Chapter 1860: Breaking through the door, the flaming giant Surtle is dead!

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After the battle of Jordonheim, Vick and his team briefly repaired and helped Rocky upgrade and strengthen, and they once again came to 'Musbelheim', planning to solve another major scourge for Asgard, the gods predicted in the dusk , The culprit of Asgard's fall, the flame giant king 'Sultel'.
Because there was no son or daughter adopted by Odin, it ended up with only one-Victor passed all the votes, that is: die!
If Surter gave birth to a son or daughter who was not inferior to Rocky, its story is definitely another way of writing. But ... no if!
Killing this guy was also a vital part of Victor's plan!

Without Thor and Loki, Victor did n’t even plan to take the 'Infinite Gloves (right hand)', cast an exclusive artifact, and just attacked Asgard with the idea of ​​grabbing the 'eternal fire' Treasury, while Odin was still awake, it was really exciting to grab a vote. Then he shot himself, killed the king of the flame giant, and returned to the earth.
However, who knows that Mrs. Ao is so famous, he not only did not investigate the destruction of the Destroyer and the theft of the Meow Maw; on the contrary, he also sent out artifacts, opened the treasure house, and turned the gods into jade silk. And her witty approach also ushered in a new turn for Asgard. Not only is the potential enemy of Victor missing, even a pair of children are also re-emerging, with a promising future.
It can be said that the "Queen of Gods", with its excellent standing team + ability to look at his face, successfully continued a wave of Asgard, who has come to an end, completely changed his life, and flew to Huang Tengda! Odin struggled all his life, but he was not as beautiful as his daughter-in-law's "improvement."
Not long ago, Odin had awakened from a deep sleep, and then learned that the armor was destroyed, Loki rebelled, and changed to evil, the meow hammer was missing, Thor shaved, and both were worshiping ... Fairy family, and a series of explosive news. .
Until Victor completely calmed down the hidden dangers of 'Jortonheim', and created a door for him, after the explosion of Shiv's true wife ... such a perfect treatment, even Odin had no Fa to say, only Kneel and double-click 666 to give Mr. Victor a compliment. Queen Frigga loved the new version of ‘Rocky’ even more, and the ‘Em family’ was properly secured.
This time Musbelheim and his party are still repaying cause and effect and human relations, and also playing chess for themselves. Because there are two more perfect pig killers, Rocky and Thor, Victor can stay out of the way this time and minimize the cause and effect.
Surter ’s death is the debt of the ‘goddess of the gods’. Although the two murderers were cultivated and abetted by me, this murder is partly related to me?

"This time, it's up to you, Thor, to fight the flame giant king alone."
After arriving at a scorched earth wasteland in Mossberheim, Victor took a deep breath and liked the environment. Although it is far inferior to the abyss 233, and even not as good as the radiation dimension he opened up, but the energy of the fire system here is active, which can be regarded as half of the home, and it is more determined to kill Sulter and refine the idea of ​​the opponent's life.
Yes, although Victor refined the fate of the "Radiation Supreme" next door and possessed the "green card" of Marvel's indigenous people, the legal system of "Dr. Strange" severely constrained his performance. And the most suitable for him in this universe, the official ‘flame giant’ life.
Surter's complete body is even highly similar to his newly upgraded "Blade Devil Body". Victor had a hunch that once it was completely replaced, his "Martial Reality" could even appear under the sign of "King of the New Flame Giant", appearing briefly in the real world, rather than hiding and hiding through the "radiation dimension" Output power.
Therefore, Surtle must die!
Upon hearing the teacher's words, Thor couldn't wait to say: "My mine knife has long been hungry and unbearable!"
The last time Rocky single-handedly killed the Frost Giant King, Thor looked jealously, and was so worried about his failure to shoot. Today, he encounters the same name as "Lao Fei" and even stronger "Fire Giant King". He is eager to kill the other party to prove that he cannot be defeated by Rocky.
At this time, Victor reminded: "There is a complete body of" Frost Queen ", her ability to complete Xultel, your victory over the flame giant is a problem. So ... if you want to challenge the limit, squeeze out More potential, against the full version of 'Sultel'? I can return the crown of 'Eternal Fire' to it, how do you choose? "
"I want to fight the strongest!" Thor said seriously.
Victor nodded, secretly fooling the fool, and then took out the ‘Crown of Fire’. Without even calling out, he instantly alarmed the giant king who was sleeping in the core magma.
"Roar! My crown, my eternal fire! Give it back to me, Odin, your mean and insidious dog thief!" The earthquake cracked, the volcano erupted, the magma spewed ... The flame giant sleeping inside the planet quickly recovered, one step Step out of the ground.
The huge lava hand broke through the cracked ground, the magma turned into a pouring rain, and the air splashed in the air, and Surter appeared anxiously, facing up to Victor, who was thrown high, smaller than the ring 'Mini Crown 'grabbed.

