Chapter 1796: Paparazzi talks about "Reunification III"; black widow finds "Big Dolphin"

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"Muddy Kai, I don't have a daughter like you!"
In the face of such enthusiasm, Victor was caught off guard when he met and threw his thigh, and immediately flicked his right leg madly, wanting to throw this guy who climbed on his legs without permission.
However, the girl in sports hot pants held her face firmly, like a koala nailed to a tree, and biting Qingshan not to relax: "No, Dad, you are my dad!"

"Is this the quality of your Avengers? If they are all such members, do I have to consider joining?" Tony saw such an unremarkable scene, and began to question the "women's federation" highly recommended by Braised Egg.
"No, she is just a temporary worker!" The little widow sister's heart tightened and quickly explained, "The Avengers recruitment members' evaluation indicators are very strict, and each one is the elite of the elite! She is just a special case, I promise , The second one will never appear. "
(Formal employees are normal and stable, such as circus archers, violent mentally retarded green pants ...)
"Is it?" Tony said, "I believe in your words."
"There will never be a second one!" Natasha sweared.

At this time, Victor also gave up this "self-familiar + thigh", helplessly said: "Where is that bastard? Where did he hide? Is he not with you?"
"He was also mixed in the Avengers, but he was bored after only a week. He always said that a squinted black bald head secretly used a monitor to spy on him, so that he could not rush out, so he sneaked away When he contacted him last time, he told me that he was hooked on calcium tablets and was kidnapping a male model in North America ... Let me not worry, he had a great time and would contact me in case of emergency. " Ke Duo thigh, looking up to answer.
"What? You made those movies ?!" The Black Widow exasperated, then went into a rage.
"No, that's Wade's personal behavior. I don't have any rain!" The girl shook her head again and again.
"Why don't you tell us?" The little widow was anxious.
"You haven't asked me, let alone I have no obligation to answer. Huh."
"Javis, what film do they talk about?" Tony, confused, expressed curiosity.
"Uh ... sir, I advise you not to look at it." The smart housekeeper exclaimed panicly.
"When you say that, I want to watch more ... Quick! I will give you 30 seconds to quickly edit the most essential lens according to my usual viewing taste, and then make a" short film. "Tony hates the most. Being restricted to interfere with his ideas, here is his home, his territory!
Only what he does n’t want to see, nothing he ca n’t see!
"No! You can't watch it!" The little widow gave up confronting the girl and looked at Tony angrily, stopping.
"I, I want to watch! Jarvis, give me 3D projection, I want the clearest and smoothest MVP perspective."
During the talk, Marvel's first short and rich handsome B waved his hands in the room and made one of Iron Man's most classic and fashionable styles. In the air in front of me, dragging left and right, the space in front of me instantly appeared a stereo projection screen, covering Tony's full perspective.
"Sir, I don't recommend that you do this ..."
"Less nonsense, let's go!" Tony interrupted impatiently.
At the next moment, the philosophical low beast roared and wheezing magic sounds, and thundered into his ears. And the virtual projection in front of Tony instantly transformed into a clear three-dimensional realistic image, and it was a certain piece that Jarvis had thought was the most wonderful, and it was a partially enlarged view!
I saw a poisonous python thicker than his arm, suddenly slammed in front of Tony, shaking his head cruelly, always trying to penetrate his head.
This scene almost scared him to pee, and Tony's pupils squeezed, receding back and forth, his face pale, and his soul was out of his body. San value was hit by 100,000 tons!
Shouted loudly: "This ... what the hell?"
Tony, who had returned to God, quickly turned off the projection, his face in shock. Then he closed the video and called up information about Jarvis's private collection of videotapes. His face was extremely ugly and he looked at Natasha questioningly: "This is what you gave me? You avengers just shoot this?"
"No, he's just a temporary worker, and he doesn't want to change jobs! You know, I know that too." The little widowed sister couldn't argue.

Just as Tony was entangled with Natasha, Victor also brought up a New York reporter and asked carefully: "Danzi and Pale were not with you at first? Do you know where they are now?"
"Uh huh! I know, I know!" The girl nodded again and again with a very correct attitude.
Even Sister Green was curious. It sounds like her purpose is to find the US team to save her world; and the purpose of Dr. Li is to recycle the artificial intelligence he developed in those years.
"Say it!"
"We had successfully reached this universe with pale dad and little sisters, but it is not this time period, but the earth after more than ten years! The future earth is very chaotic, I heard that there is a person in the universe called ' Da Pa ’s father is about to invade the earth. Sister Sesame suggested a time-space jump to advance the timeline for a few years to temporarily avoid the limelight and develop safely.

