Chapter 1738: Kaleidoscope golden section rate dragon row, six reincarnation soul ascension sushi!

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The succession of the two players made the examination room atmosphere dignified, and the remaining six people were under great pressure, and each one was forced out of their potential beyond their imagination.
Among the six people at this time, excluding the "Jin Tong Fujio" who did not participate in the final ranking. The other five are in the fastest progress, it is the three-free girl Gree.
After confirming the route to "inject soul into the dishes", she chose the simplest "Dried Dragon Steak". The craft of this dish is not complicated, so it takes the lead and surpasses the other five people.

Immediately after Gray, Liudong Yicheng and Jiantong Ying. The progress of the two can be described as equal, in no particular order ...
10% of the students chose the most traditional and the most famous sushi in Japanese food. He first picked a variety of dragon meat from the ingredients area, and then chose a large number of rich side dishes.
After spending some time with Shennong to taste Baicao and study the properties of these exotic foods, they began the mediocre production process. He did not panic, hurdle, or slack throughout the journey, using the most orthodox methods, using the most fantasy ingredients, holding out the most common sushi, without using the extraordinary power of a star, just like an ordinary earth human, making daily meals at home , But it seems very intentional.
However, there is a chicken feather attentively! The point of this game is the root cause, boy!
This makes one wonder whether Liu Dong has given up his life? Give up this game? So he broke his cans and gave up, and used his own way to fight silently? Express your inner dissatisfaction?

But think about it too! This time, "Dragon Ball Carnival", even the most irresponsible Li Bai, also gave Shilang a lot of help. At least, except for the "Concept Vehicle-Drag Racing Competition", Shilang did not pull back.
However, Yicheng is an inspiring player who struggles against adversity throughout the journey. With his own perseverance and hard work, he constantly resists fate. In the competition again and again, not only have to fight against the enemy, but also withstand and get rid of the various debuffs brought by the mentor.
Although Yicheng has now fallen to the bottom of the competition with Shi Lang, but his spirit, effort and talent are all seen by many mentors. Just like the "Ninja Village Universe" exam, the ranking is not the most important. It is the real purpose to show your talents in the exam room.
At least no matter Li Mo, Quantum Demon, or God-born Elf, they are all very fond of this 'desperate young man'. If he is not delayed by the Mao Mao Wang, and changing to a mentor, the ranking is definitely not the situation today.
At this moment, everyone also feels sorry for his choice of self-abuse. ‘What a good student, but it was destroyed by the quilt king. ‘Thinking of this, everyone casts a contempt on Altria → _ →→.
The Silly King bowed his head in shame, dared not stare at the crowd, and buried his ears like a bell pepper to eat bitter spicy chrysanthemum dishes.

When "Yicheng" gave up his life, took the most luxurious ingredients, and made the most common sushi, the next door Sakura also experienced a strange momentum change.
When thinking about the question of "how to incorporate the heart into the dishes", the inferiority complex gradually fell into self-contradiction, indulging in the spiritual world is difficult to extricate itself. From the outside, just like sleepwalking, the soul does not keep the walking dead;
It turned out that when she was thinking of cooking, she suddenly had a bold idea in her head! This idea turned into a strong heart, and I want to inject it into the dishes and express it.
However, due to the "inferiority character" of the body, she developed a cowardly and fearful attitude. The form of ', even the' smart cherry mode 'can't save her.
As a last resort, ‘Dual Card Dual Standby Smart Sakura’ took the initiative to open up the personality and awakened ‘Sick Jiao Lost Black Sakura’ to preside over the big picture, instead of inferiority sakura to incorporate this mindset into cooking. Although he despised the other person very much, Heihuaying was very happy to accept the body and integrate this intention into the cooking.
Therefore, in the examination room, the cherry blossoms that were full of vitality and exuded the vitality of 'plasma pocket rate' suddenly turned into a sickly black girl with an uncharacteristic murderous expression and a savage expression.
With a kitchen knife in her hand, she grinned the corners of her mouth to the fullest extent, her big round eyes were blocked by the sea, revealing a brilliant 'kindness' smile, a sharp laugh of '桀桀 桀桀 桀' in her mouth, the tip of her teeth Bite your lips and bleed! (True blood)