Prior to this, Victor had studied the secret of this ‘crown’ and its ‘eternal fire’.
Strictly speaking, this is an ancient and mature energy dimension. The crown is just a key, or a faucet that opens the energy channel. Behind it is a thermal energy dimension that belongs to the ‘eternal fire’.
Therefore, the eternal fire never goes out unless you can destroy the ‘whole dimension’ behind it. Originally Victor's attributes were close to the "Crown", and he was also considered to be a half heir. It is a pity that when he got the ‘Crown’, he has already developed the ‘radiation dimension’.
Therefore, for him, the crown will always be in a state of repulsion. It's like you can't the two anodes of the magnet together. ‘Eternal Fire’ rejected him extremely and refused any communication.
And he wanted to pry open this dimension, inject a little bit of "radiation dimension" as fuel, and finally turn the eternal fire into "radiation magic energy". Therefore, refining Sulter's life is only the first step, and then its springboard, further swallowing the 'eternal fire' is the second step.
Initially, 129,600 high artifact blades were not obtained, before connecting more than 1,000 suns; Surter and his eternal fire were Victor's ideal "radiation dimension" fuels. But even with the "Sun Project", he doesn't think too much ... the eternal fire is actually more convenient, faster and more efficient than "Eating the Sun".

At this time, grasping the 'crown' and quickly recovering to the peak of Surtle, the strength is expanding unbelievably. Behind it is like an EVA with a power cord plugged in, which is equivalent to a pseudo 'Apostolic Mode' that never lacks power. The flame provides him with energy. He can freely manipulate the energy of the universe to generate strong heat, flames and shock waves.
At this moment, the giant and Thor fought fiercely, and a blue thunderstorm was slashed with a chain knife, and the knife was rotated to the extreme, tearing out a huge thunderstorm hurricane; the giant on the other side waved freehand in the air, pinching a group of eternal flames, Slashed towards Thor, then split by the Thunder Knife.
The power of Thor turned into a sword, piercing through Surtle's attack, and slashing the face with a knife, the magma was flying. Its body staggered backwards, making a roar of pain, then continuously pumping eternal fire, and healed quickly.
At the same time, the giant extended his right hand into the dimension of the flame, entered the dimension of flame, and then thought about it, grabbed a weapon, and then pulled out a big sword of flame out of thin air.
The great sword waved and slashed Thor's chain sword. Twilight Sword! A pseudo-high artifact that is not inferior to ‘Gangnier’.

