Chapter 1757: The upcoming "Journey to the West Self-help Shopping Tour"!

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In order to protect their IQ from being ridiculed by readers, Li Mo and others directly skipped the discussion part of the 'Trial Exam Room'. After all, it's a thing of the past. Blindness only sinks deeper, but highlights their intellectual disability.
The most urgent task now is the upcoming ‘Western Journey Self-Shopping Tour’!
"Tiandao internal test has already started. If you don't receive the" test internal benefits "in the Westward Journey in time, it will expire. What do you think?" Li Mo first asked.
"This is also our main purpose to come to you." Sister Ruth nodded and explained, "Trial points are hard to come by, and it is also the last opportunity for me to wait for the testimony. I cannot watch them expire. See, naturally the faster the better! "

Sister Ruth is not the same as Li Mo and Tong En. The latter two have a big career and one has father and mother. During the Tiandao internal test, there are still a lot of opportunities to defeat Taoism, and even one or two failures will not matter. They can quickly reinvigorate and fight the 3000 series again. The two attach great importance to the "Journey to the West", but have not reached the point where they are desperately mad.
Of course, Sister Ruth is different, and her heritage is far worse than the two. If you want to make a difference in this "Tian Dao Internal Test", you must be desperate to make good achievements and have a good future, and you must continue to succeed. There must be no mistake. In the end, we will be lucky enough to reach the top 3000 of Heavenly Dao, which is a trap crisis. (Suddenly feeling that Sister Ruth is so inspirational)
"The Journey to the West" is a key part of her enlightenment. She cares more about this ‘travel’ than anyone else, and her heart is full of urgency and anxiety.

"It's really going to speed up. I got some secret inside information from my dad's sword school." The well-informed person jumped out again, showing off her knowledge.
"Tell me!"
When Li Mo saw Tongen's long-awaited expression of invitation, he had to rub her head around like a cat, and finally after she was comfortably served, the girl narrowed her eyes and said:
"The Invisible Sword Sect, as the core force of the" inheritance camp ", has sent people deep into it and successfully returned. The scouts found that there have been a large number of" adventors "who are frequently active in the Journey to the West, trying to seize the opportunity. The situation in the Three Realms is now difficult. It is predicted that we have lost the opportunity, and it will be a little trouble if we take another step later. "
"Really? Then we don't act quickly." Sister Ruth urged anxiously.
"Sister Ruth, do n’t worry, I just said that I ca n’t delay anymore, but I did n’t say that we missed the best time. I have two exact messages at hand: First, there are indeed a large number of people in the main world, buy 'sky-price tickets', enter Journey to the world. But the real main force stayed on the ground and sent only a small number of the first troops to test the water. Today ’s Journey to the West is in the stage of water test. Most of those 'adventors' are pathfinders and cannon fodder, to explore more accurate information for us. However, some major forces have mastered mature intelligence and started to take action. I said the "opportunity" is to compete with this group of elites, not to compete with the cannon fodder. "
"This second thing, the gods and buddhas of that world are not reserved, and have begun to sell" divine position, position ", and even their own qi. And it is still" sell more than one. "However, this position is not first come, first served, It ’s the clear price, the one with the highest price. We have the
in our hands. This is the advantage. Those who bought the tickets have no points in their hands, and it ’s in vain to jump again.

The intelligence king enjoys the feeling of being noticed by the people and reveals a little bit.
With the launch of the Tiandao internal test, a large number of "Westward Journey Tickets" flowed out from the inheritance camp, obtained by various gods and demons of the main world, and sent effective men to enter this special world, trying to get a slice of the "Reenactment of the God List" plan.
The purpose of these water test cannons is very clear. For example, in the future, the masters of the main world will successfully retrieve the "reprinted version of the gods list" and put them into the crystal wall heaven; the main world will inevitably be based on the style of the "Eastern fairy mythology". , Re-plan the crystal wall system's 'rules, divine system'.
Eliminate the old 'family-type gods, energetic racial gods' gangs, small workshop-type gods', rebuild a huge, systematic, high-efficiency' crystal wall heaven 'covering the entire universe, and set fire Ministry, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Finance and other institutions.
This new "Shen Ting" model has greatly increased "spiritual jobs" and eased the pressure of insufficient supply of "sacred positions". Let the "priesthood" that could only be occupied by one become a department shared by several gods.
In the past, several divine lines were isolated from each other, and the paintings were for regional autonomy. "The same priesthood" confrontation, hostility, internal friction, and constant drag on the crystal wall system will also change. All the ‘same priesthood’ of the entire universe will unite, divide and cooperate, and reduce consumption efficiently.
In the same way, it also weakens the authority that dilutes the 'spirit'.

