Chapter 1844: Destroyer three kills the warm field, the atmosphere is boring!

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Victor's approach to Thor was smoother, and the prince could not bear the blow of being banished by his father and rejected by Myrnier. He was drunk all day long and enjoyed the life of the abandoned house today.
After the SHIELD figured out his mental state, his monitoring continued to weaken, so Victor appeared in front of Thor without internal assistance.
Looking at Thor who was half drunk and half awake, Victor was disappointed, but it was not a fat mansion. He didn't have the idea of ​​making friends, or even had the intention of communicating. He kicked directly on the other's ankle, causing Thor to lose his center of gravity, slammed on the seat, and looked at the top of his head with a confused look.
Then Victor reached out and pressed on him, leaving a "radiation mark".
"Oh ... ya!"
Thor only felt a burning pain in the back of his hand, woke up suddenly, and jumped from the seat, but at this moment the room was empty.
"Strange, is it an illusion? I'm drunk again?" He raised his arms and looked down. His skin was clean, and he couldn't feel any strange breath. He could not tell whether the pain was just right or not?

After completing the seal, Victor directly opened the virtual world and began to sense the trail of Loki ... If judged according to the plot, Odin should fall asleep at this time, and the principal of Asgard is' Xiaoji base'.
Moreover, after the exile of Thor, Ki-mei also visited the earth and secretly broke the news, causing Thor to fall into the self-blame of his angry father, completely decadent, and become a waste. If there were n’t a female Earth Jane Foster sending warmth and igniting Thor ’s passion for life with his body to rejuvenate him, then Thor would be no different from the ‘now’ waste wood.
After some testing, Victor was disappointed, and he found no trace of Loki.
It is accurate to say that ‘Jimei’ has appeared nearby, but he has already left. The idea of ​​directly kidnapping Loki and secretly entering Asgard's crazy purchases was broken, and he could only take other paths.
After Victor saw Thor, he disappeared completely and settled in the gap between reality and mirror image.
Today, Yan Mo really has 1,296 big tricks in his body, which he has opened up into a small space for continuous growth. This "radiation imaginary world" is neither a "mirror world" nor a "radiation dimension", which happens to be a vaguely defined transition zone.
Victor simply took one of them as a residence, added a full set of furniture, and used the square hole as a template for interior decoration and renovation. For example, the core treasure of the Suppression Caverns is the Radiant Legion ’s ‘Zhen Yao Tower Reactor’. After returning to the main world in the future, it will have to raise a ‘Red Crow’ in it to become a ‘Brother of the Sun God’.
After playing down this set of procedures, he can support 1296 gods with a real body, one in each qi cave, and each heaven is the kingdom of gods.

