Chapter 1716: Honghuang xenogeneous life reconstruction project, auction plan with ginseng fruit

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When 'Desperate' completed the first phase of the eight hot hell-new energy layout, two new departments were quickly set up in the underworld, and it was handed over to the storm management: one of them focused on the 'recovery of ancient special species and biological recycling projects'; and The other is the 'Exploration and Exploration Engineering Team of Ancient Land Relics'.
These two new departments, the former is similar to the world's "antique acquisition line", but the old world is not popular with antique artifacts, but some of the "corpses" inherited from ancient times are particularly valuable.
Although the world of Liao Zhai is a 'low-magic universe', desperately discovered that in the history of the homeland, there are many backgrounds that overlap with 'Eastern mythology', including a large number of legends of different kinds of gods and beasts. In today's world, naturally they can't find a trace of them, but there are a few unremarkable relics of the blood power, and a few mysterious ancient beast remains.
These remains are incomplete and cannot be reborn or turned into zombie ghosts, but contain powerful forces. It is also a scarce resource in the spiritual world and even the underworld. It can be used for spiritual practice, growth, and magic weapon protection.
When desperate in a "ghost market" in the underworld, accidentally picking up a leak and finding a suspected "Zhu Yanji", he immediately had a bold idea in his heart.
At this time, in the depths of the ‘Devil ’s Demon Domain’ in the underworld, a tower was raised, with seven floors above ground and 13 floors underground inside the ‘hive building’. There is a large-scale laboratory filled with large and small transparent glass columns.
This special laboratory is four meters high. The floor is filled with various instruments and equipment. The experimental tank is filled with nutrient solution and the bubbles are constantly rising. Rows of fluorescent lamps are installed on the ceiling above to illuminate the room like day. It is clean and tidy. One ‘smart machine assistant’ is busy going back and forth like a futuristic laboratory full of science fiction.
However, looking at the ground, the base of each glass column was covered with ‘plant vines’ exuding evil. They not only wound the base, but even drilled into the "glass groove" from a special hole, and hooked with each experimental body, acting as the umbilical cord of the "mother".
Desperate, influenced by his deity, he wore a white coat that Professor Li loved most and stood with his hands down, observing the test body he cultivated. Aside from the scum storm that curled up her hair, wore OL outfit, and lifted her chest with a large scale, she pushed the gold wire glasses without lenses. Hui reported:
"Report to the boss, this fruit is the best-growing among the 13 surviving experimental subjects. Compared with the ancient books, its image is also the one closest to 'Zhu Han'."
Slag Storm talked, looking at this glass column about two meters thick and three meters high, floating in a light green nutrient solution, a two-legged six-armed three-tailed tail, white head barefoot, exuberant fierce beast demon tire.
This is the thirteen 'category Zhu Zhu' that was desperately extracted from the 'Zhu Hanji' part of the bloodline, combined with its own 'Vessel Factor Database', and repaired with the blood of the Hetaheim monster, One of the magic tires.
Since the blood tree is reorganized and hatched by the ‘dead tree’, these ‘young (devil) fetuses’ can be regarded as a ‘dead tree fruit’.

‘Zhu Hanji’ has a long history, and the ‘blood factor’ it can extract is limited, and the information is also incomplete. Even if you desperately master the 'Blood Factor Avenue', you can't clone and restore that kind of monster that is born to be a symbol of a certain law of heaven and earth. And the environment and background of the world of Liao Zhai can't support the birth of a 'Honghuangxian'.
Therefore, he retreat second, and chose 13 kinds of "main world blood vein factor" as the carrier to conceive this "Blood of Zhu". It is equivalent to embedding a main tyrannosaurus gene sequence in the fertilized eggs of birds or lizards, regenerating from the shell, and cultivating a mutant tyrannosaurus.
The whole process is full of gambling taste. Desperately continuously selected a variety of monster factors such as 'Giant Race, Troll, Mad War Demon ...', and finally obtained a variety of strange hunting distortions. The specific style is not described in detail. Sin is full of spiritual pollution, and the universe sent to Cthulhu will also be included in the 'Ugly B Ranking'.
The most successful ‘fruit’ in front of us is the ‘mutant’ fused with Bimont factor.
"Dispose of all the" abnormal variants "that have failed to evolve and use them as flower fertilizers. Empty the precious cultivation tank, re-breed this version of" six-armed Zhu Han ", and then conduct a" death evil energy injection experiment "to screen out 'Evil Devil'. "Despair urged.
After so many years in the Li Mo family, Zha Feng also learned a skill and quickly directed the intelligent robot to perform basic operations.

Then desperate to continue to browse this layer of laboratory. In addition to the core "Ju Zhuan-Mutation Experiment of Life Engineering", a large number of strange monsters, chickens, ducks, fishes and geese are bred in this layer of cultivation tank.
Strictly speaking, they are all 'return to the ancestor experiment' based on the contemporary 'monster gene', which carries out the blood trace back.
Desperate of course wants to study all kinds of ‘elder beasts, wilderness and different species’, and even if he ca n’t reproduce the original, he also wants to create more variants. With this background, it is simply to recreate the grand occasion of the ancient gods! Do not hegemony like hell?
However, the gods were hard to find, so he picked up a "Zhu Hanji", and there was no other gain. The Ancient Special Species Remains Recycling Department has just been established, and it will take some time to get results, so he retreats second:
Although there are few ‘old alien corpses’ in the underworld, they are seized and hidden by powerful people from all walks of life; but there are many so-called ‘Descendants of Divine Beasts’ in the human world. The descendants were quoted because their blood was so thin that they almost didn't exist, or they simply didn't, and they forced themselves to brag.
The desperate Lan Ruo Group is flourishing. Recently, it has collected a lot of monsters and signed a labor service sales contract, which was sold to the underworld to be a white mouse. , Carry out biological transformation, transform into a powerful cannon fodder, leaving a wealth of valuable experimental data!