Give a chestnut:
Suppose that in the old era, the dwarf gods, elf gods, orc gods, human gods, kobold gods ... all existed as ‘fire gods’. In order to become stronger, some Vulcans fight against each other for the ‘secret authority’ and strike the dog ’s brain, which causes the Fire Law of the crystal wall system to fluctuate and fail to grow steadily.
So now, after absorbing the ‘Feng Shenbang’, Hittarheim will set up the ‘Fire Ministry’ to manage all the fire gods. The fire rules of all regions of the universe are converged and re-distributed in the form of "divine position, deity". The most excellent "fire rule ruler" of the crystal wall system is responsible for cooperating with each other to macro-control the crystal wall system of the fire system. The rule of "grow bigger and stronger, let the universe enter the expansion stage of benign development.
At the moment of the "Westward Journey" period, it is the practitioners of the main world who grabbed the last opportunity for cheating before Tiandao officially absorbed the "Fengshenbang" and constructed the "Wall of the Gods".
Hypothesis: If the Radiation Legion sends out a mouthful of Piliso who is good at confusing the ‘Passenger’, enters the world of Journey to the West, and successfully flickers to Huo Dexingjun to wait for the ‘Gods of the Fire Ministry’ to obtain the ‘God’ of the opponent.
Then after the internal test is fully operational in the future, the Radiation Legion can take advantage of this opportunity to apply to Jingbi Tiandao to build a "nuclear department" that is in line with Hittarheim's characteristics and has more vitality and potential, instead of the so-called "Fire Ministry" '.
Once this plan is successful, the foundation of the future 'crystal wall system' will undergo drastic changes. "Fire" will be replaced by "Nuclear"! At that time, the ‘Five Elements Rule’ of the Immortal Dao Universe would limped off one leg, and the ‘Nuclear Dao’ from then on would become one of the foundations of the universe.
Even the ‘Fire Elemental Plane’, one of the four major elemental planes, may be occupied by the dove ’s magpie ’s nest and eventually evolve into the ‘Nuclear Elemental Plane’. The "radiation flame demon" will also be completely out of the shackles of the "Abyss Mother", and the clan will soar and become a new big clan independent of the "Tanari Demon Race".
(Although breaking off the relationship with the "demon" will lose a lot of gas, but the "radiation flame demon" has stood up! It is no longer controlled by the abyss mother, no longer dragged by other relatives of the salty fish demon, and can be like humans and goblins. Condensing exclusive 'ethnic luck', but has a broader development prospect. The above are His Majesty Carlos' yy and ambition.)

In the same way, the Ministry of Finance held by Zhao Gongming in the Journey to the West is obviously hungry for Kryptonian Lori, Goddess of Wealth, and a series of bigwigs involved in wealth, financial priesthood, and law.
The Thunder Ministry is even more popular, no matter whether it is practicing Thunder, Thunder system magic, or a warrior who turns the magnetic field, or any other Tesla or Faraday, it will not give up this opportunity.
In addition, according to the analysis of many predictors in Hittarheim, the "Thunder Department" is very likely to be influenced by the "Thunder Tribulation Culture" of other fairy road universes, and become the representative way of the "Sky Tribulation" of the crystal wall system.
Once this plan is approved, "Leifa" will become unattainable from now on! From the ordinary elemental law, it is sublimated into the noble avenue of punishment on behalf of the sky. And any gangster related to the "Lei system law", may be in charge of the heavenly catastrophe!
After the Tiandao public beta, the big players of Leibu can get a steady flow of wealth by relying on the py transaction behind them.
A fool can understand that countless practitioners who faced "Heavenly Tribulation" in Hittarheim have to offer "Sincerity and Chrysanthemum" to the Thunder Ministry boss to reduce the difficulty of Thunder Tribulation.

After hearing this ‘prophecy news’, Li Mo can imagine the picture of the future Tiandao public beta:
A "legendary" demon with a good practice, before Daoji came, he suddenly got a whim, quickly took out his phone, logged in to "Xiandao Demon Net", entered a private "Yangshen IP account", and clicked on "My good deeds" -Yuebao
, check your merit deposit.
Then, the demon monk frowned, and found that things were not simple. So I logged in to the "Moon Eye Online Mall", downloaded the free "Sky Tribulation Intensity Calculator", entered my own Daojie data, and then called up my own "cause and effect record" to compare the "doing good" with the past three hundred years. Enter the 'Xing Evil' deeds, and finally press the OK key.
Soon, the "Heavenly Tribulation Computer" gave the ultimate answer according to a strict and complicated formula:
Insufficient merits, excessive karma, insufficient strength, and unstable foundation. In addition to the bad weather on the day of the robbery, the yellow calendar shows the big murder, and the user's face value is too low, affecting the fortune, you will have an 87.6% chance of being hacked!
In desperation, the demon monk had to log in to the "Taiyin Heart Demon Network" again with the "real name IP", enter the "Lao Xianhua chant", mortgage the Daojie, private rules, sign a harsh "causal real name fruit loan", get A huge sum of merit. Then log in to Xiandao Demonnet again, click on the ‘My Heavenly Tribulation’ option to recharge the merits ...
Ding Dong!
The phone received a text message:
'Hitaheim Leibu-Team Tribulation 52, warmly inform you: your Sky Tribulation will be rescheduled at XX day XX hour XX, and it will come at the beep beep beep of the XX planet coordinates of the Old Star World. , Yidu robbery. Since your good deeds exceed basic standards, the power of Skyrim will be reduced by two levels of difficulty. The gods of the Ministry of Thunder reminded warmly that there is a risk of sky-tribulation. Please contact XXXXXXX and consult [Tiankai Baobao Service] ’
Soon, the "Tianyin", which monitored the demon's browsing records, also sent countless harassment messages, including: surrogate robbery, professional plastic surgery, private chat, expert consultation on robbery, and virtues of merit -Faraday cage leasing business, trial ferry robbery business ...

