Chapter 1774: The widowed sister pushed her glasses: "Monkey version of wisdom!"

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In the description of the widowed sister, she originally joined forces with Ant-Man, using the "Pim particles" and equipment in the other party's hands, to have initially completed the analysis and application of "traversing the parallel universe".
However, in the ‘primary stage’ that had just yielded results, the pale hawker suddenly came. This made the "little gangsters" who had no strength to rob, suddenly had their own "pro-thigh", immediately revised the plan, and ransacked her laboratory halfway.
Afterwards, Pale gathers the power of two dumplings and completes the final optimization on the basis of ‘primary results’. The family ascends the ‘parallel universe’ and travels to the ‘movie universe’ next door to prepare for a big fight!

There are many reasons why the pale team can complete 'parallel universe crossing'.
First of all, it was very important for him and the dumplings to take away the original equipment of Ant-Man while they were not prepared. Although this universe also has ant-humans and even ‘Pim particles’, there are still huge differences between the same objects in the two universes. At least the widowed sister has personally studied, the preparation of the ‘next ant man’ is very different from the technology left by the ‘hic ant man’ in this universe.
In the same way, this piece of equipment that has entered the "quantum field" and successfully traversed a "parallel universe" is no longer the ordinary ant-man suit. It has a special meaning. With the legendary experience, it has been upgraded to the "epic equipment" , With extremely high added value. Whoever comes to it is like the world of Shuanglong in the Great Sui Dynasty.
Secondly, Wan is a cultural person. Like Zunmo, he is a rare research talent among the five great moons. Although his core rule is 'commercial', his roots are 'scientific research starting'. With his core technology, he opened his purse in Hitaheim the company.
After all, there is no real ability, how can you not swindle a splendid cheat?
Not only is Pale an 'expert', but his two small groups also master a large amount of Marvel's local 'black technology'. Do n’t look at the two dumplings going bankrupt for countless times, but in the reset of each week ’s time, they all joined different forces and endeavored to include the ‘secret technology’ of each school, and even the ‘Pim particles’ of this universe.
Precisely because the time and place are right and ready, so "Pale" did not spend much time, and successfully completed the study of the magic reform, took two to the parallel universe next door, and there was no news.
Pale and Xiaotuan are extremely efficient at committing crimes. Almost after the robbery was successful that day, when they were found by the widow sister on the third day, they had already run away.
On the other hand, the research of the widow sister camp on the other side was caught in Caton.
Widowed as the "third invisible giant" who has experienced N weeks, she has the ant-human technology of the universe. There are a large number of low-level scientific researchers, and there are advanced black technology laboratories. In theory, just relying on this foundation and eating through the equipment brought by the ant-man next door, you will be eligible to "traverse parallel universes".
However, after the equipment was stolen, things became awkward. She still lacks a ‘top smart’ researcher to help her complete the most important step of ‘flying next door’!
In the Women ’s Federation 4, ‘Hulk and Iron Man’ both acted as intelligent agents and developed equipment that travels through time and space; while in this universe, ‘Pale + Shuang Tuan’ has completed the same steps with rich scientific research experience.
But widowed sister ... there is no such presence around her. As for Mr. 'An Ant-next Man' who personally traveled through the parallel universe?
Well, he is not Dr. Piem, this illiterate one is simply a thief. It ’s okay if you let him wear the Ant-Man ’s equipment to challenge the difficulty ‘stealing infinite gems from the ba tyrant’! But you let him restore the scientific and technological principles contained in this equipment out of thin air?
Um ... he really used a watercolor pen on a white piece of paper to restore a "ant man's suit", don't say that, the painting is still a little bit similar ...
But this has an egg!
Today, the final sibling ‘ice and fire’ Marvel ’s ‘smart people’ on the planet has little left!
The really high IQ ‘Dr. Banner’ was sold to the main world long before Li Mo first arrived. The subsequent 'Peter Parker' was also sold by Li Mo. After he left, Mr. Magic, Beast, Lord Dumm ... were all sold out one after another.
In the end, the only remaining "high IQ" is qualified to use his own power to launch the existence of a "parallel universe shuttle device", leaving only the former Iron Man "Tie Ni Ni" who fell into single loves!
As a version of Stark, she theoretically has the IQ of the most explosive watch on earth today!
However, after being poured into a mother drowning spring, she fully explained what is called ‘Ferocious and Brainless’. The rapid growth of the European School has ruthlessly extracted nutrients from her brain, causing her IQ to repeatedly break new lows.
But her unrequited love "American Demon King", because of the incarnation of the Lich King, did not become "Gill Bing hard", get "freezing strengthen buff". On the contrary, in the form of a cold living dead person, because the blood is frozen and cannot be congested, the debuff becomes immortal and permanent.
Moreover, even if the "female version of Iron Man" maintains the "wisdom" of the peak period, it is impossible to help the widow to complete the research.