Desperately looking at the experiment troughs one by one, and using the "evil dead tree" to perceive the life status and blood vein strength of the fruit devil, it was a lot of surprises.
"These 'fruits' are more viable than others. Mark them and focus on cultivating and observing them. If necessary, they can be repeatedly cultivated ..." Desperate fingers pointed out and picked out a few magic tires.
Slag Storm looked at the record and reported: "Boss, the prototype of the bloodline that cultivated Cao came from a fox demon, claiming to have the blood of the nine-tailed demon fox. That is ..."
The purpose of this desperate trip to Liao Zhai is twofold: first, to cut off the cause and effect with the "Bone Bone Demon Venerable"; and second, to accumulate for the future "Law of Death".
Although he can't undo his seal and release his power now. However, he can do many things indirectly through the ‘dead tree’, including the ‘sacrificial magic weapon’.
In his hand, he possessed the "Evil Energy Dead Tree" and "Nuclear Explosive Flying Sword", and he broke through the eight hot hells, and obtained an endless stream of death "Industrial Evil Energy"; now he got the "Remains of Divine Beasts", which immediately reminded him of the bone Mozun's 'Twelve Yuanchen Xuanyin Bone God Demon Sword'.
This is a great magical power, it is also a set of natal magic weapons, and it is also a fetal god. 'Xuanyin White Bone God Demon' can be practiced as a core power system from the inside out, pointing directly to the 'Neon White Bone Avenue'; it can also be cultivated as a magic weapon from the outside in → then refining the mortal demon → then upgraded into a Tao Fetal, step by step.
The remains of the gods and beasts are the perfect raw material for the "Bone God".
So desperation made up his mind to collect a variety of "ancient bones" as soon as possible. While using the angry 'Blood Factor Law' to extract the 'Blood Vessel Information' in the skeleton, and re-cloning the pirated mutant beast; then using the 'industrial evil energy' of Bare Hell to refine it into a 'mechanical evil skeleton demon god' ; Finally sacrifice a set of 'life rules, ancient alien bone bone demon, Xuanyin magic sword, nuclear explosion flying sword' in one body magic weapon.
This set of high-end magic revamped 'Xuanyin Bone Sword', whether in terms of intention or potential, is beyond blue to surpass Bone Demon Venerable; it can also protect him comprehensively, no longer afraid of strong enemies in every aspect of the world; and can be brought back to Greece in the future Taheim is also an important means of self-proofing the road to the underworld.

This move is not only to accumulate the future "testimony", he also has to practice a set of "inferior version" as a tester before his own "birthless deity". And the fruits of the 'Blood Vessel Return to Ancestry Experiment' are the best raw materials for hands.
This set of flawed "trial (error) products" is equally powerful, and from the perspective of concept, it can keep pace with the "Xuanyin Bone God". And this is also the meeting ceremony he prepared for the "Bone Skeleton Deity" in his body.
Despair is now complete. When he has gone to the underworld and completed the foundation accumulation, he will transport the looted ‘essence’ back to the main world and turn it into private property.
The cause and effect he owed in the "Liao Zhai World" and the huge immovable property are all given as a gift to Mozun to inherit and repay his own cause and effect. This set of "inferior bone demon gods" is the key to accepting cause and effect!

"Boss, what should I do next? Will these 'class-Zhufan' be quickly matured to be used as a refining experiment for 'industrial machinery bone bone demon'?" Slag Storm asked eagerly.
"Continuing to nurture, spirituality is inadequate. Once the maturation potential will be accelerated. What I want is a set of" bone demon gods ", and I would like to see the future" growth "! Pick out the special fruit of 'Blood Vessels' Ancestor, carry out ripening, and then transfer to 'Beast God will modulate' experiment. "
"Also, to inform the human world, continue to recruit monsters from all walks of life on a large scale and collect blood samples. At the same time, inquire about the range of activities of the top demon kings, and wait for the release of the" Beast God Will-Demon Trial Version ", and then plunder to capture more Great demon! Also, deal with these experimental products, kill the "distorted body", and screen out the growth potential is insufficient, but the vitality of the "devil fruit" releases information to those who are practitioners, saying that we have grown There are three types of "Ginseng Fruit" with Daoxing and Shouyuan added: they can grow for ten years, thirty years, and one Jiazi Shouyuan. If you are interested, you can exchange the remains of the Dixian level for exchange. Foot Wash City holds an auction. "
"Ginseng fruit ?!" Zha Fengfeng turned his head when he heard the words, and looked at those terrible, indescribable, ugly and disgusting `` magic tires '' who were more ugly and disgusting than abyss. She is not afraid of these rubbish. After all, what kind of evil did Li Mo have not created? But to boast of this thing as "ginseng fruit", and to deceive others to eat it, it is somewhat challenging her bottom line.
Well, she actually had no bottom line, so she readily accepted, and quickly hummed Xiaoqu to go.
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