When he was obsessed with the cause of "renovation", Director Nick was already mad, but he was helpless.
Sheming Maru said in a loud voice that his boss was coming. When he asked questions, Nick believed it! Then Victor didn't see the trace, and even the crow girl also disappeared. Finally, the "Miaoernier" who was guarded by the SHIELD agents to guard against the dead was also stolen.
Now there is only one handle left, and there is no visible ghost. No matter what technique he uses, he cannot eliminate this illusion. Just like they were unable to lift the "Meow Meow Hammer" no matter what method they used at the time.
In the end, the furious Nick summoned the "Avenger" in New Mexico, on the one hand, to find the whereabouts of Victor and Myrnier; on the other hand, the sudden appearance of Victor and the disappearance of Thor ’s hammer, let him An unknown hunch.
That mysterious guy will never do meaningless things. Since Victor appears here, then there must be an anomaly here, probably related to Asgard behind Myonil.
Sure enough, the next day when the Avengers assembled, a colorful super large beam of light descended from the sky of the desert. Asgard's "Rainbow Bridge" was opened.
At the moment when the beam of light erupted, satellites closely monitoring this area lost their signal. Nick couldn't figure out what the beam of light was? What happened in the beam of light?
When the Rainbow Bridge closed for more than ten minutes, the satellites in space returned to normal, and the pattern resembling a strange circle of wheat fields was returned. In addition, there are four cosplay enthusiasts with strange costumes, which suddenly appear in the desert and walk towards their location.
"Three men and one woman? They are coming to us. Can you describe their appearance?" Nick said to the headset.
The Information Department immediately returned the message, and the director kept nodding. Hum: "The women are very beautiful. Among the three men, the red-haired bearded figure is burly, and the Asians are short in stature? There is also a sultry blond man. Okay , I understand. "
After the end of the assimilation, Nick looked solemnly at the Avengers: "Guys, Asgard's messenger has come, probably for the stolen 'Mirnier'. We have not yet captured Vick Many professors, so there is a high probability of conflicts breaking out, so please prepare yourself! "
"Please rest assured that the Secretary is always ready to fight!"
A pig-faced alien with a classic US team headgear on his face, turned his ugly and ugly mouth left and right, revealing a sharp gum, and said in crappy American English.
After a month of training and vocal cord reconstruction surgery, the "Blood Team" has been able to communicate in English fluently.
Suppressing the sense of disobedience in his heart and the urge to kill, the director nodded to the 'Blood Team' and accepted the intention. In addition, the three widows and Hulk are also prepared. Tony casually plays with his mobile phone and calms down. As for the eagle eye, the shame of the Aegis has been kicked out of the "Avenger", belonging to the logistics personnel, standing sideways and enviously looking at the vengeance team.
Just as the Avengers assembled, the three men and one woman trek through the desert.
The burly, red-haired and strong Hanvosta, trudged in the desert slightly, throwing away the sweat on his forehead and asking, "Are you mistaken? Is Tor in this ghostly place?"
Among the three men, the highest value, but some saint Fandral replied: "Nothing wrong, Heimdall confirmed with his pupil of the old driver who can see everything, Thor is nearby."
"There are human buildings over there, and Thor should be in that direction as we passed!" The only female, Shiv, said that the other three no longer argued and hurried towards the temporary base of SHIELD.
The four people who arrived at this moment are Thor's little partner Thor Sanxian Sanxian and Odin's fiancee 'Sif' chosen for Thor. Anyone who sees her, can call out ‘wife-in-law’ loudly.
In addition to this ‘shared Schiff’ that Thor does n’t love at all, the blonde man with a short sword is called Vandal, the red-haired fat man with a giant axe is called Vostag, and the other Asian is called ‘Bane’.
They still secretly bought Asgard's concierge ‘Heimdall’ according to the normal plot, and came to the earth in private, wanting to take Thor back to Asgard to seize power.

Rocky, who had arrived quietly on Earth, not only felt heartache but also tasteless after seeing Thor's decadence and depression.
He understood that his stupid brother was completely abolished and no longer qualified to compete with him for the throne, so the follow-up methods were too lazy to use, and he simply threw Thor on the earth and abandoned himself. Wait for him to consolidate the throne in the future, and then consider how to treat him? Will Asgard be picked up again as his own princess?
The original matter has ended here, and it is a good thing for everyone.
But Xian Gong San silly and Sylph who secretly loved Thor came to earth secretly, trying to engage in moths. This makes Rocky, who has been too lazy to take care of the earth, have to eliminate the scourge.
"Isn't it good to live? Why do you guys always force me?"
In the Immortal Palace, Rocky, who learned the news of the three stupid immortals in the Immortal Palace, reluctantly walked to the treasure house of Odin and took out the armor of the king when he was young. Magic armor that looks like an old street lamp.
This is an incomparable fighting arm that Odin specially forged to fight against the 'Tenjin Group'. Even if it is unmanned, the destroyer still has an extremely tyrannical self-awareness, respecting the order to destroy all goals, and swearing to do so.
It has super fighting power and can emit light beams of electricity, plasma, heat and magnetism. When its street lamp helmet is opened, it can also emit a split beam, which can destroy almost any substance. Even, as Odin's armor, it can even raise the meow hammer!

