Chapter 1784: Younger brother in charge, friendly fellow, and crossing the parallel universe

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Let the cheap apprentices of White Pick up collect the works that seem useless. Victor curiously flipped through a stack of manuscripts. This thing was regarded as a treasure by Xiaohetong. It is said that they recorded in the "Monster Village-Fantasy Township". Race technology passed down from generation to generation.
Although in Hitaheim, this is just a stack of castles in the sky, an unrealistic manuscript of the unreal world Kappa, without any scientific basis. But ‘inspiration’ always comes from all kinds of whimsy.
Therefore, he read the folded Kappa manuscript as an extracurricular children's book. Fairy tales and the most interesting!
Victor murmured in his heart, and began to read: "Well ... what kind of garbage is this?"
Among the heirlooms of Kappa, there is a thick stack describing the "steam technology" that has been eliminated in the main world. In addition, there is a lot of space describing the narrative about the "clockwork technology" and what is imported from overseas. Mystery '?
These ideas and concepts have either been eliminated or outdated or monopolized by others, and the ‘Hecheng Hetuo’ is simply not qualified to develop them, but rather ...
Victor turned to the last part of the manuscript, and then his eyes suddenly light up. This paragraph records a plan called 'Kappa's Energy Industry Revolution'.

The general content is this:
In the "Monster Countryside", there was an elder named "Hachiban Old Lady". She lamented the backwardness of her hometown. She did not have enough power for the "Tianlongren-Wu Laotai" to squander extravagance and waste. . Such a life does not match her status as elder elder.
At the same time, she was envious of the high-tech life of human beings outside, so she hired the Kappa engineering team to initiate an energy revolution, reusing the abandoned 'burning hell', creating a high-temperature furnace, and cultivating a solar incarnation ' 'Baiwuwu', stuffed in and burned again.
In this way, her mansion can obtain an endless stream of 'nuclear fusion energy'. From then on, water and electricity are not worrying, and he can also soak in the warm hot springs of hell, and even sell electricity resources and provide hot water services to the entire "monster village" to make a profit. It ’s really beautiful.
The old lady "Hakasaka" who ate a solitary food eventually had internal strife with other elders because of the uneven distribution of stolen goods. Her 'Energy Revolution Plan' was thwarted by the poor witches secretly hired by the other four dragons.
And this great ‘Fantasy Tun’ is about to be completed, and the great ‘project’ is about to be completed. After all, for some shameful reasons, it ended in failure, and it became the lingering sorrow and regret in the heart of Hetong.
After Victor turned the last page, his face was very weird. How could he become more familiar with the scheme of the 'Binwu Nuclear Fusion Reactor'? Isn't this the simple version of my "Red Crow Cave"?
With a flick of the head of Xiao Hetong, Victor asked: "I heard that you really want to reproduce racial technology and fulfill your dream?"
"Uh huh!"
"If you pick one, what do you choose?" Victor pointed to the ‘Hetong Manuscript’. There are many projects in it, among which the most difficult and the most scientific and technological content is undoubtedly the 'Bajianwu nuclear melting furnace'. Little Kappa chose this unexpectedly.
"Okay! As a teacher, I will teach you the principle of" radiating red crows ". Remember, the sun in Hittarheim's universe is not a fool, nor a three-legged golden crow, but a" radiating red crows! "
Victor warned that he had initially negotiated with Gujia and would hold the resources of "300,000 Sun God Brothers" in the future.
As long as he wants, he can lock these ‘sun gods’ into any form. The "Red Crow Cave" is Victor's exclusive ability. He will formulate the "Sun Godhead" that will sell the whole universe in the future, and will be unified as the "Red Crow Image", which is equivalent to a "trademark".
It ’s like an Apple phone with a rotten apple. Huawei ’s phone is painted with a ‘chrysanthemum’. The appearance of the trademark does not affect the quality and effect of Godhead. However, once these images of "red crow" are widely recognized and accepted by the Hittarheim universe, they will become an unshakable and difficult to change reality.
At that time, he who had the ‘red crow’ could naturally benefit from the belief of the ‘sun’. Because the image of the red crow has become a powerful totem.

