Chapter 1808: Dad Fighter Daddy comes on stage, Obsidian Five will gather, and the goal: Earth!

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In the far deep space, in the hall of the planetary headquarters entrenched by the Dark Order, the towering purple sweet potato essence and the grandfather are wearing the classic 'metal vest' leaning on their throne Above, he closed his eyes with one hand on his cheek and fell into a state of thinking.
Suddenly, his body trembled violently, and his mouth coughed up wildly. The original purple and purple cheeks quickly transformed into a ‘pink purple’ whose body was hollowed out, which shows his weakness.
Facing the mad blood spitting out of the bully, the ebony throat standing beside the old housekeeper, his eyes lit up, hurriedly came forward and asked for warmth.
At the same time, the mauve dad father's blue and green two with filial daughters stepped forward and cared about it.
"Father, how is your body? Doesn't it matter?" Nebula asked anxiously.
Tyrant waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and let everyone back. Then he vomited more violently, like a broken faucet, and he couldn't stop it.
This fiercely-known Megatron universe, which can heal Kerry Pediatric Night Cry alone by name, is fading at a rate visible to the naked eye.
However, in the time before this, the tyrant did not suffer any damage; even a month ago, he personally shot, destroyed the parent star of a certain race in the universe, and returned without injury.
This news once again deterred the self-proclaimed corps of justice in the universe, and even a single ticket did not dare to post a second-hand old-fashioned obsolete spaceship posted by the tyrants.

However, at this moment, the disease-free and disaster-free dragon is fierce and is about to take the first step of collecting infinite gems, and then create ‘infinite gloves’, serve as the director of the Universe Population and Family Planning Office, and embark on the peak of the potato.
Inexplicably fluttering the street, overturned before the starting line.
"Cough cough ..."
The obsidian five generals and the two-color daughters were worried, and the expression of the bully was also dignified.
A series of chaotic pictures of fighting flashed in front of him, some of them were familiar faces, but more of them were strange alien faces. He vaguely remembered this group of creatures, living in his home solar system, a group of uncivilized carbon-based monkeys, that ugly white skin ... looks like the Asgards. This group of pirated goods, they call themselves ‘human’!
There was another spit of blood, the internal injury to the bully was too serious, and even the spirit fell into a trance. Only in this state, the future hegemony at the other end of the space-time fault, can be connected to the signal of the past to carry out a difficult ‘spiritual transmission’.
The weak bully roared, releasing the power of the king, and opened his eyes again. In the future timeline, "Director Destruction" lamented and lost the fleeting "coordinates". At the moment, the vomiting blood in the dark sect also has a warning in his head.
Because it is too vague, it cannot even be organized into a complete language.
With its rich knowledge experience, hematemesis deciphered this information, and the general content was: ‘Do n’t collect gems and make infinite gloves. This is a conspiracy, this is a trap! It's a trap! The enemy is too powerful, you must keep a gem, and be life-threatening! This is the only way to live, remember! Remember! ’

The weak pink purple sweet potato snorted angrily, punching a punch on the throne, smashing a crack in the road.
What happened just now is too sudden, the level of power to attack him is extremely high, and it directly acts on the origin of his soul. Although he was annoyed in his heart and suffered no accidents, he began to believe the correctness of this information.
It is only you who can hurt your own origin and transmit so much information!
Someone is designing to kill yourself in the future? Is it for ‘infinite gloves’? All this is a set "trap"? I am also a chess piece?
The tyrant at this moment, like the protagonist of the traditional starting point novel, suddenly got memory and advice from the future before the plot began. Unlike those starting point protagonists, he is already a full-size king, his soldiers are strong and strong, and he has a pair of daughters who are different from his own color but deeply loved. The daughter he has raised since childhood is really happy!
In short, whether it is for their own career ideals or to save lives? Or maybe revenge, jump out of this conspiracy, and protect his daughter by the way ... He did n’t intend to carry out the original plan, but instead calculated through the fleeting 'future picture' and concealed behind the scenes Chess players have made moves.