Just as the Avengers were ready to go, Thor Thor was sleeping in the isolation room. When the three warriors and Shiv were talking and laughing along the way, another colored beam of light in the sky fell into the sky. signal.
When the beam of light dissipated, a tall, burly metal magical armor was stopped in front of the three silly and Xifu in the fairy palace, blocking their way.
The four men's faces changed at the same time, kneeling halfway on the ground, respectfully saying, "My subordinates have seen Lord God!"
But the next second, they felt something was wrong. In the memory, Odin's familiar breath did not appear, but a high-energy reaction appeared inside the armor of the Destroyer.
"No, hurry!" Schiff responded first and looked up, really! There is no one in the armor. This unmanned magic armor opens its head and condenses a fiery red energy group. It looks terrible.
When Shiv rolled more than one, the others also galloped in different directions, trying to avoid the destroyer's attack. However, the head of the magic armor shook, and a thick beam of red energy spewed out, releasing the high temperature and thinking of the slowest and the least agile fat Hanworthage.
"Do not!"
Feeling the threat of death, the strong man Vostag couldn't dodge, and quickly hurried his artifact axe against his chest.
The Destroyer's rays hit the axe surface, and did not penetrate the defense for the first time, but were refracted by the smooth axe blade.
However, the next second, the Destroyer turned his head and moved the beam to create a cutting effect. The strong man screamed, one arm flew away, the blood flesh was cut off at high temperature, and even the blood vessels were scorched without causing bleeding.
At this time, Hogan, one of the other two of the three Warriors of the Immortal Palace, saw that his friend was injured, and immediately summoned the courage to rush up and attack from the back. And another Vandal also saw this scene, knowing the horror of the destroyer, he chose to turn strategically and actively seek opportunities for attack.
The back was hit hard and was slightly sunken by foreign objects. The Destroyer's head suddenly turned 180 °, looking at Hogan in ‘in front of’. Immediately, the arms were also hugged to the rear with the same anti-joint, and the arms closed with a click, holding the Hogan bear in his arms backwards and hugging it.
No matter how hard Hogan struggles, he is not an opponent of this steel armor. Immediately, the tall and burly destroyer armor hit a knee with his leg, and the right leg of steel turned into a meteor, slamming under Huogen's crotch that could not break free.
The other party's face immediately changed wildly, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, and a screaming roar, covering Vostag with his broken arm, and the scared Shiv who came to attack shuddered. Hogan's scourge was broken by the destroyer, and then the abdomen of this magical armor suddenly cracked a hollow, and the endless energy inside condensed into a ray of destruction, directly penetrating the warriors in the meeting ...
The screaming continued for a few seconds and then stopped abruptly. When the destroyer dropped Hogan, the other party had become a conversation.
Suddenly, he died suddenly, was seriously injured, and escaped. He was so scared that he did not dare to move.
The Destroyer walked past her. Because Loki issued a "no kill" command, the Destroyer did not kill Shiv, but instead slashed with a knife in the opponent's neck, making the sound of bones dislocation and cracking. Do you know whether you knocked out the other party, or did you knock out?
The Destroyer stopped in front of the red-haired strong man, and suddenly raised his hand, and opened a gap in his palm.
"Come on! I'm not afraid of you, Vostag is fearless ..."
The fairy palace and the warrior's head exploded ...
Immediately the destroyer bent his knees stiffly, making a standing jump pose. The metal nails of the whole body squatted down with bending, making a creaking and overwhelming sound, and they seemed to be twisted to the limit of the spring, and they were constantly under pressure.
Immediately, the Destroyer ejected and the ground swelled into a depression. Its shape was like a supersonic cannonball, instantly hitting the sound barrier air wall, and flew toward the vandal with a cone-shaped air wave.
The fear of death is in the heart, the destroyer is accurately positioned, and the figure comes first and then the sound comes. However, after a hundred battles, Vandal, with a premonition in the dark, first evaded sideways.
Immediately, the Destroyer turned into a cannonball, directly smashing through the position where he had stood, and instantly penetrated the desert Gobi and disappeared underground. Only then did the violent sound explode, exploding the ground, the violent sonic waves spreading, the visceral pain of the shocking Fandral, the eardrum ruptured, and the blood was open, but the eyes were bloody, and he waved his hand and lay in the gravel, facing the air in a mess Grab.
Kaka Kaka ...
The Destroyer climbed out of the ground again, walked to the other person's body, and stretched his palm against the other's head.
"No! Rocky, don't kill me, I vote ..."
The Destroyer squeezed a watermelon, then looked up at the sky, and regained the signal, staring at the satellite that locked the camera to him.

"Damn? What the happened?"
When the rainbow bridge interference caused by the destruction of the destroyer disappeared, the four messengers from the fairy palace had already swarmed the street collectively. Nick had a headache. What did I encounter? The coup in Asgard? Or the enemy of Asgard, who killed Asgard's messenger on the earth and planted it to the earth?
Either way, he understands that he is doing something big!
"Avenger, attack!" Nick ordered and immediately put on his 'Black Panther Zhenjin Tights'.
And Sister Green also reached out to draw out the circle and opened the portal. Immediately afterwards, a beam of energy penetrated the portal, and the solemnly bloodied opponent erected on the shield in time. He blasted his chain blade with a shield dozens of meters away.
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