Chapter 1705: Heavenly bug! Time 2 happy meme virus

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The beautiful girl ‘Jiantong Fujio’ retired in a hurry, but her perfect interpretation left a deep impression on the judges, pushing the psychological expectations and judging criteria of the second stage of
Gorgeous Show
to a terrible height.
If Shi Lang ’s ‘spicy eye demons’ are used as the opening performance, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the psychological expectations of the jury, and then any random junk program can get high scores. But the perfect interpretation of ‘Jian Tong Er Niang’ raises the judge ’s ‘taste’ and surpasses her performance to get a high score. It ’s not as good as her performance to get a low score, and the spicy-eyed performance is still dead!
Therefore, Rin Tosaka, who was the first to appear on the stage, appeared worried.

"Work hard, female fox, even though you are defeated!" Summoned a cute thing, Liudong, already in an invincible place, Cheng Cheng, encouraged loudly by gloating.
Soon, Long Roaring will temporarily borrow Li Mo's 'nuclear dinosaur' to take the stage.
On the fat body, there were two pink princess dresses that were completely broken and were barely stitched with rough needlework. Godzilla's cub carried a colorful and colorful wreath on his head.
Rin Tosaka held a 'tactical nuclear warhead' and temporarily acted as an animal trainer, constantly shaking the food to make the Godzilla pups chase in circles, showing the judges a terrible 'fat dinosaur-shaped ballet'.
‘Are you treating us like fools again? ’
Rin scored 1 point (out of 10) against the background of Er Niang, and finally withdrew.

The second one to appear is Eliya.
In the past hour, with the help of her mentor, the girl temporarily got rid of the "spiritual pollution of aura of happiness" by the angel-Qirino and restored her reason.
After some research, Ilya is convinced that this ice goblin is poisonous! All the "friends" who are close to her, accept her good intentions, or are attracted by her cute appearance will be contaminated by the spirit of "aura of aura", and she will be brought to the same level of joy together and forget her sorrow.
Even a neutral unit, as long as it does not hold her ‘alert and hostile’ towards her, even if it is ignored by a passerby, it will be weakly ‘happy’, and there will be a slight intelligence reduction reaction. (It ’s easy to be immune, but it does n’t mean you ’re not affected, it ’s just too weak to be noticed.)
However, this "poisonous poison" is not useless. She comes with a prop called "Lord of Time" (Bing Tuo), which is a kind of both defeat and unavoidable, with special law characteristics, indiscriminate curse Props.
When Qi Lu Nuo persevered through the perseverance and successfully smashed an ice tuft, a judgment curse would burst out, as follows:
On the premise of not interfering with normal time operation, ⑨ can also strongly insert a
happy appraisal
for one second on your timeline. In this second, just like the "fear technique", the spirit will be judged, so that the Chinese character will indulge in happiness.
If this second is sustained, it will not be affected by the "intellect reduction" on the normal timeline, but it will produce a momentary trance, and will not forget this additional one-second memory. The regression correction of the timeline is prone to flaws; Can't hold this second, will enter the "reduced intelligence state", with ⑨ fun.

Specifically, let's say you hit a bullet at the target. On the normal timeline, the bullet penetrated the air and hit the target.
But jump out of this timeline and look again, ⑨ can cut off and insert an extra second at a certain point from a higher dimension. But in the normal world, this second does not exist. It does not affect the normal flight of the bullet, but only appears in your mind. (But in fact, this is a real time addition, not a mental acceleration.)

For Yiliya, if she resists the angels and launches the "Happy Time Judgment" while maintaining her reason, the intensity of happiness identification is only the most common basic intensity. (Enemy is easy to save)
If Ilya remains in a state of being poisoned by the demon and is happy with Qi Lu Nuo, then the intensity of the ‘happy identification’ that the enemy will receive will be multiplied by her ‘happy value’ as a factor.
This is terrifying!
The happier Eliya is, the enemies must bear more joy than her!
To put it simply, assuming that the intensity of a happiness appraisal is 100, Ilia and Qi Lu Nuo deeply resonate, and the strong teamed up to a 100 × 100 level of happiness, then the enemy must bear a happiness value of 1000000 to be unhappy.
How sad, decadent, and cold can this be done?

Even more frightening is that Elijah also inherited his father ’s ‘inherent time control’. The originally weak ⑨ wanted to smash a 'Master of Time', which required multiple combos. Eventually, the 'Happy Judgment' could not be superimposed, and only one second + one second could be inserted into the timeline. .
However, when Ilya is in the state of 'Tongle with ⑨', once the inherent time system is activated, ⑨ will be regarded as a part of her, and she will enter the time acceleration mode with her, fast forward the original "combo", causing a continuous The effect of blasting one by one bingtuo superimposes the 'happy judgment'.
This is a compound application of the 'time law × time law'. It is no longer the normal 'time law', but the 'time 2' fairy operation above the timeline, it is a taboo in taboo!
Although it was launched by two weak guys, the ‘rule content’ behind it, even if it is put in the main world, must be looked at by the big brother. This is unique and cannot be imitated.
At this moment, Ilya opened reasonably, and she didn't care whether she was gorgeous or not? Show your skills directly, indulge in happy opening time, accelerate with ⑨ to explode countless ice cubes, and send a happy invitation to the audience.
The weak human judges couldn't bear it at all. The entire stadium was filled with a joyful atmosphere. The judges scored full marks in the laughter and laughter, and Eliya laughed even more joyfully.