From the analysis of the information obtained just now, I am not without the power to fight back, but I am at a disadvantage.
However, at this moment, hegemony has been seriously injured and has been unable to shoot. His future is in a bitter battle in the future world, and his situation is very pessimistic. And his past ... when he began to observe his past, his heart was empty, it was the grayness and coldness of death, nothingness, and severe heartache.
The illusion came and went faster, as if nothing had happened, but the tyrant on the throne showed shock, even fear.
He murmured incredulously: "I'm dead?" Then he instantly changed from anger to rage, and shouted: "Who killed me! Who dares ?!"
Under the throne, Obsidian V and his two-color daughter were frightened by his unpredictable, Yan Yi, 24 frames a second, stunned one by one, wondering if his boss was practicing something extraordinary and mad, crazy?
The throne on the throne quickly calmed down. As one of the top powerhouses in this universe, his mentality, his skill, his strength, insight and wisdom are all superb.
Suppressing his inner anger, he quickly thought about analyzing the causes and consequences.
The future self returns a vague warning, while the current self observes the past tense and finds that its origin is completely obliterated. The black hand is so powerful that it cuts off its own past, but conceals itself, without even realizing it, or even affecting the present self.
So, now I am the key to breaking the game, or the ‘only’ hope!
In the past, the street has been thrown, and the future is in desperation, so the future ‘Director of Extermination’ will pin its hopes on the current ‘I’. And I, want to reverse this fate! I control my own life.
Now, all spearheads and clues point to the ‘Earth’ next door to my hometown!
"Ebony Throat, pass me the order and collect all intelligence information related to the earth at the fastest speed!"
"There is the site of Master Gu Yi, also protected by Odin." Ebony Throat reminded.
They wanted to make infinite gloves, so they investigated the whereabouts of six 'gems' early. There are several gems, all of which are closely related to the earth. But because of the shock of the female bald head and the male blind man, he refused to start. I don't know what kind of wind is coming out of the bully? He refused to wait any longer.
Obviously, the one-eyed dragon was going to die old, and he had a lot of evil in his life. In his later years, he was hit by karma. He gave birth to a son who was mentally handicapped, stupid, and arrogant. Ridiculous and absurd. Dang Odin, gave birth to such a prodigal boy!
On the contrary, Odin clearly has a decisive and decisive ability, superior ability, enough to inherit the family business, and even pushed Asgard to a new glory, becoming the perfect daughter of the top power in the hegemonic universe, but because of the old blind man ’s feudal thought , And choose to actively suppress!
The cosmopolitan has a general attitude towards this matter, and that is the shouting of gloating: Odin, you are blind!
So, Asgard is not deteriorating and self-destructing, it is simply unreasonable!
In the end, reality tells us that there is no need to kill the bully, and Asgard, who is in trouble, will kill himself.
Now the gods don't have dusk, all because the old blind man is too reckless. After his death, even the frost giant, the flame giant, or the dark elf, even his daughter must blow him up!
This shows that the failure of Odin's rule has no one else. Perhaps his mentally retarded, dull, willful, and savage son can prevail?
(Today's Thor has not yet come to Earth to be tested, so it is still naive. And there is no 'Natalie Portman' to prove that his orientation is normal, which is generally misunderstood by the entire universe.)

As for ‘Guyi’? It was an opponent that was troublesome, tricky, difficult to entangle, and even dreaded ebony throat!
As a cosmic-level high-player, Ebony Throat used to play the IP of ‘Supreme Master’ frequently in various styles of games on the super game websites of major river systems. The other party's game consciousness is first-class, and the operation is fascinating, but this is not in his eyes!
As a whisperer, he can manipulate everything in the universe through language and sound. With this plug-in, he can always use ‘language’ to control his teammates to cooperate with himself, arrange enemies to send people to the head, and even confuse the game system to modify the explosion rate for him and so on.
In this way, he dominates the universe, no one can be the enemy!
However, Gu Yi has mastered the shameless plug-in of the "backtracking time". It is not that his ebony throat ability is not enough, but that the one is stronger than the one, and one mountain is still high. He has never won the IP of Supreme Master, never!
Seen from a small age, even if he did not personally challenge the majesty of ‘Guyi’ by himself, but he has felt despair from the hands of the female bald head? !
If hegemony brought him crush and despair in the physical field; then ancient Yi brought him indescribable spiritual despair from the mysterious side!
That's the guy who can hang the 'Dark Dimension' ... Fortunately, Dormam took a ruthless speech recently and said with satisfaction that he wants Gu Yi to return to the west! The female bald person rarely responded or refuted. This may be an alternative py transaction in ‘Mysterious Realm’. He does n’t understand it, but he is heartily happy! Because Gu Yi is finally dying, he can finally win the championship!
From the point of view of Ebony Throat, the protagonist of Hegemony is too impatient. Wait a few years. The universe will usher in unprecedented changes. At that time, it was a good time for action.

