Chapter 1722: Game 5-Data Programming Contest!

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A few days ago, the little boy who was picking mushrooms ... wrong, it was Ning Caichen, a 'deadly reminder student', carrying a classic convertible box cage, set foot on this criminal land in Guobei County, and opened the collection trip.
Ning Caichen had just arrived at first sight, but had long heard of the management style of Yamen Caojian in Guobei County. This is an extra-legal place, where the bandits are rampant in killing, and the black shop hall is appearing for money and lives, and the government is even more happy to kill the public. The security difference is comparable to Gotham City after BatMan's death.
In the past, the success rate of collecting accounts here was about 25% to 30%, while the average arrears received were only about 50% to 65%, and the mortality rate was as high as 40 +%.
Therefore, it was supposed to be a ‘fat difference’, but it fell on the head of an awkward scholar. Rather than saying that the store sent him to collect the bills, it would be better to say that he was obscured, holding a temporary mindset, and sent Ning to die.
In case of recovering the arrears, it was really a surprise, and it would be fine to reward him with errand fees.
Although the story line at this time was turned upside down by despair. The villain boss and grandma are already cool, the male partner Yan Chixia is also ashamed to leave the sword, and the female host Xiao Qian is going to the underworld to be a secret, but Ning Caichen still suffers unexpectedly like the original plot by virtue of the powerful plot inertia Heavy rainstorm.
But on both sides of the tidy and orderly post road, a thatched shed bus stop was built every few miles. There are three buses of the 'Nine Horse-drawn Car' passing by every hour, and only one penny is charged for Shili Road.
His experience in Guobei County is completely different from the rumored sin zone. He did not know that as early as six months ago, desperately sent his men to rectify all the towns and villages in the radius of a hundred miles, fight the evil and kill the evil, and return the people to a good world; not only that, but also secretly overhead the local Zhifu county government, only covering the sky, fully opened "Scientific cultivation era", vigorously develop agriculture, revitalize the economy, and improve the happiness of the people; promote the traditional non-material workshop culture, everything from south to north ...
Despair depends on the strength to determine the victory, even if Ning Caichen's "Fate of Inertia" is still strong, he still fails to wet the account books, resulting in the failure to collect the accounts, and has to sleep in Lan Ruo Temple ...
Okay, now he has nowhere to go even if he fails to collect his bills, and he is not eligible to stay in 'Lan Ruo'. Because there is already the most popular, most expensive, most luxurious, and the hottest selling gold cave in the Central Plains, the poor B has no money to come in.

Ning Caichen, who arrived in Guobei County successfully, stopped in the bustling streets and was curious to look around and linger. Street lights, neon lights, billboards, trash cans ... everything is novel.
Listening to the conversation among the road population, it is nothing here. Lan Ruo Mountain Villa is a place like a ‘human fairyland’, which makes him insatiable. Just when he walked through the streets and investigated the bosses who owed the debts, where did he move now? As the carrier of ‘Protagonist Aura’, Fate and Inertia are once again working hard!
In the original plot, he was supposed to be in the wandering of Guobei County, and he saw the shocking ‘Xiao Qian’, and then bought a portrait of the other party on a stall, and he will never forget it. However, this time, he turned around in a corner, and looked back suddenly. In the bustling crowd, he saw a delicate face that shocked his soul!
After this glance, he was told not to stay at home, unable to extricate himself.
Opposite Ning Caichen's nymphofat is a huge light box billboard with a photo advertisement that Xiao Qing endorsed for "Lan Ruo Leisure Club".
This female ghost is inherently beautiful, and the charm of the demon face can rival Xiao Qian. Now under the superposition of ‘art photo + ps + makeup
and other magic techniques, her beauty and temperament have completely broken through the sky! Revealed that the green tea and white lotus of the abstinence system also refused to welcome the small and fresh temperament ...
Imagine how Ning Caichen, who can easily be defeated by a picture scroll, can withstand the attack of 'Qipao + big legs', so he instantly fell.

During the subsequent visit, he was uneasy and uneasy until he spent two renminbi to buy a free leaflet from the Lan Ruo Temple with a 'Xiaoqing photo' handed out from a child in a pub. The flyer in his hand felt warm.
For the next few days, he has been staying in Guobei County for growth and knowledge, and accidentally discovered that there is also a professional 'collecting company' here. The predecessors in it seem to be fierce and evil. In fact, all of them are talented people. They speak well and are polite. They professionally undertake related businesses and only charge 5% service fees.
Before Ning set off, because of the lack of information, the boss who hired him said that according to the rules of the road, as long as he could recover 7 achievements, it was perfect. In this way, he can still make a difference out of thin air.
Originally Ning Caichen didn't plan to do this, but with the endless stream of tourists and the pictures of the magnificent and enchanting pictures in the light box of Guobei County, he finally cruelly planned to go to Naranjo Club for long experience. Just go back, he is not reconciled!