This "happy virus" spread more and more seriously, and not long after, even Li Mo was moved! I was cold in my heart, and quickly greeted the coldly watching 'Captain Genji' to save the scene together!
In the end ... The audience laughed for a full 15 minutes before they were forced to be restrained by the emotional "Quantum Demon" teamed up with "Mechanic Juzi" and others! Afterwards, even Eliya's mentor, Eve, felt terrified.
The happiness of a person is not terrible. What is terrifying is that this happiness can infect. The more people addicted, the greater the scope of influence. After ‘Ilia × Chirono’, the laughter they jointly produced is no longer a purely mental attack, but a ‘memetic effect’ that overrides the laws of ordinary time.
It can be said that once the two of them spread joy unscrupulously to the outside world, if there is no high-standard rule of repression in that world, there is a high probability that they will rewrite the world and create a horrible world with only joy!
This is already a kind of genocide attack against 'intelligent creatures'. After exploding 'human supplements, unlimited monthly reading', the cost is low, the effect is terrifying, and the results are immediate ... Fortunately, there are a group of masters on the scene. , And the number of judges is not much, and there is no global live broadcast, in order to kill this 'happy meme' in the shortest time.
On the contrary, if this bug is allowed to break out, the ghost knows whether Areyer and Gaia in this world can bear it? In the unlikely event that it becomes a 'memetic virus' sweeping the globe, I'm afraid that Alaya and Gaia will also become 'happy fools', and eventually use the single universe as a starting point to reversely invade the parallel universe and become 'joy' Type Moon Universe '! That would be so happy!
What's more important is that even if the ordinary version of 'X-Men Reverses the Future' or even 'Flash Restart Timeline', in theory, it is impossible to erase the 'Time 2 joy' that is above the timeline from a single 'Timeline' Memetic virus'.
Li Mo also found that the judges who got rid of the "happy memes" did not feel any disharmony at all, thinking that everything that happened just now was taken for granted, and there was no doubt about the collective score of 10 points.
Recalling the scenes just now, although I can't say why, it is very happy!
After the toxic team retired, Li Mo no longer focused on the third round of the game, but instead thought about Ilya's future achievements.
The girl accidentally summoned ⑨, opened Pandora ’s magic box, and triggered a bug on the crystal wall Tiandao level. This is another Tiandao hole similar to the
Six Great Moons
. Although it occurred in the
type moon universe
, it was hoped Collected in the crystal wall heaven of Taheim.
After Eliya, Tiandao never allowed a second similar loophole to appear, but she herself was allowed.
If the girl is beheaded on the spot, he will surely become the fixer of the "Tao Dao loophole" and gain a lot of merit. But Li Mo did not have this interest. Instead, he speculated that if Ilya had grown up smoothly, and had the ‘Infinite Path’ and even the ‘Three Thousand Sequence’ as its foundation, how much would this ‘happiness’ be strengthened? What kind of existence?
Although this ‘happy bug’ is very in terms of combat effectiveness, the Tiandao bug is the Tiandao bug, the gold content is not reduced, and it is very valuable for research! It's more attractive than Dragon Ball Carnival's championship.
Not only Li Mo, but several other academic tutors also saw the value of Ilya, and they all started to have good relations and observe the idea of ​​research.
When Li Mo was close to the elf and wanted to take Elia as a dry daughter, Sakura came to power on the third stage and unsurprisingly showed the "Magic Girl Transfiguration".
Why did the "Kampa Girl Transfiguration" Zhuyu come first, and the "Happy Meme" forcibly invincible, although Sakura had 100% hope of winning the championship under Li Mo's dark box operation, but still people are not as good as the sky Get 7 points.

Lu Weiya after Sakura was a disaster. The girl spent a whole hour applying the pink spray paint to the "Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast".
However, the judges addicted to the joyful memory could not help but say that they directly gave a score of 0.01, believing that it was insulting their IQ, letting the girls take their humiliation and retired.

Liudong, the fifth to debut, is in full swing at this moment. He teamed up with the magical raccoon to perform an "infinite and simple noodle magic" without causing any commotion, and successfully scored 3 points, which was quite satisfying.
The last Grey did not mention it, there was no sense of existence, and he scored 3 points smoothly.
Therefore, the ranking in the third round is: Elia ① > Matsuto Sakura② > Yudong Yicheng③ > Gray④ > Rin Tosaka ⑤ ... More interestingly, Shilang who only participated in the half-round competition (0.5 points ), Even broke Lviya (0.37 + 0.01) who participated in the two-round election display.
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