However, he has seen through all the tyrants and has not adopted the ebony throat's admonishment. This old guy thinks he sees through the universe, and he is the man who really sees the universe too far and the future.
The pattern, vision, and skill of the two people are not at the same level. In the eyes of Ebony Throat, when he was desperate, he was disappointed and had to obey his father ’s will and collect intelligence information about the earth.
At the same time, the depressed heart in his heart burned again. The tyrant is getting older and more stubborn. Perhaps ... the son of Thanos who uses the whisperer ability to ‘force force’ to help the prince to make the universe a good way to achieve self-worth?
As the top ‘villain’ in the universe, the Dark Order is very efficient. Even if the earth is guarded by both Gu Yi and Odin, it has become the most dangerous and deadly cave in the universe.
But the huge universe still has many means to catch bugs, walk through the back door, and get intelligence from the earth.
For example, the lead singer of the Galaxy Dancing Troupe, Xingjue, was kidnapped by the courage of the "Interstellar Teeth + The First Generation of the Dancing Troupe" who successfully invaded the earth when he was away from home, less than 100 meters away.
The original courage was to hand over ‘Star Lord’ to the buyer ‘Datong Mu. Igo’. However, he was surprised to see the skeleton of the young Star Lord. He really liked this little thing that could inherit his own mantle. So he secretly concealed the Star Lord and secretly cultivated it into the second generation of the dance group.
In addition, the earth hides a group of aliens and alien hybrids. Even the "Nick Fury", the general director of SHIELD, has a "pager" that calls the universe.
With the power of tyrants, searching the earth ’s information is not difficult, it ’s just a matter of money. And money is never a problem for a bully that can only afford a metal vest, ca n’t afford a gorgeous coat, and does n’t upgrade a broken blade in his hand!

While investigating and collecting ‘Earth Intelligence’, he also captured a few flashes in his mind, but the impressive images were mainly extracted. As important information, to the snakehead organization on the dark side of the universe ...
Soon, the first intelligence feedback appeared in the hands of the bully.
It was in his memory, a man with a red cloak wielding a hammer, with a retro style and a taste of Asgard. However, the information is now, this is the silly son of the Odin's family, childcare.
This child is in the universe, how to say? Although he was rumored to be silly, willful, reckless, irritable, and brainless, he liked the rumors of his brother. But Odin knew that his reputation in the universe was poor, and the enemy was several times more than the dead enemy in the Nine Realms, so he never dared to let his son leave the sphere of ‘Asgard’.
Thor, in the eyes of the earth, is a tall, three-generation noble in the universe; but in fact, it is just a tenacious prince who is sealed by the father of the rich lord of the land and unable to go out into the universe to open up horizons.
It can be seen from the movie that when Thor first left Asgard in the real sense and entered the vast universe ... he was sold to Gao Tianzun's gladiator and became a gladiator. You have to say that Gao Tianzun didn't know Thor, hadn't heard of Odin's name, it was so funny, wouldn't Ji Mei talk to him and laugh with him?
As for Thor? He just wanted to make the old blind son!

After getting the first "Thor" message, the face of the bully was unbelievable. Comparing the messages sent by myself in the future, it is like seeing an inspirational story of ‘Wu Zhou ’s reforming the evil and returning to the right’, and instantly transforming from ‘Wu Xia A Meng’ into ‘White Crossing the River’.
Simply MMP!
"Whether there are rumors in the universe, deliberately slandering the cubs of Odin's family? Or is he really good? It has become the main force against me?" Seeing Thor's sign, the bully suddenly touched his neck, where inexplicable itch?

Immediately afterwards, he received a second piece of information about ‘Tony Stark’. A mediocre, a little smart, the second generation of the earth's indigenous rich.
It is famous in the earth, but in the universe, it is a rooster. However, the behavior of this indigenous monkey is a bit of a bully.
But somehow, when he saw Tony's message, his left palm was a little itchy? What is missing?

The third piece of information is about the US team. This celebrity on earth, who is also dust-covered in history, has less heat than Tony, but was soon excavated.
"Actually a dead man? Can a dead man fight against himself?"
Domineering looks incredible, has he fallen to the point of being singled out by the dead? But somehow, at the first glance at the US team information, his face was a little itchy? Who seems to be beaten?
In the end, Domineering obtained a series of information about the earth. There are many pictures of the future without this person, but there are also many related to the earth. Eventually he made a decision, arranging Obsidian V to replace himself and conquer the earth.
It is not an infinite gem, only to remove roots, and first dispose of a batch of obstructive ants. Want to come, Gu Yi will give himself this face!
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