Victor at this time imparted the "Red Crow Cave" to Kappa. On the one hand, it was a meeting with teachers, which fulfilled Xiao Kappa's dream; on the other hand, the business of the future "300,000 Sun God Brother" was a big deal. project.
This kind of business that sells low-level gods in large quantities has a great enthusiasm and has a terrible profit. Even if the Krypton Emperor and the Lord of the Morning Light see it, they will tear their faces and insert a hand; even Carlos of the Radiation Legion will not sit back and watch Victor eat a single food. .
But this is precisely the private cooperation between Li Mo and Gujia, which should not be included in the 'Chiyan Demon Palace' or placed in the 'Xiaodianyin Temple', so it needs to be independent and open a professional company. , Operated independently by a third party.
At the moment, he is just training this 'three disciples'. In the future, the sales tasks of the 300,000 younger disciples will all be borne by the 'Little Hetong', and the account of the 'Benevolence Ink' will be attached, which will not expose himself and let Gujia I can't figure it out.
Where does Xiao Hetong understand these curvy roads? With gratitude following Victor, he vowed to work hard to repay the teacher's gratitude.
Seeing that the time was not early, Li Mo agreed with the widowed sister, and it was also time to go to the parallel universe. So he instilled the essence of ‘Red Crow ’s Cave’ to ‘Kappa’, let her slowly understand, and at the same time took her to the warehouse area.
Along the way, the two chatted casually and happened to be asked by Victor. Why did she come to the ‘Magic Warlock Universe’?
I am still very ignorant that Xiao Hetong, who was treated as a "pig" by others, is still ignorant.
About half a year ago, when she was still the ‘king of the first-line repairman’ in Old Star World, she accidentally met a fellow countryman!
You must know that in the infinitely wide ‘Hitaheim Universe’, two indigenous refugees who lived in the ‘monster countryside’ in their previous lives, the chance of encountering in the vast astral world is almost one-in-one!
Therefore, no matter Kappa or the ‘community’, after seeing each other, they are always surprised and extremely happy!

Then, the "comrade-in-law" whose life was ruined found that although the work load of Kappa was hard, but after a small life was quite moisturizing, she moved some crooked thoughts and deceived many props and equipment from her, secretly Black market trafficking, subsidizing life. (Of course, I will give Xiao Hetong a little ‘cost fee’)
Then, the fellow villager was still not satisfied with the total retail life, and it was far from his dream; so he began to cheat on Xiaohetong, and then lived with him, and then let Hetong help laundry and quilt.
However, Kappa, who knows the truth in other countries and has a low emotional intelligence, does not realize the seriousness of the problem. He still entertains his fellow countrymen with delicious and delicious food, and he is full of happiness and satisfaction.
In the end, the fellow countryman did not know from what channel, and he heard about the dip in the price of the ticket across the crystal wall of the "Magic Warrior Universe", and the universe has not yet been exhausted, and there are still a few chances hidden ... !
I am always ambitious and unwilling to be a mediocre ‘community’. I decided to cross the crystal wall and come to the universe of different degrees and fight hard! She was too late in the rise of the main world, and missed a good time. She had no background and no feet. It was impossible to make a blockbuster during the Tiandao closed beta. Only by going to other colonial universes to take a chance to overtake.
However, even if poor B is ambitious, he cannot afford a discounted ticket.
So, after inquiring from many people in the same country, he learned that there is a wonderful technology rule called
Marvel Physics
in the ‘Magic Warrior Universe’ by virtue of his superior network capabilities. This is the ‘Exotic Machine Side Rule’ that is the least recognized in the main world, the cheapest price, the most difficult to change, and the least seen! The threshold to start is extremely low, and the streets have been rotten in the colonial universe.
Next, this fellow fellow looked like you for the sake of you, bluffing Hetong and saying that she would take her to study! Then swindling money and swindlers and swindling the coolie, let Kappa get to the bottom of his family, and with hope, came to this world.
Afterwards, the character-deficient Kappa had nowhere to go to school and hit walls everywhere on Marvel Earth; and that fellow native who was really mixed up with the wind and water, by virtue of his outstanding talents, worked among the major forces and succeeded in rushing for gold in Marvel Earth.
However, what the ‘community fellow’ got is far from what he expected. However, by chance, the other party got to know the "local gangster-deadpool"! At first sight, the two of them were cited as confidantes, and even under the most revealing, they discovered a greater opportunity!
For his own future, the "community" decisively betrayed the "Kappa". With the help of the deadpool channel, the Kappa was sold to two small dumplings. As his step in life, he finally switched to the dream opportunity! Go further in this world.
The Kappa with a dumb face was treated as a 'high-level technical piglet', sold to the little dumplings and secretly hidden in a secret base, dozens of tons of instant noodles + dried cucumbers, and worthless third-line Marvel physics Studying textbooks made her grateful, let her work hard, and burn her dedication!
Talking about the ‘kind fellow’, Hecheng Hetuo is still very grateful to him. Whenever said, the pupil must be tearful, with a trembling.
It was her fellow countryman who found her in the vast world. Bringing the warmth of her hometown, soothing her soul, no longer alone.
It was the fellow who took the crappy work she was embarrassed to sell, sold it in exchange for money, gained an extra income, and gained self-confidence. (Approximately 1/5 of the selling price)
It was her fellow villager who inquired about her from all directions and found a different-degree universe of the cheaper training machine side law; she even helped her around and bought tickets for the coming; she was even more worried about her safety and escorted her to the universe personally.
It is still the same country who explored around Marvel Earth, and finally in this world, she helped her find the ‘Small Tuanzi Senior’ who brought her advanced teaching materials.
Listening to Kappa saying good things to her fellow countrymen, Victor also looked desperate and did not know how to speak? It's really the science thinking of Steel Kappa!
The other party is totally loyal to your ‘business ability’, and then sells you as a ‘operator god’ to Tuanzi for money! At the time, Tuanzi was building a 'parallel space shuttle device'. Once he left the universe, he needed a 'skilled person' with good scientific literacy to recuperate and maintain the operation of the device.
So the two parties hit it off and bought this silly boy who was not threatened and dedicated.
Hecheng He takes the identity in the secret base now, in addition to ‘Hetong Piglet’ and ‘Three Disciples of the Old Immortals,’ an important identity is the ‘sword master’ of the ‘Parallel Universe Project’!
"What's" Swordman "?"
At this time, the widowed sister had already merged with Victor. Under the guidance of Kappa, she came to the core warehouse area and saw a huge, still running mechanical device.
Victor keenly captured that there is some kind of stable 'special force field' inside this device, leading to a variable time and space that is difficult to observe and grasp. This should be the channel of the 'quantum field'.
After the little dumplings and the pale left, the device was not completely shut down, but kept on standby in a low-energy way. Hecheng He took this Kappa, the "swordman" in the base, who is responsible for maintaining this equipment on weekdays. Once an enemy invades the secret base, she will give priority to destroying this equipment, so that the enemy will not get any value. Debris.
If Victor himself arrives, she will reopen the channel of 'quantum realm', help the big brother to cross the parallel universe, and then continue to hide in the base guard tower, waiting for the boss to return.