Because there is no more ‘super brain’ in this world, before the arrival of ‘Victor’, the widowed sister had to roll up her sleeves and go into battle personally!
Here, I have to mention her condensed "Private Law", which is simply amazing!
The story goes back to the "Magic Cosmos", she was the first to inject the "potential potion" developed by "Professor Victor".
This genetic medicine can intelligently search for the most promising ‘cells’ in the body and magnify its ‘characteristics’ indefinitely, and eventually evolve into a super talent! Let ordinary humans also compete with superheroes and mutants.
The ‘Big Three’ who dominate the planet today are all beneficiaries of this ‘potential potion’, but their capabilities are also very different.
The old popsicle team, because of the cold meat all year round, his cells generally gained ‘low temperature properties’, and finally the drug screened out some of the strongest ‘frozen cells’ from his body, helping him wake up the ‘cold’ talent.
As for Director Nick, it is even more legendary!
Because of the racial talent (black and thick) of 'Nico', the world-famous rural woman who licked the dog's kneeling clothes with countless dry food, he obviously possessed a clever and cunning 'agent king' brain, and even exercised a With a battle-hardened body and injected with the "infinite formula", he was not selected by the "potential potion", but instead locked the big baby (sponge body cells) passed down from generation to generation, and finally awakened the "sponge body Tianzun" 'Ability.
(This fully shows that the bloodline is powerful, and even surpasses your acquired efforts. Even if you study madly, sharpen a super brain, and get a top body through exercise. In front of the fair medicine, you ca n’t hide your excellent Ancestral 'Big Capital'.)

Compared with the two giants, the widowed sister as the first experimental body is not inferior.
At the time of Li Mo's judgment, the strongest cell in her body was the "hospitable (hulk) cell" that was kept for a long time, and finally became the monkey version of the Hulk-female hospitality!
However, this story does not end!
After Li Mo left, the widowed sister came into contact with the spiritual system from Hitaheim and began to try to condense the 'Private Law'. She didn't realize that Li Mo's diagnosis and judgment on her own was completely wrong until the "Tao fetal link" saw her sex.
Potential agents can only be inspired by their own 'strongest cells'. Even if the widowed sister has preserved ‘Clark cells’ with a shelf life of 10,000 years, she still cannot replace her own cells and evolve into her ‘talent’!
'Hospitable women' is not actually the truth about the ability of widowed sister!
She is awakened by a talent called 'Magic Girl You Can't Afford', able to save, record and switch the genetic information of any guest, and then extract the corresponding genetic information of the other party like a magic girl, and open The 'monkey mode' of cottage simulation.
Her personal rule is to transform the ‘superhero gene bank’ collected in her body into hulk-like, life seeds. When needed, use her awakened ‘talent’ to connect and open the corresponding ‘superhero monkey mode’!

In the days when Li Mo left, the widowed sister not only developed and optimized the "Hulk Mode" of the physical burst table, then excavated the "Little Lich King Form", "Sponge Body Female Heavenly Lord Mode", and "Into the Soul" "Eagle Eye Mode", ... "Singular Female Doctor Form", "Female Black Panther" ... etc.
Among the many templates, there is an intelligence enhancement mode derived from Stark: "Female Iron Man", which successfully inherited the wisdom of Stark Monkey.
Regrettably, the ‘Monkey Banner ’s Wisdom’, which should have been equally clever, was covered by the ‘Hulk Personality’ with a stronger chromosome! It is a great regret to practice a good "Monkey Edition Scientific Research Trumpet" into a "mad warrior".
Recently, the widowed sister has long turned on the 'Female Anal Iron Man Form' and burned brain cells to conduct related research.
It's a pity that the old ant-man in this universe is too old and threw the street too early. When she awakened and developed the "Private Rule", she had no chance to send a post, burn and save the genetic information of "Dr. Pimm", and obtain the monkey version. Old Pim's wisdom '.
Now the incomplete ‘Monkey Stark Wisdom’ has helped the widowed sister to complete 65 +% of the scientific research progress and finally completely stuck. Until Victor appeared, she saw new hope.
Only the two small dumplings left by Victor can complete the "parallel universe crossing". Now that we see the genuine "Dr. Victor", we will be able to complete the last 35-% of the "research progress"!
"If you really want to find their whereabouts, only cooperate with me." The widow said seriously.
After learning about the other party's "Magic Female Chromosome Hot Weapon Database" talent, Victor also apologized!
No wonder she can insist on keeping her eyes on the street for so many weeks, but has become the third female giant after the two giants. It turns out that she masters the two rules of 'ice and fire' at the same time! Even the cottage has copied the private rules of countless superheroes, and has truly achieved the goal of knowing each other well.
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