In the end ... where even Yan Chixia can't escape, especially a scholar from other areas, so he just walks away?
Ning Caichen, who was blinded by the first glance, lost all his money on the next night. Losing red eyes, he borrowed a large amount of gambling debts to continue the game, losing money, and then drunk and drunk. After Jiuhan's chest opened, he tried to attack CEO Xiaoqing's office and was eventually detained ... waiting for the trial of fate.
The middle-class people of the original Lan Ruo Group saw that his lips were red and white, and they were pretty good dishes. Although the meat is a bit old, it can still be packaged as a small husband. For this purpose, I specially conducted three days of special training for women's big brothers, and I did not pay the debt.
As a result, the fate was impermanent, and Ning Caichen was named there, and the lucky scholar escaped and was sent to the Hades headquarters.

After reading his experience in despair, he couldn't help feeling emotionally impermanent. He had planned to let him go. He didn't expect the teenager to voluntarily hit the muzzle, and it coincided with the letter from the Montenegro demon. it's fate! ’
In the cognition of despair, when he donated the first "spirit doll" to the old demon a few months ago, the original cause and effect of "Xiao Qian getting married" should be cut off. However, he sent so many ‘spiritual dolls’, which turned out to be ineffective, and finally came to this step ... It seems that the evil relationship is not related to Xiao Qian at all, and should fall on Ning Caichen!
Think about it too, and it can be more brilliant than ‘Xiaoqing, Xiaoqian’, and only the son of luck, ‘Xiaoning’. What is wrong with gender? Not pretty girl paper? Gender is all floating clouds! Inheriting the despair of this master's craft, I have the confidence to transform 'Ning Caichen' into 'Ning Cai'er'. I'm afraid that the pheasant next door disagrees to come and grab relatives.
With the "Children of Luck", the despair is constantly inspired. Where can the "Fu Mo T" have the power of "Fu Mo Ding"? He wants to prepare a big gift package for the Montenegro demon!
Kobe City
While desperately preparing a gift package for the Montenegro demon, and intending to complete the plot line of the "Ghost Story" by hand, the "Dragon Ball Carnival" in another universe, after a night of rectification, began the fifth round of the game.
After a crucial round in the fourth round, the ranking of the seven players has changed a lot.
First of all, the last round of ‘Inferiority Sakura’ only got No. 3, temporarily keeping the total score first. This is a ‘bad grade’ she has never had. Even if the mentor (Li Mo) showed enough "sincerity", she still couldn't save her and only got 6 points.
To be reasonable, the abnormal performance of 'Sakura' should be distanced from 'second place' in the overall score. However, after the fourth round ended, she and the temporarily holding second "Elia", from the 8-point gap but expanded to 10 points, further consolidating the status of "Chief".
It's really getting stronger and stronger, and the advantages continue to expand.
The appearance of this kind of ‘Oolong’ is entirely due to the abnormal performance of ‘Wei Gong Iliya’. From No1 in the third game, it instantly fell to No4 in the fourth game, which was once out of order. Fortunately, she had accumulated a lot before, and she didn't lose ground.
However, Long Roar, who was tied for third place, was ‘6 points’ away from her. However, because of the excellent performance in the previous round, No2 was directly scored, and the gap was shortened to ‘2 points’ in one fell swoop, which tended to replace it.
She was tied for third place with Long Roar before, and Ms. Gray, who had the same results, had a mediocre performance in the last round. Although she ranked fourth, she was 5 points behind Long Roar! It's even harder to turn over.
As for the fifth place, it is a miracle! A counterattack that is absolutely impossible!
Originally with the absolute advantage of a total score of ‘4 points’, he won the last place in the hegemony and overwhelmed all the candidates. There is no doubt that the ‘Gonda Shiro’ who won the most sturdy crane in the fifth round won the incredible championship? ! The salted fish rolled over and counterattacked, rushing to fifth place in one breath.
Sixth place Liudong is 10%, still ranked sixth. It is really the sixth of the iron fight, the ranking of running water. Everyone is changing, only one thing remains the same.
As for the last lady crane, Luvia, she became a typical representative of the fall. She had passed the bottom line time and time again, and she finally became the new crane tail, which made people sigh.
Her roaring rival Long Roar was ecstatic about it. The former has led her by a full 10 points, and the score can hardly be equalized.