In the selection of materials, she absorbed the "marked insect heritage" in her body, and condensed the "kill wave", and with the help of Destiny QB, she advanced into a "witch witch", which is very different from "inferiority cherry" Aesthetic view, cooking view.
Even if the two want to express the same "heart", it is impossible to choose the same ingredients.
Soon, "Black Sakura" 's attention was deeply attracted by a "meat block" of the Cthulhu deep-sea tentacle dragon from "an inexplicable universe". They are so outstanding, different, with distinct personalities, and they are completely different from those flamboyant dragon meat!
The "Deep Sea Magic Dragon" of an indescribable universe, although also classified as "Dragon", is obviously not a normal "Giant Dragon, Shenlong", it can only be said to be "Yalong", and has been completely alienated in form, I can't see the dragon shape at all. In addition to a greasy faucet, it is more like an octopus-like sucker tentacle structure ...
However, due to the extremely high level of life of this "deep sea magic dragon", it is not weaker than ordinary dragons, and even more powerful, so it is forcibly defined as "dragon tribe" by the "multiverse dragon elders" to demonstrate the superiority of the dragon blood. . Even ordinary deep-sea beasts, after obtaining the concept of "Dragon Blood", can have mutations in the sky!
(However, in fact, the power of these deep-sea magic dragons depends entirely on the "Evil God Bloodline" in their bodies. It is because of the defilement of dragon blood that they are reduced to the level of "family clan"; if you delete the part of dragon blood, re-purify Purify the bloodline, they will be promoted to the more noble 'son of the evil god'!)
What was seen by 'Blackening Sakura' was the huge purple-black and even deep-black 'Sea Dragon Tentacles'. The cherry blossoms that got the ‘Deep Sea Dragon Meat’ were so treasured that they could n’t help getting inspired and started to make them on the kitchen counter.

In addition to the above players, Elijah traveled alone, wandering in the 'food ingredients area' for a long time, and painted a 'smelting formation' on the ground, constantly putting a variety of superb food ingredients into it, and launching alchemy. ' 'Decomposition, analysis', it seems that I intend to study all the ingredients again, want to understand their composition.
After Rin Tosaka and Luvia submitted their dishes one after another, Ilia had not yet officially cooked, and still calmly broke down the ingredients, apparently wanting to make a big news at the last moment.
at last! The third player turned in, the new dumb king, Gree.
A fragrant aroma, looks like a perfect fried dragon row, was placed in front of everyone.
Gree also introduced it in due time: "This is my dish called" Kaleidoscope-Golden Section-Experience Soul Dragon Row "!"
Under the introduction of the girl without emotion, everyone realized the true meaning of this dish.
First of all, Gree selected a piece of the best dragon's back meat for cooking. The process of frying the steak is not too strange, similar to the earth's fried steak. It is worth mentioning that when she chose ‘complexity’, she used the ‘golden ratio-0.618’. With zero error mechanical control, she cooked this ‘dragon steak’ to 6.18.
From the outside to the inside, it has a heavy chew and elasticity, the middle layer is tender, the inside is juicy and fresh, and it has a raw meaty feeling.
Cut with a knife, the outer sides are light gray hex brown, the middle area is pink, and then the center is fresh meat color, there is dragon blood oozing with the knife, the visual effect is excellent! The aroma is overflowing, the gravy is flowing, and the "color and fragrance" of this dish has reached the ultimate of the world.
However, the core essence of this "Kaleidoscope-Soul Dragon Chop" is the soul contained in this steak!

In the process of cooking "Dragon Meat", Gray constantly strips the "Lingzi" in the Dragon Meat, collects and captures through her unique inherent enchantment "Binary Ideal Town far away from the earth", and then in the ideal town, Edit these 'Lingzi'.
As we all know, Lingzi is the smallest basic unit of the soul. The soul is made up of spirit sons, which are common in flesh and blood and are the extension of the soul on the flesh. Gree's "spirit" stripped from a piece of dragon meat is naturally not a soul. But within her inherent enchantment, she was able to extract the "Binary Digitized Dragon Soul" by hand.
With this Sao operation, the girl retrieved the inventory of the undead in the "Binary Ideal Township", stripped out the information about the deliciousness from their memories, and through data conversion, recorded it into many "Dragon Soul Spirit Sons" and drew a copy Kaleidoscope-like 'delicious dragon soul'.
This "Binary Dragon Soul" contains the feelings of hundreds of souls about "delicious", the kind of feelings that really come from the soul. Anyone who has tasted this ‘soul’ will be able to resonate from it and eat the taste you like best in your heart.

