Chapter 1742: Liao Zhai Juan, finished (modified, please reload)

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In the underworld, the ‘Black Mountain New IP’ in the vain city is hoarding reserves for the upcoming return.
He has negotiated with Xu Fu's "Afang Shengjing". The return of the trans-crystal wall will be unilaterally contracted by the Underworld to transport costs. This is also the highest-standard trans-crystal wall transmission he has enjoyed so far.
Blanche is certainly talented in the field of smuggling across the crystal, but her young age, latent qualifications, ordinary strength, limited equipment, and backward technology have led to careful calculations for each trans-crystal transmission, and strive to achieve the highest cost performance.
However, the holy realm of Afang is different. The first emperor has a wealth of money, and despair can "eat and take cards" to the greatest extent. As long as he can pack and take away, the underworld side will receive it all, and it is completely free.

"The big forces are different! The benefits are really good."
Separating the two corners, I am trying to play the desperation of "Bone-Bone Swordsman", while checking the "contract" provided by Xu Fu, with emotion.
"The general cooperation matters are all written in. Do you have any doubts? If you are not satisfied, you can continue to talk. In addition, how long will it take you to return? Give me a quasi-number. Communication over the Holy Land. "Xu Fu asked.
"It will take another year to wait for me to reset the underworld and reincarnate, and I will be able to return. However, before leaving, the goblin needs to be dealt with, and no hidden dangers can be left, so as not to damage my new identity." Despair, said to Xu Fu.
Now that the old goblin ’s avatar is trapped in the world of Liao Zhai, and the crystal wall channel is controlled by Afang Shengjing, listening to Xu Fu saying that his deity has already bought out the colonial development right of the universe from the reincarnation hall, it can be said that it is completely trapped That old goblin. Unless the guy turns over in adversity and saves a family that can 'locally defend the gods' in a short time, it is possible to break through the encirclement and escape to Hittarheim.
But letting go is not the way. Desperate can't guarantee that after he leaves, the old goblin will really not escape. Therefore, it is necessary to rush to kill the sperm before leaving, so as not to let the "Black Mountain IP" leak out.

"Your peace of mind, that goblin has fled to the world. When I lay the nets, I will kill them all before I leave! Another thing, when the old man deduced the whereabouts of the golden spirit, he noticed that this self-knowledge has no chance." , The way of reincarnation, and instead created the "Kendo rule" in the "colonial heaven" to try to turn over and take a slice of the "sword repair road" in this world. "
"Oh? Is there something else?" Desperate did not expect that the goblin was so tenacious, he was determined to start again, and chose Kendo?
But when he thinks about it, he understands that although the elder generation of goblins have poor character, perseverance is absolutely extraordinary. After all, it is a strong man who comes over in a big wave and cannot be underestimated.
The twelve gold essences of Lijiao are all tenacious monks with dead skin and vitality comparable to cockroaches. They are not necessarily the most genius compared to the big brothers of the same period, but the resilience of life is definitely the most miracle. Only by dying one by one of the same generation Junjie, can there be a chance to get ahead.
The failure in the Hades for the "cutting the soul of gold" is basically a trivial setback in the long life. After confirming the desperate intention to touch the six reincarnations of the underworld, he decisively abandoned his original plan and fled to the world, creating an irrelevant ‘Kendo law’ in the colonial heaven, preparing to bring back Hitachim to make a small profit.
"What do seniors think about this?" Desperate asked.
"With our current strength, it is easy to destroy it, but it is not cost-effective. In my opinion, raising him for a period of time, waiting to get fat before killing. Before leaving, start working and intercept his hard and cohesive 'law of kendo', Then he shut his mouth and calmly left. I wonder if you are not interested in 'Kendo law'? "Xu Fu asked.
If you are desperately interested in "Kendo", you will let the other side go. If despair is not interested, he stays in private and takes back Hitaheim to trade. This law of heaven and earth belongs to the most common hard currency in the circle of ‘big, medium and small guy’ in the main world, and can be exchanged for many high-end spiritual materials.
"The law of kendo is exactly what I need. If my predecessors give me up, there will be a reward in the future." Naturally, despair will not forget that the fear of the sword master is also lacking a fake account. This time it was done together.
"It's okay, you can take it when you have it. I don't build swordsmanship, I have to replace it when I take it back." Xu Fu waved his hand, it didn't matter.
In the following year, ‘Black Mountain IP’ lurked in a low-key, silently devouring resources, waiting for the ascent; while desperately manipulating the ‘White Bone Sword Master IP’, he showed his thunder in the underworld and brushed his sense of anger.
Not only have they defeated and conquered all kinds of ghost kings, but also promoted the "industrial evil energy industry transformation", with the "evil energy dead tree" as the core, constantly expanding outwards, and in practice verified the various kinds of "industrial death evil energy" Conjecture and change.
On the other side, he cooperated deeply with the "Afang Shengjing" to comprehensively promote the "Mechanism of Death" in the underworld; in addition to his actions, he humbly sought advice from the experts of the Holy Realm, carefully studied the mature knowledge of the "Death Machinery", and the knowledge and action together Putting it into practice, the "Death Technology" of the Holy Land and the "Evil Energy Technology" of each other are mutually reflected, and they are innovative and embarked on their own way.
During this period, half of the mountains and rivers in the underworld of Liao Zhai were all beaten down by the "Bone Bone Sword Master" in one breath, and they completed primary industrialization. They secretly handed over the ownership of a large number of infrastructure to the experts of the "Afang Shengjing". To lay the groundwork for the awakening of "True Bone Sword Master" in the future.
In the year of the industrialization of the evil energy in the underworld, despair not only reshaped the ‘order of the capital’, but also registered the ‘law of the dead industrial evil’ in the colonial heaven, and simultaneously mapped it into the ‘crystal wall heaven’ in the main world.
It is also considered to be officially in place, and now he has a place in Hitaheim's "Infinite Path", which is already regarded as the regular "Reaper of the Grim Reaper". (Note: The "death" in the underworld of Hittarheim has long flooded ... not worth the money.)