Li Mo shook his head, shook out all kinds of fantasies from his mind, and continued to discuss this 'Westward Journey Self-Shopping Tour' with Tong En and Sister Ruth.
Their biggest advantage is that they have just participated in the trial and have a lot of points in their hands. In particular, Li Mo and Tong En's layout in the No. 1 examination room has a continuous 'test score' to start with. Although the amount is small, it is better than the long stream ...
This score is the key to the Journey to the West.
According to Tongen, the saints of the Journey to the West have seen that the "Journey to the West Universe" is going downhill and cannot return to the "Peak of the Ancients". Instead, they are shifting towards the "era of the last law".
In the long run, the fairy system will enter the 'goddess dusk'. Ordinary Jinxian can see the crisis, but lacks strength, and cannot jump out of the "universe" circle; while the saints who have the strength to jump out are bound to Heavenly Dao, unable to take off, and can only lose common prosperity with Heavenly Dao. .
In this situation, they reached a deal with the experienced ‘heritage camp gangster’.
Imitating the extraterrestrial Demon Run Group of the "Yin Ruins Great World" at that time, copying the successful experience of the "heritage invading Hitaheim", the group escaped from the "Westward Universe", and positioned a "High Demon Crystal Wall System" from the reincarnation hall Invasion is coming!
(The game of "Journey to the West" is more like the supreme abandoning the Yinxu Great World, and running with their own traditions. It is not the "Hitaheim inheritance camp that was abandoned and successfully turned over." Salted Fish Run Group '.)

This kind of behavior obviously betrayed his own universe, especially the ‘saints’ who were bound to the heavenly path, and it was even more difficult to cut off their own cause and effect and run on their strength. Therefore, this cooperation was facilitated.
The inheritance camp will replace the "run road group" to undertake the "cause and effect" of the westward journey of the universe, and provide technology, funds, and materials to help the saints to take the road with the ancestors and the heaven. (With a complete structure of the heavenly backbone running, invading any universe, you can quickly expand the base car and complete a gorgeous and perfect invasion colony. The Hittheim inheritance camp is committed to helping any 'Xiandao civilization 'Groups invade any' crystal wall civilization universe '!)
The "Various Divine Positions, Fate, Qi Numbers" and even the "Spiritual Treasures of Heaven and Earth" that the running group once mastered are all closely connected to the Journey to the West, and the cost of taking away is too great. , As a chance to bring back to Hittarheim.
As for how the "inheritance camp" deals with the cause and effect of the "Journey to the West"? That's not the problem that Li Mo's group of small fishes considered. All they have to do is to grab the benefits and hit the chance ... the sky is falling, and there are masters who are holding it.

The "test score" in the hands of Li Mo and others is also the "running ticket" of many gods and Buddhas in the Journey to the West!
As mentioned earlier, the test score itself is composed of the two universes of ‘Hitaheim and Journey to the World’, and is jointly issued by both parties. The number is limited and valuable. It was placed in the test room for candidates to compete.
Candidates such as Li Mo held the ‘test score’ as a voucher to enter the world of Journey to the West, conduct py transactions with various gods and Buddhas, and exchange ‘scores’ for ‘divine position, qi number, fate, second-hand Lingbao, and waste household appliances’.
The gods and goddesses of the West Journey traded to the "test score" and then used it to exchange the "ship ticket" of the road group with the "inheritance camp". New story. (This version of the crystal wall invasion, without the reincarnation hall, is obviously not as colorful as Hitaheim.)
The entire transaction process is fair and equitable, without worrying about inflation and depreciation.

After the discussion, Li Mo agreed with Tong En and Ruth.
At that time, the four great evil gods will form a 'Westward Journey Self-help Shopping Group' with the Andy Niang.
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