"But Pale Dad disagrees, he said it was an opportunity to collect multiple infinite gems in one go. The Deadpool is also helping, saying that life is hard to beat a few times, a bike to a motorcycle, not a complete body Purple sweet potato essence is not terrible, he wants to repay the hatred of the girl, and death is his woman! So all of us stay in Wakanda, Africa, and start the life of Zhenjin miners. "
"Then Da Papa ’s daddy came, and I saw with my own eyes that the first village in Africa was wiped out by aliens, and then Dad ’s dad hanged everyone in the Avengers. At a critical moment, pale Dad tried to turn the tide. At that time, the men of purple potato essence suddenly grabbed the last gem, a snap of fingers killed half the population of the universe, and then the universe suddenly died for unknown reasons! "
"Pale dad was trapped due to some accidents, they could not travel through time and space, so they had to throw us back to the" past "first, and acted as coordinates to send signals. The deadpool said, as long as we are honest on this earth, it will become ' Time and Space Anchor ', the longer you stay, the heavier the anchor will be, until they bring the younger sisters into the world. "
The New York reporter simplified his experience as much as possible, expressed it to Victor, and then took advantage of him and slipped a cigarette to his thigh and hugged it.
I saw the crow suddenly shuddered and sighed: "How many dads in this universe! I have a small salted fish at the bottom of Hitaheim. I haven't even made it. I can't live a good life when I bought a Kappa. I got the strongest 'Daddy Victor', this feeling of thighs is inexplicably good relief! Daddy, don't move, let me hold your legs tightly and soothe my broken heart. "

The New York reporter's words were also heard by Tony and Natasha (Black), they stopped arguing, and their faces went dark at the same time.
Natasha (green), although she didn't understand who the "Baba" is? But she also realizes that this parallel universe is not as peaceful as imagined. Although the earth now looks like heaven, this earth in the next ten years will also face a terrible disaster.
Although this little girl may be alarmist, the ultimate boss killed half of the universe in one finger? Do you know how big this universe is? It's ridiculous! Even the Sponge Body Demon Venerable and the Beautiful Dolphin Lich King cannot do this!
However, through the other party's description, she can also imagine the crisis and urgency of the future situation of this earth.

"What you said is true?" Natasha suddenly asked the New York reporter by the collar.
"Huh, believe it or not, my disgusting reputation, but the whole village is recognized! The reports I write have always been known for seeking truth from facts. I don't bother to cheat on what happens in the future!"
"Why didn't you tell us before!"
"Why should I say? I'm just taking refuge + reading articles in this world. Joining your" Avengers "is just to work, broaden intelligence channels, and better capture news clues. Everyone takes what they need. I do n’t help you catch many criminals and villains. "
"Now, it seems that not only your universe is in terrible danger, but also ours?" Although ridiculous, Tony believes this group of strangers, and his mood becomes heavy.
It was not long before he developed the "steel armor", and the defendant's next universe waited for his rescue, and the future of his world was also in great trouble.
(Sister Green Widow: No, please do n’t be passionate! I ’m looking for ‘American Team’ instead of you!)

