cutting + combination’ continuously, and finally the internal energy system was out of balance and exploded ...

The mirror can only copy Ilya's own power system, but it can't copy the legacy left by her father. So even a perfect mirror image can't create a magic flying sword like "Origin Sword" out of thin air, so Ilia won't lose.
After this round, she did not perform much better than others, but because the scene was big enough, she also added a '666papa memory kill', ruler gave a high score of '2.7', plus the previous 0.1, take It's 2.8 points.
Li Mo believes that if Eliya can also purchase a ‘Soul BGM’ in advance, and then render the memory picture in black and white, coupled with the classic sad music of Naruto, it will impact at least 3+ high scores!
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