With the joint efforts of Despair and Xu Fu, the "new heaven" of Liao Zhai's Habitat is completely Sittaheimized, and it is compatible with multiple systems of "cultivation side, faith side, and mechanical side".
Xu Jun was shocked by Jianjun's 'Twelve White Gods and Demons', and the inferior belief worship of countless devotees who had conquered in despair. Inside secretly: there is definitely someone behind this product!
In this regard, despair is a well-deserved expert. He applied the "Xiaodianyin Temple Belief Technology" in all directions, combined with his own "Demon Network", and used the "Evil Dead Tree" as a server, opened the "Carla God Tree Unlimited WiFi Project", and raised a round in the hell. Death Moon
(infinite month reading).
In just one month, it quickly constructed a 1G-level inferior 'faith WiFi' that enveloped the entire prefecture world, and swallowed the aborigines' beliefs, demons, and condensed a set of 'virtual deities', and was consecrated by the underworld. 'New Tiandao' accepts recognition.
In the fog of Xu Fuyun who was watching this wave of operation, as a front-line master of Afang Shengjing, he was also blind. After all, the art industry specializes in the art of ‘heart demons, beliefs, and networks’, and Li Mo is already the most top-notch in Hittheim.
In desperation, all of them were registered "private patents", and they were combined to form a "law barrier monopoly." Not to mention Xu Fu, even if the big man in the Demon Realm ‘he freely grabbed the Demon Master’ came, he would have to hit the wall and return.

It took five months before and after despair to build a "faith network" in the underworld. At the same time as the primary industrialization of the prefecture, the information network of the underworld was completed, so that the lone souls and ghosts of the underworld can also be like the natives of the ninja And live a brand new 'soul surfing' life.
In this 'network', they can exchange exercises, online pk, first worship worship and then consume the power of faith, or pay to receive the spiritual purification service of 'soul purification'. As an official, despair only charges 5% Handling fees have accumulated a lot of capital.
The "wealth" he exploited from ghosts is a hard currency in any underworld, and he has accumulated a large amount of starting capital for the upcoming "Journey to the Underworld".
In the next five months, desperately used the mature ‘belief system’ to create 12 kings and goddesses.
And in the last two months, I went deep into the depths of the "Six Dao Reincarnation", and connected the "new Hades of Heaven" with the "Broken Six Dao Reincarnation", and worked with the expert team of Afang Shengjing to make a deeper edit. law'. With the help of Xu Fu's team, he built a wall of sighs to protect the "six reincarnations" and the "Elysian Pure Land" behind the wall.
Well, in this project, Despair actually watched soy sauce all the way and got huge benefits.