After confirming the new ranking, the time came to 9:30 in the morning, and the quantum magic of the "problem maker" in this round was already in place. Unlike the previous rounds, the organizer ’s representative ‘Captain Genji’ listened to the feedback from the organization behind him and readjusted the rules of the game.
Hitachim ’s previous
Dragon Ball Wars
have never been a small-scale secret private war similar to the Battle of the Holy Grail. Rather, it selects sites in different universes, and carries out ornamental fighting competitions with themes that never repeat.
It can be said that the previous "Dragon Ball War" was not only a battle between contestants for the chance, but also an exhibition game presented to the large number of "high-end audiences" in Hitheim. The former players used their lives to please the big brothers ... so as to get more generous rewards and rewards.
(Similar to "The Cabin in the Forest", a group of legendary gangsters fought off to please a higher level of existence.)
Although this year's `` Dragon Ball Carnival '' is less intense, it is more interesting. The big guys who enjoy the performance are unprecedentedly happy, and hope that `` ruler '' will innovate again and bring you an updated experience.
Especially from the fourth round, many big brothers already have their favorite ‘agent’, betting on each other behind the scenes, betting on the ranking of each round, and even starting to predict the final crown, runner-up, runner-up ...
However, the advantage of inferiority complex is too large, the overall change of ranking is not fierce, and it is not exciting to gamble. So the big brothers made comments, ruler immediately executed, the fifth round no longer gave candidates time to prepare, but after establishing the rules, the game immediately.
In doing so, the final score is more unpredictable ... but it increases the fun of betting.
After hearing the new rules, Li Mo and several others frowned, feeling malicious from the organizers.
If the game is played as soon as the rules are established, then the game loses its fairness.
As the person who made the question, the 'Quantum Demon' has obviously been considered for a long time. The content of the question must be its strength, and Gree can obviously get a high score. Even if they are eligible for additional qualifications, they are also very disadvantaged on the basis of the ‘test questions’ of the demon.
"Calculating, the key point of this game is how to suppress the other five candidates?" Li Mo quickly removed the "Gray Group" and considered how to help Sakura grab No2.
Just as other mentors secretly thought about strategies, Quantum Demon also announced the content of the competition: "The first few rounds were killing, killing, drag racing, pet show ... have shown the talents of the candidates from many aspects. In one round, let us calm down and compare our knowledge and wisdom! My rank is 'engineer', so this round is better than 'programming'! "
Hearing this, apart from the few 'mechanical sides' of Li Mo and Megara, the other tutors are collectively ignorant! What the is ‘programming’? Is this thing better than this?
Li Bai looked blank at the moment. In his old man's mind, shouldn't he compare his talents and wisdom with his poetry?
Eve looked blank at the moment. program? what is that? Shouldn't it be faster than the wisdom?
Dragon sacrifice at the moment Nine-faced B ... eh eh eh? Huh? Huh? Hey hey? what are you guys saying?
Silent King Schmidt's B ...? ? (. ヘ °)? ? ? ? ? ?

"Everyone may still have doubts, let me explain it!" As a "data network life", the Quantum Demon experienced the first four games in person, knowing this "rule of the game" well, and not adding restrictions to others. Opportunity, be the first to explain.
"Our round comparison is not in the traditional sense of" programming. "In order to ensure the fairness and fairness of the competition, I will let all candidates stand at the same starting point. The core of this round is" data modeling " I will transfer the private rules into the "data rune source code" of the mystery of the rune side to all candidates, and they will conduct "data modeling and programming" to create different "models" with the same unit resources. Battle. "
With the explanation of Quantum Demon, Li Mo gradually understood the meaning of the other party. This is probably a 'mechanical card game king' game. Quantum Demon will teach its own "source code", just like Victor provides the "Demon Factor-Open Source Rule" in the abyss, let the candidates edit each of the "data monster models", and finally make up a set of cards .
Within each card, there is a ‘monster’. After programming and modeling, it is a fight between ‘data models’. The core of this game is the power of ‘data modeling’ and the strategy when playing cards.
The first four innings have made the candidates stronger, and this inning is no exception. After the game, the mechanical demon will sublimate the "cards" programmed by the candidates into a set of real treasures.
If Sakura incorporates the "real data rule information" when editing his own card model, and creates a "data dragon model" with real characteristics, then the quantum demon will use the power of the organizer after the game. , The "Dragon Card" has a real existence.
Of course, if the candidates have limited intelligence and do not have a deep understanding of the monster model, then the ‘card’ created by them is an empty shell that has nothing to do with it and cannot bring much power.

After the Quantum Demon explained the rules of the game in a leak-free manner, the other tutors nodded helplessly, and there was really nothing to add. The key question is how to impart as much knowledge as possible to the candidates in the 10-minute preparation time before the exam, let them exert themselves, and edit the most authentic and powerful 'card model'.
This is a great opportunity to take advantage of the organizer. If they are replaced by Li Mo and a few people will play, they will definitely be able to use the source code of the 'quantum demon' to fabricate the 'artifact model' and 'conceptual armament' that contain the rules, so that Fang gave himself a genuine product.
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