After Victor heard the disgusting report, he already had a count.
The pale five should have entered the plot before the Women ’s Federation 3, and the result was that they had caught up with the tyrant and came to earth. And his new moon happened to be a "greedy attribute". When he saw Cai Cai, he wanted to use infinite gloves, but he was trapped if he failed to steal the chicken.
"How pale are they trapped? Describe me carefully."
She Mingmaru seriously recalled, and then said: "Before I and Deadpool traveled through time and space, Sister Sesame gave me a brief explanation. She said that when the tyrant was ringing her fingers, she was disturbed by the past, and she was able to shoot Competing with him in time for the final ownership of the gemstones, the simultaneous exertion of both ends completely disrupted the circulation of the entire universe, forming a space-time bug that caused the future universe to temporarily crash. "
"But this crash is not a time pause, everything in that world is still functioning normally, but the quantum realm is closed, or the space-time is temporarily isolated by the universe. The bully also has no time to care about the earth, but it is disappearing deep in the starry sky, There was an indescribable battle. As for the pale dad and the younger sister, they were dragged down by Ao Tianchuang who devoured the 'leading module'. "
Victor's head sounded like a fight, why is it getting more and more complicated?
"What the is Aotian Chuang ?!"
"It's Iron Man's future pit father son, Ao Chuang!" The New York reporter is worthy of the king of gossip. He has been in the future world and has wiped out the previous life and life of "Ao Tian Chuang".
Tony pointed to himself, an unexpected expression of ‘I wipe, it turns out that I still have my part’.
"Yes! You are the father of Ultron, it is your second son! Your second son killed the eldest son Jarvis, and then the second son created a body for himself, and then he entered a part of the consciousness into it and was beaten by you. Broke, and you took away the body of the second son, and then you imported the eldest son's Yuanshen backup into it, and finally was interrupted by others, resulting in the defeat of the house, and then the remnants of your eldest son and the second son fuse As a whole, a three-child vision was born! "
WTF? Tony opened his mouth and stopped talking.
"So I'm dead?" Jarvis instantly sorted out the logic and interjected.
"No, you are part of your brother forever, and then live happily together. In the end, you also married a shared wife, a human female with an oversized breast! Called the Scarlet Witch. Finally, the third son of Tony The illusion was killed by the bully! "The New York reporter reported nothing false.
"Wait, what's the matter with" Aotian Chuang "?" Victor interrupted the shot of the life-selling pill and asked.
"At that time, the Austrian creators provoked the entire Avengers to be slagged, but it was not completely dead, and still uploaded its own" backup program "to an aircraft. However, the third brother of the Austrian modification modified the Internet protocol to let It can't be transformed into thousands on the Internet. When we arrived on that earth, the tyrant hadn't come yet. The pale dad took the time to catch this 'plane' and give it to the dumplings as a gift. "
"In this plane, Ortron's Yuanshen was imprisoned, and the younger sisters said that they would build a powerful horse to relieve their boredom, so that they could be sent to Wakanda to help mine. So the pale dad used a" divine data network "and a piece The broken 'Cybertan Leadership Module' strengthens this aircraft, and intends to create a 'Wufa Shuangxiu' multi-function miner to protect the King Kong. As a result, the leadership module holds the data primitive of 'Broken Sky'. "
"It contaminated the" Ao Chuang "with the help of the" Divine Data Demonnet ", and has been dormant, silently devoured Zhenjin to transform itself, and finally took the resurrection of the" life "in this world and evolved into a The more evil 'Aotian Chuang'! Because Aotian Chuang used the pale pale daddy's 'pale data subnet' as the foundation of the primordial spirit, he was able to reversely invade the data network of the pale pale dad and the younger sister, and both sides struggled. It only caused them to be delayed and unable to make a time-space transition. "
Hearing this, Tony is already in the state of listening to the heavenly books, but he still ca n’t help but ask the sentence: "Is that" Aotianchuang "my son?"
"No! It's the son of pale dad! Aotian Chuang took away the luck and fate of your second son, your Stark vein is already in the future! But don't panic, you die in spring and trees grow new flowers And there is another daughter, called 'Friday'. "New York reporters continue to spoil spoilers.
Victor + Tony meanwhile: "..."
Both Xidang Dad were helpless.

"Wait, you said that you have killed the future universe with a snap of your fingers. The quantum field has been shielded and does not support time and space shuttles. How did you appear in the present?" Victor grasped the contradictory loophole .
"This is thanks to‘ Big Brother Deadpool ’, who took me to the quantum realm that was sealed off.

"How did he do it?"
"Pale Dad seems to have commented, he said that Deadpool got a bug of Heavenly Dao, and possessed a shameless" soul observer form ", which can infinitely make cheap spiritual backups, and then follow the channel of the reincarnation hall, at a zero cost to the spirit Back up 'drop into any universe, and observe in a ghost mode without any interference ... commonly known as' breaking the dimension wall, eating melons and watching the bustling'. "
"In the future world, pale dad strengthened the ability of Deadpool to" eat melon ", let him take me to break the blockade of the" quantum field "together at that moment and come to this world to eat melon quietly. As long as we are quiet Staying on this earth without any 'timeline jumping action' is equivalent to reading the article all the time and accumulating 'space-time coordinate energy', as long as they deal with the cause and effect of 'Aotianchuang' in the future, they will be able to follow the link directly Jump into this world! "
New York reporters breathlessly preached that their experiences and encounters are really complicated, this is still a simplified version of the description.
But Victor has thoroughly understood!
Pale and Tuanzi died, and gave themselves to the pit; the tyrant broke his finger according to the plot, and the result was secretly calculated; now the world of the triplet is isolated by this dynamic movie universe.
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