He didn't understand these high-end knowledge at all, nor could he get in. If it is not the status of ‘Dafa Hopeful Party’, it is not even eligible for contact. These "reincarnation" technologies are also core technologies in Afang Shengjing, and it is difficult for non-core personnel to access them.
Because the "six reincarnations" can only be transformed by the hands of "Bone-Bone Swordsman", the expert team of Afang Shengjing can't help but let desperate visual learning and observation. During this period, he absorbed nutrients and kept stealing teachers.
As for the constructed "new-six-way reincarnation-mechanical modification", this thing is true, and it has nothing to do with despair. This is a professional equipment tailored to the needs of the Holy Land. He left immediately, and even if Afang Shengjing transformed the Hades into a 'mechanical land', he would not be affected.
There are three reasons why Despair cooperates in this way: The first is to steal new technologies and increase knowledge. The second is to fulfill his previous aspirations, rebuild six ways, and repay the cause and effect. In the end, still digging pits for the "Bone Sword Sword".

Over the past year, he has sold the ownership of "Liao Zhai Hades" to "Afang Shengjing" one after another. The Holy Realm has also joined hands with despair to treat the "Liao Zhai Di Fu" as a testing ground for the "Tian Dao class" transformation experiment ... This increasingly strange "mechanized Hades" is quite not for the resurrected "White Bone Sword Master" friendly.
As you can imagine, according to the normal style of painting, after the bones regained consciousness, he thought that he was bound to a traditional secluded world of "remote, backward, low magic, and barren". Although the conditions are bitter, he can step by step as long as he works hard. Take control of the underworld, return to the top, save enough ground to return to Hittarheim.
But after such a desperation, the bones will wake up in a strange hell, "remote, backward, low-magic, barren, mechanized death, network data ...". His familiar ‘traditional bone rules’ were severely suppressed, and the new ‘main mechanical rules’ and ‘network rules’ of the new heaven ’s way of life, his old man's face was ignorant, he couldn't play at all, and he was back to the top of the chicken!

Afang Shengjing has long known about the desperate little conspiracy and small plans, but the team of experts is also very interested in the ancient inheritors of the "Department of White Bone Devil". Instead of blocking the desperate pan dumping plan, he cooperated everywhere and made suggestions to make his digging plan extremely smooth.
The plan of Shengjing is very simple. In addition to the completion of the 'Death Death Mechanization Experiment', a new project was added to observe the actions of the 'Ancient Inheritor-Baigu Jianjun' after the resurrection of the 'Xindi Mansion'. Collect experimental data and enrich the 'Anti-inheritor' database.
This year's cooperation desperately transferred the various ‘heavenly powers of management’ in the underworld, and even the ‘authority’ of the 12 King ’s virtual deity, to the hands of the Holy Land. It is foreseeable that after the bones recover, he is still nominally the Lord of the Hades, bound to each other with the "Six Reincarnations".
However, the "Liu Dao" bound to him is completely strange, unreadable, and even more incomprehensible, and the 12 Yan Luo Shenge in his name was completely aerial by the team of holy experts. In this state, if you want to regain authority and return to the top, you will inevitably have a battle with the Holy Realm Expert Group.
What the panel of experts expects is the struggle and resistance of the "experimental body". Even if it blows us all up, we are not angry at all, but we are extremely happy!
Because it can explode our ‘experimental body’, it is obviously more precious and rare! The data collected is more valuable.
Here, let us observe a moment of silence for the ‘True Bone Sword Master’ who is about to wake up.
After the land mansion is booming, the progress of the goblin in the world is not slow.
After A Fang Shengjing completely blocked the "Liao Zhai World", Jin Jing was cut off from the main world. Neither can transmit information nor obtain material support, and can only carry a few remaining goblins to survive in a low-key world.
After the disastrous defeat in the underworld, the old land was meticulously reluctant. He gave up the 'Law of Soul, the Law of Death, and Six Reincarnations', and planned to register the best 'Law of Soul Sword' in the world to integrate into the colonial heaven and obtain a new 'law foundation' .
However, the old goblin was surprised to find that the concept of ‘Chopping Soul Sword’ was sued by some kind of creature called ‘Reincarnation Crushing Crab’!
In general, Despair releases the beast first, completes the registration in the "Colony of Heaven", and becomes a native congenital beast. When the old goblin registered the ‘Chopping Soul Sword’, the law he submitted severely copied the ‘Chopping Soul Crab’, which was rejected by Heaven.
The spitting gold essence vomited old blood on the spot, angry, and looked up to the sky! It was only their goblins who copied others, this time they were in a remote and strange world and were given to them by strangers!
You have never heard of this thing before going to your horse?
In order to accumulate a strength and break through the blockade of Afang Shengjing, the old goblin had to retreat to the second place and began to seek the "Kendo Rule". After all, in addition to the concepts of "cutting soul, soul, death ...", his "law of cutting soul" also has the meaning of "knife".
In this way, the old goblin gritted his teeth and took the lead in desperation. He registered all the invisible swords, indestructible swords, four prime swords, and huntian swords of Hittarheim, and then spent another six months to extract a more primitive one. , A more basic 'Kendo rule'.