The mentors cut a dragon row and sent it to the entrance, biting down the unpredictable sense of hierarchy, the beautiful taste exploded in the mouth, and the "binary delicious concept" that attacked the soul also opened instantly in the soul, hundreds of kinds of "delicious" The experience is as unpredictable as a kaleidoscope, continually arranged and combined, according to different consumers, to form the most suitable arrangement.
Li Mo showed an expression of enjoyment. In his view, this ‘kaleidoscope-golden section-experience soul dragon row’ even surpassed Tosaka Rin ’s ‘spicy chrysanthemum dragon meat’.
Although the ‘vortex of roots’ cannot be seduce, this unpredictable change is very much in line with the idea of ​​the heart, and it is indeed very flattering, just like writing a round eye. You can always get the one that suits you best!
In addition to Li Mo, Megara and Quantum Demon also showed expressions of enjoyment. The former is a ‘humanoid’, and it does have expressions, but the quantum demon projected a series of cheerful emojis on the virtual display screen behind it, and it seemed that the mood was indeed good.
However, although the other four mentors also ate delicious food from the "Dragon Soul Pavilion", they were far from the level of Li Mo and the others. In the final analysis, I still ate without culture!
Gree ’s ‘Kaleidoscope-Binary Dragon Soul’ was certainly subtle, but she ignored an issue. Only three of the seven mentors on the scene were on the mechanical side. Although the 'Kaleidoscope-Delicious Combination' is unfolding in everyone's soul at the same time, her "Soul Delicacy Concept" is a mechanical binary algorithm.
The three Li Mo, of course, tasted it, and it was refreshing; but the other four people ate, in addition to the unpredictable deliciousness in the mouth, and the unknown characters in the soul, but constantly arranging and changing the garbled, which greatly affected the gourmet experience! Bad review.
After Gree got a more consoling result and was stepped down from the stage, the girl still had some ignorance, and her heart was even more shocked ... Can you blame yourself? Of course not, it's all a fault that the tutor's educational level is too low. Your rating is not fair!
After Gray stepped down, she watched the girl's serving Liu Dong all the way through. She saw a fierce glory in her eyes and suddenly stood up!
Everyone was stunned. Looking at the young man who renounced himself, would he really give up?
Looking at Li Mo, 10% had already held a large plate of ‘ordinary sushi’, and then he took a huge tray with both hands, and walked steadily over the footsteps. Obviously, he had to hand it over!
"Is this your dish?" After eating the "Soul Dragon Chop", but failed to realize the beauty of the "Binary Soul", the dragon sacrifice still unexplained, looked at the teenager and asked seriously.
"Yes, this is my cooking." Yicheng pushed the glasses and nodded back, his tone was plain.
"I don't see any singularities. Everything is ordinary except for the luxury of the materials. Although you are doing it with care, they are just a monotonous accumulation of fantasy ingredients that cannot produce qualitative changes and will be eliminated." Li Bai Shaking his head, regretfully.
This 10% dish is not as good as Luvia ’s ‘Tartare Dragon Meat’. Although the perpetual cuisine of the lady is zero-maturity (whole life), the strange mood of "chaotic wriggling rotation" adds a layer of indescribable color to the dishes. It is indeed heading towards the "root".
At this time, Ive looked at the Silent King, who was silent and seriously eating meat, and wanted her to persuade the teenager not to die, and to struggle again, he still had the opportunity to rescue.
The dumb king is so ashamed that he has no face to face his agent.
"No! This is not the final product. I still have one final procedure, which is about to be presented to you!" Yicheng obviously did not intend to continue the rescue, but said with confidence.
"Oh? Then, please start your performance!" Li Mo encouraged with a smile of interest.
"It's ugly! My dish was actually inspired by Grey's classmates. I got inspiration. Grey stripped off the dragon's spirit, reshaped the soul, and injected it into the soul, so that the dragon row had a soul. And I Seeing this, in our neon, everything can become a god! Therefore, I intend to wake up the "spirit" sleeping in sushi, so this dish is called "Six Reincarnation Soul Ascension Sushi"! "