This weapon, also known as the Sword of Destruction and Sword of Doom, is made of unknown metal. At the beginning of the sword, it was a 'treasure for Asgard'. Although it was not a true supreme artifact, it possessed the cursing magic power of restraining all 'Asgard's attributes and Asgard's concepts.
Using this sword, you can easily break the dimensional barrier, resist the power of Odin, and even restrain the power of Thor and the power of Lord Tor. Not only that, this sword can also make the immortal palace residents lose immunity, burned to death by the eternal fire.
Once Surter combines the dimension of 'eternal fire' with the 'artifact', its curse will rise to an unknown level, enough to tear and destroy the 'Asgard's realm'.
This is a magic soldier born to trigger the gods at dusk. For Odin, it is the supreme artifact. But for Victor and Rocky, it's not so hanging. This is the ‘Odin ’s family must be killed’ dedicated to the killing of Asgard ’s Protoss.
But today's Rocky is nominally the prince of Asgard. Although his frost giant bloodline is not restrained by the "Twilight Sword", his life has already been labeled "Asgard" and is also weakened by the "Cursed Sword" ...
At this time Thor fights against Surter, the more difficult it is to fight, because the other party's combination with the 'Eternal Fire' is getting deeper ... Victor secretly applauded.
He returned the crown to the other party because it was because the ‘eternal fire’ extremely repelled the ‘radiation dimension’ and he had no chance to touch it at all. Unlike Surter, he is the spokesperson chosen by the Eternal Fire.
At this time the opponent regains the crown and continues to combine. Then when Thor kills the flame queen of the whole body, he extracts the refined "life", which is equivalent to a key in startup. Thor killed the owner in the other villa, and the door was opened.
If you bomb the weaker version of Surtle, you would simply kill the opponent outside the villa and take away a key that could not open the door.
Thor's role is to accelerate the deep integration of Surter and the "Crown", regardless of each other, so that after bombarding it, before the "Eternal Fire" re-closes the door, he cuts into the hand and forcibly breaks the door. Into.
"Loki, the time has come. You can help Thor with his help. His power is restrained by his opponent."
"Understood!" Seeing that Thor could not take down his opponent for a long time, Ji Mei also felt wrong and urged the power of frost in the body to join the battle. Immediately, the two people began to release the ‘lovelessness and endlessness’.
For a time, ice storms, thunderstorms, and lava flames mixed together, and the scale became larger and larger, just like blue pheasants, red dogs, and Eni Lu fighting in full force, a planetary energy storm can be clearly seen in outer space.
On both sides, Tor and Loki leveraged on the principle of 'Mahia Infinite', leveraging the cosmic energy ten times and one hundred times with their own massive divine power; while Surter on the other side, while extracting the planetary magma to resist, Extract power from the flame dimension behind ...
In the end, in the chaotic earth fire and ice thunder, the three people are in a dynamic balance and can't stand still with each other.
At the same time, Victor, who has teleported in the outer space of 'Moss Bellheim', turned his palm slightly and split a space fissure behind him, stellar energy was ejected from it, turning into a radiant fireworks blooming in a vacuum.
Compared with the three monsters, this energy fluctuation is completely negligible. Afterwards, he closed his eyes and began to sense the special coordinates he had imprinted on the "Crown of Fire".
This mark is not the 'radiation dimension', but the 'mirror space coordinate' of the Karma Taj vein, which is not subject to eternal fire. At this moment he clearly captured that Sutherl's constantly moving position in the Great Chaos suddenly stopped.
"Opportunity. Please turn around baby, get sick!"
With Victor's order, the three-handed 'Nuclear Blasting Ship Flying Knife' shot at a fast speed and two slow speeds, with the thrust of a star behind each of them, taking the coordinates of the magic of the virtual world as the end point. The hit situation.
This knife, just after the crack in the space behind him, escaped into the virtual world and directly hit and destroy the target attached to the ‘coordinates’. Disregarding the trajectory, the stellar outbreak of the "cutting ship flying knife" was given to the other party.
As the name implies, the ship-cutting flying knife can cut off even the ‘warship’ of Hittarheim ’s mechanical gods, not to mention the flame giants?
I only heard a tragic wailing from Musbelheim, the fragile balance was broken, Loki and Thor were crushed strongly, and the backlash caused by the stalemate was directed to the Fire Giant King. And Victor's subsequent knives also fell to the ground and kept hitting, taking away the last head!
After the end of the battle, the aftermath of the fighting energy continued to expand like a domino effect, spreading out on this planet and becoming a world-famous natural disaster, known as 'Giant Twilight' ...
As for Surtle? I was hit by the mysterious sword light of heaven and earth again and again, and finally died!
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