It is almost tenth month when the old goblin adapts to the native law of heaven and condenses the "law of kendo" in the colonial heaven.
At that time, the "Law of Heaven" in the world of Liao Zhai had been severely alienated, making the soulless spirits anxious and eager to escape the universe.
Under the deliberate guidance of despair and Xu Fu, he aimed at the ‘Shu Mountain’ in the local world. The old goblin has no way to go, but can only pierce Shushan, take the opponent ’s gas operation as fuel, force samsara sacrifices, communicate the samsara temple, and frantically make money from the body of the main world, open a channel to lead this avatar go.
In the last two months, the old goblin sensed that the "Six Reincarnations of the Hades" had been modified and began to be mechanized. The world ’s heavenly path and power system became more and more bizarre. He was desperate and mad at the Shushan and launched a fierce fight with the right path.

Two months later, just as the old goblin successfully penetrated the copy of Shushan, the long-awaited despair jumped out with Xu Fu to rob the fruits of labor.
In this battle, desperately restart the "Bone Bone Sword Master IP", control the twelve-handed bone bone Yan Luojian, pk cut the soul of gold.
The old goblin consumed half of his strength at that time, and finally communicated to the reincarnation hall, but was intercepted halfway by despair, desperately destructed, and laid down Taiyi to cut the fairy sword array, while struggling to fight back, while fighting for his time to connect to the "reincarnation hall".
At the same time, he yelled and asked who was despair? Dare to leave an identity? Return to Hittheim in the future and have a good time!
What kind of person is desperate? Naturally disdain to hide his head and show his tail, so he shouted: "I Li Xiaoyao acted against the sky all his life, happy enmity, why should I explain to the goblins like Er? Die!"
At the end of his speech, while violently overdrawing the 'Twelve Yuanchen Xuanyin Bone Yan Luojian', he chose to detonate the 'bone bone fetus' in his body, blasting the old goblin alive and extinguishing the dust.

At the moment when the plan was communicated, Xu Fu took the initiative to open a rift, so that the lord of the "spiritual spirit" who was far away in the main world, sensed the fall of the avatar, and followed the path of the reincarnation hall to drop a thought to explore the causes and consequences.
Under the deliberate guidance of the professional gangs, Jin Jing did not read any information of the doppelgangers, but captured the strong unwillingness and resentment when he died. In addition, there is a murderer's breath!
"White bone swordsman Li Xiaoyao! Me and you are not finished!"

On the other side, after desperate self-explosion of the "Boneless Dao", the Bone Sword Master fully recovered and recovered.
But despair stuck this time difference and returned to the body of the "Black Mountain Demon" to begin the final causal settlement. He donated all the properties in Hades to the other party, donated 12 copies of "Yan Luo Shenge" together, and allocated a large number of physical assets such as the "trans-crystal colonial industry" and the main world life planet prepared by the deity in advance. The other party's name.
When the White Bone Sword Slayer exploded and resurrected, the "New Black Mountain Demon" took the "Shushan Qiyun" seized by the goblins and walked together with Xu Fu to the "crystal wall tunnel" to the underworld.
Liao Zhai, finished.
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