After all, Yi Cheng suddenly stood still, his expression turned to plain, what seemed to be brewing? Then the breath is getting lower and lower ... the heartbeat is suddenly still ... the whole person is dead!
Are you dead?
This is of course impossible!
The seven mentors are as bright as a torch. Naturally, they can see that 10% of them did not commit suicide, but were in a state of ‘fake death’. The hidden soul is in an active state of high-speed movement.
"This is ... a small universe ?!" Li Mo, who has the Phoenix Saint Cloth, felt a familiar breath, which is a power system passed to the 10% by the Mao Mao King.
In the next moment, the teenager who was reluctant, mastered the Buddha boxing, realized the six realms of enchantment, and integrated the small universe into the power system, suddenly opened his eyes, Pluto was angry, and the word "pig is killed will die" just before the moment, yes The world is ugly and dark, and the cry of complaint is most vivid: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
I saw behind him a golden explosion of turbulent golden waves, and the pure golden universe rose into the sky!
His "sixth sense" instantly soared to the "seventh sense-Mo Na Shi", and then violently broke through the seventh sense, soared to the "eighth sense-Alaya consciousness" in one fell swoop, instant communication " One of Moonworld's two major inhibitory forces, Alaya's channel, a shocked pseudo-loli, an agitator, jumped from the bed with his hair.
At the moment, Liu Dongcheng wanted to use the "seventh sense" of the short-lived, and wanted to use the amount of "suppressive Alaya" to penetrate the roots and connect the "vortex of roots" with "sushi"!

In the next moment, 10% of them gave the most powerful punch in their lives!
Tianwu Baolun-Six Reincarnations!
Facing the other side to eat meat, the silent Silent King suddenly sat upright and his eyes widened with incredible expression. This is the ‘Virgo mystery’ that even she is not qualified to understand. !

After this fist, the golden small universe crashed into the tray, and the full plate of sushi was washed by the impact of god-level power. They all escaped into the six reincarnations, revived and became a Buddha.
The gap between the different ingredients was completely broken by this punch. At this moment, a portion of sushi is no longer a monotonous stack between 'different fantasy ingredients', the grudges after the death of each ingredient are completely overwhelmed by the 10% 'six fists of reincarnation', and meat, vegetables and rice grains become exceptional Peaceful, even a real standing became Buddha? !
Before this, a thin piece of dragon meat was still a part of a giant dragon; however, after this punch, this piece of meat gained overpower, completely separated from the dragon, and became oneself.
The sushi who has been baptized with a "fist of reincarnation", each part is separated from the original individual, and they are merged into one, forming a brand-new "individual". At the moment, a full plate of sushi is no longer ‘sushi’, but a Buddha, a god, they ... come alive!

叽 ... 叽叽!
The original good plate of fresh sushi, after being turned into a Buddha, actually creeped up strangely, each cell was reborn, and a splendid vitality broke out, forming a brand-new 'living body', obviously no vocal organ, still An alternative "chirping" sound made the tutors look horrified ... all backed away.
Originally, enjoying a dish full of "vitality" is definitely a temptation to drool; however, after this punch, the whole plate of sushi touches the roots of the border, and the "vitality" explodes and evolves directly. The living creature was penetrated through six reincarnations, and the activation was completed. It was no longer "food" but "creature"!
On the contrary, it is full of admiration and awe of life, and dare not speak. (Okay, it ’s actually too weird and surprising. A sushi that is alive is really ... unable to talk!)
"Great! Great!"
"Great! Great!"
"No food! No food!"
"Dare not eat! Dare not eat!"
"Senzaya! Senzaya!"
The dragon sacrifice, which had no taboos, grabbed a sushi that was struggling and chattering and threw it into his mouth. While chewing, he said impatiently: "Is there anything to be afraid of? Just eat three crunches!"
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