"Can you handle this?" Victor asked unexpectedly.
Silly Kappa ’s level is obviously much lower than the ‘parallel universe shuttle’, which makes him uneasy. However, Xiao Hetong was not influenced by the teacher's small frivolous, on the contrary, after entering the warehouse, her momentum changed drastically!
Just like a schizophrenic patient, Hecheng Heduo runs counter to the previous state of 'inferiority and autism', spouting strong, confident, overbearing, fanatical and other momentum from the spiritual level, and immediately infected Victor and the widow .
It is a kind of strong self-confidence in the professional field that is undoubted and even invincible!
What if "momentum" can be transformed? Then behind this petite body, a super ‘three-headed giant Kappa Niang’ who is over ten meters tall is emerging! Zheng Hu stared at the "parallel space shuttle".
"Although I don't understand the principle, I have reversed the operating instructions! This is my talented mouth and mouth!" The little girl left the screwdriver and the right wrench, responding to the Master's doubts with a loud voice, and her eyes were aggressive. Not cowardly.
Under Victor's shocked gaze, the little Kappa burst out a dozen pairs of "water-shaped" Kappa hands, holding a variety of instruments, and quickly installed and removed on the huge device. The hand speed is so fast that it can be compared with the "Transformers Transform"? !
At this moment, Victor finally understood that the ‘God of the Operator’ was not a derogatory term, but those who had truly seen Xiaohetong ’s violent strength and sincere conviction and admiration!
She is like the car of the famous autumn mountain, and may not be able to design the most recent top sports car, but any car falling into her hands can make a super whirlwind tornado.

Less than ten minutes before and after, "Operator God", with her solid knowledge and familiarity, commissioned the machine and conducted a test. After successfully launching a small white mouse and pulling it back with a rope, he looked proud Looked at Victor.
The two Tuan chose her to be the ‘swordman’, precisely because Kappa had this ability to help Victor enter the ‘parallel universe’.
"Do you want to go with me?" Victor changed a uniform and stood on the conveyor, then looked at Xiao Hetong and asked.
"No, I still have to stay at the base until the teacher and the two sisters return. If you don't sit here, you will get very troublesome when you return." Xiao Hetong explained seriously.
Later, he looked at the widowed sister on his side.
The latter also wore a special uniform, and then nodded seriously, indicating that they were ready.
"So, go!"
Upon Victor's order, Xiaohetong pressed the huge red button, and the transmission device quickly appeared a cool vortex with ambilight, constantly spinning, twisting, and devouring, pulling the two into it, disappearing.
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